-- mod-version:4 --lite-xl 3.0 local core = require "core" local style = require "core.style" local command = require "core.command" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local View = require "core.view" local common = require "core.common" local EmptyView = require "core.emptyview" local Node = require "core.node" local PluginManager = require "plugins.plugin_manager" local PluginView = require "plugins.plugin_manager.plugin_view" local welcomed = system.get_file_info(USERDIR .. PATHSEP .. "welcomed") ~= nil if welcomed then return end local status, tv = pcall(require "plugins.treeview") if not status then command.perform("treeview:toggle") end local loading = nil local hovered_button = nil local function draw_button(view, x, y, w, button) local highlight = hovered_button == button if highlight then core.request_cursor("hand") end local button_height = style.font:get_height() + style.padding.y * 2 local tw = common.draw_text(style.font, highlight and style.accent or style.text, button.label, "left", x, y, w, button_height) if tw < x + w then renderer.draw_rect(x + w, y - 3, button_height, button_height, highlight and style.dim or style.background2) renderer.draw_text(style.icon_font, "+", x + w + style.padding.x, y + style.padding.y, style.accent) end return x, y, w + button_height, button_height end local buttons = { { label = "Install Addons Package", command = "welcome:install-addons", tooltip = { "Installs syntax highlightings, themes, and plugins that make Lite XL easier to use.", "", "Recommended for newcomers to Lite XL.", "Requires a network connection." } }, { label = "Open Plugin Manager", command = "welcome:open-plugin-manager", tooltip = { "Manually select plugins you'd like to install before beginning with Lite XL.", "", "Requires a network connection." } }, { label = "Dismiss Welcome Options", command = "welcome:dismiss", tooltip = { "Dismisses this screen permanently." } } } local old_get_name = EmptyView.get_name function EmptyView:get_name() if welcomed then return old_get_name(self) end return "Welcome!" end local old_draw = EmptyView.draw function EmptyView:draw() if welcomed then return old_draw(self) end self:draw_background(style.background) if loading then local y = self.position.y + self.size.y / 2 self:draw_background(style.background) PluginView.draw_loading_screen(self, loading.label, loading.percent) return end local title = "Lite XL" local version = "version " .. VERSION local title_width = style.big_font:get_width(title) local version_width = style.font:get_width(version) local button_width = math.min(self.size.x / 2 - 80, 300) local th = style.big_font:get_height() local dh = 2 * th + style.padding.y * #buttons local w = math.max(title_width, version_width) + button_width + style.padding.x * 2 + math.ceil(1*SCALE) local h = (style.font:get_height() + style.padding.y) * #buttons + style.padding.y + style.font:get_height() local x = self.position.x + math.max(style.padding.x, (self.size.x - w) / 2) local y = self.position.y + (self.size.y - h) / 2 local x1, y1 = x, y + ((dh - th) / #buttons) local xv = x1 if version_width > title_width then version = VERSION version_width = style.font:get_width(version) xv = x1 - (version_width - title_width) end x = renderer.draw_text(style.big_font, title, x1, y1, style.dim) renderer.draw_text(style.font, version, xv, y1 + th, style.dim) x = x + style.padding.x renderer.draw_rect(x, y, math.ceil(1 * SCALE), dh, style.dim) x = x + style.padding.x local button_height = style.padding.y * 2 + style.font:get_height() renderer.draw_rect(x, y, button_width, #buttons * (button_height + style.padding.y), style.background) for i,v in ipairs(buttons) do v.x, v.y, v.w, v.h = draw_button(self, x + style.padding.x, y, button_width, v) y = y + v.h + style.padding.y * 2 end if hovered_button then for i, v in ipairs(hovered_button.tooltip) do common.draw_text(style.font, style.text, v, "center", self.position.x, y + style.padding.y, self.size.x, style.font:get_height()) y = y + style.font:get_height() end else common.draw_text(style.font, style.text, "Hover over one of the options above to get started.", "center", self.position.x, y + style.padding.y, self.size.x, style.font:get_height()) end end function EmptyView:on_mouse_moved(x, y) hovered_button = nil for i,v in ipairs(buttons) do if v.x and x >= v.x and x < v.x + v.w and y >= v.y and y < v.y + v.h then hovered_button = v end end end function EmptyView:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y) if hovered_button and not welcomed then command.perform(hovered_button.command) end end local function terminate_welcome() io.open(USERDIR .. PATHSEP .. "welcomed", "wb"):close() command.perform("treeview:toggle") welcomed = true end command.add(EmptyView, { ["welcome:install-addons"] = function() core.log("Installing addons...") loading = { percent = 0, label = "Initializing..." } core.redraw = true PluginManager:install({ id = "meta_addons" }, { progress = function(progress) loading = progress core.redraw = true end, restart = false }):done(function() loading = false core.log("Addons installed!") terminate_welcome() command.perform("core:restart") end):fail(function(err) loading = false core.redraw = true core.error(err or "Error installing addons.") end) end, ["welcome:open-plugin-manager"] = function() command.perform("plugin-manager:show") end, ["welcome:dismiss"] = function() terminate_welcome() end })