path: root/plugins/autoinsert.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/autoinsert.lua')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/autoinsert.lua b/plugins/autoinsert.lua
index 179a5ef..a31f469 100644
--- a/plugins/autoinsert.lua
+++ b/plugins/autoinsert.lua
@@ -89,9 +89,12 @@ command.add(predicate, {
["autoinsert:backspace"] = function()
local doc = core.active_view.doc
local l, c = doc:get_selection()
- local chr = doc:get_char(l, c)
- if config.plugins.autoinsert.map[doc:get_char(l, c - 1)] and is_closer(chr) then
- doc:delete_to(1)
+ if c > 1 then
+ local chr = doc:get_char(l, c)
+ local mapped = config.plugins.autoinsert.map[doc:get_char(l, c - 1)]
+ if mapped and mapped == chr then
+ doc:delete_to(1)
+ end
command.perform "doc:backspace"
@@ -114,3 +117,154 @@ keymap.add {
["ctrl+backspace"] = "autoinsert:delete-to-previous-word-start",
["ctrl+shift+backspace"] = "autoinsert:delete-to-previous-word-start",
+-- --[[
+-- -- mod-version:3
+-- local core = require "core"
+-- local translate = require "core.doc.translate"
+-- local config = require "core.config"
+-- local common = require "core.common"
+-- local DocView = require "core.docview"
+-- local command = require "core.command"
+-- local keymap = require "core.keymap"
+-- config.plugins.autoinsert = common.merge({ map = {
+-- ["["] = "]",
+-- ["{"] = "}",
+-- ["("] = ")",
+-- ['"'] = '"',
+-- ["'"] = "'",
+-- ["`"] = "`",
+-- } }, config.plugins.autoinsert)
+-- local function is_closer(chr)
+-- for _, v in pairs(config.plugins.autoinsert.map) do
+-- if v == chr then
+-- return true
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local function count_char(text, chr)
+-- local count = 0
+-- local index = 1
+-- while true do
+-- local s, e = text:find(chr, index, true)
+-- if not s then break end
+-- count = count + 1
+-- index = e + 1
+-- end
+-- return count
+-- end
+-- local on_text_input = DocView.on_text_input
+-- function DocView:on_text_input(text)
+-- local mapping = config.plugins.autoinsert.map[text]
+-- local opener, closer = mapping and true, is_closer(text)
+-- -- prevents plugin from operating on `CommandView`
+-- if (not opener and not closer) or not self:is(DocView) then
+-- return on_text_input(self, text)
+-- end
+-- local l1, c1, l2, c2, swap = self.doc:get_selection(true)
+-- print(swap)
+-- for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2, swap in self.doc:get_selections(true) do
+-- if opener and closer then
+-- -- if the opener and closer characters are the same
+-- -- we only consider the opener case if we're not near one
+-- if self.doc:get_char(line1, col1, line2, col2) == text then
+-- opener = false
+-- end
+-- end
+-- if opener then
+-- -- is selection
+-- if line1 ~= line2 or col1 ~= col2 then
+-- self.doc:insert(line2, col2, mapping)
+-- self.doc:insert(line1, col1, text)
+-- print(line1, col1, line2, col2, swap)
+-- self.doc:set_selections(idx, line1, col1+1, line2, col2+1, swap)
+-- else
+-- self.doc:text_input(text, idx)
+-- -- if the opener and closer chars are the same, we only add the closer one
+-- -- if there is an odd number of them in the line
+-- if text ~= mapping or (text == mapping and count_char(self.doc.lines[line1], mapping) % 2 == 1) then
+-- self.doc:text_input(mapping, idx)
+-- self.doc:move_to_cursor(idx, -#mapping)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- else -- closer
+-- if line1 == line2 and col1 == col2 then
+-- local chr = self.doc:get_char(line1, col1, line2, col2)
+-- -- skip inserting closing text
+-- if text == chr then
+-- self.doc:move_to_cursor(idx, #text)
+-- else
+-- self.doc:text_input(text, idx)
+-- end
+-- else -- if we're in a selection we behave as normal
+-- self.doc:text_input(text, idx)
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
+-- local function predicate()
+-- return getmetatable(core.active_view) == DocView
+-- and not core.active_view.doc:has_selection()
+-- end
+-- command.add(predicate, {
+-- ["autoinsert:backspace"] = function()
+-- local doc = core.active_view.doc
+-- local l, c = doc:get_selection()
+-- local chr = doc:get_char(l, c)
+-- if config.plugins.autoinsert.map[doc:get_char(l, c - 1)] and is_closer(chr) then
+-- doc:delete_to(1)
+-- end
+-- command.perform "doc:backspace"
+-- end,
+-- ["autoinsert:delete-to-previous-word-start"] = function()
+-- local doc = core.active_view.doc
+-- local le, ce = translate.previous_word_start(doc, doc:get_selection())
+-- while true do
+-- local l, c = doc:get_selection()
+-- if l == le and c == ce then
+-- break
+-- end
+-- command.perform "autoinsert:backspace"
+-- end
+-- end,
+-- })
+-- keymap.add {
+-- ["backspace"] = "autoinsert:backspace",
+-- ["ctrl+backspace"] = "autoinsert:delete-to-previous-word-start",
+-- ["ctrl+shift+backspace"] = "autoinsert:delete-to-previous-word-start",
+-- }
+-- --]]