path: root/NorthstarDedicatedTest/dedicated.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'NorthstarDedicatedTest/dedicated.cpp')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/NorthstarDedicatedTest/dedicated.cpp b/NorthstarDedicatedTest/dedicated.cpp
index 646439ab..280a9889 100644
--- a/NorthstarDedicatedTest/dedicated.cpp
+++ b/NorthstarDedicatedTest/dedicated.cpp
@@ -138,113 +138,79 @@ ON_DLL_LOAD_DEDI("engine.dll", DedicatedServer, [](HMODULE engineAddress)
uintptr_t ea = (uintptr_t)engineAddress;
- {
- // Host_Init
- // prevent a particle init that relies on client dll
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156799, 5);
- }
+ // Host_Init
+ // prevent a particle init that relies on client dll
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156799, 5);
- {
- // Host_Init
- // don't call Key_Init to avoid loading some extra rsons from rpak (will be necessary to boot if we ever wanna disable rpaks entirely)
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x1565B0, 5);
- }
+ // Host_Init
+ // don't call Key_Init to avoid loading some extra rsons from rpak (will be necessary to boot if we ever wanna disable rpaks entirely)
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x1565B0, 5);
- {
- // CModAppSystemGroup::Create
- // force the engine into dedicated mode by changing the first comparison to IsServerOnly to an assignment
- auto ptr = ea + 0x1C4EBD;
- // cmp => mov
- NSMem::BytePatch(ptr + 1, "C6 87");
+ // CModAppSystemGroup::Create
+ // force the engine into dedicated mode by changing the first comparison to IsServerOnly to an assignment
+ auto ptr = ea + 0x1C4EBD;
- // 00 => 01
- NSMem::BytePatch(ptr + 7, "01");
- }
+ // cmp => mov
+ NSMem::BytePatch(ptr + 1, "C6 87");
- {
- // Some init that i'm not sure of that crashes
- // nop the call to it
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156A63, 5);
- }
+ // 00 => 01
+ NSMem::BytePatch(ptr + 7, "01");
- {
- // runframeserver
- // nop some access violations
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x159819, 17);
- }
+ // Some init that i'm not sure of that crashes
+ // nop the call to it
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156A63, 5);
- {
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156B4C, 7);
+ // runframeserver
+ // nop some access violations
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x159819, 17);
- // previously patched these, took me a couple weeks to figure out they were the issue
- // removing these will mess up register state when this function is over, so we'll write HS_RUN to the wrong address
- // so uhh, don't do that
- // NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156B4C + 7, 8);
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156B4C, 7);
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156B4C + 15, 9);
- }
+ // previously patched these, took me a couple weeks to figure out they were the issue
+ // removing these will mess up register state when this function is over, so we'll write HS_RUN to the wrong address
+ // so uhh, don't do that
+ // NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156B4C + 7, 8);
- {
- // HostState_State_NewGame
- // nop an access violation
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0xB934C, 9);
- }
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156B4C + 15, 9);
- {
- // CEngineAPI::Connect
- // remove call to Shader_Connect
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x1C4D7D, 5);
- }
+ // HostState_State_NewGame
+ // nop an access violation
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0xB934C, 9);
- // currently does not work, crashes stuff, likely gotta keep this here
- //{
- // // CEngineAPI::Connect
- // // remove calls to register ui rpak asset types
- // NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x1C4E07, 5);
- //}
+ // CEngineAPI::Connect
+ // remove call to Shader_Connect
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x1C4D7D, 5);
- {
- // Host_Init
- // remove call to ui loading stuff
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156595, 5);
- }
+ // Host_Init
+ // remove call to ui loading stuff
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x156595, 5);
- {
- // some function that gets called from RunFrameServer
- // nop a function that makes requests to stryder, this will eventually access violation if left alone and isn't necessary anyway
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x15A0BB, 5);
- }
+ // some function that gets called from RunFrameServer
+ // nop a function that makes requests to stryder, this will eventually access violation if left alone and isn't necessary anyway
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x15A0BB, 5);
- {
- // RunFrameServer
- // nop a function that access violations
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x159BF3, 5);
- }
+ // RunFrameServer
+ // nop a function that access violations
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x159BF3, 5);
- {
- // func that checks if origin is inited
- // always return 1
- NSMem::BytePatch(
- ea + 0x183B70,
- {
- 0xB0,
- 0x01, // mov al,01
- 0xC3 // ret
- });
- }
+ // func that checks if origin is inited
+ // always return 1
+ NSMem::BytePatch(
+ ea + 0x183B70,
+ {
+ 0xB0,
+ 0x01, // mov al,01
+ 0xC3 // ret
+ });
- {
- // HostState_State_ChangeLevel
- // nop clientinterface call
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x1552ED, 16);
- }
+ // HostState_State_ChangeLevel
+ // nop clientinterface call
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x1552ED, 16);
- {
- // HostState_State_ChangeLevel
- // nop clientinterface call
- NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x155363, 16);
- }
+ // HostState_State_ChangeLevel
+ // nop clientinterface call
+ NSMem::NOP(ea + 0x155363, 16);
// note: previously had DisableDedicatedWindowCreation patches here, but removing those rn since they're all shit and unstable and bad
// and such check commit history if any are needed for reimplementation