const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs-extra"); const unzip = require("unzipper"); const copy = require("recursive-copy"); const { app, ipcMain } = require("electron"); const { https } = require("follow-redirects"); const json = require("./json"); const settings = require("./settings"); const cli = require("../cli"); const lang = require("../lang"); const utils = require("../utils"); var mods = { installing: [], dupe_msg_sent: false, } function update_path() { mods.path = path.join(settings.gamepath, "R2Northstar/mods"); }; update_path(); // Returns a list of mods // // It'll return 3 arrays, all, enabled, disabled. all being a // combination of the other two, enabled being enabled mods, and you // guessed it, disabled being disabled mods. mods.list = () => { update_path(); if (utils.getNSVersion() == "unknown") { utils.winLog(lang("general.notinstalled")); console.log("error: " + lang("general.notinstalled")); cli.exit(1); return false; } let enabled = []; let disabled = []; if (! fs.existsSync(mods.path)) { fs.mkdirSync(path.join(mods.path), {recursive: true}); return { enabled: [], disabled: [], all: [] }; } let files = fs.readdirSync(mods.path); files.forEach((file) => { if (fs.statSync(path.join(mods.path, file)).isDirectory()) { let modjson = path.join(mods.path, file, "mod.json"); if (fs.existsSync(modjson)) { let mod = json(modjson); if (! mod) {return} let obj = { Version: "unknown", Name: "unknown", FolderName: file, ...mod} obj.Disabled = ! mods.modfile.get(obj.Name); let manifestfile = path.join(mods.path, file, "manifest.json"); if (fs.existsSync(manifestfile)) { let manifest = json(manifestfile); if (manifest != false) { obj.ManifestName =; if (obj.Version == "unknown") { obj.Version = manifest.version_number; } } } if (obj.Disabled) { disabled.push(obj); } else { enabled.push(obj); } } } }) return { enabled: enabled, disabled: disabled, all: [...enabled, ...disabled] }; } // Gets information about a mod // // Folder name, version, name and whatever else is in the mod.json, keep // in mind if the mod developer didn't format their JSON file the // absolute basics will be provided and we can't know the version or // similar. mods.get = (mod) => { update_path(); if (utils.getNSVersion() == "unknown") { utils.winLog(lang("general.notinstalled")); console.log("error: " + lang("general.notinstalled")); cli.exit(1); return false; } let list = mods.list().all; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].Name == mod) { return list[i]; } else {continue} } return false; } function modfile_pre() { mods.modfile.file = path.join(mods.path, "..", "enabledmods.json"); if (! fs.existsSync(mods.path)) { fs.mkdirSync(path.join(mods.path), {recursive: true}); } if (! fs.existsSync(mods.modfile.file)) { fs.writeFileSync(mods.modfile.file, "{}"); } } // Manages the enabledmods.json file // // It can both return info about the file, but also toggle mods in it, // generate the file itself, and so on. mods.modfile = {}; mods.modfile.gen = () => { modfile_pre(); let names = {}; let list = mods.list().all; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { names[list[i].Name] = true } fs.writeFileSync(mods.modfile.file, JSON.stringify(names)); } mods.modfile.disable = (mod) => { modfile_pre(); let data = json(mods.modfile.file); data[mod] = false; fs.writeFileSync(mods.modfile.file, JSON.stringify(data)); } mods.modfile.enable = (mod) => { modfile_pre(); let data = json(mods.modfile.file); data[mod] = true; fs.writeFileSync(mods.modfile.file, JSON.stringify(data)); } mods.modfile.toggle = (mod) => { modfile_pre(); let data = json(mods.modfile.file); if (data[mod] != undefined) { data[mod] = ! data[mod]; } else { data[mod] = false; } fs.writeFileSync(mods.modfile.file, JSON.stringify(data)); } mods.modfile.get = (mod) => { modfile_pre(); let data = json(mods.modfile.file); if (data[mod]) { return true; } else if (data[mod] === false) { return false; } else { return true; } } // Installs mods from a file path // // Either a zip or folder is supported, we'll also try to search inside // the zip or folder to see if buried in another folder or not, as // sometimes that's the case. mods.install = (mod, opts) => { update_path(); let modname = mod.replace(/^.*(\\|\/|\:)/, ""); opts = { forked: false, author: false, destname: false, malformed: false, manifest_file: false, ...opts } if (! opts.forked) { mods.installing = []; mods.dupe_msg_sent = false; } if (utils.getNSVersion() == "unknown") { utils.winLog(lang("general.notinstalled")); console.log("error: " + lang("general.notinstalled")); cli.exit(1); return false; } let notamod = () => { utils.winLog(lang("gui.mods.notamod")); console.log("error: " + lang("cli.mods.notamod")); cli.exit(1); return false; } let installed = () => { console.log(lang("cli.mods.installed")); cli.exit(); utils.winLog(lang("gui.mods.installedmod")); if (modname == "mods") { let manifest = path.join(app.getPath("userData"), "Archives/manifest.json"); if (fs.existsSync(manifest)) { modname = require(manifest).name; } } ipcMain.emit("installed-mod", "", { name: modname, malformed: opts.malformed, }); ipcMain.emit("gui-getmods"); return true; } if (! fs.existsSync(mod)) {return notamod()} if (fs.statSync(mod).isDirectory()) { utils.winLog(lang("gui.mods.installing")); files = fs.readdirSync(mod); if (fs.existsSync(path.join(mod, "mod.json")) && fs.statSync(path.join(mod, "mod.json")).isFile()) { if (! json(path.join(mod, "mod.json"))) { ipcMain.emit("failed-mod"); return notamod(); } if (fs.existsSync(path.join(mods.path, modname))) { fs.rmSync(path.join(mods.path, modname), {recursive: true}); } let copydest = path.join(mods.path, modname); if (typeof opts.destname == "string") { copydest = path.join(mods.path, opts.destname) } copy(mod, copydest, (err) => { if (err) { ipcMain.emit("failed-mod"); return; } copy(opts.manifest_file, path.join(copydest, "manifest.json"), (err) => { if (err) { ipcMain.emit("failed-mod"); return; } if ( { fs.writeFileSync( path.join(copydest, "thunderstore_author.txt"), ) } return installed(); }); }); return; } else { mod_files = fs.readdirSync(mod); for (let i = 0; i < mod_files.length; i++) { if (fs.statSync(path.join(mod, mod_files[i])).isDirectory()) { if (fs.existsSync(path.join(mod, mod_files[i], "mod.json")) && fs.statSync(path.join(mod, mod_files[i], "mod.json")).isFile()) { let mod_name = mod_files[i]; let use_mod_name = false; while (mods.installing.includes(mod_name)) { if (! mods.dupe_msg_sent) { mods.dupe_msg_sent = true; ipcMain.emit("duped-mod", "", mod_name); } use_mod_name = true; mod_name = mod_name + " (dupe)"; } mods.installing.push(mod_name); let install = false; if (use_mod_name) { install = mods.install(path.join(mod, mod_files[i]), { ...opts, forked: true, destname: mod_name, }) } else { install = mods.install(path.join(mod, mod_files[i]), { ...opts, forked: true }) } if (install) {return true}; } } } return notamod(); } } else { utils.winLog(lang("gui.mods.extracting")); let cache = path.join(app.getPath("userData"), "Archives"); if (fs.existsSync(cache)) { fs.rmSync(cache, {recursive: true}); fs.mkdirSync(path.join(cache, "mods"), {recursive: true}); } else { fs.mkdirSync(path.join(cache, "mods"), {recursive: true}); } try { if (mod.replace(/.*\./, "").toLowerCase() == "zip") { fs.createReadStream(mod).pipe(unzip.Extract({path: cache})) .on("finish", () => { setTimeout(() => { let manifest = path.join(cache, "manifest.json"); if (fs.existsSync(manifest)) { files = fs.readdirSync(path.join(cache, "mods")); if (fs.existsSync(path.join(cache, "mods/mod.json"))) { if (mods.install(path.join(cache, "mods"), { ...opts, forked: true, malformed: true, manifest_file: manifest, destname: require(manifest).name })) { return true; } } else { for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { let mod = path.join(cache, "mods", files[i]); if (fs.statSync(mod).isDirectory()) { setTimeout(() => { if (mods.install(mod, { ...opts, forked: true, destname: false, manifest_file: manifest })) { return true } }, 1000) } } if (files.length == 0) { ipcMain.emit("failed-mod"); return notamod(); } } return notamod(); } if (mods.install(cache, { ...opts, forked: true })) { installed(); } else {return notamod()} }, 1000) }); } else { return notamod(); } }catch(err) {return notamod()} } } // Installs mods from URL's // // This'll simply download the file that the URL points to and then // install it with mods.install() mods.installFromURL = (url, author) => { update_path(); https.get(url, (res) => { let tmp = path.join(app.getPath("cache"), "vipertmp"); let modlocation = path.join(tmp, "/"); if (fs.existsSync(tmp)) { if (! fs.statSync(tmp).isDirectory()) { fs.rmSync(tmp); } } else { fs.mkdirSync(tmp); if (fs.existsSync(modlocation)) { fs.rmSync(modlocation); } } let stream = fs.createWriteStream(modlocation); res.pipe(stream); stream.on("finish", () => { stream.close(); mods.install(modlocation, { author: author }) }) }) } // Removes mods // // Takes in the names of the mod then removes it, no confirmation, // that'd be up to the GUI. mods.remove = (mod) => { update_path(); if (utils.getNSVersion() == "unknown") { utils.winLog(lang("general.notinstalled")); console.log("error: " + lang("general.notinstalled")); cli.exit(1); return false; } if (mod == "allmods") { let modlist = mods.list().all; for (let i = 0; i < modlist.length; i++) { mods.remove(modlist[i].Name); } return } let disabled = path.join(mods.path, "disabled"); if (! fs.existsSync(disabled)) { fs.mkdirSync(disabled); } let mod_name = mods.get(mod).FolderName; if (! mod_name) { console.log("error: " + lang("cli.mods.cantfind")); cli.exit(1); return; } let path_to_mod = path.join(mods.path, mod_name); if (mods.get(mod).Disabled) { path_to_mod = path.join(disabled, mod_name); } if (fs.statSync(path_to_mod).isDirectory()) { let manifestname = null; if (fs.existsSync(path.join(path_to_mod, "manifest.json"))) { manifestname = require(path.join(path_to_mod, "manifest.json")).name; } fs.rmSync(path_to_mod, {recursive: true}); console.log(lang("cli.mods.removed")); cli.exit(); ipcMain.emit("gui-getmods"); ipcMain.emit("removed-mod", "", { name: mod.replace(/^.*(\\|\/|\:)/, ""), manifestname: manifestname }); } else { cli.exit(1); } } // Toggles mods // // If a mod is enabled it'll disable it, vice versa it'll enable it if // it's disabled. You could have a direct .disable() function if you // checked for if a mod is already disable and if not run the function. // However we currently have no need for that. mods.toggle = (mod, fork) => { update_path(); if (utils.getNSVersion() == "unknown") { utils.winLog(lang("general.notinstalled")); console.log("error: " + lang("general.notinstalled")); cli.exit(1); return false; } if (mod == "allmods") { let modlist = mods.list().all; for (let i = 0; i < modlist.length; i++) { mods.toggle(modlist[i].Name, true); } console.log(lang("cli.mods.toggledall")); cli.exit(0); return } mods.modfile.toggle(mod); if (! fork) { console.log(lang("cli.mods.toggled")); cli.exit(); } ipcMain.emit("gui-getmods"); } module.exports = mods;