setmetatable(_G, { __index = function(t, k) if not rawget(t, k) then error("cannot get undefined global variable: " .. k, 2) end end, __newindex = function(t, k) error("cannot set global variable: " .. k, 2) end }) -- Begin rxi JSON library. local json = { _version = "0.1.2" } local encode local escape_char_map = { [ "\\" ] = "\\", [ "\"" ] = "\"", [ "\b" ] = "b", [ "\f" ] = "f", [ "\n" ] = "n", [ "\r" ] = "r", [ "\t" ] = "t", } local escape_char_map_inv = { [ "/" ] = "/" } for k, v in pairs(escape_char_map) do escape_char_map_inv[v] = k end local function escape_char(c) return "\\" .. (escape_char_map[c] or string.format("u%04x", c:byte())) end local function encode_nil(val) return "null" end local function encode_table(val, stack) local res = {} stack = stack or {} -- Circular reference? if stack[val] then error("circular reference") end stack[val] = true if rawget(val, 1) ~= nil or next(val) == nil then -- Treat as array -- check keys are valid and it is not sparse local n = 0 for k in pairs(val) do if type(k) ~= "number" then error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types") end n = n + 1 end if n ~= #val then error("invalid table: sparse array") end -- Encode for i, v in ipairs(val) do table.insert(res, encode(v, stack)) end stack[val] = nil return "[" .. table.concat(res, ",") .. "]" else -- Treat as an object for k, v in pairs(val) do if type(k) ~= "string" then error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types") end table.insert(res, encode(k, stack) .. ":" .. encode(v, stack)) end stack[val] = nil return "{" .. table.concat(res, ",") .. "}" end end local function encode_string(val) return '"' .. val:gsub('[%z\1-\31\\"]', escape_char) .. '"' end local function encode_number(val) -- Check for NaN, -inf and inf if val ~= val or val <= -math.huge or val >= math.huge then error("unexpected number value '" .. tostring(val) .. "'") end return string.format("%.14g", val) end local type_func_map = { [ "nil" ] = encode_nil, [ "table" ] = encode_table, [ "string" ] = encode_string, [ "number" ] = encode_number, [ "boolean" ] = tostring, } encode = function(val, stack) local t = type(val) local f = type_func_map[t] if f then return f(val, stack) end error("unexpected type '" .. t .. "'") end function json.encode(val) return ( encode(val) ) end local parse local function create_set(...) local res = {} for i = 1, select("#", ...) do res[ select(i, ...) ] = true end return res end local space_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n") local delim_chars = create_set(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n", "]", "}", ",") local escape_chars = create_set("\\", "/", '"', "b", "f", "n", "r", "t", "u") local literals = create_set("true", "false", "null") local literal_map = { [ "true" ] = true, [ "false" ] = false, [ "null" ] = nil, } local function next_char(str, idx, set, negate) for i = idx, #str do if set[str:sub(i, i)] ~= negate then return i end end return #str + 1 end local function decode_error(str, idx, msg) local line_count = 1 local col_count = 1 for i = 1, idx - 1 do col_count = col_count + 1 if str:sub(i, i) == "\n" then line_count = line_count + 1 col_count = 1 end end error( string.format("%s at line %d col %d", msg, line_count, col_count) ) end local function codepoint_to_utf8(n) -- local f = math.floor if n <= 0x7f then return string.char(n) elseif n <= 0x7ff then return string.char(f(n / 64) + 192, n % 64 + 128) elseif n <= 0xffff then return string.char(f(n / 4096) + 224, f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128) elseif n <= 0x10ffff then return string.char(f(n / 262144) + 240, f(n % 262144 / 4096) + 128, f(n % 4096 / 64) + 128, n % 64 + 128) end error( string.format("invalid unicode codepoint '%x'", n) ) end local function parse_unicode_escape(s) local n1 = tonumber( s:sub(1, 4), 16 ) local n2 = tonumber( s:sub(7, 10), 16 ) -- Surrogate pair? if n2 then return codepoint_to_utf8((n1 - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (n2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000) else return codepoint_to_utf8(n1) end end local function parse_string(str, i) local res = "" local j = i + 1 local k = j while j <= #str do local x = str:byte(j) if x < 32 then decode_error(str, j, "control character in string") elseif x == 92 then -- `\`: Escape res = res .. str:sub(k, j - 1) j = j + 1 local c = str:sub(j, j) if c == "u" then local hex = str:match("^[dD][89aAbB]%x%x\\u%x%x%x%x", j + 1) or str:match("^%x%x%x%x", j + 1) or decode_error(str, j - 1, "invalid unicode escape in string") res = res .. parse_unicode_escape(hex) j = j + #hex else if not escape_chars[c] then decode_error(str, j - 1, "invalid escape char '" .. c .. "' in string") end res = res .. escape_char_map_inv[c] end k = j + 1 elseif x == 34 then -- `"`: End of string res = res .. str:sub(k, j - 1) return res, j + 1 end j = j + 1 end decode_error(str, i, "expected closing quote for string") end local function parse_number(str, i) local x = next_char(str, i, delim_chars) local s = str:sub(i, x - 1) local n = tonumber(s) if not n then decode_error(str, i, "invalid number '" .. s .. "'") end return n, x end local function parse_literal(str, i) local x = next_char(str, i, delim_chars) local word = str:sub(i, x - 1) if not literals[word] then decode_error(str, i, "invalid literal '" .. word .. "'") end return literal_map[word], x end local function parse_array(str, i) local res = {} local n = 1 i = i + 1 while 1 do local x i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true) -- Empty / end of array? if str:sub(i, i) == "]" then i = i + 1 break end -- Read token x, i = parse(str, i) res[n] = x n = n + 1 -- Next token i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true) local chr = str:sub(i, i) i = i + 1 if chr == "]" then break end if chr ~= "," then decode_error(str, i, "expected ']' or ','") end end return res, i end local function parse_object(str, i) local res = {} i = i + 1 while 1 do local key, val i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true) -- Empty / end of object? if str:sub(i, i) == "}" then i = i + 1 break end -- Read key if str:sub(i, i) ~= '"' then decode_error(str, i, "expected string for key") end key, i = parse(str, i) -- Read ':' delimiter i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true) if str:sub(i, i) ~= ":" then decode_error(str, i, "expected ':' after key") end i = next_char(str, i + 1, space_chars, true) -- Read value val, i = parse(str, i) -- Set res[key] = val -- Next token i = next_char(str, i, space_chars, true) local chr = str:sub(i, i) i = i + 1 if chr == "}" then break end if chr ~= "," then decode_error(str, i, "expected '}' or ','") end end return res, i end local char_func_map = { [ '"' ] = parse_string, [ "0" ] = parse_number, [ "1" ] = parse_number, [ "2" ] = parse_number, [ "3" ] = parse_number, [ "4" ] = parse_number, [ "5" ] = parse_number, [ "6" ] = parse_number, [ "7" ] = parse_number, [ "8" ] = parse_number, [ "9" ] = parse_number, [ "-" ] = parse_number, [ "t" ] = parse_literal, [ "f" ] = parse_literal, [ "n" ] = parse_literal, [ "[" ] = parse_array, [ "{" ] = parse_object, } parse = function(str, idx) local chr = str:sub(idx, idx) local f = char_func_map[chr] if f then return f(str, idx) end decode_error(str, idx, "unexpected character '" .. chr .. "'") end function json.decode(str) if type(str) ~= "string" then error("expected argument of type string, got " .. type(str)) end local res, idx = parse(str, next_char(str, 1, space_chars, true)) idx = next_char(str, idx, space_chars, true) if idx <= #str then decode_error(str, idx, "trailing garbage") end return res end -- End JSON library. local function is_commit_hash(hash) return #hash == 40 and not hash:find("[^a-z0-9]") end local common = {} function common.merge(dst, src) for k, v in pairs(src) do dst[k] = v end return dst end function, p) local t = {} for i, v in ipairs(l) do table.insert(t, p(v)) end return t end function common.flat_map(l, p) local t = {} for i, v in ipairs(l) do local r = p(v) for k, w in ipairs(r) do table.insert(t, w) end end return t end function common.concat(t1, t2) local t = {} for i, v in ipairs(t1) do table.insert(t, v) end for i, v in ipairs(t2) do table.insert(t, v) end return t end function common.grep(l, p) local t = {} for i, v in ipairs(l) do if p(v) then table.insert(t, v) end end return t end function common.first(l, p) for i, v in ipairs(l) do if p(v) then return v end end end function common.slice(t, i, l) local n = {} for j = i, l ~= nil and (i - l) or #t do table.insert(n, t[j]) end return n end function common.join(j, l) local s = "" for i, v in ipairs(l) do if i > 1 then s = s .. j .. v else s = v end end return s end function common.sort(t, f) table.sort(t, f) return t end function common.write(path, contents) local f, err =, "wb") if not f then error("can't write to " .. path .. ": " .. err) end f:write(contents) f:flush() end function local f, err =, "rb") if not f then error("can't read from " .. path .. ": " .. err) end return f:read("*all") end function common.split(splitter, str) local o = 1 local res = {} while true do local s, e = str:find(splitter, o) table.insert(res, str:sub(o, s and (s - 1) or #str)) if not s then break end o = e + 1 end return table.unpack(res) end function common.dirname(path) local s = path:reverse():find("[/\\]") if not s then return path end return path:sub(1, #path - s) end function common.basename(path) local s = path:reverse():find("[/\\]") if not s then return path end return path:sub(#path - s + 2) end function common.path(exec) return common.first({ common.split(":", os.getenv("PATH")) }, function(e) return e .. PATHSEP .. exec end), function(e) return system.stat(e) end) end function common.normalize_path(path) if not path or not path:find("^~") then return path end return os.getenv("HOME") .. path:sub(2) end function common.rmrf(root) local info = root and root ~= "" and system.stat(root) if not info then return end if info.type == "file" or info.symlink then local status, err = os.remove(root) if not status then if not err:find("denied") then error("can't remove " .. root .. ": " .. err) end system.chmod(root, 448) -- chmod so that we can write, for windows. status, err = os.remove(root) if not status then error("can't remove " .. root .. ": " .. err) end end else for i,v in ipairs( do common.rmrf(root .. PATHSEP .. v) end system.rmdir(root) end end function common.mkdirp(path) local stat = system.stat(path) if stat and stat.type == "dir" then return true end if stat and stat.type == "file" then error("path " .. path .. " exists") end local target for _, dirname in ipairs({ common.split("[/\\]", path) }) do target = target and target .. PATHSEP .. dirname or dirname if target ~= "" and not target:find("^[A-Z]:$") and not system.stat(target) then system.mkdir(target) end end end function common.copy(src, dst) local src_stat, dst_stat = system.stat(src), system.stat(dst) if not src_stat then error("can't find " .. src) end if dst_stat and dst_stat.type == "dir" then return common.copy(src, dst .. PATHSEP .. common.basename(src)) end if src_stat.type == "dir" then common.mkdirp(dst) for i, file in ipairs( do common.copy(src .. PATHSEP .. file, dst .. PATHSEP .. file) end else local src_io, err1 =, "rb") if err1 then error("can't open for reading " .. src .. ": " .. err1) end local dst_io, err2 =, "wb") if err2 then error("can't open for writing " .. dst .. ": " .. err2) end while true do local chunk = src_io:read(64*1024) if not chunk then break end dst_io:write(chunk) end dst_io:close() end end function common.rename(src, dst) local _, err = os.rename(src, dst) if err then error("can't rename file " .. src .. " to " .. dst .. ": " .. err) end end function common.reset(path, ref, type) if is_commit_hash(ref) then system.reset(path, ref, type) else if not pcall(system.reset, path, "refs/tags/" .. ref, type) then system.reset(path, "refs/remotes/origin/" .. ref, type) end end end function common.chdir(dir, callback) local wd = system.pwd() system.chdir(dir) local status, err = pcall(callback) system.chdir(wd) if not status then error(err) end end local HOME, USERDIR, CACHEDIR, JSON, VERBOSE, MOD_VERSION, QUIET, FORCE, AUTO_PULL_REMOTES, ARCH, ASSUME_YES, NO_INSTALL_OPTIONAL, TMPDIR, DATADIR, BINARY, POST, repositories, lite_xls, system_bottle, progress_bar_label, write_progress_bar local Plugin, Repository, LiteXL, Bottle = {}, {}, {}, {} local actions, warnings = {}, {} local function log_action(message) if JSON then table.insert(actions, message) end if not QUIET then io.stderr:write(message .. "\n") end end local function log_warning(message) if JSON then table.insert(warnings, message) end if not QUIET then io.stderr:write("warning: " .. message .. "\n") end end local function fatal_warning(message) if not FORCE then error(message .. "; use --force to override") else log_warning(message) end end local function log_progress_action(message) if write_progress_bar then progress_bar_label = message else log_action(message) end end local function prompt(message) io.stderr:write(message .. " [Y/n]: ") if ASSUME_YES then io.stderr:write("Y\n") return true end local response = io.stdin:read("*line") return not response:find("%S") or response:find("^%s*[yY]%s*$") end function common.get(source, target, checksum, callback, depth) if not source then error("requires url") end if (depth or 0) > 10 then error("too many redirects") end local _, _, protocol, hostname, port, rest = source:find("^(https?)://([^:/?]+):?(%d*)(.*)$") log_progress_action("Downloading " .. source:sub(1, 100) .. "...") if not protocol then error("malfomed url " .. source) end if not port or port == "" then port = protocol == "https" and 443 or 80 end if not checksum then local res, headers = system.get(protocol, hostname, port, rest, target, callback) if headers.location then return common.get(headers.location, target, checksum, callback, (depth or 0) + 1) end return res end if not system.stat(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "files") then common.mkdirp(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "files") end local cache_path = CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "files" .. PATHSEP .. checksum if not system.stat(cache_path) then local res, headers = system.get(protocol, hostname, port, rest, cache_path, callback) if headers.location then return common.get(headers.location, target, checksum, callback, (depth or 0) + 1) end if checksum ~= "SKIP" and system.hash(cache_path, "file") ~= checksum then fatal_warning("checksum doesn't match for " .. source) end end common.copy(cache_path, target) end local function compare_version(a, b) -- compares semver if not a or not b then return false end local _, _, majora, minora, revisiona = tostring(a):find("(%d+)%.?(%d*)%.?(%d*)") local _, _, majorb, minorb, revisionb = tostring(b):find("(%d+)%.?(%d*)%.?(%d*)") if majora == nil then error("can't parse version " .. a) end if majorb == nil then error("can't parse version " .. b) end majora, minora, revisiona = majora or 0, minora or 0, revisiona or 0 majorb, minorb, revisionb = majorb or 0, minorb or 0, revisionb or 0 if majora ~= majorb then return tonumber(majora) < tonumber(majorb) and -1 or 1 end if minora ~= minorb then return tonumber(minora) < tonumber(minorb) and -1 or 1 end if revisiona ~= revisionb then return tonumber(revisiona) < tonumber(revisionb) and -1 or 1 end return 0 end local function match_version(version, pattern) if not pattern then return true end if pattern:find("^>=") then return compare_version(version, pattern:sub(3)) >= 0 end if pattern:find("^<=") then return compare_version(version, pattern:sub(3)) <= 0 end if pattern:find("^<") then return compare_version(version, pattern:sub(2)) == -1 end if pattern:find("^>") then return compare_version(version, pattern:sub(2)) == 1 end if pattern:find("^=") then return compare_version(version, pattern:sub(2)) == 0 end return version == pattern end -- There can exist many different versions of a plugin. All statuses are relative to a particular lite bottle. -- available: Plugin is available in a repository, and can be installed. There is no comparable version on the system. -- upgradable: Plugin is installed, but does not match the highest version in any repository. -- orphan: Plugin is installed, but there is no corresponding plugin in any repository. -- installed: Plugin is installed, and matches the highest version in any repository, or highest version is incompatible. -- core: Plugin is a part of the lite data directory, and doesn't have corresponding plugins in any repository. -- bundled: Plugin is part of the lite data directory, but has corresponding plugins in any repository. -- incompatible: Plugin is not installed and conflicts with existing installed plugins. function Plugin.__index(self, idx) return rawget(self, idx) or Plugin[idx] end function, metadata) local type = metadata.type or "plugin" local folder = metadata.type == "library" and "libraries" or "plugins" if metadata.path then metadata.path = metadata.path:gsub("/", PATHSEP) end local self = setmetatable(common.merge({ repository = repository, tags = {}, type = type, path = nil, remote = nil, version = "1.0", dependencies = {}, conflicts = {}, local_path = repository and (repository.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (repository.commit or repository.branch) .. (metadata.path and (PATHSEP .. metadata.path:gsub("^/", "")) or "")), }, metadata), Plugin) self.type = type -- Directory. self.organization = metadata.organization or (((self.files and #self.files > 0) or self.remote or (not self.path and not self.url)) and "complex" or "singleton") return self end -- Determines whether two plugins located at different paths are actually different based on their contents. -- If path1 is a directory, will still return true if it's a subset of path2 (accounting for binary downloads). function Plugin.is_path_different(path1, path2) local stat1, stat2 = system.stat(path1), system.stat(path2) if not stat1 or not stat2 or stat1.type ~= stat2.type or stat1.size ~= stat2.size then return true end if stat1.type == "dir" then for i, file in ipairs( do if Plugin.is_path_different(path1 .. PATHSEP .. file, path2 .. PATHSEP.. file) then return true end end return false else return system.hash(path1, "file") ~= system.hash(path2, "file") end end function Plugin.is_plugin_different(downloaded_path, installed_path) local is_downloaded_single = downloaded_path:find("%.lua$") local is_installed_single = installed_path:find("%.lua$") local target = is_downloaded_single and not is_installed_single and installed_path .. PATHSEP .. "init.lua" or installed_path return Plugin.is_path_different(downloaded_path, target) end function Plugin:get_install_path(bottle) local folder = self.type == "library" and "libraries" or "plugins" local path = (((self:is_core(bottle) or self:is_bundled()) and bottle.lite_xl.datadir_path) or (bottle.local_path and (bottle.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "user") or USERDIR)) .. PATHSEP .. folder .. PATHSEP .. (self.path and common.basename(self.path):gsub("%.lua$", "") or if self.organization == "singleton" then path = path .. ".lua" end return path end function Plugin:is_core(bottle) return self.type == "core" end function Plugin:is_bundled(bottle) return self.type == "bundled" end function Plugin:is_installed(bottle) if self:is_core(bottle) or self:is_bundled(bottle) or not self.repository then return true end local install_path = self:get_install_path(bottle) if not system.stat(install_path) then return false end if #common.grep({ bottle:get_plugin(, nil, { }) }, function(plugin) return not plugin.repository end) > 0 then return false end return not Plugin.is_plugin_different(self.local_path, install_path) end function Plugin:is_upgradable(bottle) if self:is_installed(bottle) then local plugins = { bottle:get_plugin( } for i, v in ipairs(plugins) do if self.version and v.version and v ~= self and compare_version(self.version, v.version) <= 1 then return true end end end return false end function Plugin:is_incompatible(plugin) return (self.dependencies[] and not match_version(plugin.version, self.dependencies[] and self.dependencies[].version)) or (self.conflicts[] and match_version(plugin.version, self.conflicts[] and self.conflicts[].version)) end function Plugin:get_path(bottle) return self:is_installed(bottle) and self:get_install_path(bottle) or self.local_path end function Plugin:get_compatibilities(bottle) local compatible_plugins, incompatible_plugins = {}, {} local installed_plugins = bottle:installed_plugins() for plugin, v in pairs(self.dependencies) do local potential_plugins = { bottle:get_plugin(plugin, v.version, { mod_version = bottle.lite_xl.mod_version }) } for i, potential_plugin in ipairs(potential_plugins) do local incomaptibilities = common.grep(installed_plugins, function(p) return p:is_incompatible(potential_plugin) end) if #incomaptibilities == 0 then if not compatible_plugins[plugin] or potential_plugin:is_installed(bottle) or (compare_version(compatible_plugins[plugin].version, potential_plugin.version) and not compatible_plugins[plugin]:is_installed(bottle)) then compatible_plugins[plugin] = potential_plugin end else incompatible_plugins[plugin] = incompatibilities end end end return compatible_plugins, incompatible_plugins end function Plugin:install(bottle, installing) if self:is_installed(bottle) then error("plugin " .. .. " is already installed") return end local install_path = self:get_install_path(bottle) local temporary_install_path = TMPDIR .. PATHSEP .. install_path:sub(#USERDIR + 2) local status, err = pcall(function() installing = installing or {} installing[] = true local compatible, incompatible = self:get_compatibilities(bottle) for plugin, version in pairs(self.dependencies) do if incompatible[plugin] then error("can't install " .. .. ": incompatible with " .. incompatible[plugin][1].name .. ":" .. incompatible[plugin][1].version) end end for plugin, v in pairs(self.dependencies) do if not compatible[plugin] then if not v.optional then error("can't find dependency " .. plugin .. (v.version and (":" .. v.version) or "")) else log_warning("can't find optional dependency " .. plugin .. (v.version and (":" .. v.version) or "")) end end end for plugin, v in pairs(self.dependencies) do if compatible[plugin] and not compatible[plugin]:is_core(bottle) and not compatible[plugin]:is_installed(bottle) then if installing[plugin] then error("circular dependency detected in " .. .. ": requires " .. plugin .. " but, " .. plugin .. " requires " .. end if not NO_INSTALL_OPTIONAL and (not v.optional or prompt(plugin .. " is an optional dependency of " .. .. ". Should we install it?")) then compatible[plugin]:install(bottle, installing) end end end common.mkdirp(common.dirname(temporary_install_path)) if self:is_upgradable(bottle) then log_action("Upgrading " .. self.organization .. "plugin located at " .. self.local_path .. " to " .. install_path) common.rmrf(install_path) else log_action("Installing " .. self.organization .. " plugin located at " .. self.local_path .. " to " .. install_path) end if self.organization == "complex" and self.path and system.stat(self.local_path).type ~= "dir" then common.mkdirp(install_path) end if self.url then local path = temporary_install_path .. (self.organization == 'complex' and self.path and system.stat(self.local_path).type ~= "dir" and (PATHSEP .. "init.lua") or "") common.get(self.url, path, self.checksum, write_progress_bar) log_action("Downloaded file " .. self.url .. " to " .. path) if system.hash(path, "file") ~= self.checksum then fatal_warning("checksum doesn't match for " .. path) end elseif self.remote then log_action("Cloning repository " .. self.remote .. " into " .. install_path) common.mkdirp(temporary_install_path) local _, _, url, branch = self.remote:find("^(.*):(.*)$") system.init(temporary_install_path, url) common.reset(temporary_install_path, branch) elseif self.path then local path = install_path .. (self.organization == 'complex' and self.path and system.stat(self.local_path).type ~= "dir" and (PATHSEP .. "init.lua") or "") local temporary_path = temporary_install_path .. (self.organization == 'complex' and self.path and system.stat(self.local_path).type ~= "dir" and (PATHSEP .. "init.lua") or "") if self.organization == 'complex' and self.path and system.stat(self.local_path).type ~= "dir" then common.mkdirp(temporary_install_path) end log_action("Copying " .. self.local_path .. " to " .. path) common.copy(self.local_path, temporary_path) elseif self.organization == 'complex' then common.copy(self.local_path, temporary_install_path) end for i,file in ipairs(self.files or {}) do if not file.arch or file.arch == ARCH then if not NO_INSTALL_OPTIONAL and (not file.optional or prompt(common.basename(file.url) .. " is an optional dependency of " .. .. ". Should we install it?")) then if not file.checksum then error("requires a checksum") end local path = install_path .. PATHSEP .. (file.path or common.basename(file.url)) local temporary_path = temporary_install_path .. PATHSEP .. (file.path or common.basename(file.url)) common.get(file.url, temporary_path, file.checksum, write_progress_bar) local basename = common.basename(path) if basename:find("$") or basename:find("%.tar%.gz$") then log_action("Extracting file " .. basename .. " in " .. install_path) system.extract(temporary_path, temporary_install_path) else if file.arch then system.chmod(temporary_path, 448) end -- chmod any ARCH tagged file to rwx------- end end end end end) bottle:invalidate_cache() if not status then common.rmrf(temporary_install_path) error(err) else if POST and then common.chdir(temporary_install_path, function() if type( == "table" and not[ARCH] then error("can't find post command for arch " .. ARCH) end local code = os.system(type( == "table" and[ARCH] or ~= 0 if code ~= 0 then error("post step failed with error code " .. code) end end) end common.rmrf(install_path) common.mkdirp(common.dirname(install_path)) common.rename(temporary_install_path, install_path) end end function Plugin:depends_on(plugin) if self.dependencies[] and self.dependencies[].optional ~= true then return true end for i,v in ipairs(plugin.provides or {}) do if self.dependencies[v] and self.dependencies[v].optional ~= true then return true end end return false end function Plugin:uninstall(bottle) local install_path = self:get_install_path(bottle) if self:is_core(bottle) then error("can't uninstall " .. .. "; is a core plugin") end log_action("Uninstalling plugin located at " .. install_path) local incompatible_plugins = common.grep(bottle:installed_plugins(), function(p) return p:depends_on(self) end) if #incompatible_plugins == 0 or prompt( .. " is depended upon by " .. common.join(", ",, function(p) return end)) .. ". Remove as well?") then for i,plugin in ipairs(incompatible_plugins) do if not plugin:uninstall(bottle) then return false end end common.rmrf(install_path) return true end return false end function Repository.__index(self, idx) return rawget(self, idx) or Repository[idx] end function if not hash.remote then error("requires a remote") end if not hash.remote:find("^%w+:") and system.stat(hash.remote .. "/.git") then hash.remote = "file://" .. system.stat(hash.remote).abs_path end if not hash.remote:find("^https?:") and not hash.remote:find("^file:") then error("only repositories with http and file transports are supported (" .. hash.remote .. ")") end local self = setmetatable({ commit = hash.commit, remote = hash.remote, branch = hash.branch, plugins = nil, lite_xls = {}, local_path = CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "repos" .. PATHSEP .. system.hash(hash.remote), last_retrieval = nil }, Repository) if system.stat(self.local_path) and not self.commit and not self.branch then -- In the case where we don't have a branch, and don't have a commit, check for the presence of `master` and `main`. if system.stat(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "master") then self.branch = "master" elseif system.stat(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "main") then self.branch = "main" else error("can't find branch for " .. self.remote) end end return self end function Repository.url(url) if type(url) == "table" then return url.remote .. ":" .. (url.branch or url.commit) end local e = url:reverse():find(":") local s = e and (#url - e + 1) local remote, branch_or_commit = url:sub(1, s and (s-1) or #url), s and url:sub(s+1) if remote == "https" or remote == "file" then remote, branch_or_commit = url, nil end if branch_or_commit and is_commit_hash(branch_or_commit) then return{ remote = remote, commit = branch_or_commit }) end return{ remote = remote, branch = branch_or_commit }) end function Repository:parse_manifest(already_pulling) if self.manifest then return self.manifest, self.remotes end if system.stat(self.local_path) and system.stat(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (self.commit or self.branch)) then self.manifest_path = self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (self.commit or self.branch) .. PATHSEP .. "manifest.json" if not system.stat(self.manifest_path) then self:generate_manifest() end local status, manifest = pcall(json.decode, if not status then error("error parsing manifest for " .. self:url() .. ": " .. manifest) end self.manifest = manifest self.plugins = {} self.remotes = {} for i, metadata in ipairs(self.manifest["plugins"] or {}) do if metadata.remote then local _, _, url, branch_or_commit = metadata.remote:find("^(.-):?(.*)?$") if branch_or_commit and is_commit_hash(branch_or_commit) then repo ={ remote = url, commit = branch_or_commit }) table.insert(remotes, repo) table.insert(self.plugins,, metadata)) else -- log_warning("plugin " .. .. " specifies remote as source, but isn't a commit") end else table.insert(self.plugins,, metadata)) end end for i, metadata in ipairs(self.manifest["lite-xls"] or {}) do if metadata.remote then local _, _, url, branch_or_commit = metadata.remote:find("^(.-):?(.*)?$") if branch_or_commit and is_commit_hash(branch_or_commit) then repo ={ remote = url, commit = branch_or_commit }) table.insert(remotes, repo) table.insert(self.lite_xls,, metadata)) else -- log_warning("plugin " .. .. " specifies remote as source, but isn't a commit") end else table.insert(self.lite_xls,, metadata)) end end self.remotes =["remotes"] or {}, function(r) return Repository.url(r) end) end return self.manifest, self.remotes end -- in the cases where we don't have a manifest, assume generalized structure, take plugins folder, trawl through it, build manifest that way -- assuming each .lua file under the `plugins` folder is a plugin. also parse the README, if present, and see if any of the plugins function Repository:generate_manifest() if not self.commit and not self.branch then error("requires an instantiation") end local path = self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (self.commit or self.branch) local plugin_dir = system.stat(path .. PATHSEP .. "plugins") and PATHSEP .. "plugins" .. PATHSEP or PATHSEP local plugins, plugin_map = {}, {} if system.stat(path .. PATHSEP .. "") then -- If there's a README, parse it for a table like in our primary repository. for line in io.lines(path .. PATHSEP .. "") do local _, _, name, path, description = line:find("^%s*%|%s*%[`([%w_]+)%??.-`%]%((.-)%).-%|%s*(.-)%s*%|%s*$") if name then plugin_map[name] = { name = name, description = description } if path:find("^http") then if path:find("%.lua") then plugin_map[name].url = path local file = common.get(path, nil, nil, write_progress_bar) plugin_map[name].checksum = system.hash(file) else plugin_map[name].remote = path end else plugin_map[name].path = path:gsub("%?.*$", "") end end end end for i, file in ipairs( .. plugin_dir)) do if file:find("%.lua$") then local plugin = { description = nil, name = common.basename(file):gsub("%.lua$", ""), mod_version = 3, version = "1.0", path = plugin_dir .. file } for line in io.lines(path .. plugin_dir .. file) do local _, _, mod_version = line:find("%-%-.*mod%-version:%s*(%w+)") if mod_version then plugin.mod_version = mod_version end local _, _, required_plugin = line:find("require [\"']plugins.([%w_]+)") if required_plugin then if required_plugin ~= then if not plugin.dependencies then plugin.dependencies = {} end plugin.dependencies[required_plugin] = ">=1.0" end end end if plugin_map[] then plugin = common.merge(plugin, plugin_map[]) plugin_map[].plugin = plugin end table.insert(plugins, plugin) end end for k, v in pairs(plugin_map) do if not v.plugin then table.insert(plugins, common.merge({ mod_version = self.branch == "master" and 2 or 3, version = "1.0" }, v)) end end common.write(path .. PATHSEP .. "manifest.json", json.encode({ plugins = plugins })) end function Repository:add(pull_remotes) -- If neither specified then pull onto `master`, and check the main branch name, and move if necessary. if not self.branch and not self.commit then local path = self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "master" common.mkdirp(path) log_progress_action("Fetching " .. self.remote .. ":master/main...") system.init(path, self.remote) system.fetch(path, write_progress_bar) if not pcall(system.reset, path, "refs/remotes/origin/master", "hard") then if pcall(system.reset, path, "refs/remotes/origin/main", "hard") then common.rename(path, self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "main") self.branch = "main" else error("can't find master or main.") end else self.branch = "master" end else local path = self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (self.commit or self.branch) common.mkdirp(path) log_progress_action("Fetching " .. self.remote .. ":" .. (self.commit or self.branch) .. "...") system.init(path, self.remote) system.fetch(path, write_progress_bar) common.reset(path, self.commit or self.branch, "hard") self.manifest = nil end local manifest, remotes = self:parse_manifest() if pull_remotes then -- any remotes we don't have in our listing, call add, and add into the list for i, remote in ipairs(remotes) do if not common.first(repositories, function(repo) return repo.remote == remote.remote and repo.branch == remote.branch and repo.commit == remote.commit end) then remote:add(pull_remotes == "recursive" and "recursive" or false) table.insert(repositories, remote) end end end return self end function Repository:update(pull_remotes) local manifest, remotes = self:parse_manifest() if self.branch then local path = self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. self.branch system.fetch(path) common.reset(path, self.branch, "hard") log_action("Updated " .. self:url()) self.manifest = nil manifest, remotes = self:parse_manifest() end if pull_remotes then -- any remotes we don't have in our listing, call add, and add into the list for i, remote in ipairs(remotes) do if common.first(repositories, function(repo) return repo.remote == remote.remote and repo.branch == remote.branch and repo.commit == remote.comit end) then remote:add(pull_remotes == "recursive" and "recursive" or false) table.insert(repositories, remote) end end end end function Repository:remove() common.rmrf(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (self.commit or self.branch)) if == 0 then common.rmrf(self.local_path) end end function LiteXL.__index(t, k) return LiteXL[k] end function, metadata) if not metadata.version then error("lite-xl entry requires a version") end local self = setmetatable(common.merge({ repository = repository, tags = {}, files = {} }, metadata), LiteXL) self.hash = system.hash((repository and repository:url() or "") .. "-" .. metadata.version .. common.join("",, function(f) return f.checksum end))) self.local_path = self:is_local() and self.path or (CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "lite_xls" .. PATHSEP .. self.version .. PATHSEP .. self.hash) self.binary_path = self.binary_path or (self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl") self.datadir_path = self.datadir_path or (self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "data") return self end function LiteXL:is_system() return system_bottle and system_bottle.lite_xl == self end function LiteXL:is_local() return not self.repository and self.path end function LiteXL:is_compatible(plugin) return not plugin.mod_version or compare_version(self.mod_version, plugin.mod_version) == 0 end function LiteXL:is_installed() return system.stat(self.local_path) end function LiteXL:install() if self:is_installed() then log_warning("lite-xl " .. self.version .. " already installed") return end common.mkdirp(self.local_path) if system_bottle.lite_xl == self then -- system lite-xl. We have to copy it because we can't really set the user directory. local executable, datadir = common.path("lite-xl") if not executable then error("can't find system lite-xl executable") end local stat = system.stat(executable) executable = stat.symlink and stat.symlink or executable datadir = common.dirname(executable) .. PATHSEP .. "data" if not system.stat(datadir) then error("can't find system lite-xl data dir") end common.copy(executable, self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl") system.chmod(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl", 448) -- chmod to rwx------- common.copy(datadir, self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "data") elseif self.path and not self.repository then -- local repository system.symlink(self.binary_path, self.path .. PATHSEP .. "lite_xl") else if self.remote then system.init(self.local_path, self.remote) common.reset(self.local_path, self.commit or self.branch) end for i,file in ipairs(self.files or {}) do if file.arch and file.arch == ARCH then if not file.checksum then error("requires a checksum") end local basename = common.basename(file.url) local archive = basename:find("$") or basename:find("%.tar%.gz$") local path = self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (archive and basename or "lite-xl") log_action("Downloading file " .. file.url .. "...") common.get(file.url, path, file.checksum, write_progress_bar) log_action("Downloaded file " .. file.url .. " to " .. path) if file.checksum ~= "SKIP" and system.hash(path, "file") ~= file.checksum then fatal_warning("checksum doesn't match for " .. path) end if archive then log_action("Extracting file " .. basename .. " in " .. self.local_path) system.extract(path, self.local_path) end end end end if not system.stat(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl") then error("can't find executable for lite-xl " .. self.version) end end function LiteXL:uninstall() if not system.stat(self.local_path) then error("lite-xl " .. self.version .. " not installed") end common.rmrf(self.local_path) end function Bottle.__index(t, k) return Bottle[k] end function, plugins, is_system) local self = setmetatable({ lite_xl = lite_xl, plugins = plugins, is_system = is_system }, Bottle) if not is_system then table.sort(self.plugins, function(a, b) return ( .. ":" .. a.version) < ( .. ":" .. b.version) end) self.hash = system.hash(lite_xl.version .. " " .. common.join(" ",, function(p) return .. ":" .. p.version end))) self.local_path = CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "bottles" .. PATHSEP .. self.hash end return self end function Bottle:is_constructed() return self.is_system or system.stat(self.local_path) end function Bottle:construct() if self.is_system then error("system bottle cannot be constructed") end if self:is_constructed() then error("bottle " .. self.hash .. " already constructed") end if not self.lite_xl:is_installed() then self.lite_xl:install() end common.mkdirp(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "user") common.copy(self.lite_xl.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl", self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl") system.chmod(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl", 448) -- chmod to rwx------- common.copy(self.lite_xl.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "data", self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "data") for i,plugin in ipairs(self.plugins) do plugin:install(self) end end function Bottle:destruct() if self.is_system then error("system bottle cannot be destructed") end if not self:is_constructed() then error("lite-xl " .. self.version .. " not constructed") end common.rmrf(self.local_path) end function Bottle:run(args) args = args or {} if self.is_system then error("system bottle cannot be run") end os.execute(self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl", table.unpack(args)) end local function get_repository_plugins() local t, hash = { }, { } for i,p in ipairs(common.flat_map(repositories, function(r) return r.plugins end)) do local id = .. ":" .. p.version if not hash[id] then table.insert(t, p) hash[id] = p if not hash[] then hash[] = {} end table.insert(hash[], p ) end end return t, hash end function Bottle:invalidate_cache() self.all_plugins_cache = nil end function Bottle:all_plugins() if self.all_plugins_cache then return self.all_plugins_cache end local t, hash = get_repository_plugins() local plugin_paths = { (self.local_path and (self.local_path .. PATHSEP .. "user") or USERDIR) .. PATHSEP .. "plugins", self.lite_xl.datadir_path .. PATHSEP .. "plugins" } for i, plugin_path in ipairs(common.grep(plugin_paths, function(e) return system.stat(e) end)) do for j, v in ipairs( do local name = v:gsub("%.lua$", "") local path = plugin_path .. PATHSEP .. v local matching = hash[name] and common.grep(hash[name], function(e) return not Plugin.is_plugin_different(e.local_path, path) end)[1] if i == 2 or not hash[name] or not matching then table.insert(t,, { name = name, type = i == 2 and (hash[name] and "bundled" or "core"), organization = (v:find("%.lua$") and "singleton" or "complex"), mod_version = self.lite_xl.mod_version, path = "plugins" .. PATHSEP .. v, version = "1.0", description = (hash[name] and hash[name][1].description or nil) })) end end end self.all_plugins_cache = t return t end function Bottle:installed_plugins() return common.grep(self:all_plugins(), function(p) return p:is_installed(self) end) end function Bottle:get_plugin(name, version, filter) local candidates = {} local wildcard = name:find("%*$") filter = filter or {} for i,plugin in ipairs(self:all_plugins()) do if not version and plugin.provides then for k, provides in ipairs(plugin.provides) do if provides == name then table.insert(candidates, plugin) end end end if ( == name or (wildcard and"^" .. name:sub(1, #name - 1)))) and match_version(plugin.version, version) then if (not filter.mod_version or not plugin.mod_version or tonumber(plugin.mod_version) == tonumber(filter.mod_version)) then table.insert(candidates, plugin) end end end return table.unpack(common.sort(candidates, function (a,b) return a.version < b.version end)) end local function get_repository(url) if not url then error("requires a repository url") end local r = Repository.url(url) for i,v in ipairs(repositories) do if v.remote == r.remote and v.branch == r.branch and v.commit == r.commit then return i, v end end return nil end local function lpm_repo_save() local directory = CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "repos" common.mkdirp(directory) common.write(directory .. PATHSEP .. "list", common.join("",, function(r) return r:url() .. "\n" end))) end local DEFAULT_REPOS local function lpm_repo_init() DEFAULT_REPOS = { Repository.url("") } if not system.stat(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "repos") then for i, repository in ipairs(DEFAULT_REPOS) do if not system.stat(repository.local_path) or not system.stat(repository.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (repository.commit or repository.branch)) then table.insert(repositories, repository:add(true)) end end lpm_repo_save() end end local function lpm_repo_add(...) for i, url in ipairs({ ... }) do local idx, repo = get_repository(url) if repo then -- if we're alreayd a repo, put this at the head of the resolution list table.remove(repositories, idx) else repo = Repository.url(url):add(AUTO_PULL_REMOTES and "recursive" or false) end table.insert(repositories, 1, repo) repo:update() end lpm_repo_save() end local function lpm_repo_rm(...) for i, url in ipairs({ ... }) do local idx, repo = get_repository(url) if not repo then error("cannot find repository " .. url) end table.remove(repositories, idx) repo:remove() end lpm_repo_save() end local function lpm_repo_update(...) local t = { ... } if #t == 0 then table.insert(t, false) end for i, url in ipairs(t) do local repo = url and get_repository(url) for i,v in ipairs(repositories) do if not repo or v == repo then v:update(AUTO_PULL_REMOTES and "recursive" or false) end end end end local function get_lite_xl(version) return common.first(common.concat(lite_xls, common.flat_map(repositories, function(e) return e.lite_xls end)), function(lite_xl) return lite_xl.version == version end) end local function lpm_lite_xl_save() common.mkdirp(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "lite_xls") common.write(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "lite_xls" .. PATHSEP .. "locals.json", json.encode(, function(l) return l:is_local() and not l:is_system() end), function(l) return { version = l.version, mod_version = l.mod_version, path = l.path } end)) ) end local function lpm_lite_xl_add(version, path) if not version then error("requires a version") end if not path then error("requires a path") end if not system.stat(path .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl") then error("can't find " .. path .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl") end if not system.stat(path .. PATHSEP .. "data") then error("can't find " .. path .. PATHSEP .. "data") end table.insert(lite_xls,, { version = version, path = path:gsub(PATHSEP .. "$", ""), mod_version = MOD_VERSION or 3 })) lpm_lite_xl_save() end local function lpm_lite_xl_rm(version) if not version then error("requires a version") end local lite_xl = get_lite_xl(version) or error("can't find lite_xl version " .. version) lite_xls = common.grep(lite_xls, function(l) return l ~= lite_xl end) lpm_lite_xl_save() end local function lpm_lite_xl_install(version) if not version then error("requires a version") end (get_lite_xl(version) or error("can't find lite-xl version " .. version)):install() end local function lpm_lite_xl_switch(version, target) if not version then error("requires a version") end target = target or common.path("lite-xl") if not target then error("can't find installed lite-xl. please provide a target to install the symlink explicitly as a second argument") end local lite_xl = get_lite_xl(version) or error("can't find lite-xl version " .. version) if not lite_xl:is_installed() then log_action("Installing lite-xl " .. lite_xl.version) lite_xl:install() end local stat = system.stat(target) if stat and stat.symlink then os.remove(target) end system.symlink(lite_xl.binary_path, target) if not common.path('lite-xl') then os.remove(target) error(target .. " is not on your $PATH; please supply a target that can be found on your $PATH, called `lite-xl`.") end end local function lpm_lite_xl_uninstall(version) (get_lite_xl(version) or error("can't find lite-xl version " .. version)):uninstall() end local function lpm_lite_xl_list() local result = { ["lite-xl"] = { } } local max_version = 0 for i,lite_xl in ipairs(lite_xls) do table.insert(result["lite-xl"], { version = lite_xl.version, mod_version = lite_xl.mod_version, tags = lite_xl.tags, is_system = lite_xl:is_system(), is_installed = lite_xl:is_installed(), status = (lite_xl:is_installed() or lite_xl:is_system()) and (lite_xl:is_local() and "local" or "installed") or "available", local_path = lite_xl.local_path }) max_version = math.max(max_version, #lite_xl.version) end for i,repo in ipairs(repositories) do if not repo.lite_xls then error("can't find lite-xl for repo " .. repo:url()) end for j, lite_xl in ipairs(repo.lite_xls) do table.insert(result["lite-xl"], { version = lite_xl.version, mod_version = lite_xl.mod_version, repository = repo:url(), tags = lite_xl.tags, is_system = lite_xl:is_system(), is_installed = lite_xl:is_installed(), status = (lite_xl:is_installed() or lite_xl:is_system()) and (lite_xl:is_local() and "local" or "installed") or "available", local_path = lite_xl.local_path }) max_version = math.max(max_version, #lite_xl.version) end end if JSON then io.stdout:write(json.encode(result) .. "\n") else if VERBOSE then for i, lite_xl in ipairs(result["lite-xl"]) do if i ~= 0 then print("---------------------------") end print("Version: " .. lite_xl.version) print("Status: " .. lite_xl.status) print("Mod-Version: " .. (lite_xl.mod_version or "unknown")) print("Tags: " .. common.join(", ", lite_xl.tags)) end else max_version = max_version + 2 print(string.format("%" .. max_version .. "s | %10s | %s", "Version", "Status", "Location")) print(string.format("%" .. max_version .."s | %10s | %s", "-------", "---------", "---------------------------")) for i, lite_xl in ipairs(result["lite-xl"]) do print(string.format("%" .. max_version .. "s | %10s | %s", (lite_xl.is_system and "* " or "") .. lite_xl.version, lite_xl.status, (lite_xl.is_installed and lite_xl.local_path or lite_xl.repository))) end end end end local function lpm_lite_xl_run(version, ...) if not version then error("requires a version") end local lite_xl = get_lite_xl(version) or error("can't find lite-xl version " .. version) local plugins = {} for i, str in ipairs({ ... }) do local name, version = common.split(":", str) local plugin = system_bottle:get_plugin(name, version, { mod_version = lite_xl.mod_version }) if not plugin then error("can't find plugin " .. str) end table.insert(plugins, plugin) end local bottle =, plugins) if not bottle:is_constructed() then bottle:construct() end bottle:run() end local function lpm_install(...) for i, identifier in ipairs({ ... }) do local s = identifier:find(":") local name, version = (s and identifier:sub(1, s-1) or identifier), (s and identifier:sub(s+1) or nil) if not name then error('unrecognized identifier ' .. identifier) end if name == "lite-xl" then lpm_lite_xl_install(version) else local potential_plugins = { system_bottle:get_plugin(name, version, { mod_version = system_bottle.lite_xl.mod_version }) } local plugins = common.grep(potential_plugins, function(e) return not e:is_installed(system_bottle) end) if #plugins == 0 and #potential_plugins == 0 then error("can't find plugin " .. name .. " mod-version: " .. (system_bottle.lite_xl.mod_version or 'any')) end if #plugins == 0 then error("plugin " .. name .. " already installed") end for j,v in ipairs(plugins) do v:install(system_bottle) end end end end local function lpm_plugin_uninstall(...) for i, name in ipairs({ ... }) do local plugins = { system_bottle:get_plugin(name) } if #plugins == 0 then error("can't find plugin " .. name) end local installed_plugins = common.grep(plugins, function(e) return e:is_installed(system_bottle) end) if #installed_plugins == 0 then error("plugin " .. name .. " not installed") end for i, plugin in ipairs(installed_plugins) do plugin:uninstall(system_bottle) end end end local function lpm_plugin_reinstall(...) for i, name in ipairs({ ... }) do pcall(lpm_plugin_uninstall, name) end lpm_install(...) end local function lpm_repo_list() if JSON then io.stdout:write(json.encode({ repositories =, function(repo) return { remote = repo.remote, commit = repo.commit, branch = repo.branch, path = repo.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (repo.commit or repo.branch), remotes = or {}, function(r) return r:url() end) } end) }) .. "\n") else for i, repository in ipairs(repositories) do local _, remotes = repository:parse_manifest() if i ~= 0 then print("---------------------------") end print("Remote : " .. repository:url()) print("Path : " .. repository.local_path .. PATHSEP .. (repository.commit or repository.branch)) print("Remotes: " .. json.encode( or {}, function(r) return r:url() end))) end end end local function lpm_plugin_list(name) local max_name = 4 local result = { plugins = { } } for j,plugin in ipairs(common.grep(system_bottle:all_plugins(), function(p) return not name or end)) do max_name = math.max(max_name, local repo = plugin.repository table.insert(result.plugins, { name =, status = plugin.repository and (plugin:is_installed(system_bottle) and "installed" or (system_bottle.lite_xl:is_compatible(plugin) and "available" or "incompatible")) or (plugin:is_bundled(system_bottle) and "bundled" or (plugin:is_core(system_bottle) and "core" or (plugin:is_upgradable(system_bottle) and "upgradable" or "orphan"))), version = "" .. plugin.version, dependencies = plugin.dependencies, description = plugin.description, author = or (plugin:is_core(system_bottle) and "lite-xl"), mod_version = plugin.mod_version, tags = plugin.tags, type = plugin.type, organization = plugin.organization, repository = repo and repo:url(), path = plugin:get_path(system_bottle) }) end if JSON then io.stdout:write(json.encode(result) .. "\n") elseif #result.plugins > 0 then if not VERBOSE then print(string.format("%" .. max_name .."s | %10s | %10s | %s", "Name", "Version", "ModVer", "Status")) print(string.format("%" .. max_name .."s | %10s | %10s | %s", string.rep("-", max_name), "-------", "------", "-----------")) end for i, plugin in ipairs(common.sort(result.plugins, function(a,b) return < end)) do if VERBOSE then if i ~= 0 then print("---------------------------") end print("Name: " .. print("Version: " .. plugin.version) print("Status: " .. plugin.status) print("Author: " .. ( or "")) print("Type: " .. plugin.type) print("Orgnization: " .. plugin.organization) print("Repository: " .. (plugin.repository or "orphan")) print("Description: " .. (plugin.description or "")) print("Mod-Version: " .. (plugin.mod_version or "unknown")) print("Dependencies: " .. json.encode(plugin.dependencies)) print("Tags: " .. common.join(", ", plugin.tags)) print("Path: " .. plugin.path) elseif plugin.status ~= "incompatible" then print(string.format("%" .. max_name .."s | %10s | %10s | %s",, plugin.version, plugin.mod_version, plugin.status)) end end end end local function lpm_describe() for i,v in ipairs(repositories) do if #common.grep(DEFAULT_REPOS, function(r) return r:url() == v:url() end) == 0 then io.stdout:write("lpm add " .. v:url() .. " && ") end end print("lpm run " .. system_bottle.lite_xl.version .. " " .. common.join(" ",, function(p) return .. ":" .. p.version end))) end local function lpm_plugin_upgrade() for i,plugin in ipairs(system_bottle:installed_plugins()) do local upgrade = common.sort(system_bottle:get_plugin(, ">" .. plugin.version), function(a, b) return compare_version(b.version, a.version) end)[1] if upgrade then upgrade:install(system_bottle) end end end local function lpm_purge() -- local path = common.path("lite-xl") -- if path then -- local lite_xl = get_lite_xl("system") -- if lite_xl then -- os.remove(path) -- system.symlink(lite_xl:get_binary_path(), target) -- log_action("Reset lite-xl symlink to system.") -- end -- end log_action("Removed " .. CACHEDIR .. ".") common.rmrf(CACHEDIR) end local function parse_arguments(arguments, options) local args = {} local i = 1 while i <= #arguments do local s,e, option, value = arguments[i]:find("%-%-([^=]+)=?(.*)") if s then local flag_type = options[option] if not flag_type then error("unknown flag --" .. option) end if flag_type == "flag" then args[option] = true elseif flag_type == "string" or flag_type == "number" then if not value or value == "" then if i == #arguments then error("option " .. option .. " requires a " .. flag_type) end value = arguments[i+1] i = i + 1 end if flag_type == "number" and tonumber(flag_type) == nil then error("option " .. option .. " should be a number") end args[option] = value end else table.insert(args, arguments[i]) end i = i + 1 end return args end local status = 0 local function error_handler(err) local s, e = err:find(":%d+") local message = e and err:sub(e + 3) or err if JSON then if VERBOSE then io.stderr:write(json.encode({ error = err, actions = actions, warnings = warnings, traceback = debug.traceback() }) .. "\n") else io.stderr:write(json.encode({ error = message or err, actions = actions, warnings = warnings }) .. "\n") end else io.stderr:write((not VERBOSE and message or err) .. "\n") if VERBOSE then io.stderr:write(debug.traceback() .. "\n") end end status = -1 end local function run_command(ARGS) if not ARGS[2]:find("%S") then return elseif ARGS[2] == "init" then return elseif ARGS[2] == "repo" and ARGV[3] == "add" then lpm_repo_add(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "repo" and ARGS[3] == "rm" then lpm_repo_rm(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "add" then lpm_repo_add(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 3))) elseif ARGS[2] == "rm" then lpm_repo_rm(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 3))) elseif ARGS[2] == "update" then lpm_repo_update(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 3))) elseif ARGS[2] == "repo" and ARGS[3] == "update" then lpm_repo_update(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "repo" and (#ARGS == 2 or ARGS[3] == "list") then return lpm_repo_list() elseif ARGS[2] == "plugin" and ARGS[3] == "install" then lpm_install(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "plugin" and ARGS[3] == "uninstall" then lpm_plugin_uninstall(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "plugin" and ARGS[3] == "reinstall" then lpm_plugin_reinstall(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "plugin" and (#ARGS == 2 or ARGS[3] == "list") then return lpm_plugin_list(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "plugin" and ARGS[3] == "upgrade" then return lpm_plugin_upgrade(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "upgrade" then return lpm_plugin_upgrade(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 3))) elseif ARGS[2] == "install" then lpm_install(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 3))) elseif ARGS[2] == "uninstall" then lpm_plugin_uninstall(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 3))) elseif ARGS[2] == "reinstall" then lpm_plugin_reinstall(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 3))) elseif ARGS[2] == "describe" then lpm_describe(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 3))) elseif ARGS[2] == "list" then return lpm_plugin_list(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 3))) elseif ARGS[2] == "lite-xl" and (#ARGS == 2 or ARGS[3] == "list") then return lpm_lite_xl_list(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "lite-xl" and ARGS[3] == "uninstall" then return lpm_lite_xl_uninstall(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "lite-xl" and ARGS[3] == "install" then return lpm_lite_xl_install(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "lite-xl" and ARGS[3] == "switch" then return lpm_lite_xl_switch(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "lite-xl" and ARGS[3] == "run" then return lpm_lite_xl_run(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "lite-xl" and ARGS[3] == "add" then return lpm_lite_xl_add(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "lite-xl" and ARGS[3] == "rm" then return lpm_lite_xl_rm(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 4))) elseif ARGS[2] == "run" then return lpm_lite_xl_run(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 3))) elseif ARGS[2] == "switch" then return lpm_lite_xl_switch(table.unpack(common.slice(ARGS, 3))) elseif ARGS[2] == "purge" then lpm_purge() else error("unknown command: " .. ARGS[2]) end if JSON then io.stdout:write(json.encode({ actions = actions, warnings = warnings })) end end xpcall(function() local ARGS = parse_arguments(ARGV, { json = "flag", userdir = "string", cachedir = "string", version = "flag", verbose = "flag", quiet = "flag", version = "string", ["mod-version"] = "string", remotes = "flag", help = "flag", remotes = "flag", ["ssl-certs"] = "string", force = "flag", arch = "string", ["assume-yes"] = "flag", ["install-optional"] = "flag", datadir = "string", binary = "string", trace = "flag" }) if ARGS["version"] then io.stdout:write(VERSION .. "\n") return 0 end if ARGS["help"] or #ARGS == 1 or ARGS[2] == "help" then io.stderr:write([[ Usage: lpm COMMAND [...ARGUMENTS] [--json] [--userdir=directory] [--cachedir=directory] [--quiet] [--version] [--help] [--remotes] [--ssl-certs=directory/file] [--force] [--arch=]] .. _G.ARCH .. [[] [--assume-yes] [--no-install-optional] [--verbose] [--mod-version=3] [--datadir=directory] [--binary=path] [--post] LPM is a package manager for `lite-xl`, written in C (and packed-in lua). It's designed to install packages from our central github repository (and affiliated repositories), directly into your lite-xl user directory. It can be called independently, for from the lite-xl `plugin_manager` plugin. LPM will always use as its base repository, if none are present, and the cache directory does't exist, but others can be added, and this base one can be removed. It has the following commands: lpm init Implicitly called before all commands if necessary, but can be called independently to save time later. lpm repo list List all extant repos. lpm [repo] add Add a source repository. [...] lpm [repo] rm Remove a source repository. [...] lpm [repo] update [] Update all/the specified repos. [...] lpm [plugin] install Install specific plugins. [:] If installed, upgrades. [...:] lpm [plugin] uninstall Uninstall the specific plugin. [...] lpm [plugin] reinstall Uninstall and installs the specific plugin. [...] lpm [plugin] list List all/associated plugins. [...] lpm [plugin] upgrade Upgrades all installed plugins to new version if applicable. lpm [lite-xl] install Installs lite-xl. Infers the [binary] [datadir] paths on your system if not supplied. Automatically switches to be your system default if path auto inferred. lpm lite-xl add Adds a local version of lite-xl to the managed list, allowing it to be easily bottled. lpm lite-xl remove Removes a local version of lite-xl from the managed list. lpm [lite-xl] switch [] Sets the active version of lite-xl to be the specified version. Auto-detects current install of lite-xl; if none found path can be specifeid. lpm lite-xl list Lists all installed versions of lite-xl. lpm run [...plugins] Sets up a "bottle" to run the specified lite version, with the specified plugins and then opens it. lpm describe [bottle] Describes the bottle specified in the form of a list of commands, that allow someone else to run your configuration. lpm purge Completely purge all state for LPM. lpm - Read these commands from stdin in an interactive print-eval loop. lpm help Displays this help text. Flags have the following effects: --json Performs all communication in JSON. --userdir=directory Sets the lite-xl userdir manually. If omitted, uses the normal lite-xl logic. --cachedir=directory Sets the directory to store all repositories. --tmpdir=directory During install, sets the staging area. --datadir=directory Sets the data directory where core plugins are located for the system lite-xl. --binary=path Sets the lite-xl binary path for the system lite-xl. --verbose Spits out more information, including intermediate steps to install and whatnot. --quiet Outputs nothing but explicit responses. --mod-version Sets the mod version of lite-xl to install plugins. --version Returns version information. --help Displays this help text. --ssl-certs Sets the SSL certificate store. Can be a directory, or path to a certificate bundle. --arch Sets the architecture (default: ]] .. _G.ARCH .. [[). --assume-yes Ignores any prompts, and automatically answers yes to all. --no-install-optional On install, anything marked as optional won't prompt. --trace Dumps to STDERR useful debugging information, in particular information relating to SSL connections, and other network activity. There also several flags which are classified as "risky", and are never enabled in any circumstance unless explicitly supplied. --force Ignores checksum inconsistencies. --post Run post-install build steps. Must be explicitly enabled. Official repositories must function without this flag being needed; generally they must provide binaries if there is a native compilation step. --remotes Automatically adds any specified remotes in the repository to the end of the resolution list. --ssl-certs=noverify Ignores SSL certificate validation. Opens you up to man-in-the-middle attacks. ]] ) return 0 end VERBOSE = ARGS["verbose"] or false JSON = ARGS["json"] or os.getenv("LPM_JSON") QUIET = ARGS["quiet"] or os.getenv("LPM_QUIET") FORCE = ARGS["force"] POST = ARGS["post"] DATADIR = common.normalize_path(ARGS["datadir"]) BINARY = common.normalize_path(ARGS["binary"]) NO_INSTALL_OPTIONAL = ARGS["no-install-optional"] ARCH = ARGS["arch"] or _G.ARCH ASSUME_YES = ARGS["assume-yes"] or FORCE MOD_VERSION = ARGS["mod-version"] or os.getenv("LPM_MODVERSION") if MOD_VERSION == "any" then MOD_VERSION = nil end HOME = (os.getenv("USERPROFILE") or os.getenv("HOME")):gsub(PATHSEP .. "$", "") USERDIR = common.normalize_path(ARGS["userdir"]) or os.getenv("LITE_USERDIR") or (os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") and os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") .. PATHSEP .. "lite-xl") or (HOME and (HOME .. PATHSEP .. '.config' .. PATHSEP .. 'lite-xl')) AUTO_PULL_REMOTES = ARGS["remotes"] if not system.stat(USERDIR) then common.mkdirp(USERDIR) end CACHEDIR = common.normalize_path(ARGS["cachedir"]) or os.getenv("LPM_CACHE") or USERDIR .. PATHSEP .. "lpm" TMPDIR = common.normalize_path(ARGS["tmpdir"]) or CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "tmp" if ARGS["trace"] then system.trace(true) end if not QUIET then local start_time, last_read local function format_bytes(bytes) if bytes < 1024 then return string.format("%6d B", math.floor(bytes)) end if bytes < 1*1024*1024 then return string.format("%6.1f kB", bytes / 1024) end if bytes < 1*1024*1024*1024 then return string.format("%6.1f MB", bytes / (1024*1024)) end return string.format("%6.2f GB", bytes / (1024*1024*1024)) end write_progress_bar = function(total_read, total_objects, indexed_obejcts, received_objects, local_objects, local_deltas, indexed_deltas) if type(total_read) == "boolean" then io.stdout:write("\n") io.stdout:flush() return end if not start_time or total_read < last_read then start_time = os.time() end local status_line = string.format("%s [%s/s]: %s", format_bytes(total_read), format_bytes(total_read / math.max(os.time() - start_time, 1)), progress_bar_label) io.stdout:write(string.rep("\b", #status_line)) io.stdout:write(status_line) io.stdout:flush() last_read = total_read end end repositories = {} if ARGS[2] == "purge" then return lpm_purge() end local ssl_certs = ARGS["ssl-certs"] or os.getenv("SSL_CERT_DIR") or os.getenv("SSL_CERT_FILE") if ssl_certs then if ssl_certs == "noverify" then system.certs("noverify") else local stat = system.stat(ssl_certs) if not stat then error("can't find " .. ssl_certs) end system.certs(stat.type, ssl_certs) end else local paths = { -- "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", -- Debian/Ubuntu/Gentoo etc. "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt", -- Fedora/RHEL 6 "/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem", -- OpenSUSE "/etc/pki/tls/cacert.pem", -- OpenELEC "/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem", -- CentOS/RHEL 7 "/etc/ssl/cert.pem", -- Alpine Linux (and Mac OSX) "/etc/ssl/certs", -- SLES10/SLES11, "/system/etc/security/cacerts", -- Android "/usr/local/share/certs", -- FreeBSD "/etc/pki/tls/certs", -- Fedora/RHEL "/etc/openssl/certs", -- NetBSD "/var/ssl/certs", -- AIX } if PLATFORM == "windows" then common.mkdirp(TMPDIR) system.certs("system", TMPDIR .. PATHSEP .. "certs.crt") else local has_certs = false for i, path in ipairs(paths) do local stat = system.stat(path) if stat then has_certs = true system.certs(stat.type, path) break end end if not has_certs then error("can't autodetect your system's SSL ceritficates; please specify specify a certificate bundle or certificate directory with --ssl-certs") end end end -- Small utility functions that don't play into the larger app; are used for testing -- or for handy scripts. if ARGS[2] == "download" then local file = common.get(ARGS[3]); print(file) os.exit(0) end if ARGS[2] == "extract" then system.extract(ARGS[3], ARGS[4] or ".") os.exit(0) end if ARGS[2] == "table" then local plugins = json.decode([3]))["plugins"] table.sort(plugins, function(a,b) return string.lower( < string.lower( end) local names =, function(plugin) if plugin.path then return string.format("[`%s`](%s?raw=1)",, plugin.path) end if plugin.url then return string.format("[`%s`](%s)",, plugin.url) end if plugin.remote then return string.format("[`%s`](%s)\\*",, plugin.remote) end return end) local descriptions =, function(e) return e.description or "" end) local max_description = math.max(table.unpack(, function(e) return #e end))) local max_name = math.max(table.unpack(, function(e) return #e end))) print("| Plugin" .. string.rep(" ", max_name - 6) .. " | Description" .. string.rep(" ", max_description - 11) .. " |") print("| :" .. string.rep("-", max_name-1) .. " | :" .. string.rep("-", max_description - 1) .. " |") for i = 1, #plugins do print("| " .. names[i] .. string.rep(" ", max_name - #names[i]) .. " | " .. descriptions[i] .. string.rep(" ", max_description - #descriptions[i]) .. " |") end os.exit(0) end -- Base setup; initialize default repos if applicable, read them in. Determine Lite XL system binary if not specified, and pull in a list of all local lite-xl's. lpm_repo_init() repositories, lite_xls = {}, {} if system.stat(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "repos" .. PATHSEP .. "list") then for url in io.lines(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "repos" .. PATHSEP .. "list") do table.insert(repositories, Repository.url(url)) repositories[#repositories]:parse_manifest() end end if system.stat(CACHEDIR .. PATHSEP .. "lite_xls" .. PATHSEP .. "locals.json") then for i, lite_xl in ipairs(json.decode( .. PATHSEP .. "lite_xls" .. PATHSEP .. "locals.json"))) do table.insert(lite_xls,, { version = lite_xl.version, mod_version = lite_xl.mod_version, path = lite_xl.path, tags = { "local" } })) end end local lite_xl_binary = BINARY or common.path("lite-xl") if lite_xl_binary then local stat = system.stat(lite_xl_binary) if not stat then error("can't find lite-xl binary " .. lite_xl_binary) end lite_xl_binary = stat.symlink or lite_xl_binary local directory = common.dirname(lite_xl_binary) local hash = system.hash(lite_xl_binary, "file") local system_lite_xl = common.first(common.concat(common.flat_map(repositories, function(r) return r.lite_xls end), lite_xls), function(lite_xl) return lite_xl.local_path == directory end) if not system_lite_xl then system_lite_xl = common.first(lite_xls, function(e) return e.version == "system" end) if system_lite_xl then error("can't find existing system lite (does " .. system_lite_xl.binary_path .. " exist? was it moved?); run `lpm purge`, or specify --binary and --datadir.") end system_lite_xl =, { datadir_path = DATADIR, binary_path = BINARY, mod_version = MOD_VERSION or 3, version = "system", tags = { "system", "local" } }) table.insert(lite_xls, system_lite_xl) lpm_lite_xl_save() else table.insert(system_lite_xl.tags, "system") end system_bottle =, nil, true) else system_bottle =, { mod_version = MOD_VERSION or 3, version = "system", tags = { "system", "local" } }), nil, true) end if not system_bottle then system_bottle =, nil, true) end if ARGS[2] ~= '-' then run_command(ARGS) else while true do local line = io.stdin:read("*line") if line == "quit" or line == "exit" then return 0 end local args = { ARGS[1] } local s = 1 while true do local a,e = line:find("%s+", s) table.insert(args, line:sub(s, a and (a - 1) or #line)) if not e then break end s = e + 1 end xpcall(function() run_command(args) end, error_handler) actions, warnings = {}, {} end end end, error_handler) return status