

FlightCore uses Tauri as its UI framework. This means it is split into a backend written in Rust and a frontend written in Vue and TypeScript.

Design goals

In general FlightCore should just work™ for the majority of people using it. All errors should be caught and handled where possible. Thanks to CI and auto-updating, releases are easy to deploy and should be made whenever new features are available.

Pro-user and developer oriented features should be hidden by default to avoid users activating them by accident but still easy enough to access such that it doesn't become a hassle using them.

As for splitting logic between frontend and backend, state and UI related logic should be done in frontend while all the remaining logic is done in backend. The backend should not hold state to avoid any concurrency issues in regards to asynchronous and multithreaded calls into the backend.


Make sure you have the necessary dependencies for Tauri installed as described in this link: https://tauri.app/v1/guides/getting-started/prerequisites

Then, install npm dependencies with

npm install

Install UI dependencies too

cd src-vue && npm install && cd ..

Then for developing

npx tauri dev

Automatic recompiling on save is enabled for both the Rust and the Typescript/Vue code.

If you want to build FlightCore from source, run

npx tauri build

This will build the executable and bundles, such as AppImage, .deb or .msi.

To build just the executable, edit tauri.conf.json in the same folder:

    "bundle": {
      "active": true,

Change active from true to false, and bundles won't be included afterwards.

To disable the updater (which requires a private key) change active value to false:

    "updater": {
      "active": true,


An introduction to Tauri can be seen in this short YouTube video: https://youtu.be/-X8evddpu7M

A longer Tauri tutorial can be found here: https://youtu.be/kRoGYgAuZQE


Note that you can adjust the behaviour of Tauri windows in tauri.conf.json, e.g.

"windows": [
    "fullscreen": false,
    "resizable": true,
    "alwaysOnTop": true,
    "x": 1200,
    "y": 0,
    "height": 500,
    "width": 300,
    "title": "FlightCore"


If you have any questions about the code please reach out via GitHub issues, DMs, or pinging @Gecko or @Alystrasz on the Northstar Discord.

A lot of code was written in the process of learning Rust and Vue/Typescript so it might not always follow best practices. If you notice ways to improve it, please feel encouraged to open a PR with the change or open an issue pointing out potential points for improvement.

Frontend styling

For Vue components FlightCore uses the Element Plus library. A list of available components can be found here.

Interacting between frontend and backend

The main way the frontend calls the backend is via the invoke() function provided by Tauri.

So assuming you have a backend function

fn my_func(some_string: String, some_int: u32) {}

You can call it from the frontend with:

await invoke("my_func", { someString: "Hello, World!", someInt: random_int })

Note the change between snake_case and camelCase in the function argument names. This is imposed by Tauri.

For returning values after the function call using the Result<T, E> type in Rust is recommended.

This means you'll have a function

fn other_func() -> Result<u32, String> {}

which returns Result<u32, String>

Now in the frontend when calling it you can for example

await invoke("other_func")
  .then((message) => {
    // Success
    console.log(`Call returned: ${message}`)
  .catch((error) => {
    // Error

but also

// Store return in `result` on success
let result = await invoke("other_func")
  .catch((error) => {
    // Error

For more info, see the Tauri docs: https://tauri.app/v1/guides/features/command/

For periodic calls between backend and frontend you can use events. See the Tauri docs here: https://tauri.app/v1/guides/features/events/

Persistent store

In regards to storing persistent data, FlightCore uses tauri-plugin-store. It's a key-value store accessed in frontend to load and store small amounts of data.

The goal is to store as little data in there as possible and instead get the necessary info on app launch. For example the install path of Titanfall2 should be inferred everytime on launch using Steam library or Origin, so that if the player changes the install location, there's no need to sync it up with the persistent store again. The exception to this is when Steam/Origin is unable to find the install location and the user manually selected a location instead. In this case, we don't want to re-prompt the user on every launch of FlightCore to enter the Titanfall2 install location.

Usage example for tauri-plugin-store:

// Import the lib
import { Store } from 'tauri-plugin-store-api';
// Define a store based on filename to write to
const persistentStore = new Store('flight-core-settings.json');

// Save change in persistent store
await persistentStore.set('northstar-release-canal', { value: "NorthstarReleasecandidate" });
await persistentStore.save(); // explicit save to disk

// Grab Northstar release canal value from store if exists
var persistent_northstar_release_canal = (await persistentStore.get('northstar-release-canal')) as any;
if(persistent_northstar_release_canal) { // For some reason, the plugin-store doesn't throw an eror but simply returns `null` when key not found
    // Put value from peristent store into current store
    state.northstar_release_canal = persistent_northstar_release_canal.value as string;
else {
    console.log("Value not found in store");

Auto-generating TypeScript bindings for Rust types

This codebases uses ts-rs to generate TypeScript interfaces from Rust code.

To generate new bindings, use the appropriate macros

use ts_rs::TS;

struct User {
    user_id: i32,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,

then simply run cargo test. The generated bindings are placed in src-tauri/bindings/. Make sure to add and commit them as well!


For FlightCore to be used by the largest number, its interface is translated in several languages; users can choose used language through FlightCore settings.

Localization files are located in src-vue/src/i18n/lang.

To add a new language, you have to create associated file, e.g. src-vue/src/i18n/lang/de.json, and import it in the i18n application object in main.ts:

import de from "./i18n/lang/de.json";

export const i18n = createI18n({
    locale: 'en',
    fallbackLocale: 'en',
    messages: {
        en, fr, de

In order to be able to select it, make sure to that it to the LanguageSelector componenent in src-vue/src/components/LanguageSelector.vue.

export default defineComponent({
    name: 'LanguageSelector',
    data: () => ({
        value: '',
        options: [
                value: 'en',
                label: 'English'
            <!-- ... -->
                value: 'de',
                label: 'Deutsch'
    <!-- ... -->

There are different ways to use translations in views; in HTML template, invoke the $t method with translation key:

    {{ $t('menu.play') }}

For use in Typescript code (inside components), invoke the this.$t method:

return this.$t("play.button.select_game_dir");

For Typescript code outside components, translations are still accessible:

import { i18n } from '../main';

It is possible to inject variables into translations:

"channels": {
    "release": {
        "component": {
            "text": "Switched release channel to {canal}."
return this.$t("channels.release.component.text", {canal: "MyCanalName"});


This repo uses EditorConfig to define some basic formatting rules. Find a plugin for your IDE here.

For commit messages we use semantic commits. For more info see:

  • https://karma-runner.github.io/6.4/dev/git-commit-msg.html
  • https://gist.github.com/joshbuchea/6f47e86d2510bce28f8e7f42ae84c716

PR are generally squash merged to help with keeping a somewhat clean commit history where each commit builds without errors.

Additional info

Based on source code for the Rust Tauri Introduction Video