path: root/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/conversation/_grunt_chatter_mp.gnut
diff options
authorWilliam Miller <william-millennium@hotmail.com>2023-10-09 21:35:11 -0300
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-10-10 02:35:11 +0200
commit9eede6047a18d9936b2d98c1499cc90bd8d091d7 (patch)
tree76a6307f49607c4492b4853cf312a00a8e88c7af /Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/conversation/_grunt_chatter_mp.gnut
parent612e6a116990afe15212af917aa8443030d5c3d4 (diff)
Implement `_grunt_chatter_mp.gnut` (#687)v1.19.6-rc1
Code is adapted from `_grunt_chatter.gnut` which is used in the campaign. File implementation is a vanilla behavior restoration of Grunts being able to chatter about when other grunts nearby are killed, or when an enemy Titan is killed.
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/conversation/_grunt_chatter_mp.gnut')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/conversation/_grunt_chatter_mp.gnut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/conversation/_grunt_chatter_mp.gnut
index 1a70c2896..4eb423fdb 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/conversation/_grunt_chatter_mp.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/conversation/_grunt_chatter_mp.gnut
@@ -1,11 +1,33 @@
global function GruntChatter_MP_Init
global function PlayGruntChatterMPLine
+const float CHATTER_SQUAD_DEPLETED_FRIENDLY_NEARBY_DIST = 650.0 // if any other friendly grunt is within this dist, squad deplete chatter won't play
+const float CHATTER_NEARBY_GRUNT_TRACEFRAC_MIN = 0.95 // for when we need "LOS" trace
void function GruntChatter_MP_Init()
- //ShGruntChatter_MP_Init()
+ Assert( IsMultiplayer(), "MP Grunt chatter is restricted to Multiplayer only." )
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerKilled( GruntChatter_OnPlayerOrNPCKilled )
+ AddCallback_OnNPCKilled( GruntChatter_OnPlayerOrNPCKilled )
+ _____ _ _____ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _
+ / ____| | | / ____|| | | | | | | \/ | | || | (_) | |
+ | | __ _ __ _ _ _ __ | |_ | | | |__ __ _ | |_ | |_ ___ _ __ | \ / | _ _ | || |_ _ _ __ | | __ _ _ _ ___ _ __
+ | | |_ || '__|| | | || '_ \ | __| | | | '_ \ / _` || __|| __|/ _ \| '__| | |\/| || | | || || __|| || '_ \ | | / _` || | | | / _ \| '__|
+ | |__| || | | |_| || | | || |_ | |____ | | | || (_| || |_ | |_| __/| | | | | || |_| || || |_ | || |_) || || (_| || |_| || __/| |
+ \_____||_| \__,_||_| |_| \__| \_____||_| |_| \__,_| \__| \__|\___||_| |_| |_| \__,_||_| \__||_|| .__/ |_| \__,_| \__, | \___||_|
+ | | __/ |
+ |_| |___/
void function PlayGruntChatterMPLine( entity grunt, string conversationType )
@@ -15,4 +37,175 @@ void function PlayGruntChatterMPLine( entity grunt, string conversationType )
foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() )
if ( ShouldPlayGruntChatterMPLine( conversationType, player, grunt ) )
Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_PlayGruntChatterMP", GetConversationIndex( conversationType ), grunt.GetEncodedEHandle() )
+void function GruntChatter_OnPlayerOrNPCKilled( entity deadGuy, entity attacker, var damageInfo )
+ if ( !IsValid( deadGuy ) || !IsValid( attacker ) )
+ return
+ if( IsGrunt( attacker ) && IsPilot( deadGuy ) )
+ PlayGruntChatterMPLine( attacker, "bc_killenemypilot" )
+ else
+ GruntChatter_TryEnemyTitanDown( deadGuy )
+ if ( IsGrunt( deadGuy ) )
+ {
+ GruntChatter_TryFriendlyDown( deadGuy )
+ GruntChatter_TrySquadDepleted( deadGuy )
+ }
+void function GruntChatter_TryFriendlyDown( entity deadGuy )
+ entity closestGrunt = GruntChatter_FindClosestFriendlyHumanGrunt_LOS( deadGuy.GetOrigin(), deadGuy.GetTeam(), CHATTER_FRIENDLY_GRUNT_DOWN_DIST_MAX )
+ if ( !closestGrunt )
+ return
+ if ( !GruntChatter_CanGruntChatterNow( closestGrunt ) )
+ return
+ PlayGruntChatterMPLine( closestGrunt, "bc_allygruntdown" )
+void function GruntChatter_TrySquadDepleted( entity deadGuy )
+ string deadGuySquadName = expect string( deadGuy.kv.squadname )
+ if ( deadGuySquadName == "" )
+ return
+ array<entity> squad = GetNPCArrayBySquad( deadGuySquadName )
+ entity lastSquadMember
+ if ( squad.len() == 1 )
+ lastSquadMember = squad[0]
+ if ( !GruntChatter_CanGruntChatterNow( lastSquadMember ) )
+ return
+ if ( lastSquadMember.GetNPCState() == "idle" )
+ return
+ // if another grunt from another squad is nearby, don't chatter about being alone
+ array<entity> nearbyGrunts = GetNearbyFriendlyGrunts( lastSquadMember.GetOrigin(), lastSquadMember.GetTeam(), CHATTER_SQUAD_DEPLETED_FRIENDLY_NEARBY_DIST )
+ nearbyGrunts.fastremovebyvalue( lastSquadMember )
+ if ( nearbyGrunts.len() )
+ return
+ PlayGruntChatterMPLine( lastSquadMember, "bc_squaddeplete" )
+void function GruntChatter_TryEnemyTitanDown( entity deadGuy )
+ if ( deadGuy.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ entity closestGrunt = GruntChatter_FindClosestEnemyHumanGrunt_LOS( deadGuy.GetOrigin(), deadGuy.GetTeam(), CHATTER_ENEMY_TITAN_DOWN_DIST_MAX )
+ if ( !closestGrunt )
+ return
+ PlayGruntChatterMPLine( closestGrunt, "bc_enemytitandown" )
+ }
+entity function GruntChatter_FindClosestEnemyHumanGrunt_LOS( vector searchOrigin, int enemyTeam, float searchDist )
+ array<entity> humanGrunts = GetNearbyEnemyHumanGrunts( searchOrigin, enemyTeam, searchDist )
+ return GruntChatter_GetClosestGrunt_LOS( humanGrunts, searchOrigin )
+entity function GruntChatter_FindClosestFriendlyHumanGrunt_LOS( vector searchOrigin, int friendlyTeam, float searchDist )
+ array<entity> humanGrunts = GetNearbyFriendlyHumanGrunts( searchOrigin, friendlyTeam, searchDist )
+ return GruntChatter_GetClosestGrunt_LOS( humanGrunts, searchOrigin )
+entity function GruntChatter_GetClosestGrunt_LOS( array<entity> nearbyGrunts, vector searchOrigin )
+ entity closestGrunt = null
+ float closestDist = 10000
+ foreach ( grunt in nearbyGrunts )
+ {
+ vector gruntOrigin = grunt.GetOrigin()
+ // CanSee doesn't return true if the target is dead
+ if ( !GruntChatter_CanGruntTraceToLocation( grunt, searchOrigin ) )
+ continue
+ if ( !closestGrunt )
+ {
+ closestGrunt = grunt
+ continue
+ }
+ float distFromSearchOrigin = Distance( grunt.GetOrigin(), searchOrigin )
+ if ( closestDist > distFromSearchOrigin )
+ continue
+ closestGrunt = grunt
+ closestDist = distFromSearchOrigin
+ }
+ return closestGrunt
+bool function GruntChatter_CanGruntTraceToLocation( entity grunt, vector traceEnd )
+ float traceFrac = TraceLineSimple( grunt.GetOrigin(), traceEnd, grunt )
+array<entity> function GetNearbyFriendlyHumanGrunts( vector searchOrigin, int friendlyTeam, float ornull searchRange = null )
+ array<entity> nearbyGrunts = GetNearbyFriendlyGrunts( searchOrigin, friendlyTeam, searchRange )
+ array<entity> humanGrunts = []
+ foreach ( grunt in nearbyGrunts )
+ {
+ if ( grunt.IsMechanical() )
+ continue
+ humanGrunts.append( grunt )
+ }
+ return humanGrunts
+array<entity> function GetNearbyEnemyHumanGrunts( vector searchOrigin, int enemyTeam, float ornull searchRange = null )
+ array<entity> nearbyGrunts = GetNearbyEnemyGrunts( searchOrigin, enemyTeam, searchRange )
+ array<entity> humanGrunts = []
+ foreach ( grunt in nearbyGrunts )
+ {
+ if ( grunt.IsMechanical() )
+ continue
+ humanGrunts.append( grunt )
+ }
+ return humanGrunts
+bool function GruntChatter_CanGruntChatterNow( entity grunt )
+ if ( !IsAlive( grunt ) )
+ return false
+ if ( !GruntChatter_IsGruntTypeEligibleForChatter( grunt ) )
+ return false
+ if ( grunt.ContextAction_IsMeleeExecution() )
+ return false
+ string squadname = expect string( grunt.kv.squadname )
+ // we only care about this because the grunt conversation system wants it
+ return squadname != ""
+bool function GruntChatter_IsGruntTypeEligibleForChatter( entity grunt )
+ if ( !IsGrunt( grunt ) )
+ return false
+ // mechanical grunts don't chatter
+ return !grunt.IsMechanical()
} \ No newline at end of file