path: root/Northstar.Client/mod/resource
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.Client/mod/resource')
-rw-r--r--Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_english.txtbin18414 -> 20042 bytes
-rw-r--r--Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txtbin0 -> 20430 bytes
4 files changed, 2504 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_english.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_english.txt
index a0a8026e..b37afef3 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_english.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_english.txt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_german.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_german.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdea511e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_german.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ "Language" "german"
+ "Tokens"
+ {
+ "MENU_LAUNCH_NORTHSTAR" "Starte Northstar"
+ "RELOAD_MODS" "Mods neu laden"
+ "DIALOG_TITLE_INSTALLED_NORTHSTAR" "Danke, dass du Northstar installiert hast!"
+ "AUTHENTICATION_AGREEMENT_DIALOG_TEXT" "Damit Northstar funktionieren kann, muss es mithilfe des Northstar Masterservers authentifizieren. Dies setzt ein Weitergeben deines Origin Tokens an den Masterserver voraus, er wird nicht gespeichert oder für andere Zwecke verwendet.
+Drücke Ja, um zuzustimmen. Du kannst diese Entscheidung jederzeit im Modmenü ändern."
+ "BACK_AUTHENTICATION_AGREEMENT" "Authentifizierungs-Einwilligung"
+ "AUTHENTICATION_AGREEMENT" "Authentifizierungs-Einwilligung"
+ "AUTHENTICATION_AGREEMENT_RESTART" "Ein Neustart ist notwendig, um diese Änderung zu übernehmen"
+ "NS_SERVERBROWSER_NOSERVERS" "Keine Server gefunden"
+ "NS_SERVERBROWSER_CONNECTIONFAILED" "Verbindung fehlgeschlagen!"
+ "REFRESH_SERVERS" "Neu laden"
+ "MENU_TITLE_CONNECT_PASSWORD" "Verbinden mit Passwort"
+ "PRIVATE_MATCH_PAGE_PREV" "Vorherige Seite"
+ "MENU_MATCH_SETTINGS" "Match Einstellungen"
+ "MENU_MATCH_SETTINGS_SUBMENU" "%s1 Einstellungen"
+ // fra hint for private match menu, because fra only has PL_fra_desc in vanilla
+ "PL_fra_hint" "Du bist alleine. Töte Piloten, um zu siegen. Sammle 3 Batterien für einen Titanfall."
+ // mode settings
+ "classic_mp" "Klassischer Multiplayer"
+ "run_epilogue" "Epilog"
+ "scorelimit" "Höchstpunktzahl"
+ "roundscorelimit" "Höchstpunktzahl (rundenbasiert)"
+ "timelimit" "Zeitlimit"
+ "roundtimelimit" "Zeitlimit (rundenbasiert)"
+ "pilot_health_multiplier" "HP Multiplikator"
+ "respawn_delay" "Respawn-Verzögerung"
+ "boosts_enabled" "Boosts"
+ "earn_meter_pilot_overdrive" "Boost-Meter overdrive"
+ "earn_meter_pilot_multiplier" "Piloten Boost-Meter Multiplikator"
+ "earn_meter_titan_multiplier" "Titan Boost-Meter Multiplikator"
+ "aegis_upgrades" "Aegis Upgrades"
+ "infinite_doomed_state" "Unendlicher Todgeweiht-Status"
+ "titan_shield_regen" "Regenerierende Schilde"
+ "riff_floorislava" "Tödlicher Boden"
+ "featured_mode_all_holopilot" "The Great Bamboozle"
+ "featured_mode_all_grapple" "Attack on Titanfall"
+ "featured_mode_all_phase" "The Otherside"
+ "featured_mode_all_ticks" "Scharf"
+ "featured_mode_tactikill" "Tactikill"
+ "featured_mode_amped_tacticals" "Verstärkte Tacticals"
+ "featured_mode_rocket_arena" "Rocket Arena"
+ "featured_mode_shotguns_snipers" "Bewaffnet und gefährlich"
+ "iron_rules" "Iron Titan Regeln"
+ "cp_amped_capture_points" "Verstärkte Hardpoints"
+ "coliseum_loadouts_enabled" "Coliseum Loadouts"
+ // northstar.custom localisation is just deciding not to work, so putting it here for now
+ "PL_sbox" "Sandbox"
+ "PL_sbox_lobby" "Sandbox Lobby"
+ "PL_sbox_desc" "Wie gmod, nur schlechter"
+ "PL_sbox_abbr" "SBOX"
+ "GAMEMODE_SBOX" "Sandbox"
+ "PL_gg" "Gun Game"
+ "PL_gg_lobby" "Gun Game Lobby"
+ "PL_gg_desc" "Erhalte einen Kill mit jeder Waffe um zu siegen."
+ "PL_gg_hint" "Erhalte einen Kill mit jeder Waffe um zu siegen."
+ "PL_gg_abbr" "GG"
+ "GAMEMODE_GG" "Gun Game"
+ "PL_tt" "Titan Tag"
+ "PL_tt_lobby" "Titan Tag Lobby"
+ "PL_tt_desc" "Erringe Punkte in deinem Titan. Zerstöre einen Titan für deinen Eigenen."
+ "PL_tt_hint" "Erringe Punkte in deinem Titan. Zerstöre einen Titan für deinen Eigenen."
+ "PL_tt_abbr" "TT"
+ "GAMEMODE_TT" "Titan Tag"
+ "PL_inf" "Infektion"
+ "PL_inf_lobby" "Infektion-Lobby"
+ "PL_inf_desc" "Überlebe die Infektion. Überlebende werden nach dem Tod infiziert."
+ "PL_inf_hint" "Überlebe die Infektion. Überlebende werden nach dem Tod infiziert."
+ "PL_inf_abbr" "INF"
+ "GAMEMODE_INF" "Infektion"
+ "INFECTION_YOU_ARE_INFECTED" "Du wurdest infiziert!"
+ "INFECTION_KILL_SURVIVORS" "Töte die restlichen Überlebenden."
+ "INFECTION_FIRST_INFECTED" "%s1 ist der erste Infizierte."
+ "INFECTION_LAST_SURVIVOR" "%s1 ist der letzte Überlebende!"
+ "INFECTION_KILL_LAST_SURVIVOR" "Infiziere sie bevor die Zeit abläuft!"
+ "INFECTION_YOU_ARE_LAST_SURVIVOR" "Du bist der letzte Überlebende!"
+ "PL_hs" "Hide and Seek"
+ "PL_hs_lobby" "Hide and Seek Lobby"
+ "PL_hs_desc" "Sucher versuchen, Versteckende zu finden."
+ "PL_hs_hint" "Sucher versuchen, Versteckende zu finden."
+ "PL_hs_abbr" "HS"
+ "GAMEMODE_hs" "Hide and Seek"
+ "HIDEANDSEEK_SEEKER_DESC" "Töte Versteckende mit Nahkampf.\nDu spawnst in %s1 Sekunden"
+ "HIDEANDSEEK_HIDER_DESC" "Verstecke dich vor Suchern."
+ "HIDEANDSEEK_DONT_GET_FOUND" "Lass dich nicht finden!"
+ "HIDEANDSEEK_GET_LAST_HIDER" "%s1 ist der letzte Versteckende"
+ "HIDEANDSEEK_GOT_STIM" "Du hast Stim! Lass dich nicht finden!"
+ "hideandseek_balance_teams" "Autobalance Hiders/Seekers"
+ "hideandseek_hiding_time" "Zeit zum Verstecken"
+ // these are defined in r1_english but titan war is a shit name so i'm changing it to another one that was referenced in development
+ "GAMEMODE_fw" "Grenzland-Krieg"
+ "PL_fw" "Grenzland-Krieg"
+ "PL_fw_lobby" "Grenzland-Krieg Lobby"
+ "PL_fw_desc" "Zerstöre den feindlichen Ernter und beschütze Euren"
+ "PL_fw_abbr" "GK"
+ "GAMEMODE_kr" "Verstärktes Killrace"
+ "PL_kr" "Verstärktes Killrace"
+ "PL_kr_lobby" "Verstärktes Killrace Lobby"
+ "PL_kr_desc" "Töte Piloten um die Länge deiner Killstreak zu erhöhen. Sammle die Fahne ein, um sie zu starten. Setze den Rekord, um zu gewinnen."
+ "PL_kr_hint" "Töte Piloten um die Länge deiner Killstreak zu erhöhen. Sammle die Fahne ein, um sie zu starten. Setze den Rekord, um zu gewinnen."
+ "PL_kr_abbr" "KR"
+ "KR_NEW_RACER" "%s1 ist der Killracer"
+ "KR_YOU_ARE_NEW_RACER" "Du bist der Killracer"
+ "KR_YOU_SET_NEW_RECORD" "Setze einen neuen Kill-Rekord!"
+ "KR_FLAG_INCOMING" "Fahne erscheint"
+ "KR_COLLECT_FLAG" "Sammle sie ein um zum Killracer zu werden!"
+ "KR_ENEMY_KILLRACE_OVER" "%s1's Killstreak ist vorbei"
+ "KR_YOUR_KILLRACE_OVER" "Deine Killstreak ist vorbei"
+ "KR_YOUR_KILLRACE_SCORE" "Du hast %s1 Kills."
+ "GAMEMODE_fastball" "Fastball"
+ "PL_fastball" "Fastball"
+ "PL_fastball_lobby" "Fastball Lobby"
+ "PL_fastball_desc" "Permatod. Häcke Kontrollkonsolen um Punkte zu gewinnen und deine Kameraden zurückzuholen."
+ "PL_fastball_hint" "Permatod. Häcke Kontrollkonsolen um Punkte zu gewinnen und deine Kameraden zurückzuholen."
+ "PL_fastball_abbr" "FB"
+ "FASTBALL_PANEL_CAPTURED" "%s1 eroberte Konsole %s2"
+ "SCOREBOARD_FASTBALL_HACKS" "Konsolen erobert"
+ "GAMEMODE_ctf_comp" "Competitive CTF"
+ // mode settings
+ "custom_air_accel_pilot" "Luftbeschleunigung"
+ "promode_enable" "Pro-mode Waffen"
+ "fp_embark_enabled" "Firstperson Einstiege/Exekutionen"
+ "classic_rodeo" "Klassisches Rodeo"
+ "oob_timer_enabled" "Out of Bounds Timer"
+ "riff_instagib" "Instagib Mode"
+ "riff_player_bleedout" "Piloten Bleedout"
+ "player_bleedout_forceHolster" "Waffen während Ausgeschaltet wegstecken"
+ "player_bleedout_forceDeathOnTeamBleedout" "Stirb bei Team Bleedout"
+ "player_bleedout_bleedoutTime" "Bleedout Zeit"
+ "player_bleedout_firstAidTime" "Erste Hilfe Zeit"
+ "player_bleedout_firstAidTimeSelf" "Self-res time"
+ "player_bleedout_firstAidHealPercent" "Erste Hilfe HP Prozent"
+ "player_bleedout_aiBleedingPlayerMissChance" "Ausgeschaltet AI Verfehl-Chance"
+ // coop stuff
+ "PL_sp_coop" "(UNFINISHED) Kampagne Koop"
+ "PL_sp_coop_lobby" "Kampagne Koop Lobby"
+ "PL_sp_coop_desc" "Spiele mit Freuden durch die Einzelspieler-Kampagne"
+ "PL_sp_coop_hint" "Spiele mit Freuden durch die Einzelspieler-Kampagne"
+ "PL_sp_coop_abbr" "SP"
+ "SP_TRAINING" "Der Piloten-Parkour"
+ "SP_TRAINING_CLASSIC_DESC" "Captain Lastimosas Trainingssimulation."
+ "SP_CRASHSITE" "BT-7274"
+ "SP_CRASHSITE_CLASSIC_DESC" "Jack Cooper trifft BT-7274."
+ "SP_SEWERS1" "Blut und Rost"
+ "SP_SEWERS1_CLASSIC_DESC" "Cooper und BT machen sich auf den Weg zum Treffpunkt mit Major Anderson."
+ "SP_BOOMTOWN_START" "In den Abgrund"
+ "SP_BOOMTOWN_START_CLASSIC_DESC" "Eine unterirdische Abkürzung zieht unerwartete Konsequenzen mit sich."
+ "SP_HUB_TIMESHIFT" "Wirkung und Ursache"
+ "SP_HUB_TIMESHIFT_CLASSIC_DESC" "An Major Andersons Koordinaten trifft ein seltsames Phänomen auf."
+ "SP_BEACON" "Der Sender"
+ "SP_BEACON_CLASSIC_DESC" "Cooper und BT versuchen, die Restflotte über die Pläne der IMC zu informieren."
+ "SP_TDAY" "Feuerprobe"
+ "SP_TDAY_CLASSIC_DESC" "Coopers Titan-Fähigkeiten werden im Kampf um die Lade auf eine harte Probe gestellt"
+ "SP_S2S" "Die Lade"
+ "SP_S2S_CLASSIC_DESC" "Cooper und BT gehen von Schiff zu Schiff, um die Lade zu finden."
+ "SP_SKYWAY_V1" "Die Faltwaffe"
+ "SP_SKYWAY_V1_CLASSIC_DESC" "BT und Cooper werden von Kuben Blist gefangen genommen."
+ }
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86f57a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/ui/menus/server_browser.menu b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/ui/menus/server_browser.menu
index 213f46e9..feca06fb 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/ui/menus/server_browser.menu
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/ui/menus/server_browser.menu
@@ -34,45 +34,1744 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
ControlName ImagePanel
InheritProperties MenuTopBar
ControlName Label
labelText ""
- xpos 120
- ypos 160
+ xpos 130
+ ypos 204
+ }
+ RowButtonsAnchor
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 160
+ }
+ FilterButtonsRowAnchor
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ xpos 90
+ ypos 807
+ }
+ DarkenBackground
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ classname ConnectingHUD
+ xpos 0
+ ypos 0
+ zpos 99
+ wide %100
+ tall %100
+ labelText ""
+ bgcolor_override "0 0 0 160"
+ visible 1
+ paintbackground 1
+ }
+ ConnectingAnimation
+ {
+ ControlName RuiPanel
+ classname ConnectingHUD
+ rui "ui/matchmaking_status_big.rpak"
+ xpos 448
+ ypos 284
+ wide 1024
+ tall 512
+ zpos 100
+ visible 1
+ }
+ ConnectingLabel
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ classname ConnectingHUD
+ wide 160
+ tall 40
+ ypos -310
+ xpos -432
+ labelText "#CONNECTING"
+ fgcolor_override "107 166 196 255"
+ textAlignment center
+ visible 1
+ zpos 101
+ pin_to_sibling ConnectingAnimation
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ ConnectingLabelBackground
+ {
+ ControlName RuiPanel
+ classname ConnectingHUD
+ wide 160
+ tall 40
+ ypos -310
+ xpos -432
+ zpos 100
+ rui "ui/control_options_description.rpak"
+ pin_to_sibling ConnectingAnimation
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ ConnectingButton
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ classname ConnectingHUD
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ labelText "#CANCEL"
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 100
+ tall 40
+ ypos -220
+ xpos -462
+ zpos 101
+ //fgcolor_override "107 166 196 255"
+ pin_to_sibling ConnectingAnimation
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ ConnectingButtonBackground
+ {
+ ControlName RuiPanel
+ classname ConnectingHUD
+ wide 100
+ tall 40
+ ypos -220
+ xpos -462
+ zpos 100
+ rui "ui/control_options_description.rpak"
+ pin_to_sibling ConnectingAnimation
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
- //test
- //{
- // ControlName ListPanel
- // xpos "200"
- // ypos "200"
- // zpos 999
- // wide "312"
- // tall "340"
- // autoResize "0"
- // pinCorner "0"
- // visible "1"
- // enabled "1"
- // tabPosition "0"
- //}
+ // PasswordProtected
+ // BtnServerPasswordProtected (lock icons) dont pin to specified siblings
+ // Their 0,0 is the screen 0,0
+ // Too lazy to fix hopefully doesn't break on other resolutions
+ BtnServerPasswordProtectedTab
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ pin_to_sibling RowButtonsAnchor
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected1
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 200
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer1
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected2
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 239
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer2
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected3
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 279
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer3
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected4
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 319
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer4
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected5
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 359
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer5
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected6
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 399
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer6
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected7
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 439
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer7
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected8
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 479
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer8
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected9
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 519
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer9
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected10
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 559
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer10
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected11
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 399
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer11
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected12
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 639
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer12
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected13
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 679
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer13
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected14
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 719
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer14
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPasswordProtected15
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ classname ServerLock
+ image "ui/menu/common/locked_icon"
+ scaleImage 1
+ wide 48
+ tall 48
+ xpos 94
+ ypos 759
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer15
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ // Name
+ BtnServerNameTab
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ labelText "#SERVERS_COLUMN"
+ wide 600
+ xpos -4
+ ypos -1
+ scriptID 999
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerPasswordProtectedTab
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_RIGHT
+ navDown BtnServer1
+ navRight BtnServerPlayersTab
+ }
+ BtnServerName0
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
+ wide 586
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ interactive false
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer1
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName1
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
+ wide 586
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer2
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName2
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
+ wide 586
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer3
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName3
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
+ wide 586
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer4
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName4
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
+ wide 586
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer5
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName5
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
+ wide 586
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer6
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName6
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
+ wide 586
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer7
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName7
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
+ wide 586
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+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer8
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+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
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+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
+ wide 586
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+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer9
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName9
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
+ wide 586
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer10
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName10
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer11
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName11
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer12
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName12
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer13
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName13
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer14
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerName14
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ textAlignment west
+ classname ServerName
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -14
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer15
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ // Players
+ BtnServerPlayersTab
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ labelText "#PLAYERS_COLUMN"
+ wide 104
+ xpos 4
+ scriptID 999
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerNameTab
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_RIGHT
+ navDown BtnServer1
+ navLeft BtnServerNameTab
+ navRight BtnServerMapTab
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers1
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 104
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer1
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers2
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 104
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer2
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers3
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer3
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers4
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer4
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers5
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer5
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers6
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer6
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers7
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer7
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers8
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
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+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer8
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers9
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer9
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers10
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
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+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer10
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers11
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer11
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers12
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
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+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer12
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers13
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText "16/16"
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 104
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer13
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers14
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText "8/8"
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 104
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer14
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerPlayers15
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname PlayerCount
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 104
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -600
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer15
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ // Map
+ BtnServerMapTab
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ labelText "#MAP_COLUMN"
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 140
+ xpos 4
+ scriptID 999
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerPlayersTab
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_RIGHT
+ navDown BtnServer1
+ navLeft BtnServerPlayersTab
+ navRight BtnServerGamemodeTab
+ }
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+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ textAlignment center
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+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer1
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap2
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
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+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer2
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap3
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ textAlignment center
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+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer3
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap4
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer4
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap5
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer5
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap6
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer6
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap7
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer7
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap8
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer8
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap9
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer9
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap10
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer10
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap11
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer11
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap12
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer12
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap13
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer13
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap14
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer14
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMap15
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerMap
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+ xpos -709
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer15
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ // Gamemode
+ BtnServerGamemodeTab
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ labelText "#GAMEMODE_COLUMN"
+ wide 150
+ xpos 4
+ scriptID 999
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerMapTab
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_RIGHT
+ navDown BtnServer1
+ navLeft BtnServerMapTab
+ navRight BtnServerLatencyTab
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode1
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer1
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode2
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
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+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode3
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
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+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode4
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
+ wide 140
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer4
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode5
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer5
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode6
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer6
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode7
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer7
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode8
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer8
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode9
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
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+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer9
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode10
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer10
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode11
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer11
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode12
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer12
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode13
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer13
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode14
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer14
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerGamemode15
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname ServerGamemode
+ wide 140
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -860
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer15
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ // Latency
+ BtnServerLatencyTab
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ labelText "#LATENCY_COLUMN"
+ wide 110
+ xpos 4
+ scriptID 999
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerGamemodeTab
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_RIGHT
+ navDown BtnServer1
+ navLeft BtnServerGamemodeTab
+ navLeft BtnServerJoin
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency1
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer1
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency2
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer2
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency3
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer3
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency4
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
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+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer4
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency5
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 110
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer5
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency6
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 110
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer6
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency7
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 110
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer7
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency8
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 110
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer8
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency9
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 110
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer9
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency10
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 110
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer10
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency11
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 110
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer11
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency12
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 110
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer12
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency13
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 110
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer13
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency14
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 110
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer14
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerLatency15
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ labelText ""
+ classname Serverlatency
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 110
+ tall 44
+ ypos -44
+ xpos -1006
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServer15
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ // Dividers:
+ // Y
+ YDivider0
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ wide 2
+ tall 641
+ visible 1
+ image "vgui/hud/white"
+ drawColor "160 157 149 255"
+ scaleImage 1
+ xpos 3
+ ypos -1
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerNameTab
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ YDivider1
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ wide 2
+ tall 641
+ visible 1
+ image "vgui/hud/white"
+ drawColor "160 157 149 255"
+ scaleImage 1
+ xpos 3
+ ypos -1
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerPlayersTab
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ YDivider2
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ wide 2
+ tall 641
+ visible 1
+ image "vgui/hud/white"
+ drawColor "160 157 149 255"
+ scaleImage 1
+ xpos 3
+ ypos -1
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerMapTab
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ YDivider3
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ wide 2
+ tall 641
+ visible 1
+ image "vgui/hud/white"
+ drawColor "160 157 149 255"
+ scaleImage 1
+ xpos 3
+ ypos -1
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerGamemodeTab
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ YDivider4
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ wide 2
+ tall 641
+ visible 1
+ image "vgui/hud/white"
+ drawColor "160 157 149 255"
+ scaleImage 1
+ xpos 3
+ ypos -1
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerLatencyTab
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ // X
+ XDivider0
+ {
+ ControlName ImagePanel
+ wide 1150
+ tall 2
+ visible 1
+ image "vgui/hud/white"
+ drawColor "160 157 149 255"
+ scaleImage 1
+ ypos 3
+ xpos 37
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerNameTab
+ pin_corner_to_sibling BOTTOM_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ // List:
+ BtnServerDummmyTop {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ visible 1
+ width 0
+ height 0
+ }
ControlName RuiButton
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 0
- navUp BtnServer15
- navDown BtnServer2
+ wide 1120
+ xpos -8
- pin_to_sibling ButtonRowAnchor
- pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
- pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling ButtonRowAnchor
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ navUp BtnServerDummmyTop
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
+ navDown BtnServer2
@@ -80,11 +1779,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 1
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer1
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer1
navDown BtnServer3
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -92,11 +1794,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 2
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer2
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer2
navDown BtnServer4
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -104,12 +1809,15 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 3
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer3
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
//ypos 11
navUp BtnServer3
navDown BtnServer5
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -117,11 +1825,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 4
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer4
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer4
navDown BtnServer6
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -129,11 +1840,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 5
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer5
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer5
navDown BtnServer7
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -141,11 +1855,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 6
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer6
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer6
navDown BtnServer8
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -153,11 +1870,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 7
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer7
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer7
navDown BtnServer9
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -165,11 +1885,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 8
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer8
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer8
navDown BtnServer10
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -177,11 +1900,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 9
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer9
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer9
navDown BtnServer11
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -189,11 +1915,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 10
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer10
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer10
navDown BtnServer12
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -201,11 +1930,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 11
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer11
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer11
navDown BtnServer13
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -213,11 +1945,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 12
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer12
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer12
navDown BtnServer14
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -225,11 +1960,14 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 13
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer13
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer13
navDown BtnServer15
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
@@ -237,28 +1975,419 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
classname ServerButton
scriptID 14
+ wide 1120
pin_to_sibling BtnServer14
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
navUp BtnServer14
- navDown BtnServer1
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
+ navDown BtnServerDummmyBottom
+ }
+ BtnServerDummmyBottom {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ visible 1
+ width 0
+ height 0
+ BtnServerListUpArrow
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ //labelText "A"
+ wide 40
+ tall 40
+ xpos 2
+ ypos 2
+ image "vgui/hud/white"
+ drawColor "255 255 255 128"
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_RIGHT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerListUpArrowPanel
+ {
+ ControlName RuiPanel
+ wide 40
+ tall 40
+ xpos 2
+ ypos 2
+ rui "ui/control_options_description.rpak"
+ visible 1
+ zpos -1
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_RIGHT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerListDownArrow
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ //labelText "V"
+ wide 40
+ tall 40
+ xpos 2
+ ypos -604
+ image "vgui/hud/white"
+ drawColor "255 255 255 128"
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_RIGHT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerListDownArrowPanel
+ {
+ ControlName RuiPanel
+ wide 40
+ tall 40
+ xpos 2
+ ypos -604
+ rui "ui/control_options_description.rpak"
+ visible 1
+ zpos -1
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_RIGHT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerListSlider
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ //labelText "V"
+ wide 40
+ tall 562
+ xpos 2
+ ypos -40
+ zpos 0
+ image "vgui/hud/white"
+ drawColor "255 255 255 128"
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_RIGHT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerListSliderPanel
+ {
+ ControlName RuiPanel
+ wide 40
+ tall 562
+ xpos 2
+ ypos -40
+ rui "ui/control_options_description.rpak"
+ visible 1
+ zpos -1
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_RIGHT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ // sh_menu_models.gnut has a global function which gets called when
+ // left mouse button gets called while hovering and has mouse
+ // deltaX; deltaY which we can yoink for ourselfes
+ MouseMovementCapture
+ {
+ ControlName CMouseMovementCapturePanel
+ wide 40
+ tall 562
+ xpos 2
+ ypos -40
+ zpos 1
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_RIGHT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ //MouseMovementCaptureaaaaaaa
+ //{
+ // ControlName CMouseMovementCapturePanel
+ // wide %100
+ // tall %100
+ // xpos 0
+ // ypos 0
+ // zpos 2
+ //}
- LabelDetails
+ FilterPanel
+ {
+ ControlName RuiPanel
+ wide 1200
+ tall 153
+ xpos -8
+ rui "ui/control_options_description.rpak"
+ visible 1
+ zpos -1
+ pin_to_sibling FilterButtonsRowAnchor
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnSearchLabel
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ labelText "#SEARCHBAR_LABEL"
+ textAlignment west
+ wide 500
+ xpos -23
+ ypos -16
+ wrap 1
+ visible 1
+ zpos 0
+ pin_to_sibling FilterButtonsRowAnchor
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ navUp BtnServer15
+ navDown SwtBtnSelectMap
+ }
+ BtnServerSearch
+ {
+ ControlName TextEntry
+ zpos 100 // This works around input weirdness when the control is constructed by code instead of VGUI blackbox.
+ xpos -400
+ ypos -5
+ wide 390
+ tall 30
+ textHidden 0
+ editable 1
+ font Default_21
+ allowRightClickMenu 0
+ allowSpecialCharacters 0
+ unicode 0
+ pin_to_sibling BtnSearchLabel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_RIGHT
+ navUp BtnServer15
+ navDown SwtBtnSelectMap
+ }
+ SwtBtnSelectMap
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties SwitchButton
+ labelText "#MAP_FILTER"
+ ConVar "filter_map"
+ wide 500
+ pin_to_sibling BtnSearchLabel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ navUp BtnServerSearch
+ navDown SwtBtnSelectGamemode
+ }
+ SwtBtnSelectGamemode
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties SwitchButton
+ labelText "#GAMEMODE_FILTER"
+ ConVar "filter_gamemode"
+ wide 500
+ pin_to_sibling SwtBtnSelectMap
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ navUp SwtBtnSelectMap
+ navDown SwtBtnHideFull
+ }
+ SwtBtnHideFull
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties SwitchButton
+ labelText "#HIDE_FULL_FILTER"
+ ConVar "filter_hide_full"
+ wide 500
+ list
+ {
+ "#SWITCH_NO" 0
+ }
+ pin_to_sibling BtnSearchLabel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_RIGHT
+ navUp SwtBtnSelectGamemode
+ navDown SwtBtnHideEmpty
+ }
+ SwtBtnHideEmpty
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties SwitchButton
+ labelText "#HIDE_EMPTY_FILTER"
+ ConVar "filter_hide_empty"
+ wide 500
+ list
+ {
+ "#SWITCH_NO" 0
+ }
+ pin_to_sibling SwtBtnHideFull
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ navUp SwtBtnHideFull
+ navDown SwtBtnHideProtected
+ }
+ SwtBtnHideProtected
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties SwitchButton
+ labelText "#HIDE_PROT_FILTER"
+ ConVar "filter_hide_protected"
+ wide 500
+ list
+ {
+ "#SWITCH_NO" 0
+ }
+ pin_to_sibling SwtBtnHideEmpty
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ navUp SwtBtnHideEmpty
+ navDown BtnFiltersClear
+ }
+ BtnFiltersClear
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ labelText "#CLEAR_FILTERS"
+ wide 100
+ xpos -17
+ ypos -57
+ zpos 90
+ scriptID 999
+ pin_to_sibling FilterPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_RIGHT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_RIGHT
+ navUp SwtBtnHideProtected
+ navDown BtnDummyAfterFilterClear
+ navLeft SwtBtnHideProtected
+ navRight BtnServerJoin
+ }
+ BtnDummyAfterFilterClear {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ width 0
+ height 0
+ visible 1
+ }
+ ServerDetailsPanel
ControlName RuiPanel
- xpos 675
+ xpos 1300
ypos 160
tall 800
- wide 950
- rui "ui/knowledgebase_panel.rpak"
+ wide 500
+ rui "ui/control_options_description.rpak"
wrap 1
visible 1
zpos -1
+ //TestPanel
+ //{
+ // ControlName RuiPanel
+ // tall 420
+ // wide 500
+ // ypos -330
+ // rui "ui/control_options_description.rpak"
+ // wrap 1
+ // visible 1
+ // zpos -1
+ // pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ // pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ // pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ //}
+ LabelDescription
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ textAlignment north
+ tall 420
+ wide 460
+ ypos -300
+ xpos -20
+ wrap 1
+ visible 1
+ zpos -1
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ LabelMods
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ textAlignment north
+ tall 420
+ wide 460
+ ypos -330
+ xpos -20
+ wrap 1
+ visible 1
+ zpos -1
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
ControlName RuiPanel
@@ -269,17 +2398,32 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
rui "ui/basic_menu_image.rpak"
- pin_to_sibling LabelDetails
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_RIGHT
pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_RIGHT
+ NextMapBack
+ {
+ ControlName RuiPanel
+ tall 288
+ wide 500
+ rui "ui/control_options_description.rpak"
+ visible 0
+ zpos 1
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
ControlName Label
pin_to_sibling NextMapImage
pin_corner_to_sibling BOTTOM_RIGHT
pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_RIGHT
xpos -12
ypos 0
zpos 1
@@ -327,8 +2471,121 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_RIGHT
+ ServerName
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ ypos -8
+ xpos -8
+ zpos 1
+ wide 492
+ tall 88
+ wrap 1
+ textAlignment north
+ //labelText "Server name"
+ use_proportional_insets 1
+ textinsetx 2
+ font Default_28_DropShadow
+ allcaps 1
+ fgcolor_override "255 255 255 255"
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerDescription
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ labelText "#DESCRIPTION"
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 250
+ zpos 999
+ ypos -1
+ pin_to_sibling NextMapImage
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ BtnServerMods
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ labelText "#MODS"
+ textAlignment center
+ wide 250
+ zpos 999
+ pin_to_sibling BtnServerDescription
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_RIGHT
+ }
+ BtnServerJoin
+ {
+ ControlName RuiButton
+ InheritProperties RuiSmallButton
+ labelText "#JOIN_BUTTON"
+ wide 80
+ xpos -17
+ ypos -57
+ zpos 90
+ scriptID 999
+ pin_to_sibling ServerDetailsPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_RIGHT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_RIGHT
+ navLeft BtnFiltersClear
+ navRight BtnServerSearch
+ }
+ InGamePlayerLabel
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ auto_wide_tocontents 1
+ tall 40
+ labelText "#INGAME_PLAYERS"
+ xpos -250
+ ypos 30
+ visible 1
+ zpos 101
+ font Default_28_ShadowGlow
+ bgcolor_override "0 0 0 120"
+ fgcolor_override "255 255 255 175"
+ visible 1
+ pin_to_sibling FilterPanel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner BOTTOM_LEFT
+ }
+ InGamePlayerCount
+ {
+ ControlName Label
+ auto_wide_tocontents 1
+ tall 40
+ labelText ""
+ font Default_28_ShadowGlow
+ bgcolor_override "0 0 0 120"
+ fgcolor_override "107 166 196 200"
+ xpos 6
+ visible 1
+ zpos 101
+ pin_to_sibling InGamePlayerLabel
+ pin_corner_to_sibling TOP_LEFT
+ pin_to_sibling_corner TOP_RIGHT
+ }
ControlName CNestedPanel