const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const { app, dialog, ipcMain } = require("electron"); const Emitter = require("events"); const events = new Emitter(); const cli = require("./cli"); const unzip = require("unzipper"); const request = require("request"); const exec = require("child_process").spawn; const { https } = require("follow-redirects"); process.chdir(app.getPath("appData")); var settings = { gamepath: "", file: "viper.json", zip: "/", } if (fs.existsSync(settings.file)) { settings = {...settings, ...JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(settings.file, "utf8"))}; = path.join(settings.gamepath + "/"); } else { console.log("Game path is not set! Please select the path."); } function setpath(win) { if (! win) { settings.gamepath = cli.param("setpath"); } else { dialog.showOpenDialog({properties: ["openDirectory"]}).then(res => { win.webContents.send("newpath", res.filePaths[0]); settings.gamepath = res.filePaths[0]; }).catch(err => {console.error(err)}) } fs.writeFileSync(app.getPath("appData") + "/viper.json", JSON.stringify({...settings})); cli.exit(); } function update() { console.log("Downloading..."); request({ json: true, headers: {"User-Agent": "Viper"}, url: "", }, (error, response, body) => { https.get(body.assets[0].browser_download_url, (res) => { let stream = fs.createWriteStream(; res.pipe(stream); stream.on("finish", () => { stream.close(); console.log("Download done! Extracting..."); fs.createReadStream({path: settings.gamepath})) .on("finish", () => { console.log("Installation/Update finished!"); events.emit("updated"); cli.exit(); }); }) }) }) } function launch(version) { if (process.platform == "linux") { console.error("error: Launching the game is not currently supported on Linux") cli.exit(1); } process.chdir(settings.gamepath); switch(version) { case "vanilla": console.log("Launching Vanilla...") exec(path.join(settings.gamepath + "/Titanfall2.exe")) break; default: console.log("Launching Northstar...") exec(path.join(settings.gamepath + "/NorthstarLauncher.exe")) break; } } module.exports = { launch, update, setpath, settings, }