diff options
13 files changed, 1154 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_gamestate.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_gamestate.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93be01eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_gamestate.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,1119 @@
+global function ClGameState_Init
+global function ClGameState_Think
+global function ClGameState_GetRui
+global function ClGameState_RegisterNetworkFunctions
+global function ClGameState_SetInfoStatusText
+global function ServerCallback_AnnounceWinner
+global function ServerCallback_AnnounceRoundWinner
+global function ShowRoundScoresInAnnouncement
+global function PlayRoundWonConversationWithAnnouncementDelay
+global function UpdatePilotTitanStatusDisplay
+global function UpdatePilotTitanStatusDisplayWithCount
+global function SetGameModeScoreBarUpdateRules
+global function SetGameModeScoreBarUpdateRulesWithFlags
+global function DisplayPostMatchTop3
+global function GetGameStartTime
+global function ClGameState_RegisterGameStateAsset
+global function ClGameState_SetPilotTitanStatusCallback
+global function GetPilotTitanStatusForPlayer
+global enum ePlayerStatusType
+struct PilotTitanStatus
+ int playerCount
+ int[8] slotTypes
+global enum sbflag
+ _count = 1
+ var gamestate_info
+ var letterBoxRui = null
+ bool thirtySecondWarningDone = false
+ void functionref( var ) gameModeScoreBarUpdateRules
+ int gameModeScoreBarUpdateFlags = 0
+ table< int, PilotTitanStatus> pilotTitanStatus
+ int functionref( entity,int ) pilotTitanStatusCallback
+ asset gameStateRuiAsset = $""
+} file
+const DEV_COUNTDOWNTIMER = 0//turn on to see the countdown timer to match starts - helps with lining up intros
+function ClGameState_Init()
+ RegisterSignal( "GameStateChanged" )
+ RegisterServerVarChangeCallback( "gameState", ClGameState_Changed )
+ RegisterServerVarChangeCallback( "badRepPresent", UpdateScoreboardBadRepPresentMessage )
+ AddCallback_OnClientScriptInit( ClGameState_AddClient )
+ var rui = CreatePermanentCockpitRui( GetGameStateAsset(), MINIMAP_Z_BASE - 1 )
+ file.gamestate_info = rui
+ if ( file.gameModeScoreBarUpdateRules == null )
+ SetGameModeScoreBarUpdateRules( GameModeScoreBarUpdateRules_Default )
+void function GameModeScoreBarUpdateRules_Default( var rui )
+void function SetGameModeScoreBarUpdateRulesWithFlags( void functionref( var ) rules, int sbflags )
+ file.gameModeScoreBarUpdateRules = rules
+ file.gameModeScoreBarUpdateFlags = sbflags
+void function SetGameModeScoreBarUpdateRules( void functionref( var ) rules )
+ SetGameModeScoreBarUpdateRulesWithFlags( rules, 0 )
+void function ClGameState_RegisterNetworkFunctions()
+ RegisterNetworkedVariableChangeCallback_int( "gameInfoStatusText", ClGameState_UpdateInfoStatusText )
+void function ClGameState_UpdateInfoStatusText( entity player, int oldValue, int newValue, bool actuallyChanged )
+ printt( "UPDATE", player, oldValue, newValue )
+ if ( newValue == -1 )
+ {
+ RuiSetString( file.gamestate_info, "statusText", "" )
+ return
+ }
+ string statusText = GetStringFromNetworkableID( newValue )
+ printt( "SET", player, statusText, Localize( statusText ) )
+ RuiSetString( file.gamestate_info, "statusText", Localize( statusText ) )
+void function ClGameState_SetInfoStatusText( string statusText )
+ RuiSetString( file.gamestate_info, "statusText", Localize( statusText ) )
+asset function GetGameStateAsset()
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info_at.rpak"
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info_fra.rpak"
+ if ( GAMETYPE == FFA )
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info_ffa.rpak"
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info_fw.rpak"
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info_lts.rpak"
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info_lts_bomb.rpak"
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info_cp.rpak"
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info_ps.rpak"
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info_coliseum.rpak"
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info_speedball.rpak"
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info_mfd.rpak"
+ if ( file.gameStateRuiAsset != $"" )
+ return file.gameStateRuiAsset
+ return $"ui/gamestate_info.rpak"
+void function ClGameState_RegisterGameStateAsset( asset gameStateAsset )
+ file.gameStateRuiAsset = gameStateAsset
+void function ClGameState_AddClient( entity player )
+ player.cv.scoreboardBadRepPresentMessage <- HudElement( "ScoreboardBadRepPresentMessage", HudElement( "Scoreboard" ) )
+ #if PC_PROG
+ player.cv.scoreboardBadRepPresentMessage.SetText( "#ASTERISK_FAIRFIGHT_CHEATER" )
+ #else
+ player.cv.scoreboardBadRepPresentMessage.SetText( "#ASTERISK_BAD_REPUTATION" )
+ #endif
+ player.cv.hudCheaterMessage <- HudElement( "HudCheaterMessage" )
+ if ( !Durango_IsDurango() && !IsLobby() && player.HasBadReputation() )
+ player.cv.hudCheaterMessage.Show()
+ else
+ player.cv.hudCheaterMessage.Hide()
+var function ClGameState_GetRui()
+ return file.gamestate_info
+void function ClGameState_Think()
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ TEMP_UpdateRuiScores( player )
+ switch( GetGameState() )
+ {
+ case eGameState.WaitingForPlayers:
+ ClGameStateThink_WaitingForPlayers( player )
+ break
+ case eGameState.PickLoadout:
+ ClGameStateThink_PickLoadOut( player )
+ break
+ case eGameState.Prematch:
+ ClGameStateThink_Prematch( player )
+ break
+ case eGameState.Playing:
+ ClGameStateThink_Playing( player )
+ break
+ case eGameState.SwitchingSides:
+ ClGameStateThink_SwitchingSides( player )
+ break
+ case eGameState.Postmatch:
+ ClGameStateThink_Postmatch( player )
+ break
+ }
+void function ClGameStateThink_Prematch( entity player )
+ string factionChoice = GetFactionChoice( player )
+ ItemDisplayData displayData = GetItemDisplayData( factionChoice )
+ asset factionLogo = displayData.image
+ string factionTitle = displayData.name
+ RuiSetImage( ClGameState_GetRui(), "factionImage", factionLogo )
+ //removing countdown timer all together
+ return
+ local timeRemaining = ceil( level.nv.gameStartTime - Time() )
+ player.cv.prematchTimer.Show()
+ player.cv.prematchTimerGlow.Show()
+ player.cv.prematchDesc.Show()
+ player.cv.prematchTimer.SetText( string( timeRemaining ) )
+ player.cv.prematchTimerGlow.SetText( string( timeRemaining ) )
+void function ClGameStateThink_WaitingForPlayers( player )
+ int reservedCount
+ int connectingCount
+ int loadingCount
+ if ( IsFFAGame() )
+ {
+ reservedCount = GetTotalPendingPlayersReserved()
+ connectingCount = GetTotalPendingPlayersConnecting()
+ loadingCount = GetTotalPendingPlayersLoading()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reservedCount = GetTeamPendingPlayersReserved( TEAM_MILITIA ) + GetTeamPendingPlayersReserved( TEAM_IMC )
+ connectingCount = GetTeamPendingPlayersConnecting( TEAM_MILITIA ) + GetTeamPendingPlayersConnecting( TEAM_IMC )
+ loadingCount = GetTeamPendingPlayersLoading( TEAM_MILITIA ) + GetTeamPendingPlayersLoading( TEAM_IMC )
+ }
+ int connectedCount = GetPlayerArray().len()
+ int allKnownPlayersCount = reservedCount + connectingCount + loadingCount + connectedCount
+ int minPlayers = GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "min_players", 0 )
+ int expectedPlayers = maxint( minPlayers, allKnownPlayersCount )
+ if ( !("lastTimeRemaining" in player.cv) )
+ player.cv.lastTimeRemaining <- null
+ if ( Time() <= level.nv.connectionTimeout )
+ {
+ local timeRemainingFloat = level.nv.connectionTimeout - Time()
+ local timeRemaining = ceil( timeRemainingFloat )
+ //player.cv.waitingForPlayersDesc.SetText( "#HUD_WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS", connectedCount, expectedPlayers, timeRemaining )
+ //player.cv.waitingForPlayersDesc.Show()
+ if ( player.cv.lastTimeRemaining && timeRemaining != player.cv.lastTimeRemaining )
+ player.cv.lastTimeRemaining = timeRemaining
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //player.cv.waitingForPlayersDesc.SetText( "#HUD_WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS", connectedCount, expectedPlayers, "" )
+ //player.cv.waitingForPlayersDesc.Show()
+ }
+void function ClGameStateThink_PickLoadOut( entity player )
+ if ( IsMultiplayerPlaylist() && ClassicMP_Client_GetGameStateThinkFunc_PickLoadOut() != null )
+ ClassicMP_Client_GetGameStateThinkFunc_PickLoadOut()( player )
+entity function GetTopCompetitor( int team )
+ array<entity> players = GetPlayerArrayOfEnemies( team )
+ entity topCompetitor
+ foreach ( player in players )
+ {
+ if ( !topCompetitor || (GameRules_GetTeamScore( player.GetTeam()) ) > GameRules_GetTeamScore( topCompetitor.GetTeam()) )
+ topCompetitor = player
+ }
+ return topCompetitor
+string function GetTopCompetitorName( int team )
+ entity topCompetitor = GetTopCompetitor( team )
+ return topCompetitor != null ? topCompetitor.GetPlayerName() : "None"
+int function GetTopCompetitorTeam( int team )
+ entity topCompetitor = GetTopCompetitor( team )
+ return topCompetitor != null ? topCompetitor.GetTeam() : 0
+void function TEMP_UpdateRuiScores( entity player )
+ float endTime
+ if ( IsRoundBased() )
+ {
+ endTime = expect float( level.nv.roundEndTime )
+ if (
+ GetGameState() == eGameState.Prematch ||
+ GetGameState() == eGameState.Playing
+ )
+ RuiSetString( file.gamestate_info, "roundText", Localize( "#GAMESTATE_ROUND_N", GetRoundsPlayed() + 1 ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ endTime = expect float( level.nv.gameEndTime )
+ }
+ RuiSetInt( file.gamestate_info, "maxTeamScore", GetScoreLimit_FromPlaylist() )
+ int maxPlayers = GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "max_players", 12 )
+ RuiSetInt( file.gamestate_info, "maxTeamPlayers", maxPlayers / 2 )
+ int friendlyTeam = player.GetTeam()
+ RuiSetFloat( file.gamestate_info, "leftTeamScore", float( GameRules_GetTeamScore( friendlyTeam ) ) )
+ UpdatePilotTitanStatusDisplay( friendlyTeam )
+ int enemyTeam
+ if ( IsFFAGame() )
+ {
+ enemyTeam = GetTopCompetitorTeam( player.GetTeam() )
+ RuiSetImage( file.gamestate_info, "friendlyPlayerCardImage", CallsignIcon_GetImage( PlayerCallsignIcon_GetActive( player ) ) )
+ array<entity> enemyPlayers = GetPlayerArrayOfTeam( enemyTeam )
+ if ( enemyPlayers.len() > 0 )
+ RuiSetImage( file.gamestate_info, "enemyPlayerCardImage", CallsignIcon_GetImage( PlayerCallsignIcon_GetActive( enemyPlayers[0] ) ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enemyTeam = friendlyTeam == TEAM_IMC ? TEAM_MILITIA : TEAM_IMC
+ }
+ RuiSetFloat( file.gamestate_info, "rightTeamScore", float( GameRules_GetTeamScore( enemyTeam ) ) )
+ //Run any gamemode specific score bar logic (e.g. the bonus segment on the scorebar in bounty hunt ). No special logic is run by default.
+ file.gameModeScoreBarUpdateRules( file.gamestate_info )
+ if ( !endTime )
+ return
+ if ( Time() > endTime )
+ {
+ RuiSetGameTime( file.gamestate_info, "endTime", RUI_BADGAMETIME )
+ return
+ }
+ RuiSetGameTime( file.gamestate_info, "endTime", endTime )
+void function ClGameStateThink_Playing( entity player )
+ //TEMP_UpdateRuiScores( player )
+ local endTime
+ if ( IsRoundBased() )
+ endTime = level.nv.roundEndTime
+ else
+ endTime = level.nv.gameEndTime
+ if ( !endTime )
+ return
+ if ( Time() > endTime )
+ return
+ if ( endTime - Time() > 30.0 )
+ return
+ if ( file.thirtySecondWarningDone )
+ return
+ thread ThirtySecondWarning()
+ file.thirtySecondWarningDone = true
+void function ThirtySecondWarning()
+ string conversation = GameMode_GetGameEndingConversation( GameRules_GetGameMode() )
+ if ( conversation != "" )
+ PlayConversationToLocalClient( conversation )
+ int lastSecond = -1
+ while ( Time() < level.nv.gameEndTime && GetGameState() == eGameState.Playing )
+ {
+ int second = int( floor( level.nv.gameEndTime - Time() ) )
+ if ( lastSecond == -1 )
+ {
+ lastSecond = second
+ }
+ else if ( second != lastSecond && second < 30 )
+ {
+ if ( second > 5 )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( GetLocalClientPlayer(), "HUD_match_start_timer_tick_1P" )
+ }
+ else if ( second >= 0 )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( GetLocalClientPlayer(), "HUD_match_start_timer_5_seconds_1P" )
+ }
+ }
+ lastSecond = second
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( GetLocalClientPlayer(), "HUD_match_start_timer_0_seconds_1P" )
+string function GetTitanClass( entity titan )
+ entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
+ string settingsName = PlayerSettingsIndexToName( soul.GetPlayerSettingsNum() )
+ return expect string( Dev_GetPlayerSettingByKeyField_Global( settingsName, "titanCharacterName" ) )
+array<int> function GetPilotTitanStatusForTeam( int team )
+ array<int> statusTypes = [ ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_NONE, ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_NONE, ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_NONE, ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_NONE, ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_NONE, ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_NONE, ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_NONE, ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_NONE ]
+ int playerIndex = 0
+ foreach ( teamPlayer in GetPlayerArrayOfTeam( team ) )
+ {
+ // fix for situations where number of players > 8, which happens in infection
+ // could be good to move this to northstar.client at some point, unsure
+ if ( playerIndex == statusTypes.len() )
+ break
+ statusTypes[playerIndex] = GetPilotTitanStatusForPlayer( teamPlayer )
+ playerIndex++
+ }
+ statusTypes.sort( PilotTitanStatusSort )
+ return statusTypes
+int function GetPilotTitanStatusForPlayer( entity teamPlayer )
+ int statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_NONE
+ entity titan
+ if ( teamPlayer.GetPetTitan() )
+ titan = teamPlayer.GetPetTitan()
+ else if ( teamPlayer.IsTitan() )
+ titan = teamPlayer
+ entity playerParent = teamPlayer.GetParent()
+ bool playerIsInDropship = playerParent != null && IsDropship( playerParent )
+ if ( playerIsInDropship && ( GetWaveSpawnType() == eWaveSpawnType.DROPSHIP || GetGameState() == eGameState.Epilogue ) )
+ {
+ statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_EVAC
+ }
+ else if ( titan && titan.GetTitanSoul() )
+ {
+ if ( !teamPlayer.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ if ( IsAlive( teamPlayer ) )
+ statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_PILOT_TITAN
+ else
+ statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_DEAD_PILOT_TITAN
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !IsAlive( teamPlayer ) )
+ {
+ statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_DEAD
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch ( GetTitanClass( titan ) )
+ {
+ case "ion":
+ statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_ION
+ break
+ case "scorch":
+ statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_SCORCH
+ break
+ case "ronin":
+ statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_RONIN
+ break
+ case "tone":
+ statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_TONE
+ break
+ case "legion":
+ statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_LEGION
+ break
+ case "northstar":
+ statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_NORTHSTAR
+ break
+ case "vanguard":
+ statusIndex = ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_VANGUARD
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( IsAlive( teamPlayer ) )
+ statusIndex = IsTitanAvailable( teamPlayer ) ? ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_READY : ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_PILOT
+ else
+ statusIndex = IsTitanAvailable( teamPlayer ) ? ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_DEAD_READY : ePlayerStatusType.PTS_TYPE_DEAD
+ }
+ if ( file.pilotTitanStatusCallback != null )
+ statusIndex = file.pilotTitanStatusCallback( teamPlayer, statusIndex )
+ return statusIndex
+int function PilotTitanStatusSort( int a, int b )
+ if ( a > b )
+ return -1
+ else if ( a < b )
+ return 1
+ return 0
+void function UpdatePilotTitanStatusDisplayWithCount( int team, int friendlyCount, int enemyCount )
+ if ( IsFFAGame() )
+ return
+ var statusRui = ClGameState_GetRui()
+ array<int> playerStatus = GetPilotTitanStatusForTeam( team )
+ for ( int index = 0; index < friendlyCount; index++ )
+ RuiSetInt( statusRui, "friendlyPlayerStatusType" + (index + 1), playerStatus[index] )
+ array<int> enemyPlayerStatus = GetPilotTitanStatusForTeam( GetOtherTeam( team ) )
+ for ( int index = 0; index < enemyCount; index++ )
+ RuiSetInt( statusRui, "enemyPlayerStatusType" + (index + 1), enemyPlayerStatus[index] )
+void function UpdatePilotTitanStatusDisplay( int team )
+ if ( GAMETYPE == "fd" )
+ UpdatePilotTitanStatusDisplayWithCount( team, 4, 0 )
+ else
+ UpdatePilotTitanStatusDisplayWithCount( team, 8, 8 )
+void function ClGameStateThink_Postmatch( player )
+void function ClGameStateThink_SwitchingSides( player )
+ //player.cv.vignette.SetColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 )
+ //player.cv.vignette.Show()
+void function ClGameState_Changed()
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ player.Signal( "GameStateChanged" )
+ foreach ( callbackFunc in clGlobal.gameStateEnterCallbacks[ GetGameState() ] )
+ {
+ callbackFunc()
+ }
+ switch ( GetGameState() )
+ {
+ case eGameState.WaitingForCustomStart:
+ //player.cv.gamescomWaitTillReady.Show()
+ break
+ case eGameState.WaitingForPlayers:
+ if ( IsMultiplayerPlaylist() && ClassicMP_Client_GetGameStateEnterFunc_WaitingForPlayers() != null )
+ ClassicMP_Client_GetGameStateEnterFunc_WaitingForPlayers()( player )
+ //player.cv.gamescomWaitTillReady.Hide()
+ //player.cv.waitingForPlayersDesc.SetText( "#HUD_WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS_BASIC" )
+ //player.cv.waitingForPlayersDesc.Show()
+ //player.cv.waitingForPlayersLine.Show()
+ //player.cv.waitingForPlayersTimer.Show()
+ break
+ case eGameState.PickLoadout:
+ if ( IsMultiplayerPlaylist() && ClassicMP_Client_GetGameStateEnterFunc_PickLoadOut() != null )
+ ClassicMP_Client_GetGameStateEnterFunc_PickLoadOut()( player )
+ break
+ case eGameState.Prematch:
+ RemoveAllRagdolls()
+ HideEventNotification()
+ SetCrosshairPriorityState( crosshairPriorityLevel.PREMATCH, CROSSHAIR_STATE_HIDE_ALL )
+ //player.cv.waitingForPlayersDesc.HideOverTime( 0.25 )
+ //player.cv.waitingForPlayersLine.HideOverTime( 0.25 )
+ //player.cv.waitingForPlayersTimer.HideOverTime( 0.25 )
+ file.letterBoxRui = RuiCreate( $"ui/letter_box.rpak", clGlobal.topoFullScreen, RUI_DRAW_HUD, 0 )
+ //player.cv.prematchTimer.SetAlpha( 255 )
+ //player.cv.prematchTimerGlow.SetAlpha( 255 )
+ //player.cv.prematchDesc.SetAlpha( 255 )
+ file.thirtySecondWarningDone = false
+ StopPlayerDeathSound( player ) //If you were watching your own kill replay, don't want this playing through till next round
+ clGlobal.levelEnt.Signal( "AnnoucementPurge" )
+ break
+ case eGameState.Playing:
+ ClearCrosshairPriority( crosshairPriorityLevel.PREMATCH )
+ //player.cv.vignette.HideOverTime( 0.25 )
+ if ( file.letterBoxRui != null )
+ RuiSetGameTime( file.letterBoxRui, "hideStartTime", Time() )
+ //player.cv.prematchTimer.HideOverTime( 0.25 )
+ //player.cv.prematchTimerGlow.HideOverTime( 0.25 )
+ //player.cv.prematchDesc.HideOverTime( 0.25 )
+ ShowScriptHUD( player )
+ break
+ case eGameState.SuddenDeath:
+ AnnouncementData announcement = Announcement_Create( "#GAMEMODE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUDDEN_DEATH" )
+ switch ( GAMETYPE )
+ {
+ case RAID:
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUDDEN_DEATH_CTF" )
+ break
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUDDEN_DEATH_TDM" )
+ break
+ default:
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, "" )
+ }
+ Announcement_SetHideOnDeath( announcement, false )
+ Announcement_SetDuration( announcement, 7.0 )
+ Announcement_SetPurge( announcement, true )
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, announcement )
+ break
+ case eGameState.WinnerDetermined:
+ player.cv.roundSpawnCount = 0
+ break
+ case eGameState.Epilogue:
+ thread MainHud_Outro( level.nv.winningTeam )
+ break
+ case eGameState.SwitchingSides:
+ float announcementDuration = 7.0
+ if ( IsRoundWinningKillReplayEnabled() == true && ( !IsRoundBased() && IsSwitchSidesBased() ) ) //Ideally this should be a call to WillShowRoundWinningKillReplay(), but that's only available on the server
+ AnnouncementData announcement = Announcement_Create( "#GameState_HALFTIME" )
+ announcement.sortKey = RUI_SORT_SCREENFADE + 1 // Draw over screen fade
+ announcement.drawOverScreenFade = true
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, "#GameState_SWITCHING_SIDES" )
+ Announcement_SetHideOnDeath( announcement, false )
+ Announcement_SetDuration( announcement, announcementDuration )
+ Announcement_SetPurge( announcement, true )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "UI_InGame_HalftimeText_Enter" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityAfterDelay( player, "UI_InGame_HalftimeText_Exit", announcementDuration )
+ local friendlyTeam = player.GetTeam()
+ local enemyTeam = friendlyTeam == TEAM_IMC ? TEAM_MILITIA : TEAM_IMC
+ if ( friendlyTeam == TEAM_IMC )
+ {
+ Announcement_SetLeftIcon( announcement, TEAM_ICON_IMC )
+ Announcement_SetRightIcon( announcement, TEAM_ICON_MILITIA )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Announcement_SetLeftIcon( announcement, TEAM_ICON_MILITIA )
+ Announcement_SetRightIcon( announcement, TEAM_ICON_IMC )
+ }
+ if ( IsRoundBased() )
+ {
+ Announcement_SetSubText2( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_ROUND_WIN_CONDITION", GetRoundScoreLimit_FromPlaylist() )
+ Announcement_SetLeftText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_JUST_THE_SCORE", GameRules_GetTeamScore2( friendlyTeam ) )
+ Announcement_SetRightText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_JUST_THE_SCORE", GameRules_GetTeamScore2( enemyTeam ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Announcement_SetLeftText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_JUST_THE_SCORE", GameRules_GetTeamScore( friendlyTeam ) )
+ Announcement_SetRightText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_JUST_THE_SCORE", GameRules_GetTeamScore( enemyTeam ) )
+ }
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, announcement )
+ break
+ case eGameState.Postmatch:
+ ShowScoreboard()
+ //wait for scoreboard to be up
+ delaythread( 1.5 ) ServerCallback_ResetMapSettings()
+ break
+ }
+void function SwitchingSides_Changed()
+ if ( IsMenuLevel() )
+ return
+ thread SwitchingSides_Changed_threaded()
+void function SwitchingSides_Changed_threaded()
+ //entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ //
+ //if ( level.nv.switchingSides )
+ //{
+ // player.cv.halfTimeText.SetText( "Test - Switching Sides" )
+ // player.cv.halfTimeText.Show()
+ // wait 1.5
+ //}
+ //else
+ //{
+ // player.cv.halfTimeText.Hide()
+ //
+ //}
+void function ServerCallback_AnnounceWinner( int teamIndex, int subStringIndex, float winnerDeterminedWait )
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ string subString = ""
+ if ( subStringIndex )
+ subString = GetStringFromID( subStringIndex )
+ if ( !level.nv.winningTeam )
+ {
+ AnnouncementData outcomeAnnouncement = Announcement_Create( "#GAMEMODE_DRAW" )
+ outcomeAnnouncement.drawOverScreenFade = true
+ Announcement_SetSubText( outcomeAnnouncement, subString )
+ //Announcement_SetTitleColor( outcomeAnnouncement, TEAM_COLOR_YOU )
+ Announcement_SetHideOnDeath( outcomeAnnouncement, false )
+ Announcement_SetDuration( outcomeAnnouncement, winnerDeterminedWait )
+ Announcement_SetPriority( outcomeAnnouncement, 500 )
+ Announcement_SetPurge( outcomeAnnouncement, true )
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, outcomeAnnouncement )
+ }
+ else if ( IsFFAGame() )
+ {
+ array<entity> players = GetPlayerArrayOfTeam( level.nv.winningTeam )
+ if ( players.len() )
+ {
+ string winText = ((players[0] == player) ? "#GAMEMODE_MATCH_WON_BY_SELF" : "#GAMEMODE_MATCH_WON_BY_ENEMY_TEAM")
+ AnnouncementData outcomeAnnouncement = Announcement_Create( winText )
+ outcomeAnnouncement.drawOverScreenFade = true
+ Announcement_SetSubText( outcomeAnnouncement, subString )
+ Announcement_SetOptionalTextArgsArray( outcomeAnnouncement, [players[0].GetPlayerName()] )
+ Announcement_SetTitleColor( outcomeAnnouncement, TEAM_COLOR_YOU )
+ Announcement_SetHideOnDeath( outcomeAnnouncement, false )
+ Announcement_SetDuration( outcomeAnnouncement, winnerDeterminedWait )
+ Announcement_SetPriority( outcomeAnnouncement, 500 )
+ Announcement_SetPurge( outcomeAnnouncement, true )
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, outcomeAnnouncement )
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( player.GetTeam() == level.nv.winningTeam )
+ {
+ AnnouncementData outcomeAnnouncement = Announcement_Create( "#GAMEMODE_VICTORY" )
+ outcomeAnnouncement.announcementStyle = ANNOUNCEMENT_STYLE_RESULTS
+ outcomeAnnouncement.drawOverScreenFade = true
+ outcomeAnnouncement.soundAlias = "HUD_MP_Match_End_WinLoss_UI_Sweep_1P"
+ Announcement_SetSubText( outcomeAnnouncement, subString )
+ Announcement_SetTitleColor( outcomeAnnouncement, TEAM_COLOR_PARTY )
+ Announcement_SetHideOnDeath( outcomeAnnouncement, false )
+ Announcement_SetDuration( outcomeAnnouncement, winnerDeterminedWait )
+ Announcement_SetPriority( outcomeAnnouncement, 500 )
+ Announcement_SetPurge( outcomeAnnouncement, true )
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, outcomeAnnouncement )
+ }
+ else if ( level.nv.winningTeam != TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
+ {
+ AnnouncementData outcomeAnnouncement = Announcement_Create( "#GAMEMODE_DEFEATED" )
+ outcomeAnnouncement.announcementStyle = ANNOUNCEMENT_STYLE_RESULTS
+ outcomeAnnouncement.drawOverScreenFade = true
+ outcomeAnnouncement.soundAlias = "HUD_MP_Match_End_WinLoss_UI_Sweep_1P"
+ Announcement_SetSubText( outcomeAnnouncement, subString )
+ Announcement_SetTitleColor( outcomeAnnouncement, TEAM_COLOR_ENEMY )
+ Announcement_SetHideOnDeath( outcomeAnnouncement, false )
+ Announcement_SetDuration( outcomeAnnouncement, winnerDeterminedWait )
+ Announcement_SetPriority( outcomeAnnouncement, 500 )
+ Announcement_SetPurge( outcomeAnnouncement, true )
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, outcomeAnnouncement )
+ }
+void function ServerCallback_AnnounceRoundWinner( int teamIndex, int subStringIndex, float winnerDeterminedWait, int imcTeamScore2, int militiaTeamScore2 )
+ string subString = ""
+ if ( subStringIndex )
+ subString = GetStringFromID( subStringIndex )
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ // ANNOUNCEMENT_FLICKER_BUFFER Ensures that the INTERPOLATOR_FLICKER animation is played before the message is hidden in
+ // AnnouncementMessage_DisplayOnHud(). I'm not certain why this is needed. There may be a delay before
+ // ServerCallback_AnnounceRoundWinner is actually received and/or the hud fades may be framerate
+ // dependent (they don't seem to play nice with timescale), or it could be something much more simple that I'm missing.
+ float announcementDuration = winnerDeterminedWait - ANNOUNCEMENT_FLICKER_BUFFER
+ float subtext2IconDelay = winnerDeterminedWait - 4.5
+ float conversationDelay = subtext2IconDelay + 1.5 // Bit of time to give it to breathe, and to let RoundWinningKillReplay be fully over before starting the conversation.
+ if ( !level.nv.winningTeam )
+ {
+ AnnouncementData announcement = Announcement_Create( "#GAMEMODE_ROUND_DRAW" )
+ announcement.drawOverScreenFade = true
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, subString )
+ //Announcement_SetTitleColor( announcement, TEAM_COLOR_YOU )
+ Announcement_SetHideOnDeath( announcement, false )
+ Announcement_SetPurge( announcement, true )
+ Announcement_SetDuration( announcement, announcementDuration)
+ ShowRoundScoresInAnnouncement( announcement, subtext2IconDelay, imcTeamScore2, militiaTeamScore2 )
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, announcement )
+ }
+ else if ( player.GetTeam() == level.nv.winningTeam )
+ {
+ AnnouncementData announcement = Announcement_Create( "#GAMEMODE_ROUND_WIN" )
+ announcement.drawOverScreenFade = true
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, subString )
+ Announcement_SetTitleColor(announcement, TEAM_COLOR_FRIENDLY )
+ Announcement_SetHideOnDeath( announcement, false )
+ Announcement_SetPurge( announcement, true )
+ Announcement_SetDuration( announcement, announcementDuration)
+ ShowRoundScoresInAnnouncement( announcement, subtext2IconDelay, imcTeamScore2, militiaTeamScore2 )
+ thread PlayRoundWonConversationWithAnnouncementDelay( conversationDelay )
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, announcement )
+ }
+ else if ( level.nv.winningTeam != TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
+ {
+ AnnouncementData announcement = Announcement_Create( "#GAMEMODE_ROUND_LOSS" )
+ announcement.drawOverScreenFade = true
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, subString )
+ Announcement_SetTitleColor( announcement, TEAM_COLOR_ENEMY )
+ Announcement_SetHideOnDeath( announcement, false )
+ Announcement_SetPurge( announcement, true )
+ Announcement_SetDuration( announcement, announcementDuration)
+ ShowRoundScoresInAnnouncement( announcement, subtext2IconDelay, imcTeamScore2, militiaTeamScore2 )
+ thread PlayRoundWonConversationWithAnnouncementDelay( conversationDelay )
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, announcement )
+ }
+//Note that RoundWinningKillReplay doesn't send imcTeamScore2 and militiaTeamScore2 overrides.
+void function ShowRoundScoresInAnnouncement( AnnouncementData announcement, float subtext2IconDelay, int ornull imcTeamScore2 = null, int ornull militiaTeamScore2 = null )
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ local friendlyTeam = player.GetTeam()
+ local enemyTeam = friendlyTeam == TEAM_IMC ? TEAM_MILITIA : TEAM_IMC
+ asset leftIcon
+ asset rightIcon
+ if ( friendlyTeam == TEAM_IMC )
+ {
+ leftIcon = TEAM_ICON_IMC
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rightIcon = TEAM_ICON_IMC
+ }
+ if ( level.nv.roundScoreLimitComplete == true ) //Generally this is never true except for modes with RoundWinningKillReplay enabled
+ {
+ if ( friendlyTeam == level.nv.winningTeam )
+ {
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_MATCH_WON_BY_FRIENDLY_TEAM" )
+ string friendlyTeamString = friendlyTeam == TEAM_IMC ? "#TEAM_IMC" : "#TEAM_MCOR"
+ Announcement_SetOptionalSubTextArgsArray( announcement, [ friendlyTeamString ] )
+ }
+ else if ( enemyTeam == level.nv.winningTeam )
+ {
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_MATCH_WON_BY_ENEMY_TEAM" )
+ string enemyTeamString = enemyTeam == TEAM_IMC ? "#TEAM_IMC" : "#TEAM_MCOR"
+ Announcement_SetOptionalSubTextArgsArray( announcement, [ enemyTeamString ] )
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Announcement_SetSubText2( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_ROUND_WIN_CONDITION", GetRoundScoreLimit_FromPlaylist() )
+ Announcement_SetSubText2AndIconDelay( announcement, subtext2IconDelay )
+ }
+ //Hack: GetTeamScore2 doesn't work mid-kill replay because we get the rewound values as opposed to the current values.
+ //Fix for R2 when we get the ability to flag certain values as "use current value instead of rewound value"
+ if ( imcTeamScore2 == null && militiaTeamScore2 == null )
+ {
+ Announcement_SetLeftText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_JUST_THE_SCORE", GameRules_GetTeamScore2( friendlyTeam ) )
+ Announcement_SetRightText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_JUST_THE_SCORE", GameRules_GetTeamScore2( enemyTeam ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert( imcTeamScore2 != null && militiaTeamScore2 != null ) //Don't have only one team with teamScore2 override
+ if ( friendlyTeam == TEAM_IMC )
+ {
+ Announcement_SetLeftText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_JUST_THE_SCORE", imcTeamScore2 )
+ Announcement_SetRightText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_JUST_THE_SCORE", militiaTeamScore2 )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Announcement_SetLeftText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_JUST_THE_SCORE", militiaTeamScore2 )
+ Announcement_SetRightText( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_JUST_THE_SCORE", imcTeamScore2 )
+ }
+ }
+ Announcement_SetLeftIcon( announcement, leftIcon )
+ Announcement_SetRightIcon( announcement, rightIcon )
+void function PlayRoundWonConversationWithAnnouncementDelay( conversationDelay )
+ WaitEndFrame() //Necessary so we don't get the AnnouncementPurge signal from the same announcement we are originating from
+ clGlobal.levelEnt.EndSignal( "AnnoucementPurge" )
+ if ( conversationDelay != 0 )
+ wait conversationDelay
+ if ( level.nv.winningTeam == null )
+ return
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ if ( player.GetTeam() == level.nv.winningTeam )
+ PlayConversationToLocalClient( "RoundWonAnnouncement" )
+ else if ( level.nv.winningTeam != TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
+ PlayConversationToLocalClient( "RoundLostAnnouncement" )
+void function UpdateScoreboardBadRepPresentMessage()
+ if ( IsLobby() )
+ return
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ if ( level.nv.badRepPresent )
+ player.cv.scoreboardBadRepPresentMessage.Show()
+ else
+ player.cv.scoreboardBadRepPresentMessage.Hide()
+void function UpdateChatHudLocationForTop3()
+ var hudElement = HudElement( "IngameTextChat" )
+ var height = hudElement.GetHeight()
+ var screenSize = Hud.GetScreenSize()
+ var position = hudElement.GetPos()
+ HudElement( "IngameTextChat" ).SetPos( position[0], -1 * ( screenSize[1] - ( height + screenSize[1] * 0.10 ) ) )
+void function DisplayPostMatchTop3()
+ array<entity> players = GetPlayerArray()
+ for ( int i = players.len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+ {
+ if ( IsPrivateMatchSpectator( players[ i ] ) )
+ players.remove( i )
+ }
+ if ( players.len() >= 1 )
+ {
+ int localTeam = GetLocalClientPlayer().GetTeam()
+ #if PC_PROG
+ var rui = RuiCreate( $"ui/scoreboard_postmatch_top3_pc.rpak", clGlobal.topoFullScreen, RUI_DRAW_HUD, 1001 )
+ UpdateChatHudLocationForTop3()
+ #else
+ var rui = RuiCreate( $"ui/scoreboard_postmatch_top3.rpak", clGlobal.topoFullScreen, RUI_DRAW_HUD, 1001 )
+ #endif
+ string gamemode = GameRules_GetGameMode()
+ int functionref( entity, entity ) compareFunc = GameMode_GetScoreCompareFunc( gamemode )
+ if ( compareFunc == null )
+ {
+ printt( "gamemode doesn't have a compare func to display the top 3")
+ return
+ }
+ players.sort( compareFunc )
+ int playerCount = players.len()
+ int currentPlace = 1
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( i >= playerCount )
+ continue
+ string playerRank
+ if ( i > 0 && compareFunc( players[i - 1], players[i] ) != 0 )
+ currentPlace += 1
+ switch( currentPlace )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ playerRank = "#GENERATION_NUMERIC_1"
+ break
+ case 2:
+ playerRank = "#GENERATION_NUMERIC_2"
+ break
+ case 3:
+ playerRank = "#GENERATION_NUMERIC_3"
+ break
+ }
+ float cardScale = currentPlace == 1 ? 1.0 : 0.9
+ RuiSetString( rui, "playerName" + i, players[i].GetPlayerName() )
+ RuiSetString( rui, "playerRank" + i, Localize( playerRank ) )
+ RuiSetFloat( rui, "cardScale" + i, cardScale )
+ RuiSetImage( rui, "cardImage" + i, CallingCard_GetImage( PlayerCallingCard_GetActive( players[i] ) ) )
+ RuiSetImage( rui, "iconImage" + i, CallsignIcon_GetImage( PlayerCallsignIcon_GetActive( players[i] ) ) )
+ RuiSetInt( rui, "layoutType" + i, CallingCard_GetLayout( PlayerCallingCard_GetActive( players[i] ) ) )
+ RuiSetImage( rui, "cardGenImage" + i, PlayerXPGetGenIcon( players[i] ) )
+ RuiSetString( rui, "playerLevel" + i, PlayerXPDisplayGenAndLevel( players[i].GetGen(), players[i].GetLevel() ) )
+ RuiSetBool( rui, "isFriendly" + i, localTeam == players[i].GetTeam() )
+ }
+ }
+float function GetGameStartTime()
+ return expect float( level.nv.gameStartTime.tofloat() )
+void function ClGameState_SetPilotTitanStatusCallback( int functionref(entity,int) func )
+ file.pilotTitanStatusCallback = func
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball.gnut
index 52b563d4b..815a2bb2f 100644
--- a/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball.gnut
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ void function GamemodeFastball_Init()
// used for respawn
PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_pod_screen_lasers_OUT" )
+ SetShouldUseRoundWinningKillReplay( true )
SetRoundBased( true )
SetRespawnsEnabled( false )
Riff_ForceSetEliminationMode( eEliminationMode.Pilots )
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball_intro.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball_intro.gnut
index 6a1d0bbdd..754825582 100644
--- a/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball_intro.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_fastball_intro.gnut
@@ -131,9 +131,6 @@ void function FastballPlayer( entity player )
ClearPlayerAnimViewEntity( player )
- RemoveButtonPressedPlayerInputCallback( player, IN_JUMP, PlayerHoldingJumpInIntro )
- RemoveButtonReleasedPlayerInputCallback( player, IN_JUMP, PlayerNoLongerHoldingJumpInIntro )
FirstPersonSequenceStruct throwSequence
@@ -179,14 +176,10 @@ void function FastballPlayer( entity player )
vector throwVel = AnglesToForward( player.EyeAngles() ) * 950
throwVel.z = 675.0
- // allow players to gain extra height by holding jump after this point too
- AddButtonPressedPlayerInputCallback( player, IN_JUMP, PlayerHoldingJumpInIntro )
- AddButtonReleasedPlayerInputCallback( player, IN_JUMP, PlayerNoLongerHoldingJumpInIntro )
// wait for it to finish
buddy.WaitSignal( "fastball_release" )
- if ( player in file.playersHoldingJump && file.playersHoldingJump[ player ] )
+ if ( player.IsInputCommandHeld( IN_JUMP ) )
throwVel.z = 850.0
// have to correct this manually here since due to no 3p animation our position isn't set right during this sequence
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_gg.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_gg.gnut
index 99a5ccf77..bd9b695a1 100644
--- a/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_gg.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_gg.gnut
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ void function OnPlayerRespawned_Threaded( entity player )
void function OnPlayerKilled( entity victim, entity attacker, var damageInfo )
- if ( !victim.IsPlayer() || !attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ if ( !victim.IsPlayer() || !attacker.IsPlayer() || GetGameState() != eGameState.Playing )
if ( attacker == victim ) // suicide
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_inf.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_inf.gnut
index cc9df1169..2f045a476 100644
--- a/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_inf.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_inf.gnut
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void function RespawnInfected( entity player )
player.kv.airAcceleration = 2500
// scale health with num of infected, with 50 as base health
- player.SetMaxHealth( 50 + ( GetPlayerArrayOfTeam( INFECTION_TEAM_SURVIVOR ).len() * 25 ) )
+ player.SetMaxHealth( GetPlayerArrayOfTeam( INFECTION_TEAM_SURVIVOR ).len() * 10 )
// set loadout
foreach ( entity weapon in player.GetMainWeapons() )
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_featured_mode_settings.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_featured_mode_settings.gnut
index 272043804..090814cb2 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_featured_mode_settings.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_featured_mode_settings.gnut
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ void function FeaturedModeSettingsSetupPilotLoadouts( entity player )
if ( IsFeaturedMode( "rocket_arena" ) )
+ // this crashes sometimes for some reason
shouldChangeLoadout = true
modifiedLoadout.primary = "mp_weapon_epg"
@@ -72,6 +74,8 @@ void function FeaturedModeSettingsSetupPilotLoadouts( entity player )
modifiedLoadout.secondary = "mp_weapon_autopistol"
modifiedLoadout.secondaryMods = [ "rocket_arena" ]
+ player.GiveExtraWeaponMod( "rocket_arena" )
if ( IsFeaturedMode( "shotguns_snipers" ) )
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_ctf.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_ctf.nut
index f34907307..728d742df 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_ctf.nut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_ctf.nut
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ void function OnPlayerEntersFlagReturnTrigger( entity trigger, entity player )
flag = file.militiaFlag
- if ( !player.IsPlayer() || !player.IsTitan() || player.GetTeam() != flag.GetTeam() || IsFlagHome( flag ) || flag.GetParent() != null )
+ if ( !player.IsPlayer() || player.IsTitan() || player.GetTeam() != flag.GetTeam() || IsFlagHome( flag ) || flag.GetParent() != null )
thread TryReturnFlag( player, flag )
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ void function OnPlayerExitsFlagReturnTrigger( entity trigger, entity player )
flag = file.militiaFlag
- if ( !player.IsPlayer() || !player.IsTitan() || player.GetTeam() != flag.GetTeam() || IsFlagHome( flag ) || flag.GetParent() != null )
+ if ( !player.IsPlayer() || player.IsTitan() || player.GetTeam() != flag.GetTeam() || IsFlagHome( flag ) || flag.GetParent() != null )
player.Signal( "FlagReturnEnded" )
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_ffa.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_ffa.nut
index 3292693a8..932f14b7d 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_ffa.nut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_ffa.nut
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ void function FFA_Init()
void function OnPlayerKilled( entity victim, entity attacker, var damageInfo )
- if ( victim != attacker && victim.IsPlayer() && attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ if ( victim != attacker && victim.IsPlayer() && attacker.IsPlayer() && GetGameState() == eGameState.Playing )
+ {
AddTeamScore( attacker.GetTeam(), 1 )
+ attacker.AddToPlayerGameStat( PGS_SCORE, 1 )
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_changemap.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_changemap.nut
index 7aa6940c6..06270c39c 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_changemap.nut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_changemap.nut
@@ -14,7 +14,11 @@ void function CodeCallback_MatchIsOver()
if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "return_to_private_lobby", 0 ) == 1 ) // set in _private_lobby.gnut, temp lol
SetCurrentPlaylist( "private_match" ) // needed for private lobby to load
- GameRules_ChangeMap( "mp_lobby", "tdm" ) // need to change back to tdm
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() )
+ GameRules_ChangeMap( "mp_lobby", "tdm" ) // need to change back to tdm
+ else
+ GameRules_ChangeMap( "mp_lobby", GAMETYPE )
// this is esp important for sp, since solo will break a bunch of shit in the private lobby
// idk if even necessary to deal with solo but eh whatever better to have it work than not
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_classic_mp_dropship_intro.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_classic_mp_dropship_intro.gnut
index f6cedd4e2..7d5fb9f0d 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_classic_mp_dropship_intro.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_classic_mp_dropship_intro.gnut
@@ -72,7 +72,9 @@ void function DropshipIntro_OnClientConnected( entity player )
+ // if we're at this point, we have more players than we do dropships, oh dear
+ RespawnAsPilot( player )
void function DropshipIntro_OnClientDisconnected( entity player )
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_score.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_score.nut
index c54bbf8d1..238eab1d1 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_score.nut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/_score.nut
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ void function AddPlayerScore( entity targetPlayer, string scoreEventName, entity
ScoreEvent event = GetScoreEvent( scoreEventName )
- if ( !event.enabled || !targetPlayer.IsPlayer() )
+ if ( !event.enabled || !IsValid( targetPlayer ) || !targetPlayer.IsPlayer() )
var associatedHandle = 0
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/levels/mp_coliseum.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/levels/mp_coliseum.nut
index 37b891699..398b2fc55 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/levels/mp_coliseum.nut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/levels/mp_coliseum.nut
@@ -1 +1,6 @@
-//fuck \ No newline at end of file
+global function CodeCallback_MapInit
+void function CodeCallback_MapInit()
+ SetupLiveFireMaps()
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/levels/mp_coliseum_column.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/levels/mp_coliseum_column.nut
index 37b891699..398b2fc55 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/levels/mp_coliseum_column.nut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/mp/levels/mp_coliseum_column.nut
@@ -1 +1,6 @@
-//fuck \ No newline at end of file
+global function CodeCallback_MapInit
+void function CodeCallback_MapInit()
+ SetupLiveFireMaps()
+} \ No newline at end of file