{ "lang": { "title": "English" }, "cli": { "help": { "help": "shows this help message", "devtools": "opens the dev/debug tools", "version": "outputs version info", "cli": "forces the CLI to enable", "update": "updates Northstar from your set game path", "setpath": "sets your game path", "update_vp": "updates Viper itself, if supported.", "no_vp_updates": "overwrites viper.json and disables Viper updates", "install_mod": "installs a mod, folder or zip", "remove_mod": "removes a mod", "toggle_mod": "toggles a mod" }, "setpath": { "no_arg": "No argument provided for --setpath" }, "update": { "current": "Current version:", "downloading": "Downloading...", "checking": "Checking for updates...", "download_done": "Download done! Extracting...", "finished": "Installation/Update finished!", "uptodate": "Latest version (%s) is already installed, skipping update.", "uptodate_short": "Up-to-date", "no_internet": "No Internet connection" }, "auto_updates": { "checking": "Checking for Northstar updates...", "available": "Northstar update available!", "updating_ns": "Launching update process...", "no_update": "No Northstar update available." }, "launch": { "linux_error": "Launching the game is not currently supported on Linux" }, "gamepath": { "lost": "Gamepath not found, make sure it's mounted!" }, "mods": { "failed": "Failed to install mod!", "removed": "Successfully removed mod!", "toggled": "Successfully toggled mod", "installed": "Successfully installed mod!", "cant_find": "Can't find a mod with that name!", "not_a_mod": "Selected folder/file is not a mod", "toggled_all": "Successfully toggled all mods", "improper_json": "%s's mod.json has formatting errors" } }, "gui": { "exit": "Exit", "welcome": "Welcome to Viper!", "setpath": "Change Game Path", "versions": { "viper": "Viper version", "northstar": "Northstar version" }, "update": { "button": "Update", "check": "Check for updates", "downloading": "Downloading...", "extracting": "Extracting update...", "finished": "Done! Ready to play!", "uptodate": "Already up to date!", "available": "A new update for Viper is available, do you want to restart and apply it?" }, "mods": { "title": "Mods", "count": "Mods Installed:", "disabled_tag": "Disabled", "remove": "Remove", "install": "Install Mod", "find": "Find Mods", "toggle_all": "Toggle All", "toggle_all_confirm": "Toggling all mods could disable mods required for Northstar to function. Are you sure?", "remove_all": "Remove All", "remove_all_confirm": "Removing all mods will usually require you to reinstall Northstar. Are you sure?", "nothing_selected": "You've not selected a mod.", "required_confirm": "You've selected a core mod, Northstar may not function without it. Are you sure?", "not_a_mod": "Not a mod!", "unknown_author": "Unknown", "extracting": "Extracting mod...", "installing": "Installing mod...", "installed_mod": "Installed mod!", "drag_n_drop": "Drag and drop a mod to install", "confirm_dependencies": "This package has dependencies, shown below, clicking \"Ok\" will install the package and the dependencies.\n\n", "confirm_plugins": { "title": "The following package has native plugins:", "description": "Native plugins have far more system access than a regular mod, and because of this they're inherently less secure to have installed, as a malicious plugin could do far more harm this way. If this plugin is one from a trusted developer or similar or you know what you're doing, then you can disregard this message completely." } }, "browser": { "info": "Info", "view": "View", "made_by": "by", "search": "Search...", "update": "Update", "install": "Install", "reinstall": "Re-Install", "loading": "Loading mods...", "load_more": "Load more...", "end_of_list": "All packages have been loaded.", "no_results": "No results...", "filter": { "mods": "Mods", "skins": "Skins", "client": "Client-side", "server": "Server-side" } }, "settings": { "save": "Save", "discard": "Discard", "title": { "ns": "Northstar", "language": "Language", "updates": "Updates", "misc": "Miscellaneous" }, "nsargs": { "title": "Launch options", "desc": "Here you can add launch options for Northstar/Titanfall." }, "autolang": { "title": "Auto-Detect Language", "desc": "When enabled, Viper tries to automatically detect your system language, when disabled you can manually change the language below." }, "forcedlang": { "title": "Language", "desc": "When \"Auto-Detect Language\" is disabled, this will decide the language. Requires a restart to take effect." }, "autoupdate": { "title": "Viper Auto-Updates", "desc": "Viper will automatically keep itself up-to-date." }, "nsupdate": { "title": "Northstar Auto-Updates", "desc": "Viper will automatically keep Northstar up-to-date, however it can still manually be updated through the Northstar page." }, "excludes": { "title": "Retain files on update", "desc": "When Northstar is updated, files specified here will not be overwritten by files from the new Northstar update, unless you know what you're changing, you should probably not change anything here. Each file is separated with a space." }, "originkill": { "title": "Automatically quit Origin and or EA Desktop", "desc": "When Viper exits, automatically quit Origin and or EA Desktop as well." }, "updatebuttons": { "title": "Repair actions", "desc": "If you're having problems with updates, some of these buttons may help in fixing them.", "buttons": { "reset_cached_api_requests": "Reset cached API requests", "force_northstar_reinstall": "Force re-install of Northstar", "force_delete_install_cache": "Force delete cached install files" } }, "miscbuttons": { "title": "Misc repair actions", "desc": "If you're having problems then some of these buttons may help fixing it", "buttons": { "reset_config": "Reset config file", "restart_viper": "Restart Viper", "change_gamepath": "Change gamepath", "force_quit_game": "Force quit Titanfall and Northstar", "force_quit_origin": "Force quit Origin and or EA Desktop" }, "reset_config_alert": "Please confirm that you want to reset the config file, after confirming Viper will delete the config file, and then restart." } }, "nsupdate": { "gaming": { "title": "Northstar update available!", "body": "An update for Northstar is available.\nYou can force its installation after closing the game." } }, "server": { "player": "player", "players": "players", "servers": "servers", "offline": "Masterserver is Offline" }, "launch": "Launch", "install": "Install", "gamepath": { "must": "The game path must be set to start Viper.", "wrong": "This folder is not a valid game path.", "lost": "Gamepath no longer exists/can't be found!\n\nMake sure your drive is mounted properly, or if you moved your game location that you update the game path.\n\nViper may not work properly until next restart!", "lost_perms": "Your user seems to have lost permissions to create and or read files in the selected gamepath, please select a gamepath or gain access to read and write to the folder:\n\n", "found_missing_perms": "Automatically found a valid gamepath, however your user doesn't have permissions to create and or read files in it, please manually select a different gamepath or gain access to read and write to the folder:\n\n", "missing_perms": "Your user doesn't have permissions to create and or read files in the selected gamepath, please select a different gamepath or gain access to read and write to the folder:\n\n" }, "toast": { "title": { "installed": "Mod installed!", "duped": "Duplicate folder names!", "failed": "Failed to install", "malformed": "Incorrect folder structure!", "unknown_error": "Unknown Error!", "no_internet": "No Internet" }, "desc": { "installed": "has been installed successfully!", "malformed": "has an incorrect folder structure, if you're the developer, you should fix this.", "failed": "An unknown error occurred while trying to install the mod. This may be the author's fault, and it may also be Viper's fault.", "duped": "has multiple mod folders in it, with the same name, causing duplicate folders, if you're the developer, you should fix this.", "unknown_error": "An unknown error occurred, click for more details. You may want to take a screenshot of the detailed error when filing a bug report.", "no_internet": "Viper may not work properly." } } }, "viper": { "menu": { "main": "Viper", "release": "Release Notes", "info": "Extras" }, "info": { "links": "Links", "credits": "Credits", "discord": "Join Discord:", "issues": "Report issues with Viper:" } }, "ns": { "menu": { "main": "Northstar Launcher", "mods": "Mods", "release": "Release Notes", "force_quit": "Force quit game" } }, "general": { "auto_updates": { "game_running": "Game is running, refusing to update Northstar" }, "mods": { "enabled": "Enabled mods:", "disabled": "Disabled mods:", "installed": "Installed mods:" }, "missing_path": "Game location could not be found automatically! Please select it manually!", "not_installed": "Northstar is not installed!", "running": "Running", "launching": "Launching" }, "request": { "no_vp_release_notes": "Couldn't fetch Viper release notes.\nTry again later!", "no_ns_release_notes": "Couldn't fetch Northstar release notes.\nTry again later!" }, "tooltip": { "close": "Close Viper", "minimize": "Minimize Viper", "settings": "Settings", "pages": { "viper": "Viper", "northstar": "Northstar", "titanfall": "Titanfall 2" } } }