path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/titan/_replacement_titans_drop.gnut
diff options
authorBobTheBob <32057864+BobTheBob9@users.noreply.github.com>2021-06-22 14:30:49 +0100
committerBobTheBob <32057864+BobTheBob9@users.noreply.github.com>2021-06-22 14:30:49 +0100
commit207facbc402f5639cbcd31f079214351ef605cf2 (patch)
tree4710b2a88dd64f3dfea1609d31a5de9141640951 /Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/titan/_replacement_titans_drop.gnut
parentc2d438568df6d98cf731807e30eaa7da31e5ea52 (diff)
initial commit after moving to new repo
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/titan/_replacement_titans_drop.gnut')
1 files changed, 443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/titan/_replacement_titans_drop.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/titan/_replacement_titans_drop.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5970f7eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/titan/_replacement_titans_drop.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+global function ReplacementTitansDrop_Init
+global function GetTitanReplacementPoint
+global function HullTraceDropPoint
+global function DebugTitanSpawn
+global function TitanFindDropNodes
+global function TitanHulldropSpawnpoint
+global const TITANDROP_LOS_DIST = 2000 // 2D distance at which we do the line of sight check to see where the player wants to call in the titan
+global const TITANDROP_MIN_FOV = 10
+global const TITANDROP_MAX_FOV = 80
+global const TITANDROP_FOV_PENALTY = 8
+global const TITANDROP_PATHNODESEARCH_EXACTDIST = 500 // within this distance, we use the position the player is looking for the pathnode search
+global const TITANDROP_PATHNODESEARCH_DISTFRAC = 0.8 // beyond that distance, we use this fraction of how far the player is looking.
+global const TITANDROP_GROUNDSEARCH_ZDIR = -1.0 // if the player's not looking at anything, we search downward for ground at this slope
+global const TITANDROP_GROUNDSEARCH_FORWARDDIST = 350 // if the player's not looking at anything, we search for ground starting this many units in front of the player
+global const TITANDROP_GROUNDSEARCH_DIST = 1000 // if the player's not looking at anything, we search for ground this many units forward (max)
+global const TITANDROP_FALLBACK_DIST = 150 // if the ground search hits, we go this many units forward from it
+ int replacementSpawnpointsID
+} file
+void function ReplacementTitansDrop_Init()
+ AddSpawnCallback( "info_spawnpoint_titan", AddDroppoint )
+ AddSpawnCallback( "info_spawnpoint_titan_start", AddDroppoint )
+ AddSpawnCallback( "info_replacement_titan_spawn", AddDroppoint )
+ AddCallback_EntitiesDidLoad( EntitiesDidLoad )
+ file.replacementSpawnpointsID = CreateScriptManagedEntArray()
+void function EntitiesDidLoad()
+void function AddDroppoint( entity ent )
+ AddToScriptManagedEntArray( file.replacementSpawnpointsID, ent )
+void function DebugTitanSpawn()
+ thread DebugTitanSpawnThread()
+void function DebugTitanSpawnThread()
+ entity player = GetPlayerArray()[0]
+ float interval = 0.1
+ FlightPath flightPath = GetAnalysisForModel( GetFlightPathModel( "fp_titan_model" ), HOTDROP_TURBO_ANIM )
+ int dataIndex = GetAnalysisDataIndex( flightPath )
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ {
+ wait interval
+ continue
+ }
+ vector playerOrg = player.GetOrigin()
+ vector playerEyeForward = player.GetViewVector()
+ vector playerEyePos = player.EyePosition()
+ vector playerEyeAngles = player.EyeAngles()
+ float yaw = playerEyeAngles.y
+ vector ornull desiredPos = GetReplacementTrace( playerEyePos, playerEyeForward )
+ vector pathNodeSearchPos
+ if ( desiredPos == null )
+ {
+ pathNodeSearchPos = GetPathNodeSearchPos( playerOrg, playerEyePos, playerEyeForward, true )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ expect vector( desiredPos )
+ DebugDrawCircle( desiredPos, Vector(0,0,0), 10, 128, 255, 128, true, interval )
+ DebugDrawText( desiredPos + Vector(0,0,60), "Looking here", false, interval )
+ pathNodeSearchPos = GetPathNodeSearchPosWithLookPos( playerOrg, playerEyePos, playerEyeForward, desiredPos, true )
+ }
+ DebugDrawCircle( pathNodeSearchPos, Vector(0,0,0), 10, 128, 128, 255, true, interval )
+ DebugDrawText( pathNodeSearchPos + Vector(0,0,40), "Searching from here", false, interval )
+ DebugDrawLine( playerOrg, playerOrg + AnglesToForward( Vector( 0, yaw - TITANDROP_MIN_FOV, 0 ) ) * 500, 200, 200, 200, true, interval )
+ DebugDrawLine( playerOrg, playerOrg + AnglesToForward( Vector( 0, yaw + TITANDROP_MIN_FOV, 0 ) ) * 500, 200, 200, 200, true, interval )
+ DebugDrawLine( playerOrg, playerOrg + AnglesToForward( Vector( 0, yaw - TITANDROP_MAX_FOV, 0 ) ) * 500, 128, 128, 128, true, interval )
+ DebugDrawLine( playerOrg, playerOrg + AnglesToForward( Vector( 0, yaw + TITANDROP_MAX_FOV, 0 ) ) * 500, 128, 128, 128, true, interval )
+ int node = GetBestNodeForPosInWedge( pathNodeSearchPos, playerEyePos, yaw, TITANDROP_MIN_FOV, TITANDROP_MAX_FOV, TITANDROP_FOV_PENALTY, dataIndex, /*ANALYSIS_STEPS*/ 8 )
+ if ( node >= 0 )
+ {
+ Assert( NodeHasFlightPath( dataIndex, node ) )
+ vector pos = GetNodePos( node )
+ DebugDrawCircle( pos, Vector(0,0,0), 25, 255, 255, 128, true, interval )
+ DebugDrawText( pos + Vector(0,0,20), "Best node", false, interval )
+ }
+ Point actualResult = GetTitanReplacementPoint( player, true )
+ vector actualPos = actualResult.origin
+ DebugDrawCircle( actualPos, Vector(0,0,0), 32, 255, 255, 255, true, interval )
+ DebugDrawLine( actualPos, actualPos + AnglesToForward( actualResult.angles ) * 40, 255, 255, 255, true, interval )
+ DebugDrawText( actualPos, "Final location", false, interval )
+ wait interval
+ }
+Point function GetTitanReplacementPoint( entity player, bool forDebugging = false )
+ vector playerEyePos = player.EyePosition()
+ vector playerEyeAngles = player.EyeAngles()
+ vector playerOrg = player.GetOrigin()
+ return CalculateTitanReplacementPoint( playerOrg, playerEyePos, playerEyeAngles, forDebugging )
+Point function CalculateTitanReplacementPoint( vector playerOrg, vector playerEyePos, vector playerEyeAngles, bool forDebugging = false )
+ //local playerEyePos = Vector(-281.036224, 34.857925, 860.031250)
+ //local playerEyeAngles = Vector(60.055622, 80.775780, 0.000000)
+ //local playerOrg = Vector(-281.036224, 34.857925, 800.031250)
+ if ( !forDebugging )
+ printt( "Requested replacement Titan from eye pos " + playerEyePos + " view angles " + playerEyeAngles + " player origin " + playerOrg + " map " + GetMapName() )
+ vector playerEyeForward = AnglesToForward( playerEyeAngles )
+ // use the flightPath to find a position
+ FlightPath flightPath = GetAnalysisForModel( GetFlightPathModel( "fp_titan_model" ), HOTDROP_TURBO_ANIM )
+ int dataIndex = GetAnalysisDataIndex( flightPath )
+ var dropPoint
+ vector ornull traceOrigin = GetReplacementTrace( playerEyePos, playerEyeForward )
+ bool traceOriginIsNull = traceOrigin == null
+ if ( !traceOriginIsNull )
+ {
+ expect vector( traceOrigin )
+ dropPoint = TitanHulldropSpawnpoint( flightPath, traceOrigin, 0 )
+ if ( dropPoint != null && !NearTitanfallBlocker( dropPoint ) )
+ {
+ expect vector( dropPoint )
+ if ( EdgeTraceDropPoint( dropPoint ) )
+ {
+ if ( SafeForTitanFall( dropPoint ) && TitanTestDropPoint( dropPoint, flightPath ) )
+ {
+ vector yawVec = playerEyePos - dropPoint
+ vector yawAngles = VectorToAngles( yawVec )
+ yawAngles.x = 0
+ yawAngles.z = 0
+ // add some randomness
+ yawAngles.y += RandomFloatRange( -60, 60 )
+ if ( yawAngles.y < 0 )
+ yawAngles.y += 360
+ else if ( yawAngles.y > 360 )
+ yawAngles.y -= 360
+ Point point
+ point.origin = dropPoint
+ point.angles = yawAngles
+ return point
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vector pathNodeSearchPos
+ if ( !traceOriginIsNull )
+ {
+ expect vector( traceOrigin )
+ pathNodeSearchPos = GetPathNodeSearchPosWithLookPos( playerOrg, playerEyePos, playerEyeForward, traceOrigin, false )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pathNodeSearchPos = GetPathNodeSearchPos( playerOrg, playerEyePos, playerEyeForward, false )
+ }
+ int node = GetBestNodeForPosInWedge( pathNodeSearchPos, playerEyePos, playerEyeAngles.y, TITANDROP_MIN_FOV, TITANDROP_MAX_FOV, TITANDROP_FOV_PENALTY, dataIndex, /*ANALYSIS_STEPS*/ 8 )
+ if ( node < 0 )
+ {
+ // This won't ever happen on a map with any reasonably placed path nodes.
+ entity spawner = FindSpawnpoint_ForReplacementTitan( playerOrg )
+ Assert( spawner )
+ Point point
+ point.origin = spawner.GetOrigin()
+ return point
+ }
+ Assert( NodeHasFlightPath( dataIndex, node ) )
+ vector nodeOrigin = GetNodePos( node )
+ vector dir = nodeOrigin - playerEyePos
+ vector angles = VectorToAngles( dir )
+ float yaw = angles.y + 180
+ if ( yaw < 0 )
+ yaw += 360
+ else if ( yaw > 360 )
+ yaw -= 360
+ var yawResult = GetSpawnPoint_ClosestYaw( node, dataIndex, yaw, 360.0 )
+ Assert( yawResult != null )
+ yaw = expect float( yawResult )
+ Assert( yaw >= 0 )
+ Assert( yaw <= 360 )
+ Point point
+ point.origin = nodeOrigin
+ point.angles = Vector( 0, yaw, 0 )
+ return point
+vector function GetPathNodeSearchPosWithLookPos( vector playerOrg, vector playerEyePos, vector playerEyeForward, vector playerLookPos, bool debug )
+ float dist2DSqr = Distance2DSqr( playerOrg, playerLookPos )
+ {
+ return playerOrg + (playerLookPos - playerOrg) * TITANDROP_PATHNODESEARCH_DISTFRAC
+ }
+ {
+ vector dir = Normalize( playerLookPos - playerOrg )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return playerLookPos
+ }
+ unreachable
+vector function GetPathNodeSearchPos( vector playerOrg, vector playerEyePos, vector playerEyeForward, bool debug )
+ vector diagonallyDown = Normalize( <playerEyeForward.x, playerEyeForward.y, 0> )
+ vector startPos = playerEyePos + playerEyeForward * TITANDROP_GROUNDSEARCH_FORWARDDIST
+ vector endPos = startPos + diagonallyDown * TITANDROP_GROUNDSEARCH_DIST
+ TraceResults result = TraceLine( startPos, endPos, null, TRACE_MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ if ( debug )
+ {
+ DebugDrawLine( playerEyePos, startPos, 128,128,200, true, 0.1 )
+ DebugDrawLine( startPos, result.endPos, 128,128,200, true, 0.1 )
+ if ( result.fraction < 1 )
+ DebugDrawLine( result.endPos, result.endPos + playerEyeForward * TITANDROP_FALLBACK_DIST, 128,128,200, true, 0.1 )
+ }
+ if ( result.fraction < 1 )
+ return result.endPos + playerEyeForward * TITANDROP_FALLBACK_DIST
+ return playerEyePos + playerEyeForward * TITANDROP_FALLBACK_DIST
+// Returns a position vector or null
+vector ornull function GetReplacementTrace( vector startPos, vector viewVector )
+ float viewDirLen2D = Length2D( viewVector )
+ if ( viewDirLen2D < 0.1 )
+ viewDirLen2D = 0.1
+ vector endPos = startPos + ( viewVector * ( TITANDROP_LOS_DIST / viewDirLen2D ) )
+ TraceResults result = TraceLine( startPos, endPos, null, mask, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ //DebugDrawLine( result.endPos, endPos, 255, 0, 0, true, 20.0 )
+ //DebugDrawLine( startPos, result.endPos, 0, 255, 0, true, 20.0 )
+ if ( result.fraction == 1 )
+ return null
+ entity hitEnt = result.hitEnt
+ if ( IsValid( hitEnt ) && ( hitEnt.IsTitan() || hitEnt.IsPlayer() || hitEnt.IsNPC() ) )
+ {
+ endPos = OriginToGround( hitEnt.GetOrigin() )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ endPos = result.endPos
+ if ( result.surfaceNormal.Dot( <0.0, 0.0, 1.0> ) < 0.7 )
+ {
+ //DebugDrawLine( endPos, Vector(0,0,0), 0, 200, 0, true, 5.0 )
+ // pull it back towards player
+ float titanRadius = GetBoundsMax( HULL_TITAN ).x * 1.2
+ endPos -= viewVector * titanRadius
+ endPos += result.surfaceNormal * titanRadius
+ endPos = OriginToGround( endPos )
+ }
+ }
+ vector ornull clampedEndPos = NavMesh_ClampPointForHullWithExtents( endPos, HULL_TITAN, <160.0, 160.0, 80.0> )
+ if ( !clampedEndPos )
+ return null
+ expect vector( clampedEndPos )
+ vector dir = clampedEndPos - startPos
+ if ( DotProduct2D( dir, viewVector ) < 0 )
+ return null
+ return clampedEndPos
+var function HullTraceDropPoint( FlightPath flightPath, vector baseOrigin, float heightCapMax = 190 )
+ float heightCapMin = -512
+ vector startOrigin = baseOrigin + Vector( 0,0,1000 )
+ vector endOrigin = baseOrigin + Vector( 0,0, heightCapMin )
+ int mask = flightPath.traceMask
+ TraceResults result = TraceHull( startOrigin, endOrigin, flightPath.mins, flightPath.maxs, null, mask, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ //DebugDrawLine( startOrigin, result.endPos, 0, 255, 0, true, 5.0 )
+ //DebugDrawLine( result.endPos, endOrigin, 255, 0, 0, true, 5.0 )
+// DebugDrawLine( startOrigin, baseOrigin, 0, 255, 0, true, 5.0 )
+// DebugDrawLine( baseOrigin, endOrigin, 255, 0, 0, true, 5.0 )
+// local offset = Vector(0.15, 0.15, 0.0 )
+// DebugDrawLine( startOrigin + offset, result.endPos + offset, 0, 255, 0, true, 5.0 )
+// DebugDrawLine( result.endPos + offset, endOrigin + offset, 255, 0, 0, true, 5.0 )
+// DrawArrow( baseOrigin, Vector(0,0,0), 5.0, 50 )
+// DebugDrawLine( result.endPos, baseOrigin, 255, 255, 255, true, 4.5 )
+ printt( " " )
+ printt( "Hull drop " )
+ printt( "start " + startOrigin )
+ printt( "end " + endOrigin )
+ printt( "hit " + result.endPos )
+ printt( "mins " + flightPath.mins + " maxs " + flightPath.maxs )
+ printt( "mask " + mask )
+ if ( result.allSolid || result.startSolid || result.hitSky )
+ return null
+ if ( result.fraction == 0 || result.fraction == 1 )
+ return null
+ if ( fabs( result.endPos.z - baseOrigin.z ) > heightCapMax )
+ return null
+ return result.endPos
+entity function FindSpawnpoint_ForReplacementTitan( vector origin )
+ Assert( GetScriptManagedEntArrayLen( file.replacementSpawnpointsID ) > 0 )
+ array<entity> spawnpoints = GetScriptManagedEntArray( file.replacementSpawnpointsID )
+ entity selectedSpawnpoint = spawnpoints[0]
+ float closestDist = -1
+ foreach ( spawnpoint in spawnpoints )
+ {
+ if ( spawnpoint.e.spawnPointInUse )
+ continue
+ if ( spawnpoint.IsOccupied() )
+ continue
+ float dist = DistanceSqr( spawnpoint.GetOrigin(), origin )
+ if ( closestDist == -1 || dist < closestDist )
+ {
+ closestDist = dist
+ selectedSpawnpoint = spawnpoint
+ }
+ }
+ Assert( selectedSpawnpoint )
+ return selectedSpawnpoint
+bool function TitanFindDropNodes( FlightPath flightPath, vector baseOrigin, float yaw )
+// return TitanFindDropNodesReloadable( flightPath, baseOrigin, yaw )
+//function TitanFindDropNodesReloadable( flightPath, baseOrigin, yaw )
+ if ( NearTitanfallBlocker( baseOrigin ) )
+ return false
+ asset model = flightPath.model
+ string animation = flightPath.anim
+ //local flightPath = GetAnalysisForModel( model, animation )
+ vector origin = baseOrigin
+ vector angles = Vector(0,yaw,0)
+ //entity titan = CreatePropDynamic( model, origin, Vector(0,0,0) )
+ //entity titan = CreateNPCTitanFromSettings( "titan_atlas", TEAM_IMC, origin, angles )
+ entity titan = expect entity( level.ainTestTitan )
+ titan.SetModel( model )
+ titan.SetAngles( angles )
+ titan.SetOrigin( origin )
+ float impactTime = GetHotDropImpactTime( titan, animation )
+ Attachment result = titan.Anim_GetAttachmentAtTime( animation, "OFFSET", impactTime )
+ vector maxs = titan.GetBoundingMaxs()
+ vector mins = titan.GetBoundingMins()
+ int mask = titan.GetPhysicsSolidMask()
+ origin = ModifyOriginForDrop( origin, mins, maxs, result.position, mask )
+ titan.SetOrigin( origin )
+ // Don't use nodes on top of the roof in kodai
+ if ( GetMapName() == "mp_forwardbase_kodai" && origin.z > 1200 )
+ return false
+ if ( !TitanTestDropPoint( origin, flightPath ) )
+ return false
+ if ( !TitanCanStand( titan ) )
+ return false
+ if ( TitanHulldropSpawnpoint( flightPath, origin, 0 ) == null )
+ return false
+ if ( !EdgeTraceDropPoint( origin ) )
+ return false
+ return true
+var function TitanHulldropSpawnpoint( FlightPath flightPath, vector origin, float _ )
+ return HullTraceDropPoint( flightPath, origin, 20 )