path: root/NorthstarDedicatedTest/gameutils.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'NorthstarDedicatedTest/gameutils.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/NorthstarDedicatedTest/gameutils.cpp b/NorthstarDedicatedTest/gameutils.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 792d8bf2..00000000
--- a/NorthstarDedicatedTest/gameutils.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#include "pch.h"
-#include "convar.h"
-#include "gameutils.h"
-// memory
-IMemAlloc* g_pMemAllocSingleton;
-typedef IMemAlloc* (*CreateGlobalMemAllocType)();
-CreateGlobalMemAllocType CreateGlobalMemAlloc;
-// cmd.h
-Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayerType Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer;
-Cbuf_AddTextType Cbuf_AddText;
-Cbuf_ExecuteType Cbuf_Execute;
-// hoststate stuff
-CHostState* g_pHostState;
-// cengine stuff
-CEngine* g_pEngine;
-server_state_t* sv_m_State;
-// network stuff
-ConVar* Cvar_hostport;
-// playlist stuff
-GetCurrentPlaylistType GetCurrentPlaylistName;
-SetCurrentPlaylistType SetCurrentPlaylist;
-SetPlaylistVarOverrideType SetPlaylistVarOverride;
-GetCurrentPlaylistVarType GetCurrentPlaylistVar;
-// server entity stuff
-Server_GetEntityByIndexType Server_GetEntityByIndex;
-// auth
-char* g_LocalPlayerUserID;
-char* g_LocalPlayerOriginToken;
-// misc stuff
-ErrorType Error;
-CommandLineType CommandLine;
-Plat_FloatTimeType Plat_FloatTime;
-ThreadInServerFrameThreadType ThreadInServerFrameThread;
-GetBaseLocalClientType GetBaseLocalClient;
-void InitialiseEngineGameUtilFunctions(HMODULE baseAddress)
- Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayer = (Cbuf_GetCurrentPlayerType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x120630);
- Cbuf_AddText = (Cbuf_AddTextType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x1203B0);
- Cbuf_Execute = (Cbuf_ExecuteType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x1204B0);
- g_pHostState = (CHostState*)((char*)baseAddress + 0x7CF180);
- g_pEngine = *(CEngine**)((char*)baseAddress + 0x7D70C8);
- sv_m_State = (server_state_t*)((char*)baseAddress + 0x12A53D48);
- GetCurrentPlaylistName = (GetCurrentPlaylistType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x18C640);
- SetCurrentPlaylist = (SetCurrentPlaylistType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x18EB20);
- SetPlaylistVarOverride = (SetPlaylistVarOverrideType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x18ED00);
- GetCurrentPlaylistVar = (GetCurrentPlaylistVarType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x18C680);
- g_LocalPlayerUserID = (char*)baseAddress + 0x13F8E688;
- g_LocalPlayerOriginToken = (char*)baseAddress + 0x13979C80;
- GetBaseLocalClient = (GetBaseLocalClientType)((char*)baseAddress + 0x78200);
- /* NOTE:
- g_pCVar->FindVar("convar_name") now works. These are no longer needed.
- You can also itterate over every ConVar using CCVarIteratorInternal
- dump the pointers to a vector and access them from there.
- Example:
- std::vector<ConVar*> g_pAllConVars;
- for (auto& map : g_pCVar->DumpToMap())
- {
- ConVar* pConVar = g_pCVar->FindVar(map.first.c_str());
- if (pConVar)
- {
- g_pAllConVars.push_back(pConVar);
- }
- }*/
- Cvar_hostport = (ConVar*)((char*)baseAddress + 0x13FA6070);
-void InitialiseServerGameUtilFunctions(HMODULE baseAddress)
- Server_GetEntityByIndex = (Server_GetEntityByIndexType)((char*)baseAddress + 0xFB820);
-void InitialiseTier0GameUtilFunctions(HMODULE baseAddress)
- if (!baseAddress)
- {
- spdlog::critical("tier0 base address is null, but it should be already loaded");
- throw "tier0 base address is null, but it should be already loaded";
- }
- if (g_pMemAllocSingleton)
- return; // seems this function was already called
- CreateGlobalMemAlloc = reinterpret_cast<CreateGlobalMemAllocType>(GetProcAddress(baseAddress, "CreateGlobalMemAlloc"));
- IMemAlloc** ppMemAllocSingleton = reinterpret_cast<IMemAlloc**>(GetProcAddress(baseAddress, "g_pMemAllocSingleton"));
- if (!ppMemAllocSingleton)
- {
- spdlog::critical("Address of g_pMemAllocSingleton is a null pointer, this should never happen");
- throw "Address of g_pMemAllocSingleton is a null pointer, this should never happen";
- }
- if (!*ppMemAllocSingleton)
- {
- g_pMemAllocSingleton = CreateGlobalMemAlloc();
- *ppMemAllocSingleton = g_pMemAllocSingleton;
- spdlog::info("Created new g_pMemAllocSingleton");
- }
- else
- {
- g_pMemAllocSingleton = *ppMemAllocSingleton;
- }
- Error = reinterpret_cast<ErrorType>(GetProcAddress(baseAddress, "Error"));
- CommandLine = reinterpret_cast<CommandLineType>(GetProcAddress(baseAddress, "CommandLine"));
- Plat_FloatTime = reinterpret_cast<Plat_FloatTimeType>(GetProcAddress(baseAddress, "Plat_FloatTime"));
- ThreadInServerFrameThread = reinterpret_cast<ThreadInServerFrameThreadType>(GetProcAddress(baseAddress, "ThreadInServerFrameThread"));
-} \ No newline at end of file