path: root/NorthstarDedicatedTest/include/protobuf/compiler/parser_unittest.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'NorthstarDedicatedTest/include/protobuf/compiler/parser_unittest.cc')
1 files changed, 3681 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/NorthstarDedicatedTest/include/protobuf/compiler/parser_unittest.cc b/NorthstarDedicatedTest/include/protobuf/compiler/parser_unittest.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b175117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NorthstarDedicatedTest/include/protobuf/compiler/parser_unittest.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,3681 @@
+// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)
+// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
+// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
+#include <compiler/parser.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <test_util2.h>
+#include <unittest.pb.h>
+#include <any.pb.h>
+#include <unittest_custom_options.pb.h>
+#include <io/tokenizer.h>
+#include <io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
+#include <descriptor.pb.h>
+#include <text_format.h>
+#include <wire_format.h>
+#include <testing/googletest.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <stubs/substitute.h>
+#include <stubs/map_util.h>
+namespace google {
+namespace protobuf {
+namespace compiler {
+namespace {
+class MockErrorCollector : public io::ErrorCollector {
+ public:
+ MockErrorCollector() = default;
+ ~MockErrorCollector() override = default;
+ std::string warning_;
+ std::string text_;
+ // implements ErrorCollector ---------------------------------------
+ void AddWarning(int line, int column, const std::string& message) override {
+ strings::SubstituteAndAppend(&warning_, "$0:$1: $2\n", line, column, message);
+ }
+ void AddError(int line, int column, const std::string& message) override {
+ strings::SubstituteAndAppend(&text_, "$0:$1: $2\n", line, column, message);
+ }
+class MockValidationErrorCollector : public DescriptorPool::ErrorCollector {
+ public:
+ MockValidationErrorCollector(const SourceLocationTable& source_locations,
+ io::ErrorCollector* wrapped_collector)
+ : source_locations_(source_locations),
+ wrapped_collector_(wrapped_collector) {}
+ ~MockValidationErrorCollector() {}
+ // implements ErrorCollector ---------------------------------------
+ void AddError(const std::string& filename, const std::string& element_name,
+ const Message* descriptor, ErrorLocation location,
+ const std::string& message) override {
+ int line, column;
+ if (location == DescriptorPool::ErrorCollector::IMPORT) {
+ source_locations_.FindImport(descriptor, element_name, &line, &column);
+ } else {
+ source_locations_.Find(descriptor, location, &line, &column);
+ }
+ wrapped_collector_->AddError(line, column, message);
+ }
+ private:
+ const SourceLocationTable& source_locations_;
+ io::ErrorCollector* wrapped_collector_;
+class ParserTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ ParserTest() : require_syntax_identifier_(false) {}
+ // Set up the parser to parse the given text.
+ void SetupParser(const char* text) {
+ raw_input_.reset(new io::ArrayInputStream(text, strlen(text)));
+ input_.reset(new io::Tokenizer(raw_input_.get(), &error_collector_));
+ parser_.reset(new Parser());
+ parser_->RecordErrorsTo(&error_collector_);
+ parser_->SetRequireSyntaxIdentifier(require_syntax_identifier_);
+ }
+ // Parse the input and expect that the resulting FileDescriptorProto matches
+ // the given output. The output is a FileDescriptorProto in protocol buffer
+ // text format.
+ void ExpectParsesTo(const char* input, const char* output) {
+ SetupParser(input);
+ FileDescriptorProto actual, expected;
+ parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &actual);
+ EXPECT_EQ(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_END, input_->current().type);
+ ASSERT_EQ("", error_collector_.text_);
+ // We don't cover SourceCodeInfo in these tests.
+ actual.clear_source_code_info();
+ // Parse the ASCII representation in order to canonicalize it. We could
+ // just compare directly to actual.DebugString(), but that would require
+ // that the caller precisely match the formatting that DebugString()
+ // produces.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(TextFormat::ParseFromString(output, &expected));
+ // Compare by comparing debug strings.
+ // TODO(kenton): Use differencer, once it is available.
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected.DebugString(), actual.DebugString());
+ }
+ // Parse the text and expect that the given errors are reported.
+ void ExpectHasErrors(const char* text, const char* expected_errors) {
+ ExpectHasEarlyExitErrors(text, expected_errors);
+ EXPECT_EQ(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_END, input_->current().type);
+ }
+ // Same as above but does not expect that the parser parses the complete
+ // input.
+ void ExpectHasEarlyExitErrors(const char* text, const char* expected_errors) {
+ SetupParser(text);
+ FileDescriptorProto file;
+ parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &file);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_errors, error_collector_.text_);
+ }
+ // Parse the text as a file and validate it (with a DescriptorPool), and
+ // expect that the validation step reports the given errors.
+ void ExpectHasValidationErrors(const char* text,
+ const char* expected_errors) {
+ SetupParser(text);
+ SourceLocationTable source_locations;
+ parser_->RecordSourceLocationsTo(&source_locations);
+ FileDescriptorProto file;
+ file.set_name("foo.proto");
+ parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &file);
+ EXPECT_EQ(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_END, input_->current().type);
+ ASSERT_EQ("", error_collector_.text_);
+ MockValidationErrorCollector validation_error_collector(source_locations,
+ &error_collector_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(pool_.BuildFileCollectingErrors(
+ file, &validation_error_collector) == NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_errors, error_collector_.text_);
+ }
+ MockErrorCollector error_collector_;
+ DescriptorPool pool_;
+ std::unique_ptr<io::ZeroCopyInputStream> raw_input_;
+ std::unique_ptr<io::Tokenizer> input_;
+ std::unique_ptr<Parser> parser_;
+ bool require_syntax_identifier_;
+// ===================================================================
+TEST_F(ParserTest, StopAfterSyntaxIdentifier) {
+ SetupParser(
+ "// blah\n"
+ "syntax = \"foobar\";\n"
+ "this line will not be parsed\n");
+ parser_->SetStopAfterSyntaxIdentifier(true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parser_->Parse(input_.get(), NULL));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", error_collector_.text_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("foobar", parser_->GetSyntaxIdentifier());
+TEST_F(ParserTest, StopAfterOmittedSyntaxIdentifier) {
+ SetupParser(
+ "// blah\n"
+ "this line will not be parsed\n");
+ parser_->SetStopAfterSyntaxIdentifier(true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parser_->Parse(input_.get(), NULL));
+ EXPECT_EQ("", error_collector_.text_);
+ EXPECT_EQ("", parser_->GetSyntaxIdentifier());
+TEST_F(ParserTest, StopAfterSyntaxIdentifierWithErrors) {
+ SetupParser(
+ "// blah\n"
+ "syntax = error;\n");
+ parser_->SetStopAfterSyntaxIdentifier(true);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(parser_->Parse(input_.get(), NULL));
+ EXPECT_EQ("1:9: Expected syntax identifier.\n", error_collector_.text_);
+TEST_F(ParserTest, WarnIfSyntaxIdentifierOmmitted) {
+ SetupParser("message A {}");
+ FileDescriptorProto file;
+ CaptureTestStderr();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &file));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetCapturedTestStderr().find("No syntax specified") !=
+ std::string::npos);
+TEST_F(ParserTest, WarnIfFieldNameIsNotUpperCamel) {
+ SetupParser(
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";"
+ "message abc {}");
+ FileDescriptorProto file;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &file));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(error_collector_.warning_.find(
+ "Message name should be in UpperCamelCase. Found: abc.") !=
+ std::string::npos);
+TEST_F(ParserTest, WarnIfFieldNameIsNotLowerUnderscore) {
+ SetupParser(
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";"
+ "message A {"
+ " optional string SongName = 1;"
+ "}");
+ FileDescriptorProto file;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &file));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(error_collector_.warning_.find(
+ "Field name should be lowercase. Found: SongName") !=
+ std::string::npos);
+TEST_F(ParserTest, WarnIfFieldNameContainsNumberImmediatelyFollowUnderscore) {
+ SetupParser(
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";"
+ "message A {"
+ " optional string song_name_1 = 1;"
+ "}");
+ FileDescriptorProto file;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &file));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(error_collector_.warning_.find(
+ "Number should not come right after an underscore. Found: "
+ "song_name_1.") != std::string::npos);
+// ===================================================================
+typedef ParserTest ParseMessageTest;
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, IgnoreBOM) {
+ char input[] =
+ " message TestMessage {\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ // Set UTF-8 BOM.
+ input[0] = (char)0xEF;
+ input[1] = (char)0xBB;
+ input[2] = (char)0xBF;
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ input,
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, BOMError) {
+ char input[] =
+ " message TestMessage {\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ "}\n";
+ input[0] = (char)0xEF;
+ ExpectHasErrors(input,
+ "0:1: Proto file starts with 0xEF but not UTF-8 BOM. "
+ "Only UTF-8 is accepted for proto file.\n"
+ "0:0: Expected top-level statement (e.g. \"message\").\n");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, SimpleMessage) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, ImplicitSyntaxIdentifier) {
+ require_syntax_identifier_ = false;
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 }"
+ "}");
+ EXPECT_EQ("proto2", parser_->GetSyntaxIdentifier());
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, ExplicitSyntaxIdentifier) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "syntax: 'proto2' "
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 }"
+ "}");
+ EXPECT_EQ("proto2", parser_->GetSyntaxIdentifier());
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, ExplicitRequiredSyntaxIdentifier) {
+ require_syntax_identifier_ = true;
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "syntax: 'proto2' "
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 }"
+ "}");
+ EXPECT_EQ("proto2", parser_->GetSyntaxIdentifier());
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, SimpleFields) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 15;\n"
+ " optional int32 bar = 34;\n"
+ " repeated int32 baz = 3;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_INT32 number:15 }"
+ " field { name:\"bar\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 number:34 }"
+ " field { name:\"baz\" label:LABEL_REPEATED type:TYPE_INT32 number:3 }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, PrimitiveFieldTypes) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ " required int64 foo = 1;\n"
+ " required uint32 foo = 1;\n"
+ " required uint64 foo = 1;\n"
+ " required sint32 foo = 1;\n"
+ " required sint64 foo = 1;\n"
+ " required fixed32 foo = 1;\n"
+ " required fixed64 foo = 1;\n"
+ " required sfixed32 foo = 1;\n"
+ " required sfixed64 foo = 1;\n"
+ " required float foo = 1;\n"
+ " required double foo = 1;\n"
+ " required string foo = 1;\n"
+ " required bytes foo = 1;\n"
+ " required bool foo = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_INT64 number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_UINT32 number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_UINT64 number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_SINT32 number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_SINT64 number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_FIXED32 number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_FIXED64 number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_SFIXED32 number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_SFIXED64 number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_FLOAT number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_DOUBLE number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_STRING number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_BYTES number:1 "
+ "}"
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_BOOL number:1 "
+ "}"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, FieldDefaults) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1 [default= 1 ];\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1 [default= -2 ];\n"
+ " required int64 foo = 1 [default= 3 ];\n"
+ " required int64 foo = 1 [default= -4 ];\n"
+ " required uint32 foo = 1 [default= 5 ];\n"
+ " required uint64 foo = 1 [default= 6 ];\n"
+ " required float foo = 1 [default= 7.5];\n"
+ " required float foo = 1 [default= -8.5];\n"
+ " required float foo = 1 [default= 9 ];\n"
+ " required double foo = 1 [default= 10.5];\n"
+ " required double foo = 1 [default=-11.5];\n"
+ " required double foo = 1 [default= 12 ];\n"
+ " required double foo = 1 [default= inf ];\n"
+ " required double foo = 1 [default=-inf ];\n"
+ " required double foo = 1 [default= nan ];\n"
+ " required string foo = 1 [default='13\\001'];\n"
+ " required string foo = 1 [default='a' \"b\" \n \"c\"];\n"
+ " required bytes foo = 1 [default='14\\002'];\n"
+ " required bytes foo = 1 [default='a' \"b\" \n 'c'];\n"
+ " required bool foo = 1 [default=true ];\n"
+ " required Foo foo = 1 [default=FOO ];\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1 [default= 0x7FFFFFFF];\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1 [default=-0x80000000];\n"
+ " required uint32 foo = 1 [default= 0xFFFFFFFF];\n"
+ " required int64 foo = 1 [default= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF];\n"
+ " required int64 foo = 1 [default=-0x8000000000000000];\n"
+ " required uint64 foo = 1 [default= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF];\n"
+ " required double foo = 1 [default= 0xabcd];\n"
+ "}\n",
+#define ETC "name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED number:1"
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { type:TYPE_INT32 default_value:\"1\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_INT32 default_value:\"-2\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_INT64 default_value:\"3\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_INT64 default_value:\"-4\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_UINT32 default_value:\"5\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_UINT64 default_value:\"6\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_FLOAT default_value:\"7.5\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_FLOAT default_value:\"-8.5\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_FLOAT default_value:\"9\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_DOUBLE default_value:\"10.5\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_DOUBLE default_value:\"-11.5\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_DOUBLE default_value:\"12\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_DOUBLE default_value:\"inf\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_DOUBLE default_value:\"-inf\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_DOUBLE default_value:\"nan\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_STRING default_value:\"13\\001\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_STRING default_value:\"abc\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_BYTES default_value:\"14\\\\002\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_BYTES default_value:\"abc\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type:TYPE_BOOL default_value:\"true\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field { type_name:\"Foo\" default_value:\"FOO\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field {"
+ " type:TYPE_INT32 default_value:\"2147483647\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field {"
+ " type:TYPE_INT32 default_value:\"-2147483648\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field {"
+ " type:TYPE_UINT32 default_value:\"4294967295\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field {"
+ " type:TYPE_INT64 default_value:\"9223372036854775807\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field {"
+ " type:TYPE_INT64 default_value:\"-9223372036854775808\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field {"
+ " type:TYPE_UINT64 default_value:\"18446744073709551615\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ " field {"
+ " type:TYPE_DOUBLE default_value:\"43981\" " ETC
+ " }"
+ "}");
+#undef ETC
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, FieldJsonName) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional string foo = 1 [json_name = \"@type\"];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field {\n"
+ " name: \"foo\" label: LABEL_OPTIONAL type: TYPE_STRING number: 1"
+ " json_name: \"@type\"\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, FieldOptions) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional string foo = 1\n"
+ " [ctype=CORD, (foo)=7, foo.(.bar.baz).qux.quux.(corge)=-33, \n"
+ " (quux)=\"x\040y\", (baz.qux)=hey];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name: \"foo\" label: LABEL_OPTIONAL type: TYPE_STRING number: "
+ "1"
+ " options { uninterpreted_option: { name { name_part: \"ctype\" "
+ " is_extension: false "
+ "} "
+ " identifier_value: \"CORD\" "
+ "}"
+ " uninterpreted_option: { name { name_part: \"foo\" "
+ " is_extension: true } "
+ " positive_int_value: 7 }"
+ " uninterpreted_option: { name { name_part: \"foo\" "
+ " is_extension: false "
+ "} "
+ " name { name_part: "
+ "\".bar.baz\""
+ " is_extension: true } "
+ " name { name_part: \"qux\" "
+ " is_extension: false "
+ "} "
+ " name { name_part: \"quux\" "
+ " is_extension: false "
+ "} "
+ " name { name_part: \"corge\" "
+ " is_extension: true } "
+ " negative_int_value: -33 }"
+ " uninterpreted_option: { name { name_part: \"quux\" "
+ " is_extension: true } "
+ " string_value: \"x y\" }"
+ " uninterpreted_option: { name { name_part: "
+ "\"baz.qux\" "
+ " is_extension: true } "
+ " identifier_value: \"hey\" }"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, Oneof) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " oneof foo {\n"
+ " int32 a = 1;\n"
+ " string b = 2;\n"
+ " TestMessage c = 3;\n"
+ " group D = 4 { optional int32 i = 5; }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"a\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 "
+ " oneof_index:0 }"
+ " field { name:\"b\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_STRING number:2 "
+ " oneof_index:0 }"
+ " field { name:\"c\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type_name:\"TestMessage\" "
+ " number:3 oneof_index:0 }"
+ " field { name:\"d\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_GROUP "
+ " type_name:\"D\" number:4 oneof_index:0 }"
+ " oneof_decl {"
+ " name: \"foo\""
+ " }"
+ " nested_type {"
+ " name: \"D\""
+ " field { name:\"i\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 number:5 }"
+ " }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, MultipleOneofs) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " oneof foo {\n"
+ " int32 a = 1;\n"
+ " string b = 2;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " oneof bar {\n"
+ " int32 c = 3;\n"
+ " string d = 4;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"a\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 "
+ " oneof_index:0 }"
+ " field { name:\"b\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_STRING number:2 "
+ " oneof_index:0 }"
+ " field { name:\"c\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 number:3 "
+ " oneof_index:1 }"
+ " field { name:\"d\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_STRING number:4 "
+ " oneof_index:1 }"
+ " oneof_decl {"
+ " name: \"foo\""
+ " }"
+ " oneof_decl {"
+ " name: \"bar\""
+ " }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, Maps) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " map<int32, string> primitive_type_map = 1;\n"
+ " map<KeyType, ValueType> composite_type_map = 2;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " nested_type {"
+ " name: \"PrimitiveTypeMapEntry\""
+ " field { "
+ " name: \"key\" number: 1 label:LABEL_OPTIONAL"
+ " type:TYPE_INT32"
+ " }"
+ " field { "
+ " name: \"value\" number: 2 label:LABEL_OPTIONAL"
+ " type:TYPE_STRING"
+ " }"
+ " options { map_entry: true }"
+ " }"
+ " nested_type {"
+ " name: \"CompositeTypeMapEntry\""
+ " field { "
+ " name: \"key\" number: 1 label:LABEL_OPTIONAL"
+ " type_name: \"KeyType\""
+ " }"
+ " field { "
+ " name: \"value\" number: 2 label:LABEL_OPTIONAL"
+ " type_name: \"ValueType\""
+ " }"
+ " options { map_entry: true }"
+ " }"
+ " field {"
+ " name: \"primitive_type_map\""
+ " label: LABEL_REPEATED"
+ " type_name: \"PrimitiveTypeMapEntry\""
+ " number: 1"
+ " }"
+ " field {"
+ " name: \"composite_type_map\""
+ " label: LABEL_REPEATED"
+ " type_name: \"CompositeTypeMapEntry\""
+ " number: 2"
+ " }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, Group) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional group TestGroup = 1 {};\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " nested_type { name: \"TestGroup\" }"
+ " field { name:\"testgroup\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL number:1"
+ " type:TYPE_GROUP type_name: \"TestGroup\" }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, NestedMessage) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " message Nested {}\n"
+ " optional Nested test_nested = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " nested_type { name: \"Nested\" }"
+ " field { name:\"test_nested\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL number:1"
+ " type_name: \"Nested\" }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, NestedEnum) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " enum NestedEnum {}\n"
+ " optional NestedEnum test_enum = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " enum_type { name: \"NestedEnum\" }"
+ " field { name:\"test_enum\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL number:1"
+ " type_name: \"NestedEnum\" }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, ReservedRange) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " required int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ " reserved 2, 15, 9 to 11, 3, 20 to max;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_REQUIRED type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:2 end:3 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:15 end:16 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:9 end:12 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:3 end:4 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:20 end:536870912 }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, ReservedRangeOnMessageSet) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " option message_set_wire_format = true;\n"
+ " reserved 20 to max;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " options {"
+ " uninterpreted_option {"
+ " name {"
+ " name_part: \"message_set_wire_format\""
+ " is_extension: false"
+ " }"
+ " identifier_value: \"true\""
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " reserved_range { start:20 end:2147483647 }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, ReservedNames) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " reserved \"foo\", \"bar\";\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " reserved_name: \"foo\""
+ " reserved_name: \"bar\""
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, ExtensionRange) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " extensions 10 to 19;\n"
+ " extensions 30 to max;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " extension_range { start:10 end:20 }"
+ " extension_range { start:30 end:536870912 }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, ExtensionRangeWithOptions) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " extensions 10 to 19 [(i) = 5];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " extension_range {"
+ " start:10"
+ " end:20"
+ " options {"
+ " uninterpreted_option {"
+ " name {"
+ " name_part: \"i\""
+ " is_extension: true"
+ " }"
+ " positive_int_value: 5"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, CompoundExtensionRange) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " extensions 2, 15, 9 to 11, 100 to max, 3;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " extension_range { start:2 end:3 }"
+ " extension_range { start:15 end:16 }"
+ " extension_range { start:9 end:12 }"
+ " extension_range { start:100 end:536870912 }"
+ " extension_range { start:3 end:4 }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, CompoundExtensionRangeWithOptions) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " extensions 2, 15, 9 to 11, 100 to max, 3 [(i) = 5];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " extension_range {"
+ " start:2"
+ " end:3"
+ " options {"
+ " uninterpreted_option {"
+ " name {"
+ " name_part: \"i\""
+ " is_extension: true"
+ " }"
+ " positive_int_value: 5"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " extension_range {"
+ " start:15"
+ " end:16"
+ " options {"
+ " uninterpreted_option {"
+ " name {"
+ " name_part: \"i\""
+ " is_extension: true"
+ " }"
+ " positive_int_value: 5"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " extension_range {"
+ " start:9"
+ " end:12"
+ " options {"
+ " uninterpreted_option {"
+ " name {"
+ " name_part: \"i\""
+ " is_extension: true"
+ " }"
+ " positive_int_value: 5"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " extension_range {"
+ " start:100"
+ " end:536870912"
+ " options {"
+ " uninterpreted_option {"
+ " name {"
+ " name_part: \"i\""
+ " is_extension: true"
+ " }"
+ " positive_int_value: 5"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " extension_range {"
+ " start:3"
+ " end:4"
+ " options {"
+ " uninterpreted_option {"
+ " name {"
+ " name_part: \"i\""
+ " is_extension: true"
+ " }"
+ " positive_int_value: 5"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, LargerMaxForMessageSetWireFormatMessages) {
+ // Messages using the message_set_wire_format option can accept larger
+ // extension numbers, as the numbers are not encoded as int32 field values
+ // rather than tags.
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " extensions 4 to max;\n"
+ " option message_set_wire_format = true;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " extension_range { start:4 end: 0x7fffffff }"
+ " options {\n"
+ " uninterpreted_option { \n"
+ " name {\n"
+ " name_part: \"message_set_wire_format\"\n"
+ " is_extension: false\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " identifier_value: \"true\"\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, Extensions) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "extend Extendee1 { optional int32 foo = 12; }\n"
+ "extend Extendee2 { repeated TestMessage bar = 22; }\n",
+ "extension { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 number:12"
+ " extendee: \"Extendee1\" } "
+ "extension { name:\"bar\" label:LABEL_REPEATED number:22"
+ " type_name:\"TestMessage\" extendee: \"Extendee2\" }");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, ExtensionsInMessageScope) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " extend Extendee1 { optional int32 foo = 12; }\n"
+ " extend Extendee2 { repeated TestMessage bar = 22; }\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " extension { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 "
+ "number:12"
+ " extendee: \"Extendee1\" }"
+ " extension { name:\"bar\" label:LABEL_REPEATED number:22"
+ " type_name:\"TestMessage\" extendee: \"Extendee2\" }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, MultipleExtensionsOneExtendee) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "extend Extendee1 {\n"
+ " optional int32 foo = 12;\n"
+ " repeated TestMessage bar = 22;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "extension { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 number:12"
+ " extendee: \"Extendee1\" } "
+ "extension { name:\"bar\" label:LABEL_REPEATED number:22"
+ " type_name:\"TestMessage\" extendee: \"Extendee1\" }");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, OptionalLabelProto3) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "syntax = \"proto3\";\n"
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "syntax: \"proto3\" "
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 } "
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseMessageTest, ExplicitOptionalLabelProto3) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "syntax = 'proto3';\n"
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "syntax: \"proto3\" "
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 "
+ " proto3_optional: true oneof_index: 0 } "
+ " oneof_decl { name:\"_foo\" } "
+ "}");
+ // Handle collisions in the synthetic oneof name.
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "syntax = 'proto3';\n"
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ " oneof _foo {\n"
+ " int32 __foo = 2;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "syntax: \"proto3\" "
+ "message_type {"
+ " name: \"TestMessage\""
+ " field { name:\"foo\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 number:1 "
+ " proto3_optional: true oneof_index: 1 } "
+ " field { name:\"__foo\" label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_INT32 number:2 "
+ " oneof_index: 0 } "
+ " oneof_decl { name:\"_foo\" } "
+ " oneof_decl { name:\"X_foo\" } "
+ "}");
+// ===================================================================
+typedef ParserTest ParseEnumTest;
+TEST_F(ParseEnumTest, SimpleEnum) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " FOO = 0;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "enum_type {"
+ " name: \"TestEnum\""
+ " value { name:\"FOO\" number:0 }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseEnumTest, Values) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " FOO = 13;\n"
+ " BAR = -10;\n"
+ " BAZ = 500;\n"
+ " HEX_MAX = 0x7FFFFFFF;\n"
+ " HEX_MIN = -0x80000000;\n"
+ " INT_MAX = 2147483647;\n"
+ " INT_MIN = -2147483648;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "enum_type {"
+ " name: \"TestEnum\""
+ " value { name:\"FOO\" number:13 }"
+ " value { name:\"BAR\" number:-10 }"
+ " value { name:\"BAZ\" number:500 }"
+ " value { name:\"HEX_MAX\" number:2147483647 }"
+ " value { name:\"HEX_MIN\" number:-2147483648 }"
+ " value { name:\"INT_MAX\" number:2147483647 }"
+ " value { name:\"INT_MIN\" number:-2147483648 }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseEnumTest, ValueOptions) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " FOO = 13;\n"
+ " BAR = -10 [ (something.text) = 'abc' ];\n"
+ " BAZ = 500 [ (something.text) = 'def', other = 1 ];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "enum_type {"
+ " name: \"TestEnum\""
+ " value { name: \"FOO\" number: 13 }"
+ " value { name: \"BAR\" number: -10 "
+ " options { "
+ " uninterpreted_option { "
+ " name { name_part: \"something.text\" is_extension: true } "
+ " string_value: \"abc\" "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " value { name: \"BAZ\" number: 500 "
+ " options { "
+ " uninterpreted_option { "
+ " name { name_part: \"something.text\" is_extension: true } "
+ " string_value: \"def\" "
+ " } "
+ " uninterpreted_option { "
+ " name { name_part: \"other\" is_extension: false } "
+ " positive_int_value: 1 "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ " } "
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseEnumTest, ReservedRange) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " FOO = 0;\n"
+ " reserved -2147483648, -6 to -4, -1 to 1, 2, 15, 9 to 11, 3, 20 to "
+ "max;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "enum_type {"
+ " name: \"TestEnum\""
+ " value { name:\"FOO\" number:0 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:-2147483648 end:-2147483648 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:-6 end:-4 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:-1 end:1 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:2 end:2 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:15 end:15 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:9 end:11 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:3 end:3 }"
+ " reserved_range { start:20 end:2147483647 }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseEnumTest, ReservedNames) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " FOO = 0;\n"
+ " reserved \"foo\", \"bar\";\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "enum_type {"
+ " name: \"TestEnum\""
+ " value { name:\"FOO\" number:0 }"
+ " reserved_name: \"foo\""
+ " reserved_name: \"bar\""
+ "}");
+// ===================================================================
+typedef ParserTest ParseServiceTest;
+TEST_F(ParseServiceTest, SimpleService) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "service TestService {\n"
+ " rpc Foo(In) returns (Out);\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "service {"
+ " name: \"TestService\""
+ " method { name:\"Foo\" input_type:\"In\" output_type:\"Out\" }"
+ "}");
+TEST_F(ParseServiceTest, MethodsAndStreams) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "service TestService {\n"
+ " rpc Foo(In1) returns (Out1);\n"
+ " rpc Bar(In2) returns (Out2);\n"
+ " rpc Baz(In3) returns (Out3);\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "service {"
+ " name: \"TestService\""
+ " method { name:\"Foo\" input_type:\"In1\" output_type:\"Out1\" }"
+ " method { name:\"Bar\" input_type:\"In2\" output_type:\"Out2\" }"
+ " method { name:\"Baz\" input_type:\"In3\" output_type:\"Out3\" }"
+ "}");
+// ===================================================================
+// imports and packages
+typedef ParserTest ParseMiscTest;
+TEST_F(ParseMiscTest, ParseImport) {
+ ExpectParsesTo("import \"foo/bar/baz.proto\";\n",
+ "dependency: \"foo/bar/baz.proto\"");
+TEST_F(ParseMiscTest, ParseMultipleImports) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "import \"foo.proto\";\n"
+ "import \"bar.proto\";\n"
+ "import \"baz.proto\";\n",
+ "dependency: \"foo.proto\""
+ "dependency: \"bar.proto\""
+ "dependency: \"baz.proto\"");
+TEST_F(ParseMiscTest, ParsePublicImports) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "import \"foo.proto\";\n"
+ "import public \"bar.proto\";\n"
+ "import \"baz.proto\";\n"
+ "import public \"qux.proto\";\n",
+ "dependency: \"foo.proto\""
+ "dependency: \"bar.proto\""
+ "dependency: \"baz.proto\""
+ "dependency: \"qux.proto\""
+ "public_dependency: 1 "
+ "public_dependency: 3 ");
+TEST_F(ParseMiscTest, ParsePackage) {
+ ExpectParsesTo("package foo.bar.baz;\n", "package: \"foo.bar.baz\"");
+TEST_F(ParseMiscTest, ParsePackageWithSpaces) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "package foo . bar. \n"
+ " baz;\n",
+ "package: \"foo.bar.baz\"");
+// ===================================================================
+// options
+TEST_F(ParseMiscTest, ParseFileOptions) {
+ ExpectParsesTo(
+ "option java_package = \"com.google.foo\";\n"
+ "option optimize_for = CODE_SIZE;",
+ "options {"
+ "uninterpreted_option { name { name_part: \"java_package\" "
+ " is_extension: false }"
+ " string_value: \"com.google.foo\"} "
+ "uninterpreted_option { name { name_part: \"optimize_for\" "
+ " is_extension: false }"
+ " identifier_value: \"CODE_SIZE\" } "
+ "}");
+// ===================================================================
+// Error tests
+// There are a very large number of possible errors that the parser could
+// report, so it's infeasible to test every single one of them. Instead,
+// we test each unique call to AddError() in parser.h. This does not mean
+// we are testing every possible error that Parser can generate because
+// each variant of the Consume() helper only counts as one unique call to
+// AddError().
+typedef ParserTest ParseErrorTest;
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MissingSyntaxIdentifier) {
+ require_syntax_identifier_ = true;
+ ExpectHasEarlyExitErrors("message TestMessage {}",
+ "0:0: File must begin with a syntax statement, e.g. "
+ "'syntax = \"proto2\";'.\n");
+ EXPECT_EQ("", parser_->GetSyntaxIdentifier());
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, UnknownSyntaxIdentifier) {
+ ExpectHasEarlyExitErrors(
+ "syntax = \"no_such_syntax\";",
+ "0:9: Unrecognized syntax identifier \"no_such_syntax\". This parser "
+ "only recognizes \"proto2\" and \"proto3\".\n");
+ EXPECT_EQ("no_such_syntax", parser_->GetSyntaxIdentifier());
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, SimpleSyntaxError) {
+ ExpectHasErrors("message TestMessage @#$ { blah }",
+ "0:20: Expected \"{\".\n");
+ EXPECT_EQ("proto2", parser_->GetSyntaxIdentifier());
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ExpectedTopLevel) {
+ ExpectHasErrors("blah;",
+ "0:0: Expected top-level statement (e.g. \"message\").\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, UnmatchedCloseBrace) {
+ // This used to cause an infinite loop. Doh.
+ ExpectHasErrors("}",
+ "0:0: Expected top-level statement (e.g. \"message\").\n"
+ "0:0: Unmatched \"}\".\n");
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Message errors
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MessageMissingName) {
+ ExpectHasErrors("message {}", "0:8: Expected message name.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MessageMissingBody) {
+ ExpectHasErrors("message TestMessage;", "0:19: Expected \"{\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EofInMessage) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {",
+ "0:21: Reached end of input in message definition (missing '}').\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MissingFieldNumber) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional int32 foo;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:20: Missing field number.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ExpectedFieldNumber) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional int32 foo = ;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:23: Expected field number.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, FieldNumberOutOfRange) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional int32 foo = 0x100000000;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:23: Integer out of range.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MissingLabel) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:2: Expected \"required\", \"optional\", or \"repeated\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ExpectedOptionName) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional uint32 foo = 1 [];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:27: Expected identifier.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, NonExtensionOptionNameBeginningWithDot) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional uint32 foo = 1 [.foo=1];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:27: Expected identifier.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, DefaultValueTypeMismatch) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional uint32 foo = 1 [default=true];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:35: Expected integer for field default value.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, DefaultValueNotBoolean) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional bool foo = 1 [default=blah];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:33: Expected \"true\" or \"false\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, DefaultValueNotString) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional string foo = 1 [default=1];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:35: Expected string for field default value.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, DefaultValueUnsignedNegative) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional uint32 foo = 1 [default=-1];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:36: Unsigned field can't have negative default value.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, DefaultValueTooLarge) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional int32 foo = 1 [default= 0x80000000];\n"
+ " optional int32 foo = 1 [default=-0x80000001];\n"
+ " optional uint32 foo = 1 [default= 0x100000000];\n"
+ " optional int64 foo = 1 [default= 0x80000000000000000];\n"
+ " optional int64 foo = 1 [default=-0x80000000000000001];\n"
+ " optional uint64 foo = 1 [default= 0x100000000000000000];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:36: Integer out of range.\n"
+ "2:36: Integer out of range.\n"
+ "3:36: Integer out of range.\n"
+ "4:36: Integer out of range.\n"
+ "5:36: Integer out of range.\n"
+ "6:36: Integer out of range.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, JsonNameNotString) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional string foo = 1 [json_name=1];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:37: Expected string for JSON name.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, DuplicateJsonName) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional uint32 foo = 1 [json_name=\"a\",json_name=\"b\"];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:41: Already set option \"json_name\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EnumValueOutOfRange) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " HEX_TOO_BIG = 0x80000000;\n"
+ " HEX_TOO_SMALL = -0x80000001;\n"
+ " INT_TOO_BIG = 2147483648;\n"
+ " INT_TOO_SMALL = -2147483649;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:19: Integer out of range.\n"
+ "2:19: Integer out of range.\n"
+ "3:19: Integer out of range.\n"
+ "4:19: Integer out of range.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EnumAllowAliasFalse) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "enum Foo {\n"
+ " option allow_alias = false;\n"
+ " BAR = 1;\n"
+ " BAZ = 2;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "5:0: \"Foo\" declares 'option allow_alias = false;' which has no "
+ "effect. "
+ "Please remove the declaration.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, UnnecessaryEnumAllowAlias) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "enum Foo {\n"
+ " option allow_alias = true;\n"
+ " BAR = 1;\n"
+ " BAZ = 2;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "5:0: \"Foo\" declares support for enum aliases but no enum values share "
+ "field numbers. Please remove the unnecessary 'option allow_alias = "
+ "true;' "
+ "declaration.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, DefaultValueMissing) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional uint32 foo = 1 [default=];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:35: Expected integer for field default value.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, DefaultValueForGroup) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional group Foo = 1 [default=blah] {}\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:34: Messages can't have default values.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, DuplicateDefaultValue) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional uint32 foo = 1 [default=1,default=2];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:37: Already set option \"default\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MissingOneofName) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " oneof {\n"
+ " int32 bar = 1;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:8: Expected oneof name.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, LabelInOneof) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " oneof foo {\n"
+ " optional int32 bar = 1;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:4: Fields in oneofs must not have labels (required / optional "
+ "/ repeated).\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MapInOneof) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " oneof foo {\n"
+ " map<int32, int32> foo_map = 1;\n"
+ " map message_field = 2;\n" // a normal message field is OK
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:7: Map fields are not allowed in oneofs.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, LabelForMap) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional map<int32, int32> int_map = 1;\n"
+ " required map<int32, int32> int_map2 = 2;\n"
+ " repeated map<int32, int32> int_map3 = 3;\n"
+ " optional map map_message = 4;\n" // a normal message field is OK
+ "}\n",
+ "1:14: Field labels (required/optional/repeated) are not allowed on map "
+ "fields.\n"
+ "2:14: Field labels (required/optional/repeated) are not allowed on map "
+ "fields.\n"
+ "3:14: Field labels (required/optional/repeated) are not allowed on map "
+ "fields.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MalformedMaps) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " map map_message = 1;\n" // a normal message field lacking label
+ " map<string> str_map = 2;\n"
+ " map<string,> str_map2 = 3;\n"
+ " map<,string> str_map3 = 4;\n"
+ " map<> empty_map = 5;\n"
+ " map<string,string str_map6 = 6;\n"
+ "}"
+ "extend SomeMessage {\n"
+ " map<int32, int32> int_map = 1;\n"
+ "}",
+ "1:6: Expected \"required\", \"optional\", or \"repeated\".\n"
+ "2:12: Expected \",\".\n"
+ "3:13: Expected type name.\n"
+ "4:6: Expected type name.\n"
+ "5:6: Expected type name.\n"
+ "6:20: Expected \">\".\n"
+ "8:5: Map fields are not allowed to be extensions.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, GroupNotCapitalized) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional group foo = 1 {}\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:17: Group names must start with a capital letter.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, GroupMissingBody) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional group Foo = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:24: Missing group body.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ExtendingPrimitive) {
+ ExpectHasErrors("extend int32 { optional string foo = 4; }\n",
+ "0:7: Expected message type.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ErrorInExtension) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message Foo { extensions 100 to 199; }\n"
+ "extend Foo { optional string foo; }\n",
+ "1:32: Missing field number.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MultipleParseErrors) {
+ // When a statement has a parse error, the parser should be able to continue
+ // parsing at the next statement.
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional int32 foo;\n"
+ " !invalid statement ending in a block { blah blah { blah } blah }\n"
+ " optional int32 bar = 3 {}\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:20: Missing field number.\n"
+ "2:2: Expected \"required\", \"optional\", or \"repeated\".\n"
+ "2:2: Expected type name.\n"
+ "3:25: Expected \";\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EofInAggregateValue) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "option (fileopt) = { i:100\n",
+ "1:0: Unexpected end of stream while parsing aggregate value.\n");
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Enum errors
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EofInEnum) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "enum TestEnum {",
+ "0:15: Reached end of input in enum definition (missing '}').\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EnumValueMissingNumber) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " FOO;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:5: Missing numeric value for enum constant.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EnumReservedStandaloneMaxNotAllowed) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " FOO = 1;\n"
+ " reserved max;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:11: Expected enum value or number range.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EnumReservedMixNameAndNumber) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " FOO = 1;\n"
+ " reserved 10, \"foo\";\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:15: Expected enum number range.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EnumReservedPositiveNumberOutOfRange) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ "FOO = 1;\n"
+ " reserved 2147483648;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:11: Integer out of range.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EnumReservedNegativeNumberOutOfRange) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ "FOO = 1;\n"
+ " reserved -2147483649;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:12: Integer out of range.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EnumReservedMissingQuotes) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " FOO = 1;\n"
+ " reserved foo;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:11: Expected enum value or number range.\n");
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Reserved field number errors
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ReservedStandaloneMaxNotAllowed) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " reserved max;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:11: Expected field name or number range.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ReservedMixNameAndNumber) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " reserved 10, \"foo\";\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:15: Expected field number range.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ReservedMissingQuotes) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " reserved foo;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:11: Expected field name or number range.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ReservedNegativeNumber) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " reserved -10;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:11: Expected field name or number range.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ReservedNumberOutOfRange) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " reserved 2147483648;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:11: Integer out of range.\n");
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Service errors
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EofInService) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "service TestService {",
+ "0:21: Reached end of input in service definition (missing '}').\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ServiceMethodPrimitiveParams) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "service TestService {\n"
+ " rpc Foo(int32) returns (string);\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:10: Expected message type.\n"
+ "1:26: Expected message type.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, EofInMethodOptions) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "service TestService {\n"
+ " rpc Foo(Bar) returns(Bar) {",
+ "1:29: Reached end of input in method options (missing '}').\n"
+ "1:29: Reached end of input in service definition (missing '}').\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, PrimitiveMethodInput) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "service TestService {\n"
+ " rpc Foo(int32) returns(Bar);\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:10: Expected message type.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MethodOptionTypeError) {
+ // This used to cause an infinite loop.
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "message Baz {}\n"
+ "service Foo {\n"
+ " rpc Bar(Baz) returns(Baz) { option invalid syntax; }\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:45: Expected \"=\".\n");
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Import and package errors
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, ImportNotQuoted) {
+ ExpectHasErrors("import foo;\n",
+ "0:7: Expected a string naming the file to import.\n");
+TEST_F(ParseErrorTest, MultiplePackagesInFile) {
+ ExpectHasErrors(
+ "package foo;\n"
+ "package bar;\n",
+ "1:0: Multiple package definitions.\n");
+// ===================================================================
+// Test that errors detected by DescriptorPool correctly report line and
+// column numbers. We have one test for every call to RecordLocation() in
+// parser.cc.
+typedef ParserTest ParserValidationErrorTest;
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, PackageNameError) {
+ // Create another file which defines symbol "foo".
+ FileDescriptorProto other_file;
+ other_file.set_name("bar.proto");
+ other_file.add_message_type()->set_name("foo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(pool_.BuildFile(other_file) != NULL);
+ // Now try to define it as a package.
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "package foo.bar;",
+ "0:0: \"foo\" is already defined (as something other than a package) "
+ "in file \"bar.proto\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, ImportUnloadedError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "package test;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "import \"unloaded.proto\";",
+ "2:0: Import \"unloaded.proto\" has not been loaded.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, ImportTwice) {
+ FileDescriptorProto other_file;
+ other_file.set_name("bar.proto");
+ other_file.add_message_type()->set_name("foo");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(pool_.BuildFile(other_file) != nullptr);
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "package test;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "import \"bar.proto\";\n"
+ " import \"bar.proto\";",
+ "3:2: Import \"bar.proto\" was listed twice.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, DuplicateFileError) {
+ FileDescriptorProto other_file;
+ other_file.set_name("foo.proto");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(pool_.BuildFile(other_file) != nullptr);
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "package test;", "0:0: A file with this name is already in the pool.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, MessageNameError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message Foo {}\n"
+ "message Foo {}\n",
+ "1:8: \"Foo\" is already defined.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, FieldNameError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional int32 bar = 1;\n"
+ " optional int32 bar = 2;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:17: \"bar\" is already defined in \"Foo\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, FieldTypeError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional Baz bar = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:11: \"Baz\" is not defined.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, FieldNumberError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional int32 bar = 0;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:23: Field numbers must be positive integers.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, FieldExtendeeError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors("extend Baz { optional int32 bar = 1; }\n",
+ "0:7: \"Baz\" is not defined.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, ExtensionJsonNameError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " extensions 1 to 100;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "extend TestMessage {\n"
+ " optional int32 foo = 12 [json_name = \"bar\"];\n"
+ "}",
+ "4:27: option json_name is not allowed on extension fields.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, FieldDefaultValueError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "enum Baz { QUX = 1; }\n"
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional Baz bar = 1 [default=NO_SUCH_VALUE];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:32: Enum type \"Baz\" has no value named \"NO_SUCH_VALUE\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, FileOptionNameError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "option foo = 5;",
+ "0:7: Option \"foo\" unknown. Ensure that your proto definition file "
+ "imports the proto which defines the option.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, FileOptionValueError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "option java_outer_classname = 5;",
+ "0:30: Value must be quoted string for string option "
+ "\"google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_outer_classname\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, FieldOptionNameError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional bool bar = 1 [foo=1];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:25: Option \"foo\" unknown. Ensure that your proto definition file "
+ "imports the proto which defines the option.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, FieldOptionValueError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " optional int32 bar = 1 [ctype=1];\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:32: Value must be identifier for enum-valued option "
+ "\"google.protobuf.FieldOptions.ctype\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, ExtensionRangeNumberError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " extensions 0;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:13: Extension numbers must be positive integers.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, Proto3ExtensionError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "syntax = 'proto3';\n"
+ "message Foo { \n"
+ " extensions 100 to 199;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "extend Foo { string foo = 101; }\n",
+ "4:7: Extensions in proto3 are only allowed for defining options.\n"
+ "2:13: Extension ranges are not allowed in proto3.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, Proto3MessageSet) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "syntax = 'proto3';\n"
+ "message Foo { \n"
+ " option message_set_wire_format = true;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "1:8: MessageSet is not supported in proto3.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, Proto3Required) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "syntax = 'proto3';\n"
+ "message Foo { \n"
+ " required int32 field = 1;"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:11: Required fields are not allowed in proto3.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, Proto3Default) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "syntax = 'proto3';\n"
+ "message Foo { \n"
+ " int32 field = 1 [default = 12];"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:29: Explicit default values are not allowed in proto3.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, Proto3JsonConflictError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "syntax = 'proto3';\n"
+ "message TestMessage {\n"
+ " uint32 foo = 1;\n"
+ " uint32 Foo = 2;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "3:9: The JSON camel-case name of field \"Foo\" conflicts with field "
+ "\"foo\". This is not allowed in proto3.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, EnumNameError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "enum Foo {A = 1;}\n"
+ "enum Foo {B = 1;}\n",
+ "1:5: \"Foo\" is already defined.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, Proto3EnumError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "syntax = 'proto3';\n"
+ "enum Foo {A = 1;}\n",
+ "1:14: The first enum value must be zero in proto3.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, EnumValueNameError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "enum Foo {\n"
+ " BAR = 1;\n"
+ " BAR = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:2: \"BAR\" is already defined.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, EnumValueAliasError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "enum Foo {\n"
+ " BAR = 1;\n"
+ " BAZ = 1;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:8: \"BAZ\" uses the same enum value as \"BAR\". If this is "
+ "intended, set 'option allow_alias = true;' to the enum "
+ "definition.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, ExplicitlyMapEntryError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " message ValueEntry {\n"
+ " option map_entry = true;\n"
+ " optional int32 key = 1;\n"
+ " optional int32 value = 2;\n"
+ " extensions 99 to 999;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " repeated ValueEntry value = 1;\n"
+ "}",
+ "7:11: map_entry should not be set explicitly. Use "
+ "map<KeyType, ValueType> instead.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, ServiceNameError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "service Foo {}\n"
+ "service Foo {}\n",
+ "1:8: \"Foo\" is already defined.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, MethodNameError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message Baz {}\n"
+ "service Foo {\n"
+ " rpc Bar(Baz) returns(Baz);\n"
+ " rpc Bar(Baz) returns(Baz);\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "3:6: \"Bar\" is already defined in \"Foo\".\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, MethodInputTypeError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message Baz {}\n"
+ "service Foo {\n"
+ " rpc Bar(Qux) returns(Baz);\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:10: \"Qux\" is not defined.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, MethodOutputTypeError) {
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "message Baz {}\n"
+ "service Foo {\n"
+ " rpc Bar(Baz) returns(Qux);\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "2:23: \"Qux\" is not defined.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, ResolvedUndefinedError) {
+ // Create another file which defines symbol ".base.bar".
+ FileDescriptorProto other_file;
+ other_file.set_name("base.proto");
+ other_file.set_package("base");
+ other_file.add_message_type()->set_name("bar");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(pool_.BuildFile(other_file) != NULL);
+ // Define "foo.base" and try "base.bar".
+ // "base.bar" is resolved to "foo.base.bar" which is not defined.
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "package foo.base;\n"
+ "import \"base.proto\";\n"
+ "message qux {\n"
+ " optional base.bar baz = 1;\n"
+ " optional .base.bar quz = 2;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "3:11: \"base.bar\" is resolved to \"foo.base.bar\","
+ " which is not defined. The innermost scope is searched first "
+ "in name resolution. Consider using a leading '.'(i.e., \".base.bar\")"
+ " to start from the outermost scope.\n");
+TEST_F(ParserValidationErrorTest, ResovledUndefinedOptionError) {
+ // Build descriptor message in test pool
+ FileDescriptorProto descriptor_proto;
+ DescriptorProto::descriptor()->file()->CopyTo(&descriptor_proto);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pool_.BuildFile(descriptor_proto) != NULL);
+ // base2.proto:
+ // package baz
+ // import net/proto2/proto/descriptor.proto
+ // message Bar { optional int32 foo = 1; }
+ // extend FileOptions { optional Bar bar = 7672757; }
+ FileDescriptorProto other_file;
+ other_file.set_name("base2.proto");
+ other_file.set_package("baz");
+ other_file.add_dependency();
+ other_file.set_dependency(0, descriptor_proto.name());
+ DescriptorProto* message(other_file.add_message_type());
+ message->set_name("Bar");
+ FieldDescriptorProto* field(message->add_field());
+ field->set_name("foo");
+ field->set_number(1);
+ field->set_label(FieldDescriptorProto::LABEL_OPTIONAL);
+ field->set_type(FieldDescriptorProto::TYPE_INT32);
+ FieldDescriptorProto* extension(other_file.add_extension());
+ extension->set_name("bar");
+ extension->set_number(7672757);
+ extension->set_label(FieldDescriptorProto::LABEL_OPTIONAL);
+ extension->set_type(FieldDescriptorProto::TYPE_MESSAGE);
+ extension->set_type_name("Bar");
+ extension->set_extendee("google.protobuf.FileOptions");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(pool_.BuildFile(other_file) != NULL);
+ // qux.proto:
+ // package qux.baz
+ // option (baz.bar).foo = 1;
+ //
+ // Although "baz.bar" is already defined, the lookup code will try
+ // "qux.baz.bar", since it's the match from the innermost scope,
+ // which will cause a symbol not defined error.
+ ExpectHasValidationErrors(
+ "package qux.baz;\n"
+ "import \"base2.proto\";\n"
+ "option (baz.bar).foo = 1;\n",
+ "2:7: Option \"(baz.bar)\" is resolved to \"(qux.baz.bar)\","
+ " which is not defined. The innermost scope is searched first "
+ "in name resolution. Consider using a leading '.'(i.e., \"(.baz.bar)\")"
+ " to start from the outermost scope.\n");
+// ===================================================================
+// Test that the output from FileDescriptor::DebugString() (and all other
+// descriptor types) is parseable, and results in the same Descriptor
+// definitions again afoter parsing (note, however, that the order of messages
+// cannot be guaranteed to be the same)
+typedef ParserTest ParseDescriptorDebugTest;
+class CompareDescriptorNames {
+ public:
+ bool operator()(const DescriptorProto* left,
+ const DescriptorProto* right) const {
+ return left->name() < right->name();
+ }
+// Sorts nested DescriptorProtos of a DescriptoProto, by name.
+void SortMessages(DescriptorProto* descriptor_proto) {
+ int size = descriptor_proto->nested_type_size();
+ // recursively sort; we can't guarantee the order of nested messages either
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ SortMessages(descriptor_proto->mutable_nested_type(i));
+ }
+ DescriptorProto** data =
+ descriptor_proto->mutable_nested_type()->mutable_data();
+ std::sort(data, data + size, CompareDescriptorNames());
+// Sorts DescriptorProtos belonging to a FileDescriptorProto, by name.
+void SortMessages(FileDescriptorProto* file_descriptor_proto) {
+ int size = file_descriptor_proto->message_type_size();
+ // recursively sort; we can't guarantee the order of nested messages either
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ SortMessages(file_descriptor_proto->mutable_message_type(i));
+ }
+ DescriptorProto** data =
+ file_descriptor_proto->mutable_message_type()->mutable_data();
+ std::sort(data, data + size, CompareDescriptorNames());
+// Strips the message and enum field type names for comparison purpose only.
+void StripFieldTypeName(DescriptorProto* proto) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < proto->field_size(); ++i) {
+ std::string type_name = proto->field(i).type_name();
+ std::string::size_type pos = type_name.find_last_of('.');
+ if (pos != std::string::npos) {
+ proto->mutable_field(i)->mutable_type_name()->assign(
+ type_name.begin() + pos + 1, type_name.end());
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < proto->nested_type_size(); ++i) {
+ StripFieldTypeName(proto->mutable_nested_type(i));
+ }
+void StripFieldTypeName(FileDescriptorProto* file_proto) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < file_proto->message_type_size(); ++i) {
+ StripFieldTypeName(file_proto->mutable_message_type(i));
+ }
+TEST_F(ParseDescriptorDebugTest, TestAllDescriptorTypes) {
+ const FileDescriptor* original_file =
+ protobuf_unittest::TestAllTypes::descriptor()->file();
+ FileDescriptorProto expected;
+ original_file->CopyTo(&expected);
+ // Get the DebugString of the unittest.proto FileDecriptor, which includes
+ // all other descriptor types
+ std::string debug_string = original_file->DebugString();
+ // Parse the debug string
+ SetupParser(debug_string.c_str());
+ FileDescriptorProto parsed;
+ parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &parsed);
+ EXPECT_EQ(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_END, input_->current().type);
+ ASSERT_EQ("", error_collector_.text_) << "Failed to parse:\n" << debug_string;
+ // We now have a FileDescriptorProto, but to compare with the expected we
+ // need to link to a FileDecriptor, then output back to a proto. We'll
+ // also need to give it the same name as the original.
+ parsed.set_name(
+ TestUtil::MaybeTranslatePath("net/proto2/internal/unittest.proto"));
+ // We need the imported dependency before we can build our parsed proto
+ const FileDescriptor* public_import =
+ protobuf_unittest_import::PublicImportMessage::descriptor()->file();
+ FileDescriptorProto public_import_proto;
+ public_import->CopyTo(&public_import_proto);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pool_.BuildFile(public_import_proto) != NULL);
+ const FileDescriptor* import =
+ protobuf_unittest_import::ImportMessage::descriptor()->file();
+ FileDescriptorProto import_proto;
+ import->CopyTo(&import_proto);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pool_.BuildFile(import_proto) != NULL);
+ const FileDescriptor* actual = pool_.BuildFile(parsed);
+ parsed.Clear();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(actual != NULL) << "Failed to validate:\n" << debug_string;
+ actual->CopyTo(&parsed);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(actual != NULL);
+ // The messages might be in different orders, making them hard to compare.
+ // So, sort the messages in the descriptor protos (including nested messages,
+ // recursively).
+ SortMessages(&expected);
+ SortMessages(&parsed);
+ // I really wanted to use StringDiff here for the debug output on fail,
+ // but the strings are too long for it, and if I increase its max size,
+ // we get a memory allocation failure :(
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected.DebugString(), parsed.DebugString());
+TEST_F(ParseDescriptorDebugTest, TestCustomOptions) {
+ const FileDescriptor* original_file =
+ protobuf_unittest::AggregateMessage::descriptor()->file();
+ FileDescriptorProto expected;
+ original_file->CopyTo(&expected);
+ std::string debug_string = original_file->DebugString();
+ // Parse the debug string
+ SetupParser(debug_string.c_str());
+ FileDescriptorProto parsed;
+ parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &parsed);
+ EXPECT_EQ(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_END, input_->current().type);
+ ASSERT_EQ("", error_collector_.text_);
+ // We now have a FileDescriptorProto, but to compare with the expected we
+ // need to link to a FileDecriptor, then output back to a proto. We'll
+ // also need to give it the same name as the original.
+ parsed.set_name(original_file->name());
+ // unittest_custom_options.proto depends on descriptor.proto.
+ const FileDescriptor* import = FileDescriptorProto::descriptor()->file();
+ FileDescriptorProto import_proto;
+ import->CopyTo(&import_proto);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pool_.BuildFile(import_proto) != NULL);
+ FileDescriptorProto any_import;
+ google::protobuf::Any::descriptor()->file()->CopyTo(&any_import);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pool_.BuildFile(any_import) != nullptr);
+ const FileDescriptor* actual = pool_.BuildFile(parsed);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(actual != NULL);
+ parsed.Clear();
+ actual->CopyTo(&parsed);
+ // The messages might be in different orders, making them hard to compare.
+ // So, sort the messages in the descriptor protos (including nested messages,
+ // recursively).
+ SortMessages(&expected);
+ SortMessages(&parsed);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected.DebugString(), parsed.DebugString());
+// Ensure that DebugStringWithOptions(), with |include_comments| set to true,
+// includes comments from the original parser input in all of the appropriate
+// places.
+TEST_F(ParseDescriptorDebugTest, TestCommentsInDebugString) {
+ SetupParser(
+ "// Detached comment before syntax.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// Syntax comment.\n"
+ "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// Detached comment before package.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// Package comment.\n"
+ "package comment_test;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// Detached comment before TestMessage1.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// Message comment.\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// More detail in message comment.\n"
+ "message TestMessage1 {\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Detached comment before foo.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Field comment.\n"
+ " optional int32 foo = 1;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Detached comment before NestedMessage.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Nested-message comment.\n"
+ " message NestedMessage {\n"
+ " optional int32 bar = 1;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// Detached comment before MyEnumType.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// Enum comment.\n"
+ "enum MyEnumType {\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Detached comment before ASDF.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Enum-value comment.\n"
+ " ASDF = 1;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// Detached comment before MyService.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// Service comment.\n"
+ "service MyService {\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Detached comment before MyRPCCall.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // RPC comment.\n"
+ " rpc MyRPCCall(TestMessage1) returns (TestMessage1) { }\n"
+ "}\n");
+ FileDescriptorProto parsed_desc;
+ parsed_desc.set_name("foo.proto");
+ SourceLocationTable source_locations;
+ parser_->RecordSourceLocationsTo(&source_locations);
+ parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &parsed_desc);
+ EXPECT_EQ(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_END, input_->current().type);
+ ASSERT_EQ("", error_collector_.text_);
+ // We need to import the FileDescriptorProto to get a FileDescriptor.
+ MockValidationErrorCollector collector(source_locations, &error_collector_);
+ const FileDescriptor* descriptor =
+ pool_.BuildFileCollectingErrors(parsed_desc, &collector);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(descriptor != NULL);
+ // Ensure that each of the comments appears somewhere in the DebugString().
+ // We don't test the exact comment placement or formatting, because we do not
+ // want to be too fragile here.
+ const char* expected_comments[] = {
+ "Detached comment before syntax.",
+ "Syntax comment.",
+ "Detached comment before package.",
+ "Package comment.",
+ "Detached comment before TestMessage1.",
+ "Message comment.",
+ "More detail in message comment.",
+ "Detached comment before foo.",
+ "Field comment",
+ "Detached comment before NestedMessage.",
+ "Nested-message comment",
+ "Detached comment before MyEnumType.",
+ "Enum comment",
+ "Detached comment before ASDF.",
+ "Enum-value comment",
+ "Detached comment before MyService.",
+ "Service comment",
+ "Detached comment before MyRPCCall.",
+ "RPC comment",
+ };
+ DebugStringOptions debug_string_options;
+ debug_string_options.include_comments = true;
+ {
+ const std::string debug_string =
+ descriptor->DebugStringWithOptions(debug_string_options);
+ for (int i = 0; i < GOOGLE_ARRAYSIZE(expected_comments); ++i) {
+ std::string::size_type found_pos =
+ debug_string.find(expected_comments[i]);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(found_pos != std::string::npos)
+ << "\"" << expected_comments[i] << "\" not found.";
+ }
+ // Result of DebugStringWithOptions should be parseable.
+ SetupParser(debug_string.c_str());
+ FileDescriptorProto parsed;
+ parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &parsed);
+ EXPECT_EQ(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_END, input_->current().type);
+ ASSERT_EQ("", error_collector_.text_) << "Failed to parse:\n"
+ << debug_string;
+ }
+TEST_F(ParseDescriptorDebugTest, TestMaps) {
+ SetupParser(
+ "syntax = \"proto3\"; "
+ "message Foo { "
+ " message Bar { } "
+ " map<int32, Bar> enum_message_map = 1; "
+ " map<string, float> primitive_map = 2; "
+ "} ");
+ FileDescriptorProto original;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &original));
+ original.set_name("foo.proto");
+ const FileDescriptor* file = pool_.BuildFile(original);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file != NULL);
+ // Make sure the debug string uses map syntax and does not have the auto
+ // generated entry.
+ std::string debug_string = file->DebugString();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(debug_string.find("map<") != std::string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(debug_string.find("option map_entry") == std::string::npos);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(debug_string.find("MapEntry") == std::string::npos);
+ // Make sure the descriptor debug string is parsable.
+ FileDescriptorProto parsed;
+ SetupParser(debug_string.c_str());
+ parsed.set_name("foo.proto");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &parsed));
+ original.clear_source_code_info();
+ parsed.clear_source_code_info();
+ StripFieldTypeName(&original);
+ StripFieldTypeName(&parsed);
+ EXPECT_EQ(original.DebugString(), parsed.DebugString());
+// ===================================================================
+// SourceCodeInfo tests.
+// Follows a path -- as defined by SourceCodeInfo.Location.path -- from a
+// message to a particular sub-field.
+// * If the target is itself a message, sets *output_message to point at it,
+// *output_field to NULL, and *output_index to -1.
+// * Otherwise, if the target is an element of a repeated field, sets
+// *output_message to the containing message, *output_field to the descriptor
+// of the field, and *output_index to the index of the element.
+// * Otherwise, the target is a field (possibly a repeated field, but not any
+// one element). Sets *output_message to the containing message,
+// *output_field to the descriptor of the field, and *output_index to -1.
+// Returns true if the path was valid, false otherwise. A gTest failure is
+// recorded before returning false.
+bool FollowPath(const Message& root, const int* path_begin, const int* path_end,
+ const Message** output_message,
+ const FieldDescriptor** output_field, int* output_index) {
+ if (path_begin == path_end) {
+ // Path refers to this whole message.
+ *output_message = &root;
+ *output_field = NULL;
+ *output_index = -1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ const Descriptor* descriptor = root.GetDescriptor();
+ const Reflection* reflection = root.GetReflection();
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor->FindFieldByNumber(*path_begin);
+ if (field == NULL) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << descriptor->name()
+ << " has no field number: " << *path_begin;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ++path_begin;
+ if (field->is_repeated()) {
+ if (path_begin == path_end) {
+ // Path refers to the whole repeated field.
+ *output_message = &root;
+ *output_field = field;
+ *output_index = -1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ int index = *path_begin++;
+ int size = reflection->FieldSize(root, field);
+ if (index >= size) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << descriptor->name() << "." << field->name()
+ << " has size " << size
+ << ", but path contained index: " << index;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {
+ // Descend into child message.
+ const Message& child = reflection->GetRepeatedMessage(root, field, index);
+ return FollowPath(child, path_begin, path_end, output_message,
+ output_field, output_index);
+ } else if (path_begin == path_end) {
+ // Path refers to this element.
+ *output_message = &root;
+ *output_field = field;
+ *output_index = index;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << descriptor->name() << "." << field->name()
+ << " is not a message; cannot descend into it.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {
+ const Message& child = reflection->GetMessage(root, field);
+ return FollowPath(child, path_begin, path_end, output_message,
+ output_field, output_index);
+ } else if (path_begin == path_end) {
+ // Path refers to this field.
+ *output_message = &root;
+ *output_field = field;
+ *output_index = -1;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << descriptor->name() << "." << field->name()
+ << " is not a message; cannot descend into it.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+// Check if two spans are equal.
+bool CompareSpans(const RepeatedField<int>& span1,
+ const RepeatedField<int>& span2) {
+ if (span1.size() != span2.size()) return false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < span1.size(); i++) {
+ if (span1.Get(i) != span2.Get(i)) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Test fixture for source info tests, which check that source locations are
+// recorded correctly in FileDescriptorProto.source_code_info.location.
+class SourceInfoTest : public ParserTest {
+ protected:
+ // The parsed file (initialized by Parse()).
+ FileDescriptorProto file_;
+ // Parse the given text as a .proto file and populate the spans_ map with
+ // all the source location spans in its SourceCodeInfo table.
+ bool Parse(const char* text) {
+ ExtractMarkers(text);
+ SetupParser(text_without_markers_.c_str());
+ if (!parser_->Parse(input_.get(), &file_)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const SourceCodeInfo& source_info = file_.source_code_info();
+ for (int i = 0; i < source_info.location_size(); i++) {
+ const SourceCodeInfo::Location& location = source_info.location(i);
+ const Message* descriptor_proto = NULL;
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = NULL;
+ int index = 0;
+ if (!FollowPath(file_, location.path().begin(), location.path().end(),
+ &descriptor_proto, &field, &index)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ spans_.insert(
+ std::make_pair(SpanKey(*descriptor_proto, field, index), &location));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void TearDown() override {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(spans_.empty()) << "Forgot to call HasSpan() for:\n"
+ << spans_.begin()->second->DebugString();
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // HasSpan() checks that the span of source code delimited by the given
+ // tags (comments) correspond via the SourceCodeInfo table to the given
+ // part of the FileDescriptorProto. (If unclear, look at the actual tests;
+ // it should quickly become obvious.)
+ bool HasSpan(char start_marker, char end_marker,
+ const Message& descriptor_proto) {
+ return HasSpanWithComment(start_marker, end_marker, descriptor_proto, NULL,
+ -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ bool HasSpanWithComment(char start_marker, char end_marker,
+ const Message& descriptor_proto,
+ const char* expected_leading_comments,
+ const char* expected_trailing_comments,
+ const char* expected_leading_detached_comments) {
+ return HasSpanWithComment(start_marker, end_marker, descriptor_proto, NULL,
+ -1, expected_leading_comments,
+ expected_trailing_comments,
+ expected_leading_detached_comments);
+ }
+ bool HasSpan(char start_marker, char end_marker,
+ const Message& descriptor_proto, const std::string& field_name) {
+ return HasSpan(start_marker, end_marker, descriptor_proto, field_name, -1);
+ }
+ bool HasSpan(char start_marker, char end_marker,
+ const Message& descriptor_proto, const std::string& field_name,
+ int index) {
+ return HasSpan(start_marker, end_marker, descriptor_proto, field_name,
+ index, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ bool HasSpan(char start_marker, char end_marker,
+ const Message& descriptor_proto, const std::string& field_name,
+ int index, const char* expected_leading_comments,
+ const char* expected_trailing_comments,
+ const char* expected_leading_detached_comments) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field =
+ descriptor_proto.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByName(field_name);
+ if (field == NULL) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << descriptor_proto.GetDescriptor()->name()
+ << " has no such field: " << field_name;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return HasSpanWithComment(start_marker, end_marker, descriptor_proto, field,
+ index, expected_leading_comments,
+ expected_trailing_comments,
+ expected_leading_detached_comments);
+ }
+ bool HasSpan(const Message& descriptor_proto) {
+ return HasSpanWithComment('\0', '\0', descriptor_proto, NULL, -1, NULL,
+ }
+ bool HasSpan(const Message& descriptor_proto, const std::string& field_name) {
+ return HasSpan('\0', '\0', descriptor_proto, field_name, -1);
+ }
+ bool HasSpanWithComment(char start_marker, char end_marker,
+ const Message& descriptor_proto,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index,
+ const char* expected_leading_comments,
+ const char* expected_trailing_comments,
+ const char* expected_leading_detached_comments) {
+ std::pair<SpanMap::iterator, SpanMap::iterator> range =
+ spans_.equal_range(SpanKey(descriptor_proto, field, index));
+ if (start_marker == '\0') {
+ if (range.first == range.second) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ spans_.erase(range.first);
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ std::pair<int, int> start_pos = FindOrDie(markers_, start_marker);
+ std::pair<int, int> end_pos = FindOrDie(markers_, end_marker);
+ RepeatedField<int> expected_span;
+ expected_span.Add(start_pos.first);
+ expected_span.Add(start_pos.second);
+ if (end_pos.first != start_pos.first) {
+ expected_span.Add(end_pos.first);
+ }
+ expected_span.Add(end_pos.second);
+ for (SpanMap::iterator iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter) {
+ if (CompareSpans(expected_span, iter->second->span())) {
+ if (expected_leading_comments == NULL) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(iter->second->has_leading_comments());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(iter->second->has_leading_comments());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_leading_comments,
+ iter->second->leading_comments());
+ }
+ if (expected_trailing_comments == NULL) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(iter->second->has_trailing_comments());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(iter->second->has_trailing_comments());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_trailing_comments,
+ iter->second->trailing_comments());
+ }
+ if (expected_leading_detached_comments == NULL) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, iter->second->leading_detached_comments_size());
+ } else {
+ expected_leading_detached_comments,
+ Join(iter->second->leading_detached_comments(), "\n"));
+ }
+ spans_.erase(iter);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ struct SpanKey {
+ const Message* descriptor_proto;
+ const FieldDescriptor* field;
+ int index;
+ inline SpanKey() {}
+ inline SpanKey(const Message& descriptor_proto_param,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field_param, int index_param)
+ : descriptor_proto(&descriptor_proto_param),
+ field(field_param),
+ index(index_param) {}
+ inline bool operator<(const SpanKey& other) const {
+ if (descriptor_proto < other.descriptor_proto) return true;
+ if (descriptor_proto > other.descriptor_proto) return false;
+ if (field < other.field) return true;
+ if (field > other.field) return false;
+ return index < other.index;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::multimap<SpanKey, const SourceCodeInfo::Location*> SpanMap;
+ SpanMap spans_;
+ std::map<char, std::pair<int, int> > markers_;
+ std::string text_without_markers_;
+ void ExtractMarkers(const char* text) {
+ markers_.clear();
+ text_without_markers_.clear();
+ int line = 0;
+ int column = 0;
+ while (*text != '\0') {
+ if (*text == '$') {
+ ++text;
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_NE('\0', *text);
+ if (*text == '$') {
+ text_without_markers_ += '$';
+ ++column;
+ } else {
+ markers_[*text] = std::make_pair(line, column);
+ ++text;
+ GOOGLE_CHECK_EQ('$', *text);
+ }
+ } else if (*text == '\n') {
+ ++line;
+ column = 0;
+ text_without_markers_ += *text;
+ } else {
+ text_without_markers_ += *text;
+ ++column;
+ }
+ ++text;
+ }
+ }
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, BasicFileDecls) {
+ Parse("$a$syntax = \"proto2\";$i$\n"
+ "$b$package foo.bar;$c$\n"
+ "$d$import \"baz.proto\";$e$\n"
+ "$f$import\"qux.proto\";$h$\n"
+ "$j$import $k$public$l$ \"bar.proto\";$m$\n"
+ "$n$import $o$weak$p$ \"bar.proto\";$q$\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// comment ignored\n"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'q', file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', file_, "package"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'e', file_, "dependency", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'h', file_, "dependency", 1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('j', 'm', file_, "dependency", 2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('k', 'l', file_, "public_dependency", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('n', 'q', file_, "dependency", 3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('o', 'p', file_, "weak_dependency", 0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'i', file_, "syntax"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, Messages) {
+ Parse("$a$message $b$Foo$c$ {}$d$\n"
+ "$e$message $f$Bar$g$ {}$h$\n"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'd', file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'h', file_.message_type(1)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', file_.message_type(1), "name"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, Fields) {
+ Parse("message Foo {\n"
+ " $a$optional$b$ $c$int32$d$ $e$bar$f$ = $g$1$h$;$i$\n"
+ " $j$repeated$k$ $l$X.Y$m$ $n$baz$o$ = $p$2$q$;$r$\n"
+ "}\n"));
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field1 = file_.message_type(0).field(0);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field2 = file_.message_type(0).field(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'i', field1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'b', field1, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('c', 'd', field1, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'f', field1, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('g', 'h', field1, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('j', 'r', field2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('j', 'k', field2, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('l', 'm', field2, "type_name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('n', 'o', field2, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('p', 'q', field2, "number"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, Proto3Fields) {
+ Parse("syntax = \"proto3\";\n"
+ "message Foo {\n"
+ " $a$int32$b$ $c$bar$d$ = $e$1$f$;$g$\n"
+ " $h$repeated$i$ $j$X.Y$k$ $l$baz$m$ = $n$2$o$;$p$\n"
+ "}\n"));
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field1 = file_.message_type(0).field(0);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field2 = file_.message_type(0).field(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'g', field1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'b', field1, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('c', 'd', field1, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'f', field1, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('h', 'p', field2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('h', 'i', field2, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('j', 'k', field2, "type_name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('l', 'm', field2, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('n', 'o', field2, "number"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_, "syntax"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, Extensions) {
+ Parse("$a$extend $b$Foo$c$ {\n"
+ " $d$optional$e$ int32 bar = 1;$f$\n"
+ " $g$repeated$h$ X.Y baz = 2;$i$\n"
+ "}$j$\n"
+ "$k$extend $l$Bar$m$ {\n"
+ " $n$optional int32 qux = 1;$o$\n"
+ "}$p$\n"));
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field1 = file_.extension(0);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field2 = file_.extension(1);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field3 = file_.extension(2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'j', file_, "extension"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('k', 'p', file_, "extension"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'f', field1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'e', field1, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', field1, "extendee"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('g', 'i', field2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('g', 'h', field2, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', field2, "extendee"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('n', 'o', field3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('l', 'm', field3, "extendee"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field1, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field1, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field1, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field2, "type_name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field2, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field2, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field3, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field3, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field3, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field3, "number"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, NestedExtensions) {
+ Parse("message Message {\n"
+ " $a$extend $b$Foo$c$ {\n"
+ " $d$optional$e$ int32 bar = 1;$f$\n"
+ " $g$repeated$h$ X.Y baz = 2;$i$\n"
+ " }$j$\n"
+ " $k$extend $l$Bar$m$ {\n"
+ " $n$optional int32 qux = 1;$o$\n"
+ " }$p$\n"
+ "}\n"));
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field1 = file_.message_type(0).extension(0);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field2 = file_.message_type(0).extension(1);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field3 = file_.message_type(0).extension(2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'j', file_.message_type(0), "extension"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('k', 'p', file_.message_type(0), "extension"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'f', field1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'e', field1, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', field1, "extendee"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('g', 'i', field2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('g', 'h', field2, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', field2, "extendee"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('n', 'o', field3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('l', 'm', field3, "extendee"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field1, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field1, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field1, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field2, "type_name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field2, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field2, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field3, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field3, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field3, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field3, "number"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, ExtensionRanges) {
+ Parse("message Message {\n"
+ " $a$extensions $b$1$c$ to $d$4$e$, $f$6$g$;$h$\n"
+ " $i$extensions $j$8$k$ to $l$max$m$;$n$\n"
+ "}\n"));
+ const DescriptorProto::ExtensionRange& range1 =
+ file_.message_type(0).extension_range(0);
+ const DescriptorProto::ExtensionRange& range2 =
+ file_.message_type(0).extension_range(1);
+ const DescriptorProto::ExtensionRange& range3 =
+ file_.message_type(0).extension_range(2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'h', file_.message_type(0), "extension_range"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('i', 'n', file_.message_type(0), "extension_range"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'e', range1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', range1, "start"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'e', range1, "end"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', range2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', range2, "start"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', range2, "end"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('j', 'm', range3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('j', 'k', range3, "start"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('l', 'm', range3, "end"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, ReservedRanges) {
+ Parse("message Message {\n"
+ " $a$reserved $b$1$c$ to $d$4$e$, $f$6$g$;$h$\n"
+ "}\n"));
+ const DescriptorProto::ReservedRange& range1 =
+ file_.message_type(0).reserved_range(0);
+ const DescriptorProto::ReservedRange& range2 =
+ file_.message_type(0).reserved_range(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'h', file_.message_type(0), "reserved_range"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'e', range1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', range1, "start"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'e', range1, "end"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', range2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', range2, "start"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', range2, "end"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, Oneofs) {
+ Parse("message Foo {\n"
+ " $a$oneof $c$foo$d$ {\n"
+ " $e$int32$f$ $g$a$h$ = $i$1$j$;$k$\n"
+ " }$r$\n"
+ "}\n"));
+ const OneofDescriptorProto& oneof_decl = file_.message_type(0).oneof_decl(0);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field = file_.message_type(0).field(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'r', oneof_decl));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('c', 'd', oneof_decl, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'k', field));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'f', field, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('g', 'h', field, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('i', 'j', field, "number"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, NestedMessages) {
+ Parse("message Foo {\n"
+ " $a$message $b$Bar$c$ {\n"
+ " $d$message $e$Baz$f$ {}$g$\n"
+ " }$h$\n"
+ " $i$message $j$Qux$k$ {}$l$\n"
+ "}\n"));
+ const DescriptorProto& bar = file_.message_type(0).nested_type(0);
+ const DescriptorProto& baz = bar.nested_type(0);
+ const DescriptorProto& qux = file_.message_type(0).nested_type(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'h', bar));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', bar, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'g', baz));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'f', baz, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('i', 'l', qux));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('j', 'k', qux, "name"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, Groups) {
+ Parse("message Foo {\n"
+ " message Bar {}\n"
+ " $a$optional$b$ $c$group$d$ $e$Baz$f$ = $g$1$h$ {\n"
+ " $i$message Qux {}$j$\n"
+ " }$k$\n"
+ "}\n"));
+ const DescriptorProto& bar = file_.message_type(0).nested_type(0);
+ const DescriptorProto& baz = file_.message_type(0).nested_type(1);
+ const DescriptorProto& qux = baz.nested_type(0);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field = file_.message_type(0).field(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'k', field));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'b', field, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('c', 'd', field, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'f', field, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'f', field, "type_name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('g', 'h', field, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'k', baz));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'f', baz, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('i', 'j', qux));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(qux, "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, Enums) {
+ Parse("$a$enum $b$Foo$c$ {}$d$\n"
+ "$e$enum $f$Bar$g$ {}$h$\n"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'd', file_.enum_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', file_.enum_type(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'h', file_.enum_type(1)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', file_.enum_type(1), "name"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, EnumValues) {
+ Parse("enum Foo {\n"
+ " $a$BAR$b$ = $c$1$d$;$e$\n"
+ " $f$BAZ$g$ = $h$2$i$;$j$\n"
+ "}"));
+ const EnumValueDescriptorProto& bar = file_.enum_type(0).value(0);
+ const EnumValueDescriptorProto& baz = file_.enum_type(0).value(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'e', bar));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'b', bar, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('c', 'd', bar, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'j', baz));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', baz, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('h', 'i', baz, "number"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0), "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, EnumReservedRange) {
+ Parse("enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " $a$reserved $b$1$c$ to $d$10$e$;$f$\n"
+ "}"));
+ const EnumDescriptorProto::EnumReservedRange& bar =
+ file_.enum_type(0).reserved_range(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'f', file_.enum_type(0), "reserved_range"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'e', bar));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', bar, "start"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'e', bar, "end"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0), "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, EnumReservedName) {
+ Parse("enum TestEnum {\n"
+ " $a$reserved $b$'foo'$c$;$d$\n"
+ "}"));
+ const EnumDescriptorProto& bar = file_.enum_type(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'd', bar, "reserved_name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', bar, "reserved_name", 0));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0), "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, NestedEnums) {
+ Parse("message Foo {\n"
+ " $a$enum $b$Bar$c$ {}$d$\n"
+ " $e$enum $f$Baz$g$ {}$h$\n"
+ "}\n"));
+ const EnumDescriptorProto& bar = file_.message_type(0).enum_type(0);
+ const EnumDescriptorProto& baz = file_.message_type(0).enum_type(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'd', bar));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', bar, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'h', baz));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', baz, "name"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, Services) {
+ Parse("$a$service $b$Foo$c$ {}$d$\n"
+ "$e$service $f$Bar$g$ {}$h$\n"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'd', file_.service(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', file_.service(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'h', file_.service(1)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', file_.service(1), "name"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, MethodsAndStreams) {
+ Parse("service Foo {\n"
+ " $a$rpc $b$Bar$c$($d$X$e$) returns($f$Y$g$);$h$"
+ " $i$rpc $j$Baz$k$($l$Z$m$) returns($n$W$o$);$p$"
+ "}"));
+ const MethodDescriptorProto& bar = file_.service(0).method(0);
+ const MethodDescriptorProto& baz = file_.service(0).method(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'h', bar));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', bar, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'e', bar, "input_type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', bar, "output_type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('i', 'p', baz));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('j', 'k', baz, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('l', 'm', baz, "input_type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('n', 'o', baz, "output_type"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0), "name"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, Options) {
+ Parse("$a$option $b$foo$c$.$d$($e$bar.baz$f$)$g$ = "
+ "$h$123$i$;$j$\n"
+ "$k$option qux = $l$-123$m$;$n$\n"
+ "$o$option corge = $p$abc$q$;$r$\n"
+ "$s$option grault = $t$'blah'$u$;$v$\n"
+ "$w$option garply = $x${ yadda yadda }$y$;$z$\n"
+ "$0$option waldo = $1$123.0$2$;$3$\n"));
+ const UninterpretedOption& option1 = file_.options().uninterpreted_option(0);
+ const UninterpretedOption& option2 = file_.options().uninterpreted_option(1);
+ const UninterpretedOption& option3 = file_.options().uninterpreted_option(2);
+ const UninterpretedOption& option4 = file_.options().uninterpreted_option(3);
+ const UninterpretedOption& option5 = file_.options().uninterpreted_option(4);
+ const UninterpretedOption& option6 = file_.options().uninterpreted_option(5);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'j', file_.options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'j', option1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'g', option1, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', option1.name(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', option1.name(0), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'g', option1.name(1)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'f', option1.name(1), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('h', 'i', option1, "positive_int_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('k', 'n', file_.options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('l', 'm', option2, "negative_int_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('o', 'r', file_.options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('p', 'q', option3, "identifier_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('s', 'v', file_.options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('t', 'u', option4, "string_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('w', 'z', file_.options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('x', 'y', option5, "aggregate_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('0', '3', file_.options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('1', '2', option6, "double_value"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option4));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option5));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option6));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option3, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option4, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option5, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option6, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2.name(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option3.name(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option4.name(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option5.name(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option6.name(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2.name(0), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option3.name(0), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option4.name(0), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option5.name(0), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option6.name(0), "name_part"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, ScopedOptions) {
+ Parse("message Foo {\n"
+ " $a$option mopt = 1;$b$\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "enum Bar {\n"
+ " $c$option eopt = 1;$d$\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "service Baz {\n"
+ " $e$option sopt = 1;$f$\n"
+ " rpc M(X) returns(Y) {\n"
+ " $g$option mopt = 1;$h$\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " rpc MS4($1$stream$2$ X) returns($3$stream$4$ Y) {\n"
+ " $k$option mopt = 1;$l$\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'b', file_.message_type(0).options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('c', 'd', file_.enum_type(0).options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('e', 'f', file_.service(0).options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('g', 'h', file_.service(0).method(0).options()));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0)));
+ HasSpan(file_.message_type(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0), "name"));
+ HasSpan(file_.message_type(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0)));
+ HasSpan(file_.message_type(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0),
+ "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0),
+ "positive_int_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0)));
+ HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0), "name"));
+ HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0)));
+ HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0),
+ "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0),
+ "positive_int_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0)));
+ HasSpan(file_.service(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0), "name"));
+ HasSpan(file_.service(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0)));
+ file_.service(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0),
+ "positive_int_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(0), "input_type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(0), "output_type"));
+ HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0)));
+ file_.service(0).method(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0), "name"));
+ file_.service(0).method(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0)));
+ file_.service(0).method(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0),
+ "name_part"));
+ HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(0).options().uninterpreted_option(0),
+ "positive_int_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('k', 'l', file_.service(0).method(1).options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(1)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(1), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(1), "input_type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(1), "output_type"));
+ HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(1).options().uninterpreted_option(0)));
+ file_.service(0).method(1).options().uninterpreted_option(0), "name"));
+ file_.service(0).method(1).options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0)));
+ file_.service(0).method(1).options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0),
+ "name_part"));
+ HasSpan(file_.service(0).method(1).options().uninterpreted_option(0),
+ "positive_int_value"));
+ HasSpan('1', '2', file_.service(0).method(1), "client_streaming"));
+ HasSpan('3', '4', file_.service(0).method(1), "server_streaming"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, FieldOptions) {
+ // The actual "name = value" pairs are parsed by the same code as for
+ // top-level options so we won't re-test that -- just make sure that the
+ // syntax used for field options is understood.
+ Parse("message Foo {"
+ " optional int32 bar = 1 "
+ "$a$[default=$b$123$c$,$d$opt1=123$e$,"
+ "$f$opt2='hi'$g$]$h$;"
+ "}\n"));
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& field = file_.message_type(0).field(0);
+ const UninterpretedOption& option1 = field.options().uninterpreted_option(0);
+ const UninterpretedOption& option2 = field.options().uninterpreted_option(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'h', field.options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', field, "default_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'e', option1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('f', 'g', option2));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.message_type(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(field, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option1, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option1.name(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2.name(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option1.name(0), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2.name(0), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option1, "positive_int_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2, "string_value"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, EnumValueOptions) {
+ // The actual "name = value" pairs are parsed by the same code as for
+ // top-level options so we won't re-test that -- just make sure that the
+ // syntax used for enum options is understood.
+ Parse("enum Foo {"
+ " BAR = 1 $a$[$b$opt1=123$c$,$d$opt2='hi'$e$]$f$;"
+ "}\n"));
+ const EnumValueDescriptorProto& value = file_.enum_type(0).value(0);
+ const UninterpretedOption& option1 = value.options().uninterpreted_option(0);
+ const UninterpretedOption& option2 = value.options().uninterpreted_option(1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'f', value.options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('b', 'c', option1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('d', 'e', option2));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.enum_type(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(value));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(value, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(value, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option1, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option1.name(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2.name(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option1.name(0), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2.name(0), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option1, "positive_int_value"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(option2, "string_value"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, DocComments) {
+ Parse("// Foo leading\n"
+ "// line 2\n"
+ "$a$message Foo {\n"
+ " // Foo trailing\n"
+ " // line 2\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // detached\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // bar leading\n"
+ " $b$optional int32 bar = 1;$c$\n"
+ " // bar trailing\n"
+ "}$d$\n"
+ "// ignored\n"));
+ const DescriptorProto& foo = file_.message_type(0);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& bar = foo.field(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpanWithComment('a', 'd', foo, " Foo leading\n line 2\n",
+ " Foo trailing\n line 2\n", NULL));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpanWithComment('b', 'c', bar, " bar leading\n",
+ " bar trailing\n", " detached\n"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(foo, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "number"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, DocComments2) {
+ Parse("// detached before message.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// Foo leading\n"
+ "// line 2\n"
+ "$a$message Foo {\n"
+ " /* Foo trailing\n"
+ " * line 2 */\n"
+ " // detached\n"
+ " /* bar leading\n"
+ " */"
+ " $b$optional int32 bar = 1;$c$ // bar trailing\n"
+ " // ignored detached\n"
+ "}$d$\n"
+ "// ignored\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// detached before option\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// option leading\n"
+ "$e$option baz = 123;$f$\n"
+ "// option trailing\n"));
+ const DescriptorProto& foo = file_.message_type(0);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& bar = foo.field(0);
+ const UninterpretedOption& baz = file_.options().uninterpreted_option(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpanWithComment('a', 'd', foo, " Foo leading\n line 2\n",
+ " Foo trailing\n line 2 ",
+ " detached before message.\n"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpanWithComment('b', 'c', bar, " bar leading\n",
+ " bar trailing\n", " detached\n"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpanWithComment('e', 'f', baz, " option leading\n",
+ " option trailing\n",
+ " detached before option\n"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(foo, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_.options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(baz, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(baz.name(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(baz.name(0), "name_part"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(baz, "positive_int_value"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, DocComments3) {
+ Parse("$a$message Foo {\n"
+ " // bar leading\n"
+ " $b$optional int32 bar = 1 [(baz.qux) = {}];$c$\n"
+ " // bar trailing\n"
+ "}$d$\n"
+ "// ignored\n"));
+ const DescriptorProto& foo = file_.message_type(0);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& bar = foo.field(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpanWithComment('b', 'c', bar, " bar leading\n",
+ " bar trailing\n", NULL));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(foo));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(foo, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "label"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "number"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar.options()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar.options().uninterpreted_option(0)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar.options().uninterpreted_option(0), "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar.options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0)));
+ HasSpan(bar.options().uninterpreted_option(0).name(0), "name_part"));
+ HasSpan(bar.options().uninterpreted_option(0), "aggregate_value"));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, DocCommentsTopLevel) {
+ Parse("// detached before syntax paragraph 1\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// detached before syntax paragraph 2\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// syntax leading\n"
+ "$a$syntax = \"proto2\";$b$\n"
+ "// syntax trailing\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// syntax-package detached comments\n"
+ "\n"
+ ";\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// detached after empty before package\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// package leading\n"
+ "$c$package foo;$d$\n"
+ "// package trailing\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// ignored detach\n"
+ "\n"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('a', 'b', file_, "syntax", -1, " syntax leading\n",
+ " syntax trailing\n",
+ " detached before syntax paragraph 1\n"
+ "\n"
+ " detached before syntax paragraph 2\n"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan('c', 'd', file_, "package", -1, " package leading\n",
+ " package trailing\n",
+ " syntax-package detached comments\n"
+ "\n"
+ " detached after empty before package\n"));
+ // ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+TEST_F(SourceInfoTest, DocCommentsOneof) {
+ Parse("// Foo leading\n"
+ "$a$message Foo {\n"
+ " /* Foo trailing\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " // detached before oneof\n"
+ " /* bar leading\n"
+ " * line 2 */\n"
+ " $b$oneof bar {\n"
+ " /* bar trailing\n"
+ " * line 2 */\n"
+ " // detached before bar_int\n"
+ " /* bar_int leading\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " $c$int32 bar_int = 1;$d$ // bar_int trailing\n"
+ " // detach comment ignored\n"
+ " }$e$\n"
+ "}$f$\n"));
+ const DescriptorProto& foo = file_.message_type(0);
+ const OneofDescriptorProto& bar = foo.oneof_decl(0);
+ const FieldDescriptorProto& bar_int = foo.field(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpanWithComment('a', 'f', foo, " Foo leading\n",
+ " Foo trailing\n", NULL));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpanWithComment('b', 'e', bar, " bar leading\n line 2 ",
+ " bar trailing\n line 2 ",
+ " detached before oneof\n"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpanWithComment('c', 'd', bar_int, " bar_int leading\n",
+ " bar_int trailing\n",
+ " detached before bar_int\n"));
+ // Ignore these.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(file_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(foo, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar_int, "type"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar_int, "name"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasSpan(bar_int, "number"));
+// ===================================================================
+} // anonymous namespace
+} // namespace compiler
+} // namespace protobuf
+} // namespace google