{ "lang": { "title": "Chinese(Simplified)" }, "cli": { "help": { "help": "显示该帮助信息", "devtools": "打开开发者工具", "version": "输出版本信息", "cli": "强制开启CLI", "update": "从您设置的游戏目录更新Northstar", "setpath": "设置您的游戏目录", "update_vp": "如果支持的话, 自更新Viper.", "no_vp_updates": "覆盖vipers.json并禁止其更新", "install_mod": "安装一个模组, 文件夹, 或zip压缩包", "remove_mod": "移除该模组", "toggle_mod": "开关该模组" }, "setpath": { "no_arg": "没有为--setpath 提供argument" }, "update": { "current": "当前版本:", "downloading": "下载中...", "checking": "检查更新中...", "download_done": "下载完毕!解压中...", "finished": "安装/更新 完成!", "uptodate": "最新版本 (%s) 已安装, 跳过更新.", "uptodate_short": "当前是最新版本", "no_internet": "无互联网连接" }, "auto_updates": { "checking": "正在检查Northstar更新...", "available": "Northstar有可用的新更新!", "updating_ns": "启动更新进程中...", "no_update": "无可用的Northstar更新" }, "launch": { "linux_error": "当前不支持在Linux平台上启动游戏" }, "gamepath": { "lost": "没有找到游戏目录, 请确保它已经挂载!" }, "mods": { "failed": "模组安装失败!", "removed": "成功移除该模组!", "toggled": "成功开关该模组!", "installed": "安装模组成功!", "cant_find": "无法找到含有该名字的模组!", "not_a_mod": "选中的文件夹/文件不是一个模组", "toggled_all": "成功开关所有模组", "improper_json": "%s的mod.json含有格式错误" } }, "gui": { "exit": "退出", "welcome": "欢迎来到Viper!", "setpath": "更换游戏目录", "versions": { "viper": "Viper版本", "northstar": "Northstar版本" }, "update": { "button": "更新", "check": "检查更新", "downloading": "下载中...", "extracting": "解压更新中...", "finished": "完成!", "uptodate": "已经为最新版本!", "available": "Viper有一个可用的新更新, 您想要重启Viper并应用它吗?" }, "mods": { "title": "模组", "count": "已安装的模组数:", "disabled_tag": "已禁用", "remove": "移除", "install": "安装模组", "find": "寻找模组", "toggle_all": "开关所有", "toggle_all_confirm": "开关所有模组可能会导致使Northstar需要的模组被禁用, 您确定吗?", "remove_all": "移除所有", "remove_all_confirm": "移除所有模组通常会需要您重新安装Northstar, 您确定吗?", "nothing_selected": "您还没有选择一个模组.", "required_confirm": "您选择了一个核心模组, Northstar没有它可能无法工作, 您确定吗?", "not_a_mod": "不是一个模组!", "unknown_author": "未知", "extracting": "解压模组中...", "installing": "安装模组中...", "installed_mod": "模组安装成功!", "drag_n_drop": "将Mod拖至这里进行安装", "confirm_dependencies": "此包含有依赖项, 以下展示, 点击 \"Ok\" 将会安装此包和它的依赖项.\n\n", "confirm_plugins": { "title": "以下包含有native插件:", "description": "Native插件比普通的模组拥有更多对系统的访问权限, 恶意插件可能会导致您的计算机受到损害. 如果这个插件是来自于一位信任的开发者或您知道自己在干什么, 那么请忽略这条信息." } }, "browser": { "info": "详情", "view": "查看", "made_by": "来自", "search": "搜索...", "update": "更新", "install": "安装", "reinstall": "重新安装", "loading": "加载模组中...", "load_more": "加载更多...", "end_of_list": "所有包全部加载完毕.", "no_results": "没有相关结果...", "filter": { "mods": "模组", "skins": "皮肤", "client": "客户端", "server": "服务器端" } }, "settings": { "save": "保存", "discard": "取消", "title": { "ns": "Northstar", "language": "语言", "updates": "更新", "misc": "杂项" }, "nsargs": { "title": "启动选项", "desc": "在这里您可以为Northstar/泰坦陨落添加启动选项" }, "autolang": { "title": "自动检测语言", "desc": "当开启后, Viper会尝试自动检测您的系统语言. 关闭此选项的话, 您可以在以下设置更换语言." }, "forcedlang": { "title": "语言", "desc": "当 \"自动检测语言\" 被禁用后, 此设置将会作为Viper的语言. 需要重启Viper来生效." }, "autoupdate": { "title": "Viper自动更新", "desc": "Viper将会自动更新至最新版本." }, "nsupdate": { "title": "Northstar自动更新", "desc": "Viper将会自动更新Northstar至最新版本, 不过您还是可以在Northstar页面下手动更新" }, "excludes": { "title": "在更新时保留文件", "desc": "当Northstar更新后, 在此指定的文件将不会被新的Northstar更新覆盖. 除非您知道自己在修改什么, 您可能不会想要改动任何东西. 每一个文件都以空格隔开." }, "originkill": { "title": "自动退出Origin和/或EA Desktop", "desc": "当Viper退出后, 同时自动退出Origin和/或EA Desktop" }, "updatebuttons": { "title": "修复操作", "desc": "如果您更新后遇到了问题, 这些按钮或许会帮助您修复它们.", "buttons": { "reset_cached_api_requests": "重置缓存的API请求", "force_northstar_reinstall": "强制重新安装Northstar", "force_delete_install_cache": "强制删除已缓存的安装文件" } }, "miscbuttons": { "title": "其他修复操作", "desc": "如果您遇到了问题,那么这些按钮或许会帮助您修复它们.", "buttons": { "open_gamepath": "打开游戏目录", "reset_config": "重置配置文件", "restart_viper": "重启Viper", "change_gamepath": "更改游戏目录", "force_quit_game": "强制退出泰坦陨落2和Northstar", "force_quit_origin": "强制退出Origin和/或EA Desktop" }, "open_gamepath_alert": "没有一个有效的游戏目录被选择, 所以它不能被打开. 请先选择一个有效的游戏目录!", "reset_config_alert": "请确认您想要重置配置文件, 确认后Viper将会删除配置文件并重启." } }, "nsupdate": { "gaming": { "title": "有可用的Northstar更新!", "body": "Northstar有一个可用的更新\n您可以在退出游戏后强制安装" } }, "server": { "player": "玩家", "players": "玩家", "servers": "服务器", "offline": "主服务器为离线状态" }, "launch": "启动", "install": "安装", "gamepath": { "must": "游戏目录必须被设置才能启动Viper.", "wrong": "该目录不是一个有效的游戏目录", "lost": "Gamepath no longer exists/can't be found!\n\nMake sure your drive is mounted properly, or if you moved your game location that you update the game path.\n\nViper may not work properly until next restart!", "lost_perms": "Your user seems to have lost permissions to create and or read files in the selected gamepath, please select a gamepath or gain access to read and write to the folder:\n\n", "found_missing_perms": "Automatically found a valid gamepath, however your user doesn't have permissions to create and or read files in it, please manually select a different gamepath or gain access to read and write to the folder:\n\n", "missing_perms": "Your user doesn't have permissions to create and or read files in the selected gamepath, please select a different gamepath or gain access to read and write to the folder:\n\n" }, "toast": { "title": { "installed": "模组安装成功!", "duped": "重复的文件夹名字!", "failed": "安装失败", "malformed": "错误的文件夹结构!", "unknown_error": "未知错误!", "no_internet": "没有互联网" }, "desc": { "installed": "已成功安装!", "malformed": "拥有错误的文件夹结构, 如果您是它的开发者, 您应该修复这个问题.", "failed": "在尝试安装该时发生了未知错误, 这可能是作者的问题, 也可能是Viper的问题", "duped": "has multiple mod folders in it, with the same name, causing duplicate folders, if you're the developer, you should fix this.", "unknown_error": "一个未知错误产生了, 点击来查看更多细节. 您可能会想要对错误信息进行截图用于bug反馈", "no_internet": "Viper可能不会正常工作." } } }, "viper": { "menu": { "main": "Viper", "release": "更新日志", "info": "额外内容" }, "info": { "links": "链接", "credits": "鸣谢", "discord": "加入Discord:", "issues": "向Viper反馈问题:" } }, "ns": { "menu": { "main": "Northstar启动器", "mods": "模组", "release": "更新日志", "force_quit": "强制退出游戏" } }, "general": { "auto_updates": { "game_running": "Game is running, refusing to update Northstar" }, "mods": { "enabled": "Enabled mods:", "disabled": "Disabled mods:", "installed": "Installed mods:" }, "missing_path": "无法找到游戏目录!请手动选择!", "not_installed": "Northstar is not installed!", "running": "运行中", "launching": "启动中" }, "request": { "no_vp_release_notes": "Couldn't fetch Viper release notes.\nTry again later!", "no_ns_release_notes": "Couldn't fetch Northstar release notes.\nTry again later!" }, "tooltip": { "close": "关闭Viper", "minimize": "最小化Viper", "settings": "设置", "pages": { "viper": "Viper", "northstar": "Northstar", "titanfall": "泰坦陨落2" } } }