diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'NorthstarDLL/modmanager.cpp')
-rw-r--r-- | NorthstarDLL/modmanager.cpp | 1288 |
1 files changed, 644 insertions, 644 deletions
diff --git a/NorthstarDLL/modmanager.cpp b/NorthstarDLL/modmanager.cpp index 61554faf..76280ef9 100644 --- a/NorthstarDLL/modmanager.cpp +++ b/NorthstarDLL/modmanager.cpp @@ -1,644 +1,644 @@ -#include "pch.h"
-#include "modmanager.h"
-#include "convar.h"
-#include "concommand.h"
-#include "audio.h"
-#include "masterserver.h"
-#include "filesystem.h"
-#include "rpakfilesystem.h"
-#include "nsprefix.h"
-#include "rapidjson/error/en.h"
-#include "rapidjson/document.h"
-#include "rapidjson/ostreamwrapper.h"
-#include "rapidjson/writer.h"
-#include <filesystem>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <vector>
-ModManager* g_pModManager;
-Mod::Mod(fs::path modDir, char* jsonBuf)
- m_bWasReadSuccessfully = false;
- m_ModDirectory = modDir;
- rapidjson_document modJson;
- modJson.Parse<rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(jsonBuf);
- // fail if parse error
- if (modJson.HasParseError())
- {
- spdlog::error(
- "Failed reading mod file {}: encountered parse error \"{}\" at offset {}",
- (modDir / "mod.json").string(),
- GetParseError_En(modJson.GetParseError()),
- modJson.GetErrorOffset());
- return;
- }
- // fail if it's not a json obj (could be an array, string, etc)
- if (!modJson.IsObject())
- {
- spdlog::error("Failed reading mod file {}: file is not a JSON object", (modDir / "mod.json").string());
- return;
- }
- // basic mod info
- // name is required
- if (!modJson.HasMember("Name"))
- {
- spdlog::error("Failed reading mod file {}: missing required member \"Name\"", (modDir / "mod.json").string());
- return;
- }
- Name = modJson["Name"].GetString();
- if (modJson.HasMember("Description"))
- Description = modJson["Description"].GetString();
- else
- Description = "";
- if (modJson.HasMember("Version"))
- Version = modJson["Version"].GetString();
- else
- {
- Version = "0.0.0";
- spdlog::warn("Mod file {} is missing a version, consider adding a version", (modDir / "mod.json").string());
- }
- if (modJson.HasMember("DownloadLink"))
- DownloadLink = modJson["DownloadLink"].GetString();
- else
- DownloadLink = "";
- if (modJson.HasMember("RequiredOnClient"))
- RequiredOnClient = modJson["RequiredOnClient"].GetBool();
- else
- RequiredOnClient = false;
- if (modJson.HasMember("LoadPriority"))
- LoadPriority = modJson["LoadPriority"].GetInt();
- else
- {
- spdlog::info("Mod file {} is missing a LoadPriority, consider adding one", (modDir / "mod.json").string());
- LoadPriority = 0;
- }
- // mod convars
- if (modJson.HasMember("ConVars") && modJson["ConVars"].IsArray())
- {
- for (auto& convarObj : modJson["ConVars"].GetArray())
- {
- if (!convarObj.IsObject() || !convarObj.HasMember("Name") || !convarObj.HasMember("DefaultValue"))
- continue;
- // have to allocate this manually, otherwise convar registration will break
- // unfortunately this causes us to leak memory on reload, unsure of a way around this rn
- ModConVar* convar = new ModConVar;
- convar->Name = convarObj["Name"].GetString();
- convar->DefaultValue = convarObj["DefaultValue"].GetString();
- if (convarObj.HasMember("HelpString"))
- convar->HelpString = convarObj["HelpString"].GetString();
- else
- convar->HelpString = "";
- convar->Flags = FCVAR_NONE;
- if (convarObj.HasMember("Flags"))
- {
- // read raw integer flags
- if (convarObj["Flags"].IsInt())
- convar->Flags = convarObj["Flags"].GetInt();
- else if (convarObj["Flags"].IsString())
- {
- // parse cvar flags from string
- std::string sFlags = convarObj["Flags"].GetString();
- sFlags += '|'; // add additional | so we register the last flag
- std::string sCurrentFlag;
- for (int i = 0; i < sFlags.length(); i++)
- {
- if (isspace(sFlags[i]))
- continue;
- // if we encounter a |, add current string as a flag
- if (sFlags[i] == '|')
- {
- bool bHasFlags = false;
- int iCurrentFlags;
- for (auto& flagPair : g_PrintCommandFlags)
- {
- if (!sCurrentFlag.compare(flagPair.second))
- {
- iCurrentFlags = flagPair.first;
- bHasFlags = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (bHasFlags)
- convar->Flags |= iCurrentFlags;
- else
- spdlog::warn("Mod ConVar {} has unknown flag {}", convar->Name, sCurrentFlag);
- sCurrentFlag = "";
- }
- else
- sCurrentFlag += sFlags[i];
- }
- }
- }
- ConVars.push_back(convar);
- }
- }
- // mod scripts
- if (modJson.HasMember("Scripts") && modJson["Scripts"].IsArray())
- {
- for (auto& scriptObj : modJson["Scripts"].GetArray())
- {
- if (!scriptObj.IsObject() || !scriptObj.HasMember("Path") || !scriptObj.HasMember("RunOn"))
- continue;
- ModScript script;
- script.Path = scriptObj["Path"].GetString();
- script.RunOn = scriptObj["RunOn"].GetString();
- if (scriptObj.HasMember("ServerCallback") && scriptObj["ServerCallback"].IsObject())
- {
- ModScriptCallback callback;
- callback.Context = ScriptContext::SERVER;
- if (scriptObj["ServerCallback"].HasMember("Before") && scriptObj["ServerCallback"]["Before"].IsString())
- callback.BeforeCallback = scriptObj["ServerCallback"]["Before"].GetString();
- if (scriptObj["ServerCallback"].HasMember("After") && scriptObj["ServerCallback"]["After"].IsString())
- callback.AfterCallback = scriptObj["ServerCallback"]["After"].GetString();
- script.Callbacks.push_back(callback);
- }
- if (scriptObj.HasMember("ClientCallback") && scriptObj["ClientCallback"].IsObject())
- {
- ModScriptCallback callback;
- callback.Context = ScriptContext::CLIENT;
- if (scriptObj["ClientCallback"].HasMember("Before") && scriptObj["ClientCallback"]["Before"].IsString())
- callback.BeforeCallback = scriptObj["ClientCallback"]["Before"].GetString();
- if (scriptObj["ClientCallback"].HasMember("After") && scriptObj["ClientCallback"]["After"].IsString())
- callback.AfterCallback = scriptObj["ClientCallback"]["After"].GetString();
- script.Callbacks.push_back(callback);
- }
- if (scriptObj.HasMember("UICallback") && scriptObj["UICallback"].IsObject())
- {
- ModScriptCallback callback;
- callback.Context = ScriptContext::UI;
- if (scriptObj["UICallback"].HasMember("Before") && scriptObj["UICallback"]["Before"].IsString())
- callback.BeforeCallback = scriptObj["UICallback"]["Before"].GetString();
- if (scriptObj["UICallback"].HasMember("After") && scriptObj["UICallback"]["After"].IsString())
- callback.AfterCallback = scriptObj["UICallback"]["After"].GetString();
- script.Callbacks.push_back(callback);
- }
- Scripts.push_back(script);
- }
- }
- if (modJson.HasMember("Localisation") && modJson["Localisation"].IsArray())
- {
- for (auto& localisationStr : modJson["Localisation"].GetArray())
- {
- if (!localisationStr.IsString())
- continue;
- LocalisationFiles.push_back(localisationStr.GetString());
- }
- }
- m_bWasReadSuccessfully = true;
- // precaculated string hashes
- // note: use backslashes for these, since we use lexically_normal for file paths which uses them
- m_hScriptsRsonHash = STR_HASH("scripts\\vscripts\\scripts.rson");
- m_hPdefHash = STR_HASH(
- "cfg\\server\\persistent_player_data_version_231.pdef" // this can have multiple versions, but we use 231 so that's what we hash
- );
- LoadMods();
-void ModManager::LoadMods()
- if (m_bHasLoadedMods)
- UnloadMods();
- std::vector<fs::path> modDirs;
- // ensure dirs exist
- fs::remove_all(GetCompiledAssetsPath());
- fs::create_directories(GetModFolderPath());
- // read enabled mods cfg
- std::ifstream enabledModsStream(GetNorthstarPrefix() + "/enabledmods.json");
- std::stringstream enabledModsStringStream;
- if (!enabledModsStream.fail())
- {
- while (enabledModsStream.peek() != EOF)
- enabledModsStringStream << (char)enabledModsStream.get();
- enabledModsStream.close();
- m_EnabledModsCfg.Parse<rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(
- enabledModsStringStream.str().c_str());
- m_bHasEnabledModsCfg = m_EnabledModsCfg.IsObject();
- }
- // get mod directories
- for (fs::directory_entry dir : fs::directory_iterator(GetModFolderPath()))
- if (fs::exists(dir.path() / "mod.json"))
- modDirs.push_back(dir.path());
- for (fs::path modDir : modDirs)
- {
- // read mod json file
- std::ifstream jsonStream(modDir / "mod.json");
- std::stringstream jsonStringStream;
- // fail if no mod json
- if (jsonStream.fail())
- {
- spdlog::warn("Mod {} has a directory but no mod.json", modDir.string());
- continue;
- }
- while (jsonStream.peek() != EOF)
- jsonStringStream << (char)jsonStream.get();
- jsonStream.close();
- Mod mod(modDir, (char*)jsonStringStream.str().c_str());
- if (m_bHasEnabledModsCfg && m_EnabledModsCfg.HasMember(mod.Name.c_str()))
- mod.m_bEnabled = m_EnabledModsCfg[mod.Name.c_str()].IsTrue();
- else
- mod.m_bEnabled = true;
- if (mod.m_bWasReadSuccessfully)
- {
- spdlog::info("Loaded mod {} successfully", mod.Name);
- if (mod.m_bEnabled)
- spdlog::info("Mod {} is enabled", mod.Name);
- else
- spdlog::info("Mod {} is disabled", mod.Name);
- m_LoadedMods.push_back(mod);
- }
- else
- spdlog::warn("Skipping loading mod file {}", (modDir / "mod.json").string());
- }
- // sort by load prio, lowest-highest
- std::sort(m_LoadedMods.begin(), m_LoadedMods.end(), [](Mod& a, Mod& b) { return a.LoadPriority < b.LoadPriority; });
- for (Mod& mod : m_LoadedMods)
- {
- if (!mod.m_bEnabled)
- continue;
- // register convars
- // for reloads, this is sorta barebones, when we have a good findconvar method, we could probably reset flags and stuff on
- // preexisting convars note: we don't delete convars if they already exist because they're used for script stuff, unfortunately this
- // causes us to leak memory on reload, but not much, potentially find a way to not do this at some point
- for (ModConVar* convar : mod.ConVars)
- if (!R2::g_pCVar->FindVar(convar->Name.c_str())) // make sure convar isn't registered yet, unsure if necessary but idk what
- // behaviour is for defining same convar multiple times
- new ConVar(convar->Name.c_str(), convar->DefaultValue.c_str(), convar->Flags, convar->HelpString.c_str());
- // read vpk paths
- if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "vpk"))
- {
- // read vpk cfg
- std::ifstream vpkJsonStream(mod.m_ModDirectory / "vpk/vpk.json");
- std::stringstream vpkJsonStringStream;
- bool bUseVPKJson = false;
- rapidjson::Document dVpkJson;
- if (!vpkJsonStream.fail())
- {
- while (vpkJsonStream.peek() != EOF)
- vpkJsonStringStream << (char)vpkJsonStream.get();
- vpkJsonStream.close();
- dVpkJson.Parse<rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(
- vpkJsonStringStream.str().c_str());
- bUseVPKJson = !dVpkJson.HasParseError() && dVpkJson.IsObject();
- }
- for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::directory_iterator(mod.m_ModDirectory / "vpk"))
- {
- // a bunch of checks to make sure we're only adding dir vpks and their paths are good
- // note: the game will literally only load vpks with the english prefix
- if (fs::is_regular_file(file) && file.path().extension() == ".vpk" &&
- file.path().string().find("english") != std::string::npos &&
- file.path().string().find(".bsp.pak000_dir") != std::string::npos)
- {
- std::string formattedPath = file.path().filename().string();
- // this really fucking sucks but it'll work
- std::string vpkName =
- (file.path().parent_path() / formattedPath.substr(strlen("english"), formattedPath.find(".bsp") - 3)).string();
- ModVPKEntry& modVpk = mod.Vpks.emplace_back();
- modVpk.m_bAutoLoad = !bUseVPKJson || (dVpkJson.HasMember("Preload") && dVpkJson["Preload"].IsObject() &&
- dVpkJson["Preload"].HasMember(vpkName) && dVpkJson["Preload"][vpkName].IsTrue());
- modVpk.m_sVpkPath = vpkName;
- if (m_bHasLoadedMods && modVpk.m_bAutoLoad)
- (*R2::g_pFilesystem)->m_vtable->MountVPK(*R2::g_pFilesystem, vpkName.c_str());
- }
- }
- }
- // read rpak paths
- if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "paks"))
- {
- // read rpak cfg
- std::ifstream rpakJsonStream(mod.m_ModDirectory / "paks/rpak.json");
- std::stringstream rpakJsonStringStream;
- bool bUseRpakJson = false;
- rapidjson::Document dRpakJson;
- if (!rpakJsonStream.fail())
- {
- while (rpakJsonStream.peek() != EOF)
- rpakJsonStringStream << (char)rpakJsonStream.get();
- rpakJsonStream.close();
- dRpakJson.Parse<rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(
- rpakJsonStringStream.str().c_str());
- bUseRpakJson = !dRpakJson.HasParseError() && dRpakJson.IsObject();
- }
- // read pak aliases
- if (bUseRpakJson && dRpakJson.HasMember("Aliases") && dRpakJson["Aliases"].IsObject())
- {
- for (rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator iterator = dRpakJson["Aliases"].MemberBegin();
- iterator != dRpakJson["Aliases"].MemberEnd();
- iterator++)
- {
- if (!iterator->name.IsString() || !iterator->value.IsString())
- continue;
- mod.RpakAliases.insert(std::make_pair(iterator->name.GetString(), iterator->value.GetString()));
- }
- }
- for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::directory_iterator(mod.m_ModDirectory / "paks"))
- {
- // ensure we're only loading rpaks
- if (fs::is_regular_file(file) && file.path().extension() == ".rpak")
- {
- std::string pakName(file.path().filename().string());
- ModRpakEntry& modPak = mod.Rpaks.emplace_back();
- modPak.m_bAutoLoad =
- !bUseRpakJson || (dRpakJson.HasMember("Preload") && dRpakJson["Preload"].IsObject() &&
- dRpakJson["Preload"].HasMember(pakName) && dRpakJson["Preload"][pakName].IsTrue());
- modPak.m_sPakName = pakName;
- // not using atm because we need to resolve path to rpak
- // if (m_hasLoadedMods && modPak.m_bAutoLoad)
- // g_pPakLoadManager->LoadPakAsync(pakName.c_str());
- }
- }
- }
- // read keyvalues paths
- if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "keyvalues"))
- {
- for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(mod.m_ModDirectory / "keyvalues"))
- {
- if (fs::is_regular_file(file))
- {
- std::string kvStr = g_pModManager->NormaliseModFilePath(file.path().lexically_relative(mod.m_ModDirectory / "keyvalues"));
- mod.KeyValues.emplace(STR_HASH(kvStr), kvStr);
- }
- }
- }
- // read pdiff
- if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "mod.pdiff"))
- {
- std::ifstream pdiffStream(mod.m_ModDirectory / "mod.pdiff");
- if (!pdiffStream.fail())
- {
- std::stringstream pdiffStringStream;
- while (pdiffStream.peek() != EOF)
- pdiffStringStream << (char)pdiffStream.get();
- pdiffStream.close();
- mod.Pdiff = pdiffStringStream.str();
- }
- }
- // read bink video paths
- if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "media"))
- {
- for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(mod.m_ModDirectory / "media"))
- if (fs::is_regular_file(file) && file.path().extension() == ".bik")
- mod.BinkVideos.push_back(file.path().filename().string());
- }
- // try to load audio
- if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "audio"))
- {
- for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::directory_iterator(mod.m_ModDirectory / "audio"))
- {
- if (fs::is_regular_file(file) && file.path().extension().string() == ".json")
- {
- if (!g_CustomAudioManager.TryLoadAudioOverride(file.path()))
- {
- spdlog::warn("Mod {} has an invalid audio def {}", mod.Name, file.path().filename().string());
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // in a seperate loop because we register mod files in reverse order, since mods loaded later should have their files prioritised
- for (int64_t i = m_LoadedMods.size() - 1; i > -1; i--)
- {
- if (!m_LoadedMods[i].m_bEnabled)
- continue;
- if (fs::exists(m_LoadedMods[i].m_ModDirectory / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR))
- {
- for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(m_LoadedMods[i].m_ModDirectory / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR))
- {
- std::string path =
- g_pModManager->NormaliseModFilePath(file.path().lexically_relative(m_LoadedMods[i].m_ModDirectory / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR));
- if (file.is_regular_file() && m_ModFiles.find(path) == m_ModFiles.end())
- {
- ModOverrideFile modFile;
- modFile.m_pOwningMod = &m_LoadedMods[i];
- modFile.m_Path = path;
- m_ModFiles.insert(std::make_pair(path, modFile));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // build modinfo obj for masterserver
- rapidjson_document modinfoDoc;
- modinfoDoc.SetObject();
- modinfoDoc.AddMember("Mods", rapidjson_document::GenericValue(rapidjson::kArrayType), modinfoDoc.GetAllocator());
- int currentModIndex = 0;
- for (Mod& mod : m_LoadedMods)
- {
- if (!mod.m_bEnabled || (!mod.RequiredOnClient && !mod.Pdiff.size()))
- continue;
- modinfoDoc["Mods"].PushBack(rapidjson_document::GenericValue(rapidjson::kObjectType), modinfoDoc.GetAllocator());
- modinfoDoc["Mods"][currentModIndex].AddMember("Name", rapidjson::StringRef(&mod.Name[0]), modinfoDoc.GetAllocator());
- modinfoDoc["Mods"][currentModIndex].AddMember("Version", rapidjson::StringRef(&mod.Version[0]), modinfoDoc.GetAllocator());
- modinfoDoc["Mods"][currentModIndex].AddMember("RequiredOnClient", mod.RequiredOnClient, modinfoDoc.GetAllocator());
- modinfoDoc["Mods"][currentModIndex].AddMember("Pdiff", rapidjson::StringRef(&mod.Pdiff[0]), modinfoDoc.GetAllocator());
- currentModIndex++;
- }
- rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
- buffer.Clear();
- rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
- modinfoDoc.Accept(writer);
- g_pMasterServerManager->m_sOwnModInfoJson = std::string(buffer.GetString());
- m_bHasLoadedMods = true;
-void ModManager::UnloadMods()
- // clean up stuff from mods before we unload
- m_ModFiles.clear();
- fs::remove_all(GetCompiledAssetsPath());
- g_CustomAudioManager.ClearAudioOverrides();
- if (!m_bHasEnabledModsCfg)
- m_EnabledModsCfg.SetObject();
- for (Mod& mod : m_LoadedMods)
- {
- // remove all built kvs
- for (std::pair<size_t, std::string> kvPaths : mod.KeyValues)
- fs::remove(GetCompiledAssetsPath() / fs::path(kvPaths.second).lexically_relative(mod.m_ModDirectory));
- mod.KeyValues.clear();
- // write to m_enabledModsCfg
- // should we be doing this here or should scripts be doing this manually?
- // main issue with doing this here is when we reload mods for connecting to a server, we write enabled mods, which isn't necessarily
- // what we wanna do
- if (!m_EnabledModsCfg.HasMember(mod.Name.c_str()))
- m_EnabledModsCfg.AddMember(
- rapidjson_document::StringRefType(mod.Name.c_str()),
- rapidjson_document::GenericValue(false),
- m_EnabledModsCfg.GetAllocator());
- m_EnabledModsCfg[mod.Name.c_str()].SetBool(mod.m_bEnabled);
- }
- std::ofstream writeStream(GetNorthstarPrefix() + "/enabledmods.json");
- rapidjson::OStreamWrapper writeStreamWrapper(writeStream);
- rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::OStreamWrapper> writer(writeStreamWrapper);
- m_EnabledModsCfg.Accept(writer);
- // do we need to dealloc individual entries in m_loadedMods? idk, rework
- m_LoadedMods.clear();
-std::string ModManager::NormaliseModFilePath(const fs::path path)
- std::string str = path.lexically_normal().string();
- // force to lowercase
- for (char& c : str)
- if (c <= 'Z' && c >= 'A')
- c = c - ('Z' - 'z');
- return str;
-void ModManager::CompileAssetsForFile(const char* filename)
- size_t fileHash = STR_HASH(NormaliseModFilePath(fs::path(filename)));
- if (fileHash == m_hScriptsRsonHash)
- BuildScriptsRson();
- else if (fileHash == m_hPdefHash)
- BuildPdef();
- else
- {
- // check if we should build keyvalues, depending on whether any of our mods have patch kvs for this file
- for (Mod& mod : m_LoadedMods)
- {
- if (!mod.m_bEnabled)
- continue;
- if (mod.KeyValues.find(fileHash) != mod.KeyValues.end())
- {
- TryBuildKeyValues(filename);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-void ConCommand_reload_mods(const CCommand& args)
- g_pModManager->LoadMods();
-fs::path GetModFolderPath()
- return fs::path(GetNorthstarPrefix() + MOD_FOLDER_SUFFIX);
-fs::path GetCompiledAssetsPath()
- return fs::path(GetNorthstarPrefix() + COMPILED_ASSETS_SUFFIX);
-ON_DLL_LOAD_RELIESON("engine.dll", ModManager, (ConCommand, MasterServer), (CModule module))
- g_pModManager = new ModManager;
- RegisterConCommand("reload_mods", ConCommand_reload_mods, "reloads mods", FCVAR_NONE);
\ No newline at end of file +#include "pch.h" +#include "modmanager.h" +#include "convar.h" +#include "concommand.h" +#include "audio.h" +#include "masterserver.h" +#include "filesystem.h" +#include "rpakfilesystem.h" +#include "nsprefix.h" + +#include "rapidjson/error/en.h" +#include "rapidjson/document.h" +#include "rapidjson/ostreamwrapper.h" +#include "rapidjson/writer.h" +#include <filesystem> +#include <fstream> +#include <string> +#include <sstream> +#include <vector> + +ModManager* g_pModManager; + +Mod::Mod(fs::path modDir, char* jsonBuf) +{ + m_bWasReadSuccessfully = false; + + m_ModDirectory = modDir; + + rapidjson_document modJson; + modJson.Parse<rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(jsonBuf); + + // fail if parse error + if (modJson.HasParseError()) + { + spdlog::error( + "Failed reading mod file {}: encountered parse error \"{}\" at offset {}", + (modDir / "mod.json").string(), + GetParseError_En(modJson.GetParseError()), + modJson.GetErrorOffset()); + return; + } + + // fail if it's not a json obj (could be an array, string, etc) + if (!modJson.IsObject()) + { + spdlog::error("Failed reading mod file {}: file is not a JSON object", (modDir / "mod.json").string()); + return; + } + + // basic mod info + // name is required + if (!modJson.HasMember("Name")) + { + spdlog::error("Failed reading mod file {}: missing required member \"Name\"", (modDir / "mod.json").string()); + return; + } + + Name = modJson["Name"].GetString(); + + if (modJson.HasMember("Description")) + Description = modJson["Description"].GetString(); + else + Description = ""; + + if (modJson.HasMember("Version")) + Version = modJson["Version"].GetString(); + else + { + Version = "0.0.0"; + spdlog::warn("Mod file {} is missing a version, consider adding a version", (modDir / "mod.json").string()); + } + + if (modJson.HasMember("DownloadLink")) + DownloadLink = modJson["DownloadLink"].GetString(); + else + DownloadLink = ""; + + if (modJson.HasMember("RequiredOnClient")) + RequiredOnClient = modJson["RequiredOnClient"].GetBool(); + else + RequiredOnClient = false; + + if (modJson.HasMember("LoadPriority")) + LoadPriority = modJson["LoadPriority"].GetInt(); + else + { + spdlog::info("Mod file {} is missing a LoadPriority, consider adding one", (modDir / "mod.json").string()); + LoadPriority = 0; + } + + // mod convars + if (modJson.HasMember("ConVars") && modJson["ConVars"].IsArray()) + { + for (auto& convarObj : modJson["ConVars"].GetArray()) + { + if (!convarObj.IsObject() || !convarObj.HasMember("Name") || !convarObj.HasMember("DefaultValue")) + continue; + + // have to allocate this manually, otherwise convar registration will break + // unfortunately this causes us to leak memory on reload, unsure of a way around this rn + ModConVar* convar = new ModConVar; + convar->Name = convarObj["Name"].GetString(); + convar->DefaultValue = convarObj["DefaultValue"].GetString(); + + if (convarObj.HasMember("HelpString")) + convar->HelpString = convarObj["HelpString"].GetString(); + else + convar->HelpString = ""; + + convar->Flags = FCVAR_NONE; + + if (convarObj.HasMember("Flags")) + { + // read raw integer flags + if (convarObj["Flags"].IsInt()) + convar->Flags = convarObj["Flags"].GetInt(); + else if (convarObj["Flags"].IsString()) + { + // parse cvar flags from string + // example string: ARCHIVE_PLAYERPROFILE | GAMEDLL + + std::string sFlags = convarObj["Flags"].GetString(); + sFlags += '|'; // add additional | so we register the last flag + std::string sCurrentFlag; + + for (int i = 0; i < sFlags.length(); i++) + { + if (isspace(sFlags[i])) + continue; + + // if we encounter a |, add current string as a flag + if (sFlags[i] == '|') + { + bool bHasFlags = false; + int iCurrentFlags; + + for (auto& flagPair : g_PrintCommandFlags) + { + if (!sCurrentFlag.compare(flagPair.second)) + { + iCurrentFlags = flagPair.first; + bHasFlags = true; + break; + } + } + + if (bHasFlags) + convar->Flags |= iCurrentFlags; + else + spdlog::warn("Mod ConVar {} has unknown flag {}", convar->Name, sCurrentFlag); + + sCurrentFlag = ""; + } + else + sCurrentFlag += sFlags[i]; + } + } + } + + ConVars.push_back(convar); + } + } + + // mod scripts + if (modJson.HasMember("Scripts") && modJson["Scripts"].IsArray()) + { + for (auto& scriptObj : modJson["Scripts"].GetArray()) + { + if (!scriptObj.IsObject() || !scriptObj.HasMember("Path") || !scriptObj.HasMember("RunOn")) + continue; + + ModScript script; + + script.Path = scriptObj["Path"].GetString(); + script.RunOn = scriptObj["RunOn"].GetString(); + + if (scriptObj.HasMember("ServerCallback") && scriptObj["ServerCallback"].IsObject()) + { + ModScriptCallback callback; + callback.Context = ScriptContext::SERVER; + + if (scriptObj["ServerCallback"].HasMember("Before") && scriptObj["ServerCallback"]["Before"].IsString()) + callback.BeforeCallback = scriptObj["ServerCallback"]["Before"].GetString(); + + if (scriptObj["ServerCallback"].HasMember("After") && scriptObj["ServerCallback"]["After"].IsString()) + callback.AfterCallback = scriptObj["ServerCallback"]["After"].GetString(); + + script.Callbacks.push_back(callback); + } + + if (scriptObj.HasMember("ClientCallback") && scriptObj["ClientCallback"].IsObject()) + { + ModScriptCallback callback; + callback.Context = ScriptContext::CLIENT; + + if (scriptObj["ClientCallback"].HasMember("Before") && scriptObj["ClientCallback"]["Before"].IsString()) + callback.BeforeCallback = scriptObj["ClientCallback"]["Before"].GetString(); + + if (scriptObj["ClientCallback"].HasMember("After") && scriptObj["ClientCallback"]["After"].IsString()) + callback.AfterCallback = scriptObj["ClientCallback"]["After"].GetString(); + + script.Callbacks.push_back(callback); + } + + if (scriptObj.HasMember("UICallback") && scriptObj["UICallback"].IsObject()) + { + ModScriptCallback callback; + callback.Context = ScriptContext::UI; + + if (scriptObj["UICallback"].HasMember("Before") && scriptObj["UICallback"]["Before"].IsString()) + callback.BeforeCallback = scriptObj["UICallback"]["Before"].GetString(); + + if (scriptObj["UICallback"].HasMember("After") && scriptObj["UICallback"]["After"].IsString()) + callback.AfterCallback = scriptObj["UICallback"]["After"].GetString(); + + script.Callbacks.push_back(callback); + } + + Scripts.push_back(script); + } + } + + if (modJson.HasMember("Localisation") && modJson["Localisation"].IsArray()) + { + for (auto& localisationStr : modJson["Localisation"].GetArray()) + { + if (!localisationStr.IsString()) + continue; + + LocalisationFiles.push_back(localisationStr.GetString()); + } + } + + m_bWasReadSuccessfully = true; +} + +ModManager::ModManager() +{ + // precaculated string hashes + // note: use backslashes for these, since we use lexically_normal for file paths which uses them + m_hScriptsRsonHash = STR_HASH("scripts\\vscripts\\scripts.rson"); + m_hPdefHash = STR_HASH( + "cfg\\server\\persistent_player_data_version_231.pdef" // this can have multiple versions, but we use 231 so that's what we hash + ); + + LoadMods(); +} + +void ModManager::LoadMods() +{ + if (m_bHasLoadedMods) + UnloadMods(); + + std::vector<fs::path> modDirs; + + // ensure dirs exist + fs::remove_all(GetCompiledAssetsPath()); + fs::create_directories(GetModFolderPath()); + + // read enabled mods cfg + std::ifstream enabledModsStream(GetNorthstarPrefix() + "/enabledmods.json"); + std::stringstream enabledModsStringStream; + + if (!enabledModsStream.fail()) + { + while (enabledModsStream.peek() != EOF) + enabledModsStringStream << (char)enabledModsStream.get(); + + enabledModsStream.close(); + m_EnabledModsCfg.Parse<rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseTrailingCommasFlag>( + enabledModsStringStream.str().c_str()); + + m_bHasEnabledModsCfg = m_EnabledModsCfg.IsObject(); + } + + // get mod directories + for (fs::directory_entry dir : fs::directory_iterator(GetModFolderPath())) + if (fs::exists(dir.path() / "mod.json")) + modDirs.push_back(dir.path()); + + for (fs::path modDir : modDirs) + { + // read mod json file + std::ifstream jsonStream(modDir / "mod.json"); + std::stringstream jsonStringStream; + + // fail if no mod json + if (jsonStream.fail()) + { + spdlog::warn("Mod {} has a directory but no mod.json", modDir.string()); + continue; + } + + while (jsonStream.peek() != EOF) + jsonStringStream << (char)jsonStream.get(); + + jsonStream.close(); + + Mod mod(modDir, (char*)jsonStringStream.str().c_str()); + + if (m_bHasEnabledModsCfg && m_EnabledModsCfg.HasMember(mod.Name.c_str())) + mod.m_bEnabled = m_EnabledModsCfg[mod.Name.c_str()].IsTrue(); + else + mod.m_bEnabled = true; + + if (mod.m_bWasReadSuccessfully) + { + spdlog::info("Loaded mod {} successfully", mod.Name); + if (mod.m_bEnabled) + spdlog::info("Mod {} is enabled", mod.Name); + else + spdlog::info("Mod {} is disabled", mod.Name); + + m_LoadedMods.push_back(mod); + } + else + spdlog::warn("Skipping loading mod file {}", (modDir / "mod.json").string()); + } + + // sort by load prio, lowest-highest + std::sort(m_LoadedMods.begin(), m_LoadedMods.end(), [](Mod& a, Mod& b) { return a.LoadPriority < b.LoadPriority; }); + + for (Mod& mod : m_LoadedMods) + { + if (!mod.m_bEnabled) + continue; + + // register convars + // for reloads, this is sorta barebones, when we have a good findconvar method, we could probably reset flags and stuff on + // preexisting convars note: we don't delete convars if they already exist because they're used for script stuff, unfortunately this + // causes us to leak memory on reload, but not much, potentially find a way to not do this at some point + for (ModConVar* convar : mod.ConVars) + if (!R2::g_pCVar->FindVar(convar->Name.c_str())) // make sure convar isn't registered yet, unsure if necessary but idk what + // behaviour is for defining same convar multiple times + new ConVar(convar->Name.c_str(), convar->DefaultValue.c_str(), convar->Flags, convar->HelpString.c_str()); + + // read vpk paths + if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "vpk")) + { + // read vpk cfg + std::ifstream vpkJsonStream(mod.m_ModDirectory / "vpk/vpk.json"); + std::stringstream vpkJsonStringStream; + + bool bUseVPKJson = false; + rapidjson::Document dVpkJson; + + if (!vpkJsonStream.fail()) + { + while (vpkJsonStream.peek() != EOF) + vpkJsonStringStream << (char)vpkJsonStream.get(); + + vpkJsonStream.close(); + dVpkJson.Parse<rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseTrailingCommasFlag>( + vpkJsonStringStream.str().c_str()); + + bUseVPKJson = !dVpkJson.HasParseError() && dVpkJson.IsObject(); + } + + for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::directory_iterator(mod.m_ModDirectory / "vpk")) + { + // a bunch of checks to make sure we're only adding dir vpks and their paths are good + // note: the game will literally only load vpks with the english prefix + if (fs::is_regular_file(file) && file.path().extension() == ".vpk" && + file.path().string().find("english") != std::string::npos && + file.path().string().find(".bsp.pak000_dir") != std::string::npos) + { + std::string formattedPath = file.path().filename().string(); + + // this really fucking sucks but it'll work + std::string vpkName = + (file.path().parent_path() / formattedPath.substr(strlen("english"), formattedPath.find(".bsp") - 3)).string(); + + ModVPKEntry& modVpk = mod.Vpks.emplace_back(); + modVpk.m_bAutoLoad = !bUseVPKJson || (dVpkJson.HasMember("Preload") && dVpkJson["Preload"].IsObject() && + dVpkJson["Preload"].HasMember(vpkName) && dVpkJson["Preload"][vpkName].IsTrue()); + modVpk.m_sVpkPath = vpkName; + + if (m_bHasLoadedMods && modVpk.m_bAutoLoad) + (*R2::g_pFilesystem)->m_vtable->MountVPK(*R2::g_pFilesystem, vpkName.c_str()); + } + } + } + + // read rpak paths + if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "paks")) + { + // read rpak cfg + std::ifstream rpakJsonStream(mod.m_ModDirectory / "paks/rpak.json"); + std::stringstream rpakJsonStringStream; + + bool bUseRpakJson = false; + rapidjson::Document dRpakJson; + + if (!rpakJsonStream.fail()) + { + while (rpakJsonStream.peek() != EOF) + rpakJsonStringStream << (char)rpakJsonStream.get(); + + rpakJsonStream.close(); + dRpakJson.Parse<rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseCommentsFlag | rapidjson::ParseFlag::kParseTrailingCommasFlag>( + rpakJsonStringStream.str().c_str()); + + bUseRpakJson = !dRpakJson.HasParseError() && dRpakJson.IsObject(); + } + + // read pak aliases + if (bUseRpakJson && dRpakJson.HasMember("Aliases") && dRpakJson["Aliases"].IsObject()) + { + for (rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator iterator = dRpakJson["Aliases"].MemberBegin(); + iterator != dRpakJson["Aliases"].MemberEnd(); + iterator++) + { + if (!iterator->name.IsString() || !iterator->value.IsString()) + continue; + + mod.RpakAliases.insert(std::make_pair(iterator->name.GetString(), iterator->value.GetString())); + } + } + + for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::directory_iterator(mod.m_ModDirectory / "paks")) + { + // ensure we're only loading rpaks + if (fs::is_regular_file(file) && file.path().extension() == ".rpak") + { + std::string pakName(file.path().filename().string()); + + ModRpakEntry& modPak = mod.Rpaks.emplace_back(); + modPak.m_bAutoLoad = + !bUseRpakJson || (dRpakJson.HasMember("Preload") && dRpakJson["Preload"].IsObject() && + dRpakJson["Preload"].HasMember(pakName) && dRpakJson["Preload"][pakName].IsTrue()); + modPak.m_sPakName = pakName; + + // not using atm because we need to resolve path to rpak + // if (m_hasLoadedMods && modPak.m_bAutoLoad) + // g_pPakLoadManager->LoadPakAsync(pakName.c_str()); + } + } + } + + // read keyvalues paths + if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "keyvalues")) + { + for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(mod.m_ModDirectory / "keyvalues")) + { + if (fs::is_regular_file(file)) + { + std::string kvStr = g_pModManager->NormaliseModFilePath(file.path().lexically_relative(mod.m_ModDirectory / "keyvalues")); + mod.KeyValues.emplace(STR_HASH(kvStr), kvStr); + } + } + } + + // read pdiff + if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "mod.pdiff")) + { + std::ifstream pdiffStream(mod.m_ModDirectory / "mod.pdiff"); + + if (!pdiffStream.fail()) + { + std::stringstream pdiffStringStream; + while (pdiffStream.peek() != EOF) + pdiffStringStream << (char)pdiffStream.get(); + + pdiffStream.close(); + + mod.Pdiff = pdiffStringStream.str(); + } + } + + // read bink video paths + if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "media")) + { + for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(mod.m_ModDirectory / "media")) + if (fs::is_regular_file(file) && file.path().extension() == ".bik") + mod.BinkVideos.push_back(file.path().filename().string()); + } + + // try to load audio + if (fs::exists(mod.m_ModDirectory / "audio")) + { + for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::directory_iterator(mod.m_ModDirectory / "audio")) + { + if (fs::is_regular_file(file) && file.path().extension().string() == ".json") + { + if (!g_CustomAudioManager.TryLoadAudioOverride(file.path())) + { + spdlog::warn("Mod {} has an invalid audio def {}", mod.Name, file.path().filename().string()); + continue; + } + } + } + } + } + + // in a seperate loop because we register mod files in reverse order, since mods loaded later should have their files prioritised + for (int64_t i = m_LoadedMods.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) + { + if (!m_LoadedMods[i].m_bEnabled) + continue; + + if (fs::exists(m_LoadedMods[i].m_ModDirectory / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR)) + { + for (fs::directory_entry file : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(m_LoadedMods[i].m_ModDirectory / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR)) + { + std::string path = + g_pModManager->NormaliseModFilePath(file.path().lexically_relative(m_LoadedMods[i].m_ModDirectory / MOD_OVERRIDE_DIR)); + if (file.is_regular_file() && m_ModFiles.find(path) == m_ModFiles.end()) + { + ModOverrideFile modFile; + modFile.m_pOwningMod = &m_LoadedMods[i]; + modFile.m_Path = path; + m_ModFiles.insert(std::make_pair(path, modFile)); + } + } + } + } + + // build modinfo obj for masterserver + rapidjson_document modinfoDoc; + modinfoDoc.SetObject(); + modinfoDoc.AddMember("Mods", rapidjson_document::GenericValue(rapidjson::kArrayType), modinfoDoc.GetAllocator()); + + int currentModIndex = 0; + for (Mod& mod : m_LoadedMods) + { + if (!mod.m_bEnabled || (!mod.RequiredOnClient && !mod.Pdiff.size())) + continue; + + modinfoDoc["Mods"].PushBack(rapidjson_document::GenericValue(rapidjson::kObjectType), modinfoDoc.GetAllocator()); + modinfoDoc["Mods"][currentModIndex].AddMember("Name", rapidjson::StringRef(&mod.Name[0]), modinfoDoc.GetAllocator()); + modinfoDoc["Mods"][currentModIndex].AddMember("Version", rapidjson::StringRef(&mod.Version[0]), modinfoDoc.GetAllocator()); + modinfoDoc["Mods"][currentModIndex].AddMember("RequiredOnClient", mod.RequiredOnClient, modinfoDoc.GetAllocator()); + modinfoDoc["Mods"][currentModIndex].AddMember("Pdiff", rapidjson::StringRef(&mod.Pdiff[0]), modinfoDoc.GetAllocator()); + + currentModIndex++; + } + + rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer; + buffer.Clear(); + rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer); + modinfoDoc.Accept(writer); + g_pMasterServerManager->m_sOwnModInfoJson = std::string(buffer.GetString()); + + m_bHasLoadedMods = true; +} + +void ModManager::UnloadMods() +{ + // clean up stuff from mods before we unload + m_ModFiles.clear(); + fs::remove_all(GetCompiledAssetsPath()); + + g_CustomAudioManager.ClearAudioOverrides(); + + if (!m_bHasEnabledModsCfg) + m_EnabledModsCfg.SetObject(); + + for (Mod& mod : m_LoadedMods) + { + // remove all built kvs + for (std::pair<size_t, std::string> kvPaths : mod.KeyValues) + fs::remove(GetCompiledAssetsPath() / fs::path(kvPaths.second).lexically_relative(mod.m_ModDirectory)); + + mod.KeyValues.clear(); + + // write to m_enabledModsCfg + // should we be doing this here or should scripts be doing this manually? + // main issue with doing this here is when we reload mods for connecting to a server, we write enabled mods, which isn't necessarily + // what we wanna do + if (!m_EnabledModsCfg.HasMember(mod.Name.c_str())) + m_EnabledModsCfg.AddMember( + rapidjson_document::StringRefType(mod.Name.c_str()), + rapidjson_document::GenericValue(false), + m_EnabledModsCfg.GetAllocator()); + + m_EnabledModsCfg[mod.Name.c_str()].SetBool(mod.m_bEnabled); + } + + std::ofstream writeStream(GetNorthstarPrefix() + "/enabledmods.json"); + rapidjson::OStreamWrapper writeStreamWrapper(writeStream); + rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::OStreamWrapper> writer(writeStreamWrapper); + m_EnabledModsCfg.Accept(writer); + + // do we need to dealloc individual entries in m_loadedMods? idk, rework + m_LoadedMods.clear(); +} + +std::string ModManager::NormaliseModFilePath(const fs::path path) +{ + std::string str = path.lexically_normal().string(); + + // force to lowercase + for (char& c : str) + if (c <= 'Z' && c >= 'A') + c = c - ('Z' - 'z'); + + return str; +} + +void ModManager::CompileAssetsForFile(const char* filename) +{ + size_t fileHash = STR_HASH(NormaliseModFilePath(fs::path(filename))); + + if (fileHash == m_hScriptsRsonHash) + BuildScriptsRson(); + else if (fileHash == m_hPdefHash) + BuildPdef(); + else + { + // check if we should build keyvalues, depending on whether any of our mods have patch kvs for this file + for (Mod& mod : m_LoadedMods) + { + if (!mod.m_bEnabled) + continue; + + if (mod.KeyValues.find(fileHash) != mod.KeyValues.end()) + { + TryBuildKeyValues(filename); + return; + } + } + } +} + +void ConCommand_reload_mods(const CCommand& args) +{ + g_pModManager->LoadMods(); +} + +fs::path GetModFolderPath() +{ + return fs::path(GetNorthstarPrefix() + MOD_FOLDER_SUFFIX); +} +fs::path GetCompiledAssetsPath() +{ + return fs::path(GetNorthstarPrefix() + COMPILED_ASSETS_SUFFIX); +} + +ON_DLL_LOAD_RELIESON("engine.dll", ModManager, (ConCommand, MasterServer), (CModule module)) +{ + g_pModManager = new ModManager; + + RegisterConCommand("reload_mods", ConCommand_reload_mods, "reloads mods", FCVAR_NONE); +} |