AtlasThe next-gen master server for Northstar. 9 months
FlightCoreInstaller/Updater/Launcher for Northstar 13 days
NorthstarLauncherLauncher used to modify Titanfall 2 to allow mods to be loaded 3 days
NorthstarModsSquirrel scripts used to recreate server-side gamelogic and add custom content t...7 days
NorthstarWikiWiki covering installation, hosting and configuration of Northstar 2 weeks
ViperLauncher+Updater for TF|2 Northstar 2 months
3ds-splashC utility to convert 3ds splash screen binaries to more common file formats 9 months
BerryClientPython framework to interface with minecraft over the MCPI api 9 months
GeckoPi-PCBPCB Design for the GeckoPi Project 9 months
OFQTOpen Fortress installer and launcher 9 months
ShelSPThesis Project to develop a device for the digital integration of dumb electroni...4 months
ShellyPyPython library to interact with Shelly devices 9 months
SouthRPCNorthstar Plugin for JSON-RPC over HTTP 9 months
WirecutterRP2040 project for converting xinput to Bluetooth HID 2 months
cgcia simple CGI based CI 9 months
inject_sosmall project to test so injection 9 months
kernel-fsynccustom fedora kernel build 3 months
lab-bota modular gitlab bot oriented towards automation 8 months
libshimbasic linux library shim 9 months
micropython-docssome micropython internal documentation 9 months
polecatsimple wine version manager 9 months
sameboy-thumbnailerGameBoy thumbnail generator 9 months
southbrowserNorthstar Server browser using SouthRPC 9 months
unixregpython winreg compatibility library 9 months