local json = require "plugins.json" local lpm local function assert_exists(path) if not io.open(path, "rb") then error("assertion failed: file " .. path .. " does not exist", 2) end end local function assert_not_exists(path) if io.open(path, "rb") then error("assertion failed: file " .. path .. " exists", 2) end end local tmpdir = os.getenv("TMPDIR") or "/tmp" local fast = os.getenv("FAST") local userdir = tmpdir .. "/lpmtest" setmetatable(_G, { __index = function(t, k) if not rawget(t, k) then error("cannot get undefined global variable: " .. k, 2) end end, __newindex = function(t, k) error("cannot set global variable: " .. k, 2) end }) local tests = { ["00_install_singleton"] = function() local plugins = lpm("list bracketmatch")["addons"] assert(#plugins == 1) assert(plugins[1].organization == "singleton") assert(plugins[1].status == "available") local actions = lpm("install bracketmatch")["actions"] assert(actions[1]:find("Installing singleton")) assert_exists(userdir .. "/plugins/bracketmatch.lua") actions = lpm("uninstall bracketmatch")["actions"] assert_not_exists(userdir .. "/plugins/bracketmatch.lua") end, ["01_upgrade_singleton"] = function() lpm("install bracketmatch") local plugins = lpm("list bracketmatch")["addons"] assert(#plugins == 1) assert(plugins[1].status == "installed") assert_exists(plugins[1].path) io.open(plugins[1].path, "ab"):write("-- this is a test comment to modify the checksum"):close() plugins = lpm("list bracketmatch")["addons"] assert(#plugins == 2) lpm("install bracketmatch") plugins = lpm("list bracketmatch")["addons"] assert(#plugins == 1) end, ["02_install_complex"] = function() local plugins = lpm("list plugin_manager")["addons"] assert(#plugins == 1) assert(plugins[1].organization == "complex") assert(plugins[1].status == "available") assert(plugins[1].dependencies.json) local actions = lpm("install plugin_manager")["actions"] assert_exists(userdir .. "/libraries/json.lua") assert_exists(userdir .. "/plugins/plugin_manager") assert_exists(userdir .. "/plugins/plugin_manager/init.lua") actions = lpm("uninstall plugin_manager")["actions"] assert_not_exists(userdir .. "/plugins/plugin_manager") end, ["03_upgrade_complex"] = function() local actions = lpm("install plugin_manager") local plugins = lpm("list plugin_manager")["addons"] assert(#plugins == 1) assert(plugins[1].organization == "complex") assert(plugins[1].status == "installed") end, ["04_list_plugins"] = function() local plugins = lpm("list")["addons"] assert(#plugins > 20) end, ["05_install_url"] = function() local plugins = lpm("list language_ksy")["addons"] assert(#plugins == 1) assert(plugins[1].organization == "singleton") assert(plugins[1].status == "available") local actions = lpm("install language_ksy") assert_exists(userdir .. "/plugins/language_ksy.lua") end, ["06_install_stub"] = function() local plugins = lpm("list lsp")["addons"] assert(#plugins > 1) for i, plugin in ipairs(plugins) do if plugin.id == "lsp" then assert(plugins[1].organization == "complex") assert(plugins[1].status == "available") local actions = lpm("install lsp") assert_exists(userdir .. "/plugins/lsp/init.lua") break end end end, ["07_manifest"] = function() local results = json.decode(io.open("manifest.json", "rb"):read("*all")) assert(#results["remotes"] == 2) assert(#results["addons"] == 2) end } local last_command_result, last_command lpm = function(cmd) last_command = "./lpm --quiet --json --userdir=" .. userdir .. " " .. cmd local pipe = io.popen(last_command, "r") last_command_result = json.decode(pipe:read("*all")) local success = pipe:close() if not success then error("error calling lpm", 2) end return last_command_result end local function run_tests(tests, arg) local fail_count = 0 local names = {} if #arg == 0 then for k,v in pairs(tests) do table.insert(names, k) end else names = arg end table.sort(names) local max_name = 0 for i,k in ipairs(names) do max_name = math.max(max_name, #k) end for i,k in ipairs(names) do local v = tests[k] if fast then os.execute("rm -rf " .. tmpdir .. "/lpmtest/plugins && mkdir -p " .. tmpdir .. "/lpmtest"); else os.execute("rm -rf " .. tmpdir .. "/lpmtest && mkdir -p " .. tmpdir .. "/lpmtest"); end io.stdout:write(string.format("test %-" .. (max_name + 1) .. "s: ", k)) local failed = false xpcall(v, function(err) print("[FAIL]: " .. debug.traceback(err, 2)) if last_command then print("Last Command: " .. last_command) if last_command_result then print(json.encode(last_command_result)) end end print() print() fail_count = fail_count + 1 failed = true end) if not failed then print("[PASSED]") end end os.exit(fail_count) end run_tests(tests, arg)