# Lite XL Plugin Manager (lpm) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1034518/216748882-3ae8c8d4-a767-4d97-acc4-c1cde7e3e331.png) A standalone binary that provides an easy way of installing, and uninstalling plugins from lite-xl, as well as different version of lite-xl. Can be used by a package manager plugin that works from inside the editor and calls this binary. Releases forthcoming, should be available on Windows, Mac, Linux and FreeBSD. Also contains a plugin_manager.lua plugin to integrate the binary with lite in the form of an easy-to-use GUI. By default in releases, `lpm` will automatically consume the `manifest.json` in the `latest` branch of this repository, which corresponds to the most recent versioned release. Conforms to [SCPS3](https://github.com/adamharrison/straightforward-c-project-standard#SCPS3). ## Status Please note that `lpm` has currently not reached version 1.0. As such, it is still heavily in flux, and may change without notice. Once 1.0 is released, changleogs will be produced, and a more stable process that uses semver will be used. ## Specification For details about the `manifest.json` files that `lpm` consumes, [see here](SPEC.md). ## Quickstart The fastest way to get started with lpm is to simply pull a release. ``` wget https://github.com/lite-xl/lite-xl-plugin-manager/releases/download/latest/lpm.x86_64-linux -O lpm && chmod +x lpm ``` If you have a C compiler, and `git`, and want to compile from scratch, you can do: ``` git clone git@github.com:lite-xl/lite-xl-plugin-manager.git \ --shallow-submodules --recurse-submodules && cd lite-xl-plugin-manager &&\ ./build.sh -DLPM_STATIC && ./lpm ```` If you want to build it quickly, and have the right modules installed, you can do: ``` ./build.sh -lgit2 -lzip -llua -lm -lmbedtls -lmbedx509 -lmbedcrypto -lz -DLPM_STATIC ``` OR ``` gcc src/lpm.c lib/microtar/src/microtar.c -Ilib/microtar/src -lz -lgit2 \ -lzip -llua -lm -lmbedtls -lmbedx509 -lmbedcrypto -o lpm ``` CI is enabled on this repository, so you can grab Windows and Linux builds from the `continuous` [release page](https://github.com/lite-xl/lite-xl-plugin-manager/releases/tag/continuous), which is a nightly, or the `latest` [release page](https://github.com/lite-xl/lite-xl-plugin-manager/releases/tag/latest), which holds the most recent released version. There are also tagged releases, for specified versions. You can get a feel for how to use `lpm` by typing `./lpm --help`. ## Supporting Libraries As seen in the `lib` folder, the following external libraries are used to build `lpm`: * `lua` (core program written in) * `mbedtls` (https/SSL support) * `libgit2` (accessing git repositories directly) * `libz` (supporting library for everything) * `libzip` (for unpacking .zip files) * `libmicrotar` (for unpacking .tar.gz files) ## Supported Platforms `lpm` should work on all platforms `lite-xl` works on; but releases are offered for the following: * Windows x86_64 * Linux x86_64 * MacOS x86_64 * MacOS aarch64 * Android x86_64 * Android x86 * Android aarch64 * Android armv7a Experimental support (i.e. doesn't work) exists for the following platforms: * Linux riscv64 ## Use in CI To make pre-fab lite builds, you can easily use `lpm` in CI. If you had a linux build container, you could do something like: ```sh curl https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-plugin-manager/releases/download/v0.1/lpm.x86_64-linux > lpm export LITE_USERDIR=lite-xl/data && export LPM_CACHE=/tmp/cache ./lpm add https://github.com/adamharrison/lite-xl-plugin-manager && ./lpm install plugin_manager lsp ``` ## Usage ```sh lpm install aligncarets lpm uninstall aligncarets ``` ```sh lpm --help ``` ## Building & Running ### Linux & MacOS & Windows MSYS ``` ./build.sh clean && ./build.sh -DLPM_STATIC && ./lpm ``` ### Linux -> Windows ``` ./build.sh clean && CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc AR=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ar WINDRES=x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres \ CMAKE_DEFAULT_FLAGS="-DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM=NEVER\ -DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY=NEVER -DCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE=NEVER -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Windows -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/share/mingw-w64/include"\ GIT2_CONFIGURE="-DDLLTOOL=x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool" ./build.sh -DLPM_STATIC -DLPM_VERSION='"'$VERSION-x86_64-windows-`git rev-parse --short HEAD`'"' ``` ## Tests To run the test suite, you can use `lpm` to execute the test by doing `./lpm test t/run.lua`. use `FAST=1 ./lpm test t/run.lua` to avoid the costs of tearing down and building up suites each time. ## Bugs If you find a bug, please create an issue with the following information: * Your operating system. * The commit or version of LPM you're using (`lpm --version` for releases). * The exact steps to reproduce in LPM invocations, if possible from a fresh LPM install (targeting an empty folder with `--userdir`).