path: root/Northstar.Client
diff options
authorRémy Raes <contact@remyraes.com>2022-09-26 13:31:57 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-09-26 13:31:57 +0200
commit6c2b576ce8379163d812f364079f761734815917 (patch)
tree5e54b876c539fa4e99a59a73f3a10f6d554b3d63 /Northstar.Client
parent7f819ca53f7dea47e7d51f43329a911d4327cecf (diff)
Add some missing translations (#508)
* feat: add missing spanish entries * feat: add missing french entry * feat: add missing chinese entry * feat: add missing italian entries * feat: add missing german entries
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.Client')
6 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_french.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_french.txt
index 0d4786a05..276698a03 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_french.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_french.txt
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ Choisissez Oui si vous êtes d'accord. Ce choix peut être modifié à tout inst
"cp_amped_capture_points" "Points de capture améliorés"
"coliseum_loadouts_enabled" "Equipements du Colisée"
+ "aitdm_archer_grunts" "Soldats (Archer)"
// northstar.custom localisation is just deciding not to work, so putting it here for now
"PL_sbox" "Bac à sable"
"PL_sbox_lobby" "Lobby: Bac à sable"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_german.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_german.txt
index 0eded5bc3..9077fac0f 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_german.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_german.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
"MENU_LAUNCH_NORTHSTAR" "Northstar starten"
"RELOAD_MODS" "Mods neu laden"
+ "WARNING" "Warnung"
+ "CORE_MOD_DISABLE_WARNING" "Das Deaktivieren von essentiellen Mods kann die Funktion deines Clients beeinträchtigen!"
+ "DISABLE" "Deaktiviere"
"DIALOG_TITLE_INSTALLED_NORTHSTAR" "Danke, dass du Northstar installiert hast!"
"AUTHENTICATION_AGREEMENT_DIALOG_TEXT" "Damit Northstar funktionieren kann, muss es mithilfe des Northstar Masterservers authentifizieren. Dies setzt ein Weitergeben deines Origin Tokens an den Masterserver voraus, er wird nicht gespeichert oder für andere Zwecke verwendet.
@@ -16,6 +19,9 @@ Drücke Ja, um zuzustimmen. Du kannst diese Entscheidung jederzeit im Modmenü
"AUTHENTICATION_AGREEMENT" "Authentifizierungs-Einwilligung"
"AUTHENTICATION_AGREEMENT_RESTART" "Ein Neustart ist notwendig, um diese Änderung zu übernehmen"
+ "DIALOG_AUTHENTICATING_MASTERSERVER" "Authentifizierung mit Master Server"
+ "AUTHENTICATIONAGREEMENT_NO" "Du hast dich gegen die Authentifizierung mit Northstar entschieden. Du kannst die Authentifizierungs-Einwilligung im Modmenü ansehen."
"NS_SERVERBROWSER_NOSERVERS" "Keine Server gefunden"
@@ -75,6 +81,8 @@ Drücke Ja, um zuzustimmen. Du kannst diese Entscheidung jederzeit im Modmenü
"cp_amped_capture_points" "Verstärkte Hardpoints"
"coliseum_loadouts_enabled" "Coliseum Loadouts"
+ "aitdm_archer_grunts" "Archer Frontsoldaten"
// northstar.custom localisation is just deciding not to work, so putting it here for now
"PL_sbox" "Sandbox"
"PL_sbox_lobby" "Sandbox Lobby"
@@ -88,6 +96,8 @@ Drücke Ja, um zuzustimmen. Du kannst diese Entscheidung jederzeit im Modmenü
"PL_gg_hint" "Erhalte einen Kill mit jeder Waffe um zu siegen."
"PL_gg_abbr" "GG"
"GAMEMODE_GG" "Gun Game"
+ "gg_kill_reward" "Killprozentbelohnung"
+ "gg_execution_reward" "Exekutierungsprozentbelohnung"
"PL_tt" "Titan Tag"
"PL_tt_lobby" "Titan Tag Lobby"
@@ -113,6 +123,17 @@ Drücke Ja, um zuzustimmen. Du kannst diese Entscheidung jederzeit im Modmenü
"HIDDEN_KILL_SURVIVORS" "Töte alle Überlebenden"
"HIDDEN_FIRST_HIDDEN" "%s1 ist the The Hidden."
+ "PL_sns" "Stock und Stein"
+ "PL_sns_lobby" "Stock und Stein Lobby"
+ "PL_sns_desc" "Frei für Alle. Erziele Kills mit Impulsklingen und Exekutierungen um die Punktzahl des Gegners zurückzusetzen"
+ "PL_sns_abbr" "SuS"
+ "GAMEMODE_SNS" "Stock und Stein"
+ "sns_wme_kill_value" "Wingman Elite Killwert"
+ "sns_softball_kill_value" "Softball Killwert"
+ "sns_reset_kill_value" "Pulseklinge/Exekutierung Killwert"
+ "sns_melee_kill_value" "Nahkampfkill Killwert"
+ "sns_softball_enabled" "Softball aktiviert"
"PL_inf" "Infektion"
"PL_inf_lobby" "Infektion-Lobby"
"PL_inf_desc" "Überlebe die Infektion. Überlebende werden nach dem Tod infiziert."
@@ -266,6 +287,15 @@ Drücke Ja, um zuzustimmen. Du kannst diese Entscheidung jederzeit im Modmenü
"INGAME_PLAYERS" "Spieler: ^6BA6C400%s1"
"TOTAL_SERVERS" "Server: ^C46C6C00%s1"
+ // Mods menu
+ "SHOW" "Anzeigen"
+ "SHOW_ALL" "Alle anzeigen"
+ "SHOW_ONLY_ENABLED" "Nur aktivierte"
+ "SHOW_ONLY_DISABLED" "Nur deaktivierte"
+ // Maps menu
+ "HIDE_LOCKED" "Verstecke gesperrte"
// In-game chat
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt
index b8253ad9b..b0bc348fa 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
"RELOAD_MODS" "Ricarica Mods"
+ "WARNING", "Attenzione"
+ "CORE_MOD_DISABLE_WARNING", "Disattivare Mods Principali può rompere il tuo Client!"
+ "DISABLE", "Disattiva"
"DIALOG_TITLE_INSTALLED_NORTHSTAR" "Grazie per aver installato Northstar!"
"AUTHENTICATION_AGREEMENT_DIALOG_TEXT" "Affinché Northstar funzioni, è necessario autenticarsi utilizzando il server principale di Northstar. Ciò richiederà l'invio del tuo token di Origin al server principale, non verrà archiviato o utilizzato per altri scopi.
@@ -14,8 +17,12 @@ Premi Sì se sei d'accordo. Questa scelta può essere modificata in qualsiasi mo
"AUTHENTICATION_AGREEMENT" "Accordo di autenticazione"
"AUTHENTICATION_AGREEMENT_RESTART" "Dovrai riavviare Titanfall 2 affinché questa scelta abbia effetto."
+ "DIALOG_AUTHENTICATING_MASTERSERVER", "Autenticazione Sul Master Server in corso"
+ "AUTHENTICATIONAGREEMENT_NO", "Hai Scelto di non autenticarti con Northstar. Puoi vedere l'Accordo nel Menu Mods"
"NS_SERVERBROWSER_NOSERVERS" "Nessun server trovato"
+ "NS_SERVERBROWSER_UNKNOWNMODE", "Modalità Sconosciuta"
@@ -46,6 +53,7 @@ Premi Sì se sei d'accordo. Questa scelta può essere modificata in qualsiasi mo
"roundscorelimit" "Limite Punteggio (per round)"
"timelimit" "Limite di Tempo"
"roundtimelimit" "Limite di Tempo (per round)"
+ "respawnprotection", "Tempo Protezione di Respawn"
"pilot_health_multiplier" "Moltiplicatore di Salute"
"respawn_delay" "Tempo di Respawn"
@@ -72,6 +80,8 @@ Premi Sì se sei d'accordo. Questa scelta può essere modificata in qualsiasi mo
"cp_amped_capture_points" "Hardpoints Amplificati"
"coliseum_loadouts_enabled" "Equipaggiamento Colosseo"
+ "aitdm_archer_grunts", "Schagniozzi Archer"
// northstar.custom localisation is just deciding not to work, so putting it here for now
"PL_sbox" "Sandbox"
"PL_sbox_lobby" "Sandbox Lobby"
@@ -85,6 +95,10 @@ Premi Sì se sei d'accordo. Questa scelta può essere modificata in qualsiasi mo
"PL_gg_hint" "Ottieni una nuova arma ogni uccisione."
"PL_gg_abbr" "GG"
"GAMEMODE_GG" "Gioco d'Armi"
+ "aitdm_archer_grunts", "Schagniozzi Archer"
+ "gg_kill_reward", "Punteggio Riconpensa Uccisione"
+ "gg_assist_reward", "Punteggio Ricompensa Assist"
+ "gg_execution_reward", "Punteggio Ricompensa Esecuzione"
"PL_tt" "Titan Tag"
"PL_tt_lobby" "Lobby: Titan Tag"
@@ -110,6 +124,24 @@ Premi Sì se sei d'accordo. Questa scelta può essere modificata in qualsiasi mo
"HIDDEN_KILL_SURVIVORS" "Uccidi tutti i giocatori."
"HIDDEN_FIRST_HIDDEN" "%s1 è il Cacciatore."
+ "PL_sns", "Sticks and Stones"
+ "PL_sns_lobby", "Sticks and Stones Lobby"
+ "PL_sns_desc", "Tutti contro Tutti, Usa la Pulse Blade e Esecuzioni per Resettare il Puntegio Nemico"
+ "PL_sns_abbr", "SNS"
+ "GAMEMODE_SNS", "Sticks and Stones"
+ "SCOREBOARD_BANKRUPTS", "Uccisioni Bancarotta"
+ "SNS_LEADER_BANKRUPT", "Leader Punteggio andato in Bancarotta!"
+ "SNS_LEADER_BANKRUPT_SUB", "%s1 è stato Resettato da %s2"
+ "SNS_BANKRUPT", "Bancarotta!"
+ "SNS_BANKRUPT_SUB", "Il Tuo Punteggio è stato Resettato da %s1"
+ "sns_wme_kill_value", "Valore Uccisione Wingman d'Elite"
+ "sns_softball_kill_value", "Valore Uccisione Softball"
+ "sns_offhand_kill_value", "Valore Uccisione Improvvisa"
+ "sns_reset_kill_value", "Valore Uccisione Pulse/Esecuzione"
+ "sns_melee_kill_value", "Valore Uccisione Corpo a Corpo"
+ "sns_reset_pulse_blade_cooldown_on_pulse_blade_kill", "Reset Cooldown Uccisione"
+ "sns_softball_enabled", "Softball Attivato"
"PL_inf" "Infetto"
"PL_inf_lobby" "Lobby: Infetto"
"PL_inf_desc" "Sopravvivi all'infezione. I sopravvissuti vengono infettati quando uccisi."
@@ -124,6 +156,13 @@ Premi Sì se sei d'accordo. Questa scelta può essere modificata in qualsiasi mo
"INFECTION_YOU_ARE_LAST_SURVIVOR" "Sei l'Ultimo Sopravvissuto!"
+ "PL_tffa", "Titan Free for All"
+ "PL_tffa_lobby", "Titan Free for All Lobby"
+ "PL_tffa_desc", "Ogni Pilota per sè, distruggi tutti i Titan Nemici."
+ "PL_tffa_hint", "Ogni Pilota per sè, distruggi tutti i Titan Nemici."
+ "PL_tffa_abbr", "TFFA"
+ "GAMEMODE_TFFA", "Titan Free for All"
"PL_hs" "Nascondino"
"PL_hs_lobby" "Lobby: Nascondino"
"PL_hs_desc" "Nasconditi oppure trova gli avversari."
@@ -257,6 +296,15 @@ Premi Sì se sei d'accordo. Questa scelta può essere modificata in qualsiasi mo
"INGAME_PLAYERS" "Players: ^6BA6C400%s1"
"TOTAL_SERVERS" "Server: ^C46C6C00%s1"
+ // Mods menu
+ "SHOW", "Mostra"
+ "SHOW_ALL", "Mostra Tutti"
+ "SHOW_ONLY_ENABLED", "Mostra solo Attivi"
+ "SHOW_ONLY_DISABLED", "Mostra solo Inattivi"
+ // Maps menu
+ "HIDE_LOCKED" "Nascondi bloccati"
// In-game chat
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_mspanish.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_mspanish.txt
index ea62415ec..208747f97 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_mspanish.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_mspanish.txt
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ Si estas de acuerdo con esto, presiona SI. Esta decision puede ser cambiada en e
"cp_amped_capture_points" "Fortalezas amplificadas"
"coliseum_loadouts_enabled" "Equipamientos de coliseo"
+ "aitdm_archer_grunts" "Soldado Archer"
// northstar.custom localisation is just deciding not to work, so putting it here for now
"PL_sbox" "Sandbox"
"PL_sbox_lobby" "Lobby sandbox"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt
index 8d2df53b1..fa732b636 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ Presiona Sí al estar de acuerdo. Esta opcion se puede cambiar en el menú de mo
"cp_amped_capture_points" "Fortines cargados"
"coliseum_loadouts_enabled" "Arsenales de coliseo"
+ "aitdm_archer_grunts" "Soldado Archer"
// northstar.custom localisation is just deciding not to work, so putting it here for now
"PL_sbox" "Sandbox"
"PL_sbox_lobby" "Vestíbulo de Sandbox"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_tchinese.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_tchinese.txt
index 5e6721a94..276a192d7 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_tchinese.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_tchinese.txt
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@
"cp_amped_capture_points" "強化據點"
"coliseum_loadouts_enabled" "競技場裝備"
+ "aitdm_archer_grunts" "射手飛彈步兵"
// northstar.custom localisation is just deciding not to work, so putting it here for now
"PL_sbox" "沙盒"
"PL_sbox_lobby" "沙盒大廳"