path: root/me.jl
diff options
authorJobinsJC <jobinsjjc1492@protonmail.com>2021-11-25 09:37:14 +0900
committerJobinsJC <jobinsjjc1492@protonmail.com>2021-11-25 09:37:14 +0900
commitd57c13ae29f9b5b5a6baec1ce3792c1123b644f2 (patch)
tree24a2b1dfca756b5d0aecb19434c395b3b2ee5ef4 /me.jl
parent70cf94a9fb0689634929fe0c2233377903d8402a (diff)
Minor bug fix
Diffstat (limited to 'me.jl')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/me.jl b/me.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20dc224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/me.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Handers for execute_request and related messages, which are
+# the core of the Jupyter protocol: execution of Julia code and
+# returning results.
+import Base.Libc: flush_cstdio
+import Pkg
+# global variable so that display can be done in the correct Msg context
+execute_msg = Msg(["julia"], Dict("username"=>"jlkernel", "session"=>uuid4()), Dict())
+# global variable tracking the number of bytes written in the current execution
+# request
+const stdio_bytes = Ref(0)
+import REPL: helpmode
+# use a global array to accumulate "payloads" for the execute_reply message
+const execute_payloads = Dict[]
+function execute_request(socket, msg)
+ code = msg.content["code"]
+ @vprintln("EXECUTING", code)
+ global execute_msg = msg
+ global n, In, Out, ans
+ stdio_bytes[] = 0
+ silent = msg.content["silent"]
+ store_history = get(msg.content, "store_history", !silent)
+ empty!(execute_payloads)
+ if !silent
+ n += 1
+ send_ipython(publish[],
+ msg_pub(msg, "execute_input",
+ Dict("execution_count" => n,
+ "code" => code)))
+ end
+ silent = silent || REPL.ends_with_semicolon(code)
+ if store_history
+ In[n] = code
+ end
+ # "; ..." cells are interpreted as shell commands for run
+ code = replace(code, r"^\s*;.*$" =>
+ m -> string(replace(m, r"^\s*;" => "Base.repl_cmd(`"),
+ "`, stdout)"))
+ # "] ..." cells are interpreted as pkg shell commands
+ if occursin(r"^\].*$", code)
+ code = "IJulia.Pkg.REPLMode.do_cmd(IJulia.minirepl[], \"" *
+ escape_string(code[2:end]) * "\"; do_rethrow=true)"
+ end
+ # a cell beginning with "? ..." is interpreted as a help request
+ hcode = replace(code, r"^\s*\?" => "")
+ try
+ for hook in preexecute_hooks
+ invokelatest(hook)
+ end
+ ans = result = if hcode != code # help request
+ Core.eval(Main, helpmode(hcode))
+ else
+ #run the code!
+ occursin(magics_regex, code) && match(magics_regex, code).offset == 1 ? magics_help(code) :
+ SOFTSCOPE[] ? softscope_include_string(current_module[], code, "In[$n]") :
+ include_string(current_module[], code, "In[$n]")
+ end
+ if silent
+ result = nothing
+ elseif result !== nothing
+ if store_history
+ Out[n] = result
+ end
+ end
+ user_expressions = Dict()
+ for (v,ex) in msg.content["user_expressions"]
+ try
+ value = include_string(current_module[], ex)
+ # Like the IPython reference implementation, we return
+ # something that looks like a `display_data` but also has a
+ # `status` field:
+ # https://github.com/ipython/ipython/blob/master/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py#L2609-L2614
+ user_expressions[v] = Dict("status" => "ok",
+ "data" => display_dict(value),
+ "metadata" => metadata(value))
+ catch e
+ # The format of user_expressions[v] is like `error` except that
+ # it also has a `status` field:
+ # https://jupyter-client.readthedocs.io/en/stable/messaging.html#execution-errors
+ user_expressions[v] = Dict("status" => "error",
+ error_content(e, catch_backtrace())...)
+ end
+ end
+ for hook in postexecute_hooks
+ invokelatest(hook)
+ end
+ # flush pending stdio
+ flush_all()
+ undisplay(result) # dequeue if needed, since we display result in pyout
+ invokelatest(display) # flush pending display requests
+ if result !== nothing
+ result_metadata = invokelatest(metadata, result)
+ result_data = invokelatest(display_dict, result)
+ send_ipython(publish[],
+ msg_pub(msg, "execute_result",
+ Dict("execution_count" => n,
+ "metadata" => result_metadata,
+ "data" => result_data)))
+ end
+ send_ipython(requests[],
+ msg_reply(msg, "execute_reply",
+ Dict("status" => "ok",
+ "payload" => execute_payloads,
+ "execution_count" => n,
+ "user_expressions" => user_expressions)))
+ empty!(execute_payloads)
+ catch e
+ bt = catch_backtrace()
+ try
+ # flush pending stdio
+ flush_all()
+ for hook in posterror_hooks
+ invokelatest(hook)
+ end
+ catch
+ end
+ empty!(displayqueue) # discard pending display requests on an error
+ content = error_content(e,bt)
+ send_ipython(publish[], msg_pub(msg, "error", content))
+ content["status"] = "error"
+ content["execution_count"] = n
+ send_ipython(requests[], msg_reply(msg, "execute_reply", content))
+ end