const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const { app, ipcMain } = require("electron"); const win = require("../win"); const lang = require("../lang"); console = require("./console"); const json = require("./json"); var invalid_settings = false; ipcMain.on("save-settings", (event, obj) => { save(obj, false); }) ipcMain.on("reset-config", async () => { let confirmation = await win().confirm( lang("gui.settings.miscbuttons.reset_config_alert") ) if (confirmation) { fs.rmSync("viper.json"); app.relaunch({ args: process.argv.slice(1) }) app.exit(0); } }) ipcMain.on("setlang", (event, lang) => { set("lang", lang); save(); }) // base settings var settings = { gamepath: "", lang: "en-US", nsupdate: true, autolang: true, forcedlang: "en", autoupdate: true, originkill: false, nsargs: "-multiple", zip: "/", linux_launch_cmd_ns: "", linux_launch_cmd_vanilla: "", linux_launch_method: "steam_auto", // these files won't be overwritten when installing/updating // Northstar, useful for config files excludes: [ "ns_startup_args.txt", "ns_startup_args_dedi.txt" ] } // creates the settings file with the base settings if it doesn't exist. if (fs.existsSync("viper.json")) { let conf = json("viper.json"); // validates viper.json if (! conf) { invalid_settings = true; } settings = { ...settings, ...conf } = path.join(app.getPath("userData"), "Temp/"); let args = path.join(settings.gamepath, "ns_startup_args.txt"); if (! settings.nsargs && fs.existsSync(args)) { settings.nsargs = fs.readFileSync(args, "utf8"); } } else { console.error(lang("general.missing_path")); } // as to not have to do the same one liner a million times, this // function exists, as the name suggests, it simply writes the current // settings to the disk. // // you can also pass a settings object to the function and it'll try and // merge it together with the already existing settings let save = (obj = {}, notify_renderer = true) => { // refuse to save if settings aren't valid if (invalid_settings) { settings = {}; } let settings_content = { ...settings, ...obj } let stringified_settings = JSON.stringify({ ...settings, ...obj }) let settings_file = app.getPath("appData") + "/viper.json"; // write the settings file fs.writeFileSync(settings_file, stringified_settings); // set the settings obj for the main process settings = settings_content; if (notify_renderer) { send("changed-settings", obj); } } // sets `key` in `settings` to `value` let set = (key, value) => { settings[key] = value; } // returns up-to-date `settings`, along with `set()` and `save()` let export_func = () => { return { ...settings, set, save } } // add properties from `settings` to `export_func`, this is just for // backwards compatibility, and they really shouldn't be relied on, // this'll likely be removed at some point for (let i in settings) { export_func[i] = settings[i]; } module.exports = export_func;