# Lite XL plugins Plugins for the [Lite XL text editor](https://github.com/lite-xl/lite-xl), originally forked from the [lite plugins repository](https://github.com/rxi/lite-plugins). If you can't find a plugin that suits your needs, check if someone has already created an issue about it, otherwise feel free to create one yourself. ## How to install To install a plugin: * If the plugin links to a repository, follow its `README`. * If the plugin is a single file or directory, drop it directly in: * Linux `~/.config/lite-xl/plugins/` * MacOS `~/.config/lite-xl/plugins/` * Windows `C:\Users\(username)\.config\lite-xl\plugins\` Or, if you have a Lite XL plugin manager, such as [`lpm`](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-plugin-manager), you may install plugins by doing ``` lpm install plugin_name ``` *Note: if you make a pull request, do not edit this README.md file, as it's autogenerated; the manifest.json file should be updated to include any new plugins added, as specified in the [Lite XL plugin manifest specification](https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-plugin-manager/blob/master/SPEC.md).* *Please note, that in this official repository, any plugins that specify a `remote` must also pin the remote to a specific commit hash. Any plugin that is hosted not in a repository, but only with a `url` must provide a `checksum` that matches the existing plugin.* *Any commits specified with a `remote` will automatically be checked for updates to the `latest` branch, and PRs will automaticaly be created for them on a recurring basis to keep things up to date. Stubs can specify an alternate branch to follow with `extra.follow_branch`.* *Any non-conforming PRs will not be accepted. The table below will be updated automatically.* *Any entries marked with an asterisk are hosted on external repositories.* --- ## Plugins ## Languages ## Libraries