const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs-extra"); const copy = require("recursive-copy"); const { app, dialog, ipcMain, Notification } = require("electron"); const Emitter = require("events"); const events = new Emitter(); const cli = require("./cli"); const lang = require("./lang"); const requests = require("./extras/requests"); const findgame = require("./extras/findgame"); const unzip = require("unzipper"); const repair = require("jsonrepair"); const exec = require("child_process").exec; const { https } = require("follow-redirects"); process.chdir(app.getPath("appData")); var invalidsettings = false; // Base settings var settings = { gamepath: "", lang: "en-US", nsupdate: true, autolang: true, forcedlang: "en", autoupdate: true, originkill: false, nsargs: "-multiple", zip: "/", // These files won't be overwritten when installing/updating // Northstar, useful for config files excludes: [ "ns_startup_args.txt", "ns_startup_args_dedi.txt" ] } // Logs into the dev tools of the renderer function winLog(msg) { ipcMain.emit("win-log", msg, msg); } // Sends an alert to the renderer function winAlert(msg) { ipcMain.emit("win-alert", msg, msg); } // Creates the settings file with the base settings if it doesn't exist. if (fs.existsSync("viper.json")) { let conf = fs.readFileSync("viper.json", "utf8"); let json = "{}"; // Validates viper.json try { json = JSON.parse(conf); }catch (e) { invalidsettings = true; } settings = {...settings, ...json}; = path.join(settings.gamepath + "/"); let args = path.join(settings.gamepath, "ns_startup_args.txt"); if (fs.existsSync(args)) { settings.nsargs = fs.readFileSync(args, "utf8"); } } else { console.log(lang("general.missingpath")); } // A simple function that checks if the game is running, which we use to // not update Northstar when it is running. async function isGameRunning() { return new Promise(resolve => { let procs = ["Titanfall2.exe", "Titanfall2-unpacked.exe", "NorthstarLauncher.exe"]; // While we could use a Node module to do this instead, I // decided not to do so. As this achieves exactly the same // thing. And it's not much more clunky. let cmd = (() => { switch (process.platform) { case "linux": return "ps -A"; case "win32": return "tasklist"; } })(); exec(cmd, (err, stdout) => { for (let i = 0; i < procs.length; i++) { if (stdout.includes(procs[i])) { resolve(true); break } if (i == procs.length - 1) {resolve(false)} } }); }); } // checks if any origin processes are running async function isOriginRunning() { return new Promise(resolve => { let procs = ["Origin.exe", "OriginClientService.exe"]; let cmd = (() => { switch (process.platform) { case "linux": return "ps -A"; case "win32": return "tasklist"; } })(); exec(cmd, (err, stdout) => { procs.forEach(proc => { if (stdout.includes(proc)) { resolve(true); return; } resolve(false); }); }); }); } // kill origin processes async function killOrigin() { return new Promise(resolve => { let proc = "Origin.exe"; //I'm pretty sure we only have to kill this one let cmd = (() => { switch (process.platform) { case "linux": return "killall " + proc; case "win32": return "taskkill /IM " + proc + " /F"; } })(); exec(cmd, (err, stdout) => { // just try and fail silently if we don't find it w/e resolve(true); }); }); } // Handles auto updating Northstar. // // It uses isGameRunning() to ensure it doesn't run while the game is // running, as that may have all kinds of issues. function handleNorthstarUpdating() { if (! settings.nsupdate || ! fs.existsSync("viper.json") || settings.gamepath.length === 0) { return; } async function _checkForUpdates() { let localVersion = getNSVersion(); let distantVersion = await requests.getLatestNsVersion(); if (distantVersion == false) { return; } console.log(lang("cli.autoupdates.checking")); // Checks if NS is outdated if (localVersion !== distantVersion) { console.log(lang("cli.autoupdates.available")); if (await isGameRunning()) { console.log(lang("cli.autoupdates.gamerunning")); new Notification({ title: lang("gui.nsupdate.gaming.title"), body: lang("gui.nsupdate.gaming.body") }).show(); } else { console.log(lang("cli.autoupdates.updatingns")); updateNorthstar(); } } else { console.log(lang("cli.autoupdates.noupdate")); } setTimeout( _checkForUpdates, 15 * 60 * 1000 // interval in between each update check // by default 15 minutes. ); } _checkForUpdates(); } // Requests to set the game path // // If running with CLI it takes in the --setpath argument otherwise it // open the systems file browser for the user to select a path. async function setpath(win, forcedialog) { function setGamepath(folder) { settings.gamepath = folder; = path.join(settings.gamepath + "/"); saveSettings(); win.webContents.send("newpath", settings.gamepath); ipcMain.emit("newpath", null, settings.gamepath); modpath = path.join(settings.gamepath, "R2Northstar/mods"); } if (! win) { // CLI setGamepath(cli.param("setpath")); } else { // GUI if (! forcedialog) { function setGamepath(folder, forcedialog) { settings.gamepath = folder; = path.join(settings.gamepath + "/"); saveSettings(); win.webContents.send("newpath", settings.gamepath); ipcMain.emit("newpath", null, settings.gamepath); } let gamepath = await findgame(); if (gamepath) { setGamepath(gamepath); return; } winAlert(lang("general.missingpath")); } // Fallback to manual selection dialog.showOpenDialog({properties: ["openDirectory"]}).then(res => { if (res.canceled) { ipcMain.emit("newpath", null, false); return; } if (! fs.existsSync(path.join(res.filePaths[0], "Titanfall2.exe"))) { ipcMain.emit("wrong-path"); return; } setGamepath(res.filePaths[0]); cli.exit(); return; }).catch(err => {console.error(err)}) } } // As to not have to do the same one liner a million times, this // function exists, as the name suggests, it simply writes the current // settings to the disk. // // You can also pass a settings object to the function and it'll try and // merge it together with the already existing settings function saveSettings(obj = {}) { if (invalidsettings) {return false} settings = {...settings, ...obj}; if (fs.existsSync(settings.gamepath)) { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(settings.gamepath, "ns_startup_args.txt"), settings.nsargs); } fs.writeFileSync(app.getPath("appData") + "/viper.json", JSON.stringify({...settings, ...obj})); } // Returns the current Northstar version // If not installed it'll return "unknown" function getNSVersion() { // if NorthstarLauncher.exe doesn't exist, always return "unknown" if (! fs.existsSync(path.join(settings.gamepath, "NorthstarLauncher.exe"))) { return "unknown"; } // mods to check version of var versionFiles = [ "Northstar.Client", "Northstar.Custom", "Northstar.CustomServers" ] var versions = []; let add = (version) => { versions.push(version) } // checks version of mods for (let i = 0; i < versionFiles.length; i++) { var versionFile = path.join(settings.gamepath, "R2Northstar/mods/", versionFiles[i],"/mod.json"); if (fs.existsSync(versionFile)) { if (! fs.statSync(versionFile).isFile()) { add("unknown"); } try { add("v" + JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(versionFile, "utf8")).Version); }catch(err) { add("unknown"); } } else { add("unknown"); } } if (versions.includes("unknown")) {return "unknown"} // verifies all mods have the same version number let mismatch = false; let baseVersion = versions[0]; for (let i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) { if (versions[i] != baseVersion) { mismatch = true; break } } if (mismatch) {return "unknown"} return baseVersion; } // Returns the Titanfall 2 version from gameversion.txt file. // If it fails it simply returns "unknown" // // TODO: This file is present on Origin install, should check if it's // present with Steam install as well. function getTF2Version() { var versionFilePath = path.join(settings.gamepath, "gameversion.txt"); if (fs.existsSync(versionFilePath)) { return fs.readFileSync(versionFilePath, "utf8"); } else { return "unknown"; } } // Renames excluded files to their original name function restoreExcludedFiles() { for (let i = 0; i < settings.excludes.length; i++) { let exclude = path.join(settings.gamepath + "/" + settings.excludes[i]); if (fs.existsSync(exclude + ".excluded")) { fs.renameSync(exclude + ".excluded", exclude); } } } // At start, restore excluded files who might have been created by an incomplete update process. restoreExcludedFiles(); // Installs/Updates Northstar // // If Northstar is already installed it'll be an update, otherwise it'll // install it. It simply downloads the Northstar archive from GitHub, if // it's outdated, then extracts it into the game path. // // As to handle not overwriting files we rename certain files to // .excluded, then rename them back after the extraction. The // unzip module does not support excluding files directly. async function updateNorthstar() { if (! gamepathExists()) {return} ipcMain.emit("ns-update-event", "cli.update.checking"); console.log(lang("cli.update.checking")); var version = getNSVersion(); const latestAvailableVersion = await requests.getLatestNsVersion(); console.log(latestAvailableVersion) if (latestAvailableVersion == false) { ipcMain.emit("ns-update-event", "cli.update.noInternet"); return; } // Makes sure it is not already the latest version if (version === latestAvailableVersion) { ipcMain.emit("ns-update-event", "cli.update.uptodate.short"); console.log(lang("cli.update.uptodate"), version); winLog(lang("gui.update.uptodate")); cli.exit(); return; } else { if (version != "unknown") { console.log(lang("cli.update.current"), version); }; console.log(lang("cli.update.downloading") + ":", latestAvailableVersion); ipcMain.emit("ns-update-event", "cli.update.downloading"); } // Renames excluded files to .excluded for (let i = 0; i < settings.excludes.length; i++) { let exclude = path.join(settings.gamepath + "/" + settings.excludes[i]); if (fs.existsSync(exclude)) { fs.renameSync(exclude, exclude + ".excluded"); } } // Start the download of the zip https.get(requests.getLatestNsVersionLink(), (res) => { let stream = fs.createWriteStream(; res.pipe(stream); let received = 0; // Progress messages, we should probably switch this to // percentage instead of how much is downloaded. res.on("data", (chunk) => { received += chunk.length; ipcMain.emit("ns-update-event", lang("gui.update.downloading") + " " + (received / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1) + "mb"); }) stream.on("finish", () => { stream.close(); let extract = fs.createReadStream(; winLog(lang("gui.update.extracting")); ipcMain.emit("ns-update-event", "gui.update.extracting"); console.log(lang("cli.update.downloaddone")); // Extracts the zip, this is the part where we're actually // installing Northstar. extract.pipe(unzip.Extract({path: settings.gamepath})) let max = received; received = 0; extract.on("data", (chunk) => { received += chunk.length; let percent = Math.floor(received / max * 100); ipcMain.emit("ns-update-event", lang("gui.update.extracting") + " " + percent + "%"); }) extract.on("end", () => { extract.close(); ipcMain.emit("getversion"); restoreExcludedFiles(); ipcMain.emit("gui-getmods"); ipcMain.emit("get-version"); ipcMain.emit("ns-update-event", "cli.update.uptodate.short"); winLog(lang("gui.update.finished")); console.log(lang("cli.update.finished")); cli.exit(); }) }) }) } // Updates Viper itself // // This uses electron updater to easily update and publish releases, it // simply fetches it from GitHub and updates if it's outdated, very // useful. Not much we have to do on our side. function updateViper(autoinstall) { const { autoUpdater } = require("electron-updater"); if (! autoUpdater.isUpdaterActive()) { if (settings.nsupdate) { handleNorthstarUpdating(); } return cli.exit(); } if (autoinstall) { autoUpdater.on("update-downloaded", (info) => { autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); }); } autoUpdater.on("error", (info) => {cli.exit(1)}); autoUpdater.on("update-not-available", (info) => { // only check for NS updates if Viper itself has no updates and // if NS auto updates is enabled. if (settings.nsupdate || cli.hasArgs()) { handleNorthstarUpdating(); } cli.exit(); }); autoUpdater.checkForUpdatesAndNotify(); } // Launches the game // // Either Northstar or Vanilla. Linux support is not currently a thing, // however it'll be added at some point. function launch(version) { if (process.platform == "linux") { winAlert(lang("cli.launch.linuxerror")); console.error("error:", lang("cli.launch.linuxerror")); cli.exit(1); return; } process.chdir(settings.gamepath); switch(version) { case "vanilla": console.log(lang("general.launching"), "Vanilla..."); exec("Titanfall2.exe", {cwd: settings.gamepath}); break; default: console.log(lang("general.launching"), "Northstar..."); exec("NorthstarLauncher.exe", {cwd: settings.gamepath}); break; } } // Returns true/false depending on if the gamepath currently exists/is // mounted, used to avoid issues... function gamepathExists() { return fs.existsSync(settings.gamepath); } // Used to manage mods. // // We can both get list of disabled mods, remove/install/toggle mods and // other things akin to that, all kinds of mod related stuff let modpath = path.join(settings.gamepath, "R2Northstar/mods"); const mods = { // Returns a list of mods // // It'll return 3 arrays, all, enabled, disabled. all being a // combination of the other two, enabled being enabled mods, and you // guessed it, disabled being disabled mods. list: () => { let modpath = path.join(settings.gamepath, "R2Northstar/mods"); if (getNSVersion() == "unknown") { winLog(lang("general.notinstalled")); console.log("error: " + lang("general.notinstalled")); cli.exit(1); return false; } let enabled = []; let disabled = []; if (! fs.existsSync(modpath)) { fs.mkdirSync(path.join(modpath), {recursive: true}); return { enabled: [], disabled: [], all: [] }; } files = fs.readdirSync(modpath); files.forEach((file) => { if (fs.statSync(path.join(modpath, file)).isDirectory()) { let modjson = path.join(modpath, file, "mod.json"); if (fs.existsSync(modjson)) { let mod = {}; try { mod = JSON.parse(repair(fs.readFileSync(modjson, "utf8"))); }catch(err) { return; } let obj = { Version: "unknown", Name: "unknown", FolderName: file, ...mod} obj.Disabled = ! mods.modfile().get(obj.Name); let manifestfile = path.join(modpath, file, "manifest.json"); if (fs.existsSync(manifestfile)) { let manifest = JSON.parse(repair(fs.readFileSync(manifestfile, "utf8"))); obj.ManifestName =; if (obj.Version == "unknown") { obj.Version = manifest.version_number; } } if (obj.Disabled) { disabled.push(obj); } else { enabled.push(obj); } } } }) return { enabled: enabled, disabled: disabled, all: [...enabled, ...disabled] }; }, // Gets information about a mod // // Folder name, version, name and whatever else is in the mod.json, // keep in mind if the mod developer didn't format their JSON file // the absolute basics will be provided and we can't know the // version or similar. get: (mod) => { let modpath = path.join(settings.gamepath, "R2Northstar/mods"); if (getNSVersion() == "unknown") { winLog(lang("general.notinstalled")); console.log("error: " + lang("general.notinstalled")); cli.exit(1); return false; } let list = mods.list().all; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].Name == mod) { return list[i]; } else {continue} } return false; }, // Manages the enabledmods.json file // // It can both return info about the file, but also toggle mods in // it, generate the file itself, and so on. modfile: () => { let modpath = path.join(settings.gamepath, "R2Northstar/mods"); let file = path.join(modpath, "..", "enabledmods.json"); if (! fs.existsSync(modpath)) { fs.mkdirSync(path.join(modpath), {recursive: true}); } if (! fs.existsSync(file)) { fs.writeFileSync(file, "{}"); } return { gen: () => { let names = {}; let list = mods.list().all; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { names[list[i].Name] = true } fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(names)); }, disable: (mod) => { let data = JSON.parse(repair(fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"))); data[mod] = false; fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(data)); }, enable: (mod) => { let data = JSON.parse(repair(fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"))); data[mod] = true; fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(data)); }, toggle: (mod) => { let data = JSON.parse(repair(fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"))); if (data[mod] != undefined) { data[mod] = ! data[mod]; } else { data[mod] = false; } fs.writeFileSync(file, JSON.stringify(data)); }, get: (mod) => { let data = JSON.parse(repair(fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"))); let names = Object.keys(data); if (data[mod]) { return true; } else if (data[mod] === false) { return false; } else { return true; } } }; }, installing: [], dupe_msg_sent: false, // Installs mods from a file path // // Either a zip or folder is supported, we'll also try to search // inside the zip or folder to see if buried in another folder or // not, as sometimes that's the case. install: (mod, opts ) => { let modname = mod.replace(/^.*(\\|\/|\:)/, ""); opts = { forked: false, destname: false, malformed: false, manifest_file: false, ...opts } if (! opts.forked) { mods.installing = []; mods.dupe_msg_sent = false; } if (getNSVersion() == "unknown") { winLog(lang("general.notinstalled")); console.log("error: " + lang("general.notinstalled")); cli.exit(1); return false; } let notamod = () => { winLog(lang("gui.mods.notamod")); console.log("error: " + lang("cli.mods.notamod")); cli.exit(1); return false; } let installed = () => { console.log(lang("cli.mods.installed")); cli.exit(); winLog(lang("gui.mods.installedmod")); if (modname == "mods") { let manifest = path.join(app.getPath("userData"), "Archives/manifest.json"); if (fs.existsSync(manifest)) { modname = require(manifest).name; } } ipcMain.emit("installed-mod", "", { name: modname, malformed: opts.malformed, }); ipcMain.emit("gui-getmods"); return true; } if (! fs.existsSync(mod)) {return notamod()} if (fs.statSync(mod).isDirectory()) { winLog(lang("gui.mods.installing")); files = fs.readdirSync(mod); if (fs.existsSync(path.join(mod, "mod.json")) && fs.statSync(path.join(mod, "mod.json")).isFile()) { try { JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(mod, "mod.json"))); }catch(err) { ipcMain.emit("failed-mod"); return notamod(); } if (fs.existsSync(path.join(modpath, modname))) { fs.rmSync(path.join(modpath, modname), {recursive: true}); } let copydest = path.join(modpath, modname); if (typeof opts.destname == "string") { copydest = path.join(modpath, opts.destname) } copy(mod, copydest); copy(opts.manifest_file, path.join(copydest, "manifest.json")); return installed(); } else { mod_files = fs.readdirSync(mod); for (let i = 0; i < mod_files.length; i++) { if (fs.statSync(path.join(mod, mod_files[i])).isDirectory()) { if (fs.existsSync(path.join(mod, mod_files[i], "mod.json")) && fs.statSync(path.join(mod, mod_files[i], "mod.json")).isFile()) { let mod_name = mod_files[i]; let use_mod_name = false; while (mods.installing.includes(mod_name)) { if (! mods.dupe_msg_sent) { mods.dupe_msg_sent = true; ipcMain.emit("duped-mod", "", mod_name); } use_mod_name = true; mod_name = mod_name + " (dupe)"; } mods.installing.push(mod_name); let install = false; if (use_mod_name) { install = mods.install(path.join(mod, mod_files[i]), { forked: true, destname: mod_name, }) } else { install = mods.install(path.join(mod, mod_files[i]), { forked: true }) } if (install) {return true}; } } } return notamod(); } return notamod(); } else { winLog(lang("gui.mods.extracting")); let cache = path.join(app.getPath("userData"), "Archives"); if (fs.existsSync(cache)) { fs.rmSync(cache, {recursive: true}); fs.mkdirSync(path.join(cache, "mods"), {recursive: true}); } else { fs.mkdirSync(path.join(cache, "mods"), {recursive: true}); } try { if (mod.replace(/.*\./, "").toLowerCase() == "zip") { fs.createReadStream(mod).pipe(unzip.Extract({path: cache})) .on("finish", () => { setTimeout(() => { let manifest = path.join(cache, "manifest.json"); if (fs.existsSync(manifest)) { files = fs.readdirSync(path.join(cache, "mods")); if (fs.existsSync(path.join(cache, "mods/mod.json"))) { if (mods.install(path.join(cache, "mods"), { forked: true, malformed: true, manifest_file: manifest, destname: require(manifest).name })) { return true; } } else { for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { let mod = path.join(cache, "mods", files[i]); if (fs.statSync(mod).isDirectory()) { setTimeout(() => { if (mods.install(mod, { forked: true, destname: false, manifest_file: manifest })) { return true } }, 1000) } } if (files.length == 0) { ipcMain.emit("failed-mod"); return notamod(); } } return notamod(); } if (mods.install(cache, { forked: true })) { installed(); } else {return notamod()} }, 1000) }); } else { return notamod(); } }catch(err) {return notamod()} } }, // Installs mods from URL's // // This'll simply download the file that the URL points to and then // install it with mods.install() installFromURL: (url) => { https.get(url, (res) => { let tmp = path.join(app.getPath("cache"), "vipertmp"); let modlocation = path.join(tmp, "/"); if (fs.existsSync(tmp)) { if (! fs.statSync(tmp).isDirectory()) { fs.rmSync(tmp); } } else { fs.mkdirSync(tmp); if (fs.existsSync(modlocation)) { fs.rmSync(modlocation); } } let stream = fs.createWriteStream(modlocation); res.pipe(stream); stream.on("finish", () => { stream.close(); mods.install(modlocation); }) }) }, // Removes mods // // Takes in the names of the mod then removes it, no confirmation, // that'd be up to the GUI. remove: (mod) => { let modpath = path.join(settings.gamepath, "R2Northstar/mods"); if (getNSVersion() == "unknown") { winLog(lang("general.notinstalled")); console.log("error: " + lang("general.notinstalled")); cli.exit(1); return false; } if (mod == "allmods") { let modlist = mods.list().all; for (let i = 0; i < modlist.length; i++) { mods.remove(modlist[i].Name); } return } let disabled = path.join(modpath, "disabled"); if (! fs.existsSync(disabled)) { fs.mkdirSync(disabled); } let modName = mods.get(mod).FolderName; if (! modName) { console.log("error: " + lang("cli.mods.cantfind")); cli.exit(1); return; } let modPath = path.join(modpath, modName); if (mods.get(mod).Disabled) { modPath = path.join(disabled, modName); } if (fs.statSync(modPath).isDirectory()) { let manifestname = null; if (fs.existsSync(path.join(modPath, "manifest.json"))) { manifestname = require(path.join(modPath, "manifest.json")).name; } fs.rmSync(modPath, {recursive: true}); console.log(lang("cli.mods.removed")); cli.exit(); ipcMain.emit("gui-getmods"); ipcMain.emit("removed-mod", "", { name: mod.replace(/^.*(\\|\/|\:)/, ""), manifestname: manifestname }); } else { cli.exit(1); } }, // Toggles mods // // If a mod is enabled it'll disable it, vice versa it'll enable it // if it's disabled. You could have a direct .disable() function if // you checked for if a mod is already disable and if not run the // function. However we currently have no need for that. toggle: (mod, fork) => { if (getNSVersion() == "unknown") { winLog(lang("general.notinstalled")); console.log("error: " + lang("general.notinstalled")); cli.exit(1); return false; } if (mod == "allmods") { let modlist = mods.list().all; for (let i = 0; i < modlist.length; i++) { mods.toggle(modlist[i].Name, true); } console.log(lang("cli.mods.toggledall")); cli.exit(0); return } mods.modfile().toggle(mod); if (! fork) { console.log(lang("cli.mods.toggled")); cli.exit(); } ipcMain.emit("gui-getmods"); } }; setInterval(() => { if (gamepathExists()) { ipcMain.emit("gui-getmods"); } else { if (fs.existsSync("viper.json")) { if (settings.gamepath != "") { ipcMain.emit("gamepath-lost"); } } } }, 1500) module.exports = { mods, winLog, updateViper, getNSVersion, getTF2Version, updateNorthstar, handleNorthstarUpdating, launch, killOrigin, isGameRunning, isOriginRunning, settings, saveSettings, setpath, gamepathExists, lang, setlang: (lang) => { settings.lang = lang; saveSettings(); }, }