path: root/src-tauri/src/github/mod.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src-tauri/src/github/mod.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/src-tauri/src/github/mod.rs b/src-tauri/src/github/mod.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bc3f834..00000000
--- a/src-tauri/src/github/mod.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-pub mod pull_requests;
-pub mod release_notes;
-use crate::constants::{
-use regex::Regex;
-use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use ts_rs::TS;
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, TS)]
-pub struct Tag {
- name: String,
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, TS)]
-pub enum Project {
- FlightCore,
- Northstar,
-/// Wrapper type needed for frontend
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, TS)]
-pub struct TagWrapper {
- label: String,
- value: Tag,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
-pub struct CommitInfo {
- pub sha: String,
- commit: Commit,
- author: Option<CommitAuthor>,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
-struct Commit {
- message: String,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
-struct CommitAuthor {
- login: String,
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
-struct Comparison {
- commits: Vec<CommitInfo>,
-/// Get a list of tags on the FlightCore repo
-pub fn get_list_of_tags(project: Project) -> Result<Vec<TagWrapper>, String> {
- // Set the repository name.
- // Create a `reqwest` client with a user agent.
- let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::builder()
- .user_agent(APP_USER_AGENT)
- .build()
- .unwrap();
- // Switch repo to fetch from based on project
- let repo_name = match project {
- Project::FlightCore => FLIGHTCORE_REPO_NAME,
- Project::Northstar => NORTHSTAR_RELEASE_REPO_NAME,
- };
- // Fetch the list of tags for the repository as a `Vec<Tag>`.
- let tags_url = format!("https://api.github.com/repos/{}/tags", repo_name);
- let tags: Vec<Tag> = client.get(tags_url).send().unwrap().json().unwrap();
- // Map each `Tag` element to a `TagWrapper` element with the desired label and `Tag` value.
- let tag_wrappers: Vec<TagWrapper> = tags
- .into_iter()
- .map(|tag| TagWrapper {
- label: tag.name.clone(),
- value: tag,
- })
- .collect();
- Ok(tag_wrappers)
-/// Use GitHub API to compare two tags of the same repo against each other and get the resulting changes
-pub fn compare_tags(project: Project, first_tag: Tag, second_tag: Tag) -> Result<String, String> {
- match project {
- Project::FlightCore => compare_tags_flightcore(first_tag, second_tag),
- Project::Northstar => compare_tags_northstar(first_tag, second_tag),
- }
-pub fn compare_tags_flightcore(first_tag: Tag, second_tag: Tag) -> Result<String, String> {
- // Fetch the list of commits between the two tags.
- // Create a `reqwest` client with a user agent.
- let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::builder()
- .user_agent(APP_USER_AGENT)
- .build()
- .unwrap();
- let repo = "R2NorthstarTools/FlightCore";
- let mut full_patch_notes = "".to_string();
- let mut patch_notes: Vec<String> = [].to_vec();
- println!("{}", repo);
- // let repo = "R2Northstar/NorthstarLauncher";
- let comparison_url = format!(
- "https://api.github.com/repos/{}/compare/{}...{}",
- repo, first_tag.name, second_tag.name
- );
- let comparison: Comparison = client.get(comparison_url).send().unwrap().json().unwrap();
- let commits = comparison.commits;
- // Display the list of commits.
- println!(
- "Commits between {} and {}:",
- first_tag.name, second_tag.name
- );
- // Iterate over all commits in the diff
- for commit in commits {
- println!(
- " * {} : {}",
- commit.sha,
- commit.commit.message.split('\n').next().unwrap()
- );
- patch_notes.push(
- commit
- .commit
- .message
- .split('\n')
- .next()
- .unwrap()
- .to_string(),
- );
- }
- full_patch_notes += &generate_flightcore_release_notes(patch_notes);
- Ok(full_patch_notes.to_string())
-/// Generate release notes in the format used for FlightCore
-fn generate_flightcore_release_notes(commits: Vec<String>) -> String {
- let grouped_commits = group_commits_by_type(commits);
- let mut release_notes = String::new();
- // Go over commit types and generate notes
- for commit_type in SECTION_ORDER {
- if let Some(commit_list) = grouped_commits.get(commit_type) {
- if !commit_list.is_empty() {
- let section_title = match commit_type {
- "feat" => "**Features:**",
- "fix" => "**Bug Fixes:**",
- "docs" => "**Documentation:**",
- "style" => "**Code style changes:**",
- "refactor" => "**Code Refactoring:**",
- "build" => "**Build:**",
- "ci" => "**Continuous integration changes:**",
- "test" => "**Tests:**",
- "chore" => "**Chores:**",
- "i18n" => "**Translations:**",
- _ => "**Other:**",
- };
- release_notes.push_str(&format!("{}\n", section_title));
- for commit_message in commit_list {
- release_notes.push_str(&format!("- {}\n", commit_message));
- }
- release_notes.push('\n');
- }
- }
- }
- let release_notes = release_notes.trim_end_matches('\n').to_string();
- release_notes
-/// Group semantic commit messages by type
-/// Commmit messages that are not formatted accordingly are marked as "other"
-fn group_commits_by_type(commits: Vec<String>) -> HashMap<String, Vec<String>> {
- let mut grouped_commits: HashMap<String, Vec<String>> = HashMap::new();
- let mut other_commits: Vec<String> = vec![];
- for commit in commits {
- let commit_parts: Vec<&str> = commit.splitn(2, ':').collect();
- if commit_parts.len() == 2 {
- let commit_type = commit_parts[0].to_lowercase();
- let commit_description = commit_parts[1].trim().to_string();
- // Check if known commit type
- if SECTION_ORDER.contains(&commit_type.as_str()) {
- let commit_list = grouped_commits.entry(commit_type.to_string()).or_default();
- commit_list.push(commit_description);
- } else {
- // otherwise add to list of "other"
- other_commits.push(commit.to_string());
- }
- } else {
- other_commits.push(commit.to_string());
- }
- }
- grouped_commits.insert("other".to_string(), other_commits);
- grouped_commits
-/// Compares two tags on Northstar repo and generates release notes over the diff in tags
-/// over the 3 major repos (Northstar, NorthstarLauncher, NorthstarMods)
-pub fn compare_tags_northstar(first_tag: Tag, second_tag: Tag) -> Result<String, String> {
- // Fetch the list of commits between the two tags.
- // Create a `reqwest` client with a user agent.
- let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::builder()
- .user_agent(APP_USER_AGENT)
- .build()
- .unwrap();
- let repos = [
- "R2Northstar/Northstar",
- "R2Northstar/NorthstarLauncher",
- "R2Northstar/NorthstarMods",
- ];
- let mut full_patch_notes = "".to_string();
- let mut authors_set = std::collections::HashSet::new();
- for repo in repos {
- full_patch_notes += &format!("{}\n\n", repo);
- let mut patch_notes: Vec<String> = [].to_vec();
- println!("{}", repo);
- // let repo = "R2Northstar/NorthstarLauncher";
- let comparison_url = format!(
- "https://api.github.com/repos/{}/compare/{}...{}",
- repo, first_tag.name, second_tag.name
- );
- log::info!("Compare URL: {}", comparison_url.clone());
- let comparison: Comparison = client.get(&comparison_url).send().unwrap().json().unwrap();
- let commits = comparison.commits;
- // Display the list of commits.
- println!(
- "Commits between {} and {}:",
- first_tag.name, second_tag.name
- );
- //
- for commit in commits {
- println!(
- " * {} : {}",
- commit.sha,
- turn_pr_number_into_link(commit.commit.message.split('\n').next().unwrap(), repo)
- );
- patch_notes.push(turn_pr_number_into_link(
- commit.commit.message.split('\n').next().unwrap(),
- repo,
- ));
- // Store authors in set
- if commit.author.is_some() {
- authors_set.insert(commit.author.unwrap().login);
- }
- }
- full_patch_notes += &patch_notes.join("\n");
- full_patch_notes += "\n\n\n";
- }
- // Convert the set to a sorted vector.
- let mut sorted_vec: Vec<String> = authors_set.into_iter().collect();
- sorted_vec.sort_by_key(|a| a.to_lowercase());
- // Define a string to prepend to each element.
- let prefix = "@";
- // Create a new list with the prefix prepended to each element.
- let prefixed_list: Vec<String> = sorted_vec.iter().map(|s| prefix.to_owned() + s).collect();
- full_patch_notes += "**Contributors:**\n";
- full_patch_notes += &prefixed_list.join(" ");
- Ok(full_patch_notes.to_string())
-/// Takes the commit title and repo slug and formats it as
-/// `[commit title(SHORTENED_REPO#NUMBER)](LINK)`
-fn turn_pr_number_into_link(input: &str, repo: &str) -> String {
- // Extract `Mods/Launcher` from repo title
- let last_line = repo
- .split('/')
- .next_back()
- .unwrap()
- .trim_start_matches("Northstar");
- // Extract PR number
- let re = Regex::new(r"#(\d+)").unwrap();
- // Generate pull request link
- let pull_link = format!("https://github.com/{}/pull/", repo);
- re.replace_all(input, format!("[{}#$1]({}$1)", last_line, pull_link))
- .to_string()