path: root/Northstar.Client
diff options
authorEmma Miler <27428383+emma-miler@users.noreply.github.com>2022-06-16 01:36:36 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-06-16 01:36:36 +0200
commitbdf8e684550ee4763e7eb93ae9e561ddc0dbde9a (patch)
tree3ba766949efad5cdaf88c494e0e05faa2ffe9da5 /Northstar.Client
parent1a80df50db26c2752d869726cddba3460dd6daaa (diff)
Localize masterserver errors (#333)
* Dependent commit * Add english localization * Update northstar_client_localisation_mspanish.txt * Add more localizations * Update northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt * Adhere to code style
Diffstat (limited to 'Northstar.Client')
9 files changed, 106 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_english.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_english.txt
index 50f2b51e9..8c6cadcff 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_english.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_english.txt
@@ -308,5 +308,16 @@ Press Yes if you agree to this. This choice can be changed in the mods menu at a
// In-game chat
+ "NO_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Couldn't reach game server"
+ "BAD_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Game server gave an invalid response"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAMESERVER" "Game server is not authorized to make that request"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAME" "Stryder couldn't confirm that this account owns Titanfall 2"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_PWD" "Wrong password"
+ "STRYDER_RESPONSE" "Couldn't parse stryder response"
+ "PLAYER_NOT_FOUND" "Couldn't find player account"
+ "INVALID_MASTERSERVER_TOKEN" "Invalid or expired masterserver token"
+ "JSON_PARSE_ERROR" "Error parsing json response"
+ "UNSUPPORTED_VERSION" "The version you are using is no longer supported"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_french.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_french.txt
index 8ad8b1c74..0d4786a05 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_french.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_french.txt
@@ -306,5 +306,16 @@ Choisissez Oui si vous êtes d'accord. Ce choix peut être modifié à tout inst
// In-game chat
+ "NO_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Le serveur de jeu ne répond pas"
+ "BAD_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Le serveur a renvoyé une réponse invalide"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAMESERVER" "Le serveur de jeu n'est pas autorisé à réaliser cette requête"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAME" "Stryder n'a pas pu confirmer que ce compte possède Titanfall 2"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_PWD" "Mot de passe incorrect"
+ "STRYDER_RESPONSE" "Impossible d'analyser la réponse de Stryder"
+ "PLAYER_NOT_FOUND" "Impossible de trouver le compte du joueur"
+ "INVALID_MASTERSERVER_TOKEN" "Jeton du server maître invalide ou expiré"
+ "JSON_PARSE_ERROR" "Une erreur est survenue durant l'analyse JSON"
+ "UNSUPPORTED_VERSION" "La version que vous utilisez n'est plus supportée"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_german.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_german.txt
index 2b5d20111..0eded5bc3 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_german.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_german.txt
@@ -269,5 +269,16 @@ Drücke Ja, um zuzustimmen. Du kannst diese Entscheidung jederzeit im Modmenü
// In-game chat
+ "NO_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Konnte den Server nicht erreichen"
+ "BAD_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Ungültige Antwort vom Server erhalten"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAMESERVER" "Der Server ist nicht autorisiert, diese Anfrage zu machen"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAME" "Stryder konnte nicht bestätigen, dass dieser Account Titanfall 2 besitzt"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_PWD" "Falsches Passwort"
+ "STRYDER_RESPONSE" "Stryder Antwort konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
+ "PLAYER_NOT_FOUND" "Konnte das Spielerprofil nicht finden"
+ "INVALID_MASTERSERVER_TOKEN" "Ungültiger oder abgelaufener Token vom Masterserver"
+ "JSON_PARSE_ERROR" "Fehler beim Verarbeiten der JSON-Antwort"
+ "UNSUPPORTED_VERSION" "Die Version die du benutzt ist nicht länger unterstützt"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt
index 897d2ba54..b8253ad9b 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt
@@ -260,5 +260,16 @@ Premi Sì se sei d'accordo. Questa scelta può essere modificata in qualsiasi mo
// In-game chat
+ "NO_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Non è stato possibile raggiungere il server"
+ "BAD_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Il server ha dato una risposta invalida"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAMESERVER" "Il server non è autorizzato a fare quella richiesta"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAME" "Stryder non è riuscito a confermare che questo account possiede Titanfall 2"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_PWD" "Password errata"
+ "STRYDER_RESPONSE" "Non è stato possibile analizzare la risposta Stryder"
+ "PLAYER_NOT_FOUND" "Non è stato trovato l'account player"
+ "INVALID_MASTERSERVER_TOKEN" "Token Masterserver invalido o scaduto"
+ "JSON_PARSE_ERROR" "Errore nell'analisi di risposta json"
+ "UNSUPPORTED_VERSION" "La versione che stai usando non è più supportata"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_mspanish.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_mspanish.txt
index 5d3a1bba7..ea62415ec 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_mspanish.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_mspanish.txt
@@ -306,5 +306,16 @@ Si estas de acuerdo con esto, presiona SI. Esta decision puede ser cambiada en e
// In-game chat
+ "NO_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "No se pudo conectar al servidor"
+ "BAD_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Servidor dio respuesta invalida"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAMESERVER" "Servidor no esta autorizado"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAME" "Stryder no pudo comprobar que esta cuenta posea Titanfall 2"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_PWD" "Contraseña incorrecta"
+ "STRYDER_RESPONSE" "No se pudo procesar la respuesta del servidor"
+ "PLAYER_NOT_FOUND" "No se encontró la cuenta del jugador"
+ "INVALID_MASTERSERVER_TOKEN" "Token de jugador expirado o invalido"
+ "JSON_PARSE_ERROR" "Error procesando respuesta json"
+ "UNSUPPORTED_VERSION" "La versión que estas usando ya no esta soportada"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_russian.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_russian.txt
index 28dd016fd..af9eb0ff7 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_russian.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_russian.txt
@@ -242,5 +242,16 @@
// In-game chat
+ "NO_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Игровой сервер не отвечает"
+ "BAD_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Игровой сервер не дал правильного ответа"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAMESERVER" "Игровой сервер не авторизирован чтобы сделать данный запрос"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAME" "Не удалось найти Titanfall 2 на этом аккаунте"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_PWD" "Неправильный пароль"
+ "STRYDER_RESPONSE" "Не удалось разобрать ответ stryder"
+ "PLAYER_NOT_FOUND" "Не удалось найти аккаунт игрока"
+ "INVALID_MASTERSERVER_TOKEN" "Срок действия жетона главного сервера истек или не является правильным"
+ "JSON_PARSE_ERROR" "Ошибка разбора ответа json"
+ "UNSUPPORTED_VERSION" "Используемая вами версия больше не поддерживается"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt
index ac896e7b9..8d2df53b1 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_spanish.txt
@@ -306,5 +306,16 @@ Presiona Sí al estar de acuerdo. Esta opcion se puede cambiar en el menú de mo
// In-game chat
+ "NO_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "No se pudo conectar al servidor"
+ "BAD_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "Servidor dio respuesta invalida"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAMESERVER" "Servidor no esta autorizado"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAME" "Stryder no pudo comprobar que esta cuenta posea Titanfall 2"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_PWD" "Contraseña incorrecta"
+ "STRYDER_RESPONSE" "No se pudo procesar la respuesta del servidor"
+ "PLAYER_NOT_FOUND" "No se encontró la cuenta del jugador"
+ "INVALID_MASTERSERVER_TOKEN" "Token de jugador expirado o invalido"
+ "JSON_PARSE_ERROR" "Error procesando respuesta json"
+ "UNSUPPORTED_VERSION" "La versión que estas usando ya no esta soportada"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_tchinese.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_tchinese.txt
index 4981a0a82..5e6721a94 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_tchinese.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_tchinese.txt
@@ -310,5 +310,16 @@
// In-game chat
+ "NO_GAMESERVER_RESPONSE" "無法連接到遊戲伺服器'"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAMESERVER" "遊戲伺服器無法完成請求,因為它未與主伺服器進行驗證"
+ "UNAUTHORIZED_GAME" "Stryder 無法確認當前賬戶擁有Titanfall 2"
+ "STRYDER_RESPONSE" "無法讀取Stryder回應"
+ "PLAYER_NOT_FOUND" "找不到玩家賬戶"
+ "JSON_PARSE_ERROR" "讀取json回應時發生錯誤"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/ui/panel_mainmenu.nut b/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/ui/panel_mainmenu.nut
index 171ee7dce..95b7bdae4 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/ui/panel_mainmenu.nut
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/ui/panel_mainmenu.nut
@@ -559,15 +559,28 @@ void function TryAuthWithLocalServer()
if ( NSWasAuthSuccessful() )
+ if ( GetConVarString( "mp_gamemode" ) == "solo" )
+ SetConVarString( "mp_gamemode", "tdm" )
+ CloseAllDialogs()
+ ClientCommand( "setplaylist tdm" )
+ ClientCommand( "map mp_lobby" )
+ else
+ {
+ CloseAllDialogs()
- if ( GetConVarString( "mp_gamemode" ) == "solo" )
- SetConVarString( "mp_gamemode", "tdm" )
+ var reason = NSGetAuthFailReason()
- CloseAllDialogs()
+ DialogData dialogData
+ dialogData.image = $"ui/menu/common/dialog_error"
+ dialogData.header = "#ERROR"
+ dialogData.message = Localize("#NS_SERVERBROWSER_CONNECTIONFAILED") + "\nERROR: " + reason + "\n" + Localize("#" + reason)
- ClientCommand( "setplaylist tdm" )
- ClientCommand( "map mp_lobby" )
+ AddDialogButton( dialogData, "#OK", null )
+ OpenDialog( dialogData )
+ }
void function CancelNSLocalAuth()