-- mod-version:2 -- lite-xl 2.0 local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local style = require "core.style" local ContextMenu = require "core.contextmenu" local RootView = require "core.rootview" local TreeView = require "plugins.treeview" local original_draw = TreeView.draw local icon_font = renderer.font.load(USERDIR .. "/fonts/nonicons.ttf", 15 * SCALE) local icons = { [".lua"] = { "#51a0cf", "" }, [".md"] = { "#519aba", "" }, -- Markdown [".cpp"] = { "#519aba", "" }, [".c"] = { "#599eff", "" }, [".h"] = { "#599eff", "" }, [".py"] = { "#3572A5", "" }, -- Python [".pyc"] = { "#519aba", "" }, [".pyd"] = { "#519aba", "" }, [".php"] = { "#a074c4", "" }, [".cs"] = { "#596706", "" }, -- C# [".conf"] = { "#6d8086", "" }, [".cfg"] = { "#6d8086", "" }, [".toml"] = { "#6d8086", "" }, [".yaml"] = { "#6d8086", "" }, [".yml"] = { "#6d8086", "" }, [".json"] = { "#854CC7", "" }, [".css"] = { "#563d7c", "" }, [".html"] = { "#e34c26", "" }, [".js"] = { "#cbcb41", "" }, -- JavaScript [".go"] = { "#519aba", "" }, [".jpg"] = { "#a074c4", "" }, [".png"] = { "#a074c4", "" }, [".sh"] = { "#4d5a5e", "" }, -- Shell [".java"] = { "#cc3e44", "" }, [".scala"] = { "#cc3e44", "" }, [".kt"] = { "#F88A02", "" }, -- Kotlin [".pl"] = { "#519aba", "" }, -- Perl [".r"] = { "#358a5b", "" }, [".rake"] = { "#701516", "" }, [".rb"] = { "#701516", "" }, -- Ruby [".rs"] = { "#dea584", "" }, -- Rust [".rss"] = { "#cc3e44", "" }, [".sql"] = { "#dad8d8", "" }, [".swift"] = { "#e37933", "" }, [".ts"] = { "#519aba", "" }, -- TypeScript [".elm"] = { "#519aba", "" }, [".diff"] = { "#41535b", "" }, [".ex"] = { "#a074c4", "" }, [".exs"] = { "#a074c4", "" }, -- Elixir -- Following without special icon: [".awk"] = { "#4d5a5e", "" }, [".nim"] = { "#F88A02", "" }, } function TreeView:draw() self:draw_background(style.background2) local icon_width = icon_font:get_width("") local spacing = icon_font:get_width("") / 2 local doc = core.active_view.doc local active_filename = doc and system.absolute_path(doc.filename or "") for item, x,y,w,h in self:each_item() do local color = style.text -- highlight active_view doc if item.abs_filename == active_filename then color = style.accent end -- hovered item background if item == self.hovered_item then renderer.draw_rect(x, y, w, h, style.line_highlight) color = style.accent end -- allow for color overrides local icon_color = self:color_for_item(item.abs_filename) or color -- icons x = x + item.depth * style.padding.x + style.padding.x if item.type == "dir" then local icon1 = item.expanded and "" or "" -- 61726 and 61728 local icon2 = item.expanded and "" or "" -- 61771 and 61772 x = x - spacing common.draw_text(icon_font, color, icon1, nil, x, y, 0, h) x = x + style.padding.x + spacing common.draw_text(icon_font, color, icon2, nil, x, y, 0, h) x = x + icon_width else x = x + style.padding.x local icon = "" local ext = item.name:match("^.+(%..+)$") if icons[ext] ~= nil then icon_color = { common.color(icons[ext][1]) } icon = icons[ext][2] end common.draw_text(icon_font, icon_color, icon, nil, x, y, 0, h) x = x + icon_width end -- text x = x + spacing x = common.draw_text(style.font, color, item.name, nil, x, y, 0, h) end self:draw_scrollbar() if self.hovered_item and self.tooltip.alpha > 0 then core.root_view:defer_draw(self.draw_tooltip, self) end end