#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wine.h" #include "net.h" #include "tar.h" #include "common.h" #include "config.h" const static struct Command wine_commands[] = { { .name = "download", .func = wine_download, .description = "download and extract a wine version from lutris" }, { .name = "list", .func = wine_list, .description = "list installable wine versions" }, { .name = "run", .func = wine_run, .description = "run a installed wine version" }, { .name = "list-installed", .func = wine_installed, .description = "list installed wine versions" }, { .name = "env", .func = wine_env, .description = "add a wine executable to your PATH"}, }; int wine(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(wine_commands); ++i) { if (!strcmp(wine_commands[i].name, argv[1])) return wine_commands[i].func(argc-1, argv+1); } } return wine_help(argc-1, argv+1); } int wine_download(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc == 2) { struct json_object* runner = fetchJSON(WINE_API); if (runner) { struct json_object* versions; json_object_object_get_ex(runner, "versions", &versions); int choice = atoi(argv[1]); if (choice > json_object_array_length(versions) - 1 || choice < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "`%i' is not a valid ID\n\nrun `polecat wine list' to get a valid ID\n", choice); } else { struct json_object* url; struct json_object* value = json_object_array_get_idx(versions, choice); json_object_object_get_ex(value, "url", &url); char* name = basename((char*)json_object_get_string(url)); char winedir[PATH_MAX]; struct MemoryStruct* archive; getWineDir(winedir, sizeof(winedir)); makeDir(winedir); fprintf(stderr, "Downloading %s\n", name); archive = downloadToRam(json_object_get_string(url)); if (archive) { fprintf(stderr, "Extracting %s\n", name); extract(archive, winedir); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Something went wrong. The archive went missing\n"); } free(archive->memory); free(archive); } json_object_put(runner); } } else { fprintf(stderr, USAGE_STR " wine download \n\nIDs are obtained via `" NAME " wine list'\n"); } return 0; } int wine_list(int argc, char** argv) { struct json_object* runner = fetchJSON(WINE_API); if (runner) { struct json_object* versions, *value, *val; json_object_object_get_ex(runner, "versions", &versions); if(isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) puts("Installable wine versions:"); for (size_t i = 0; i < json_object_array_length(versions); ++i) { value = json_object_array_get_idx(versions, i); json_object_object_get_ex(value, "version", &val); printf(" [%zu]\t%s\n", i, json_object_get_string(val)); } json_object_put(runner); } return 0; } int wine_run(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc > 1) { char winepath[PATH_MAX]; char* winebinloc = NULL; // to be set by the wine type check getWineDir(winepath, sizeof(winepath)); char* winever = argv[1]; strncat(winepath, "/", sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); strncat(winepath, winever, sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); if (!isDir(winepath)) { // if the wine version does not exist try appending the system arch e.g. x86_64 struct utsname buffer; if (!uname(&buffer)) { strncat(winepath, "-", sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); strncat(winepath, buffer.machine, sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); } // if it still doesn't exist tell this wine version is not installed if (!isDir(winepath)) { fprintf(stderr, "`%s' is not an installed wine version\n", winever); return 0; } } switch(check_wine_ver(winepath, sizeof(winepath)+1)) { case WINE_NORMAL: winebinloc = WINEBIN; break; case WINE_PROTON: winebinloc = PROTONBIN; break; default: #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find figure out if this `%s' is Wine or Proton, defaulting to Wine", winever); #endif winebinloc = WINEBIN; break; } strncat(winepath, winebinloc, sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); if (isFile(winepath)) { for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) { strncat(winepath, " \"", sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); strncat(winepath, argv[i], sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); strncat(winepath, "\"", sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); } return system(winepath); } else { fprintf(stderr, "cannot find wine for `%s'\n", winever); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Specify a what wine version to run.\nUse `" NAME " wine list-installed' to list available versions\n"); } return 0; } int wine_installed(int argc, char** argv) { char winedir[PATH_MAX]; getWineDir(winedir, sizeof(winedir)); DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; int intty = isatty(STDOUT_FILENO); if (intty) puts("Installed wine versions:"); if ((dir = opendir(winedir)) != NULL) { while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { if (ent->d_name[0] != '.' && ent->d_type == DT_DIR) { if (intty) printf(" - "); printf("%s\n", ent->d_name); } } closedir (dir); } return 0; } int wine_env(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc > 1) { char winepath[PATH_MAX]; char* winebinloc = NULL; // to be set by the wine type check getWineDir(winepath, sizeof(winepath)); char* winever = argv[1]; strncat(winepath, "/", sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); strncat(winepath, winever, sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); if (!isDir(winepath)) { // if the wine version does not exist try appending the system arch e.g. x86_64 struct utsname buffer; if (!uname(&buffer)) { strncat(winepath, "-", sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); strncat(winepath, buffer.machine, sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); } // if it still doesn't exist tell this wine version is not installed if (!isDir(winepath)) { fprintf(stderr, "`%s' is not an installed wine version\n", winever); return 0; } } switch(check_wine_ver(winepath, sizeof(winepath)+1)) { case WINE_NORMAL: winebinloc = WINEBIN; break; case WINE_PROTON: winebinloc = PROTONBIN; break; default: #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find figure out if this `%s' is Wine or Proton, defaulting to Wine", winever); #endif winebinloc = WINEBIN; break; } strncat(winepath, winebinloc, sizeof(winepath) - strlen(winepath) - 1); if (isFile(winepath)) { winepath[strlen(winepath) - strlen("wine")] = '\0'; if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) { puts("To add a wine installation to your PATH\n" "you have to eval polecats output eval\n" "the output (or your shells equivelent)\n\n" " eval `polecat wine env `"); } else { printf("PS1=\"(%s)$PS1\"\nPATH=\"%s:$PATH\"\n", winever, winepath); } //printf("PATH=\"%s\"\n# Run this code in your Terminal\n# by running eval `%s`", newpath, argv[0]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "cannot find wine for `%s'\n", winever); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Specify a what wine version to run.\nUse `" NAME " wine list-installed' to list available versions\n"); } return 0; } int wine_help(int argc, char** argv) { fprintf(stderr, USAGE_STR " wine \n\nList of commands:\n"); print_help(wine_commands, ARRAY_LEN(wine_commands)); return 0; } enum wine_type_t check_wine_ver(char* winepath, size_t size) { char* winepathcopy = NULL; winepathcopy = malloc(size); strncpy(winepathcopy, winepath, size); strncat(winepathcopy, WINEBIN, size - strlen(winepathcopy)); if (isFile(winepathcopy)) { free(winepathcopy); return WINE_NORMAL; } strncpy(winepathcopy, winepath, size); strncat(winepathcopy, PROTONBIN, size - strlen(winepathcopy)); if (isFile(winepathcopy)) { free(winepathcopy); return WINE_PROTON; } return WINE_NONE; }