path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/evac
diff options
authorBobTheBob <32057864+BobTheBob9@users.noreply.github.com>2021-06-22 14:30:49 +0100
committerBobTheBob <32057864+BobTheBob9@users.noreply.github.com>2021-06-22 14:30:49 +0100
commit207facbc402f5639cbcd31f079214351ef605cf2 (patch)
tree4710b2a88dd64f3dfea1609d31a5de9141640951 /Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/evac
parentc2d438568df6d98cf731807e30eaa7da31e5ea52 (diff)
initial commit after moving to new repo
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/evac')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/evac/_evac.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/evac/_evac.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba473cae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/scripts/vscripts/evac/_evac.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+global function Evac_Init
+global function Evac_AddLocation
+global function Evac_SetSpacePosition
+global function Evac_SetEnabled
+global function Evac_IsEnabled
+global function IsEvacDropship
+global function EvacMain
+const float EVAC_ARRIVAL_TIME = 40.0
+const float EVAC_WAIT_TIME = 18.0
+struct {
+ bool enabled = true
+ array<Point> evacPoints
+ Point spacePosition
+ entity evacDropship
+ array<entity> evacPlayers
+} file
+void function Evac_Init()
+ EvacShared_Init()
+ AddCallback_GameStateEnter( eGameState.Epilogue, Evac_OnEpilogue )
+void function Evac_SetEnabled( bool enabled )
+ file.enabled = enabled
+bool function Evac_IsEnabled()
+ return false // shit is busted rn lol
+ //return file.enabled && GetClassicMPMode() && !IsRoundBased()
+void function Evac_AddLocation( vector origin, vector angles )
+ Point evacPoint
+ evacPoint.origin = origin
+ evacPoint.angles = angles
+ file.evacPoints.append( evacPoint )
+void function Evac_SetSpacePosition( vector origin, vector angles )
+ file.spacePosition.origin = origin
+ file.spacePosition.angles = angles
+bool function IsEvacDropship( entity ent )
+ return file.evacDropship == ent && IsValid( file.evacDropship )
+void function Evac_OnEpilogue()
+ if ( Evac_IsEnabled() )
+ thread EvacMain( GetOtherTeam( GameScore_GetWinningTeam() ) )
+void function EvacMain( int winningTeam )
+ if ( file.evacPoints.len() == 0 )
+ {
+ // automatically add evac locations if they aren't registered yet
+ int i = 1
+ entity current = null
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ current = GetEnt( "escape_node" + i )
+ print( current )
+ if ( current != null )
+ Evac_AddLocation( current.GetOrigin(), current.GetAngles() )
+ else
+ break
+ i++
+ }
+ if ( file.evacPoints.len() == 0 )
+ unreachable
+ }
+ if ( file.spacePosition.origin == < 0, 0, 0 > )
+ {
+ // automatically add a space node if not registered yet
+ entity defaultSpaceNode = GetEnt( "spaceNode" )
+ if ( defaultSpaceNode == null )
+ unreachable
+ Evac_SetSpacePosition( defaultSpaceNode.GetOrigin(), defaultSpaceNode.GetAngles() )
+ }
+ Point evacPoint = file.evacPoints[ RandomInt( file.evacPoints.len() ) ]
+ // create an entity for the evac point that clients will get
+ entity evacPointEntity = CreateEntity( MARKER_ENT_CLASSNAME )
+ evacPointEntity.SetOrigin( evacPoint.origin )
+ evacPointEntity.kv.spawnflags = SF_INFOTARGET_ALWAYS_TRANSMIT_TO_CLIENT
+ DispatchSpawn( evacPointEntity )
+ evacPointEntity.DisableHibernation()
+ // set objectives
+ //SetTeamActiveObjective( winningTeam, "EG_DropshipExtract", Time() + EVAC_ARRIVAL_TIME, evacPointEntity )
+ //SetTeamActiveObjective( GetOtherTeam( winningTeam ), "EG_StopExtract", Time() + EVAC_ARRIVAL_TIME, evacPointEntity )
+ // wanted to do this with an actual dropship to calculate embarkStartDelay but spawning it before it should exist ingame is weird
+ // could probably do it with a dummy entity but effort
+ wait EVAC_ARRIVAL_TIME - 4.33333//embarkStartDelay
+ // create dropship
+ entity dropship = CreateDropship( winningTeam, evacPoint.origin, evacPoint.angles )
+ file.evacDropship = dropship
+ DispatchSpawn( dropship )
+ dropship.SetModel( $"models/vehicle/crow_dropship/crow_dropship_hero.mdl" ) // gotta do this after dispatch for some reason
+ vector startPos = dropship.Anim_GetStartForRefEntity( "cd_dropship_rescue_side_start", evacPointEntity, "origin" ).origin
+ dropship.SetOrigin( startPos ) // set origin so the dropship isn't in the map
+ dropship.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ // calculate time until idle
+ float sequenceDuration = dropship.GetSequenceDuration( "cd_dropship_rescue_side_start" )
+ float cycleFrac = dropship.GetScriptedAnimEventCycleFrac( "cd_dropship_rescue_side_start", "ReadyToLoad" )
+ float embarkStartDelay = sequenceDuration * cycleFrac
+ // play anim
+ thread PlayAnim( dropship, "cd_dropship_rescue_side_start", evacPointEntity )
+ wait embarkStartDelay
+ print( "evac flyin done! ready to load players" )
+ // set objectives again
+ SetTeamActiveObjective( winningTeam, "EG_DropshipExtract2", Time() + EVAC_WAIT_TIME, evacPointEntity )
+ SetTeamActiveObjective( GetOtherTeam( winningTeam ), "EG_StopExtract2", Time() + EVAC_WAIT_TIME, evacPointEntity )
+ thread EvacShipThink( dropship ) // let people enter it
+ // fly away
+ thread PlayAnim( dropship, "cd_dropship_rescue_side_end", evacPointEntity )
+ // set objectives again
+ SetTeamActiveObjective( winningTeam, "EG_DropshipExtractDropshipFlyingAway" )
+ SetTeamActiveObjective( GetOtherTeam( winningTeam ), "EG_StopExtractDropshipFlyingAway" )
+ wait dropship.GetSequenceDuration( "cd_dropship_rescue_side_end" ) - WARPINFXTIME
+ foreach ( entity player in file.evacPlayers )
+ {
+ Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_PlayScreenFXWarpJump" )
+ }
+ // todo screen effects and shit
+ //WaittillAnimDone( dropship )
+ // space
+ dropship.SetOrigin( file.spacePosition.origin )
+ dropship.SetAngles( file.spacePosition.angles )
+ thread PlayAnim( dropship, "ds_space_flyby_dropshipA" )
+ // display player [Evacuated] in killfeed
+ foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() )
+ {
+ foreach ( entity evacPlayer in file.evacPlayers )
+ Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_EvacObit", evacPlayer.GetEncodedEHandle() )
+ }
+ foreach ( entity player in file.evacPlayers )
+ {
+ // set skybox to space for all evac players
+ player.SetSkyCamera( GetEnt( "skybox_cam_intro" ) )
+ Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_DisableHudForEvac" )
+ }
+ wait 5.0
+ foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() )
+ ScreenFadeToBlackForever( player, 2.0 )
+ wait 2.0
+ // end game lol
+ SetGameState( eGameState.Postmatch )
+void function EvacShipThink( entity dropship )
+ dropship.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ // this is the easiest way i could figure out to get a bounding box that's parented to the dropship
+ entity mover1 = CreateScriptMover( dropship.GetOrigin(), dropship.GetAngles() )
+ mover1.SetParent( dropship )
+ mover1.SetLocalOrigin( dropship.GetBoundingMaxs() - < 0, 0, 100> )
+ entity mover2 = CreateScriptMover( dropship.GetOrigin(), dropship.GetAngles() )
+ mover2.SetParent( dropship )
+ mover2.SetLocalOrigin( dropship.GetBoundingMins() - < 0, 0, 100 > )
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArrayOfTeam( dropship.GetTeam() ) )
+ {
+ if ( file.evacPlayers.contains( player ) || !IsAlive( player ) )
+ continue
+ vector playerPos = player.GetOrigin()
+ vector mover1Pos = mover1.GetOrigin()
+ vector mover2Pos = mover2.GetOrigin()
+ vector maxPos
+ maxPos.x = mover1Pos.x > mover2Pos.x ? mover1Pos.x : mover2Pos.x
+ maxPos.y = mover1Pos.y > mover2Pos.y ? mover1Pos.y : mover2Pos.y
+ maxPos.z = mover1Pos.z > mover2Pos.z ? mover1Pos.z : mover2Pos.z
+ vector minPos
+ minPos.x = mover1Pos.x < mover2Pos.x ? mover1Pos.x : mover2Pos.x
+ minPos.y = mover1Pos.y < mover2Pos.y ? mover1Pos.y : mover2Pos.y
+ minPos.z = mover1Pos.z < mover2Pos.z ? mover1Pos.z : mover2Pos.z
+ print( "\n" )
+ print( player )
+ print( playerPos )
+ print( minPos )
+ print( maxPos )
+ if ( playerPos.x > minPos.x && playerPos.y > minPos.y && playerPos.z > minPos.z &&
+ playerPos.x < maxPos.x && playerPos.y < maxPos.y && playerPos.z < maxPos.z )
+ {
+ print( player + " is evacuating!" )
+ file.evacPlayers.append( player )
+ player.SetParent( dropship )
+ // super duper temp
+ player.SetLocalOrigin( dropship.GetOrigin() - < 0, 10, 80 > )
+ }
+ }
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+/*void function TestEvac()
+ if ( file.evacShipSpawns.len() == 0 )
+ Evac_AddLocation( GetEnt( "escape_node1" ).GetOrigin(), GetEnt( "escape_node1" ).GetAngles() )
+ Point shipSpawn = file.evacShipSpawns[ RandomInt( file.evacShipSpawns.len() ) ]
+ entity dropship = CreateDropship( GetPlayerArray()[0].GetTeam(), shipSpawn.origin, shipSpawn.angles )
+ file.evacDropship = dropship
+ DispatchSpawn( dropship )
+ dropship.SetModel( $"models/vehicle/crow_dropship/crow_dropship_hero.mdl" )
+ print( dropship.GetSequenceDuration( "cd_dropship_rescue_side_start" ) )
+ print( dropship.GetScriptedAnimEventCycleFrac( "cd_dropship_rescue_side_start", "ReadyToLoad" ) )
+ float embarkStart = dropship.GetSequenceDuration( "cd_dropship_rescue_side_start" ) * dropship.GetScriptedAnimEventCycleFrac( "cd_dropship_rescue_side_start", "ReadyToLoad" )
+ print( embarkStart )
+ thread PlayAnim( dropship, "cd_dropship_rescue_side_start" )
+ wait embarkStart
+ print( "evac start anim done" )
+ thread TestEvacThink( dropship )
+ SetTeamActiveObjective( GetPlayerArray()[0].GetTeam(), "EG_DropshipExtract2", Time() + 30, dropship )
+ thread PlayAnim( dropship, "cd_dropship_rescue_side_idle", GetEnt( "escape_node1" ) )
+void function TestEvacThink( entity dropship )
+ dropship.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ // these numbers are probably innacurate but there's no real way of getting accurate ones and these are good enough
+ entity mover = CreateScriptMover( dropship.GetOrigin(), dropship.GetAngles() )
+ mover.SetParent( dropship )
+ mover.SetLocalOrigin( dropship.GetBoundingMaxs() - < 0, 0, 100> )
+ entity mover2 = CreateScriptMover( dropship.GetOrigin(), dropship.GetAngles() )
+ mover2.SetParent( dropship )
+ mover2.SetLocalOrigin( dropship.GetBoundingMins() - < 0, 0, 100> )
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArrayOfTeam( dropship.GetTeam() ) )
+ {
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ continue
+ vector playerOrigin = player.GetOrigin()
+ vector dropshipMax = mover.GetOrigin()
+ vector dropshipMin = mover2.GetOrigin()
+ // temp, might be permenant but idk if box triggers are a thing in script
+ if ( playerOrigin.x > dropshipMin.x && playerOrigin.y > dropshipMin.y && playerOrigin.z > dropshipMin.z &&
+ playerOrigin.x < dropshipMax.x && playerOrigin.y < dropshipMax.y && playerOrigin.z < dropshipMax.z )
+ player.Die()
+ }
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+}*/ \ No newline at end of file