diff options
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e757da8..38b8985 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ to something other than a raw file it should be marked with an asterisk.*
| [`minimap`](plugins/minimap.lua?raw=1) | Shows a minimap on the right-hand side of the docview. Taken from [@andsve](https://github.com/andsve/lite-plugins/tree/minimap-plugin), and improved upon. |
| [`motiontrail`](plugins/motiontrail.lua?raw=1) | Adds a motion-trail to the caret *([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3920290/83256814-085ccb00-a1ab-11ea-9e35-e6633cbed1a9.gif))* |
| [`navigate`](plugins/navigate.lua?raw=1) | Allows moving back and forward between document positions, reducing the amount of scrolling |
-| [`nonicons`](plugins/nonicons.lua?raw=1) | File icons set for TreeView. Download [font](https://github.com/yamatsum/nonicons/raw/master/dist/nonicons.ttf) to your config/fonts folder |
+| [`nonicons`](plugins/nonicons.lua?raw=1) | File icons set for TreeView. Download [font](https://github.com/yamatsum/nonicons/raw/6a2faf4fbdfbe353c5ae6a496740ac4bfb6d0e74/dist/nonicons.ttf) to your config/fonts folder |
| [`opacity`](plugins/opacity.lua?raw=1) | Change the opaqueness/transparency of `lite-xl` using shift+mousewheel or a command. |
| [`open_ext`](plugins/open_ext.lua?raw=1) | Automatically prompts you if you tried to open a binary file in the editor |
| [`openfilelocation`](plugins/openfilelocation.lua?raw=1) | Opens the parent directory of the current file in the file manager |