const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const { autoUpdater } = require("electron-updater"); const { app, ipcMain, BrowserWindow, dialog } = require("electron"); // ensures PWD/CWD is the config folder where viper.json is located process.chdir(app.getPath("appData")); const cli = require("./cli"); const lang = require("./lang"); const json = require("./modules/json"); const kill = require("./modules/kill"); const mods = require("./modules/mods"); const update = require("./modules/update"); const launch = require("./modules/launch"); const win_show = require("./modules/window"); const version = require("./modules/version"); const gamepath = require("./modules/gamepath"); const settings = require("./modules/settings"); const requests = require("./modules/requests"); const packages = require("./modules/packages"); const is_running = require("./modules/is_running"); console = require("./modules/console"); var log = console.log; // Starts the actual BrowserWindow, which is only run when using the // GUI, for the CLI this function is never called. function start() { win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 1000, height: 600, title: "Viper", // Hides the window initially, it'll be shown when the DOM is // loaded, as to not cause visual issues. show: false, // In the future we may want to allow the user to resize the window, // as it's fairly responsive, but for now we won't allow that. resizable: false, userAgent: "test", frame: false, titleBarStyle: "hidden", icon: path.join(__dirname, "assets/icons/512x512.png"), webPreferences: { webviewTag: true, nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false, }, }); // when --devtools is added it'll open the dev tools if (cli.hasParam("devtools")) {win.openDevTools()} // general setup win.removeMenu(); win.loadURL("file://" + __dirname + "/app/index.html", { userAgent: "viper/" + json(path.join(__dirname, "../package.json")).version, }); win.send = (channel, data) => { win.webContents.send(channel, data); }; send = win.send; ipcMain.on("exit", () => { if (settings.originkill) { is_running.origin().then((running) => { if (running) { kill.origin().then(process.exit(0)) } else { process.exit(0) } }) } else { process.exit(0) } }); ipcMain.on("minimize", () => {win.minimize()}); ipcMain.on("relaunch", () => {app.relaunch(); app.exit()}); // passthrough to renderer from main ipcMain.on("win-log", (event, ...args) => {send("log", ...args)}); ipcMain.on("win-alert", (event, msg, id) => { send("alert", { id: id, message: msg, }) }); ipcMain.on("win-confirm", (event, msg, id) => { send("confirm", { id: id, message: msg, }) }); // mod states ipcMain.on("duped-mod", (event, modname) => {send("duped-mod", modname)}); ipcMain.on("failed-mod", (event, modname) => {send("failed-mod", modname)}); ipcMain.on("removed-mod", (event, modname) => {send("removed-mod", modname)}); ipcMain.on("gui-getmods", (event, ...args) => {send("mods", mods.list())}); ipcMain.on("installed-mod", (event, modname) => {send("installed-mod", modname)}); ipcMain.on("no-internet", () => {send("no-internet")}); process.on("uncaughtException", (err) => { send("unknown-error", err); console.error(err); }); // install calls ipcMain.on("install-from-path", (event, path) => {mods.install(path)}); ipcMain.on("install-from-url", (event, url, author, package_name, version) => { packages.install(url, author, package_name, version); }); win.webContents.on("dom-ready", () => { send("mods", mods.list()); }); // ensures gamepath still exists and is valid on startup let gamepathlost = false; ipcMain.on("gamepath-lost", (event, ...args) => { if (! gamepathlost) { gamepathlost = true; send("gamepath-lost"); } }); ipcMain.on("save-settings", (event, obj) => {}); // allows renderer to check for updates ipcMain.on("ns-update-event", (event) => {send("ns-update-event", event)}); ipcMain.on("can-autoupdate", () => { if (! autoUpdater.isUpdaterActive() || cli.hasParam("no-vp-updates")) { send("cant-autoupdate"); } }) // start auto-update process if (settings.autoupdate) { if (cli.hasParam("no-vp-updates")) { update.northstar_autoupdate(); } else { update.viper(false) } } else { update.northstar_autoupdate(); } autoUpdater.on("update-downloaded", () => { send("update-available"); }); // updates and restarts Viper, if user says yes to do so. // otherwise it'll do it on the next start up. ipcMain.on("update-now", () => { autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); }) setInterval(async () => { send("is-running", await; }, 1000) } ipcMain.on("install-mod", () => { if (cli.hasArgs()) { mods.install(cli.param("installmod")); } else { dialog.showOpenDialog({properties: ["openFile"]}).then(res => { if (res.filePaths.length != 0) { mods.install(res.filePaths[0]); } else { send("set-buttons", true); } }).catch(err => {error(err)}); } }) ipcMain.on("remove-mod", (event, mod) => {mods.remove(mod)}); ipcMain.on("toggle-mod", (event, mod) => {mods.toggle(mod)}); ipcMain.on("launch-ns", () => {launch()}); ipcMain.on("launch-vanilla", () => {launch("vanilla")}); ipcMain.on("setlang", (event, lang) => { settings.lang = lang;; }); ipcMain.on("update-northstar", async () => { if (await { return win_show.alert(lang("general.autoupdates.gamerunning")); } update.northstar(); }) ipcMain.on("setpath-cli", () => {gamepath.set()}); ipcMain.on("setpath", (event, value) => { if (! value) { if (! win.isVisible()) { gamepath.set(win); } else { gamepath.set(win, true); } } else if (! win.isVisible()) {; } }); // retrieves various local version numbers function sendVersionsInfo() { send("version", { ns: version.northstar(), tf2: version.titanfall(), vp: "v" + require("../package.json").version }); } // sends the version info back to the renderer ipcMain.on("get-version", () => {sendVersionsInfo()}); // prints out version info for the CLI ipcMain.on("version-cli", () => { log("Viper: v" + require("../package.json").version); log("Titanfall 2: " + version.titanfall()); log("Northstar: " + version.northstar()); log("Node: " + process.version); log("Electron: v" + process.versions.electron); cli.exit(); }) // sends installed mods info to renderer ipcMain.on("getmods", () => { let mods = mods.list(); if (mods.all.length > 0) { log(`${lang("general.mods.installed")} ${mods.all.length}`); log(`${lang("general.mods.enabled")} ${mods.enabled.length}`); for (let i = 0; i < mods.enabled.length; i++) { log(` ${mods.enabled[i].name} ${mods.enabled[i].version}`); } if (mods.disabled.length > 0) { log(`${lang("general.mods.disabled")} ${mods.disabled.length}`); for (let i = 0; i < mods.disabled.length; i++) { log(` ${mods.disabled[i].name} ${mods.disabled[i].version}`); } } cli.exit(0); } else { log("No mods installed"); cli.exit(0); } }) // } // allows renderer to set a new renderer ipcMain.on("newpath", (event, newpath) => { if (newpath === false && ! win.isVisible()) { win.send("no-path-selected"); } else { sendVersionsInfo(); if (!win.isVisible()) {; } } }); ipcMain.on("wrong-path", () => { win.send("wrong-path"); }); // starts the GUI or CLI if (cli.hasArgs()) { if (cli.hasParam("update-viper")) { update.viper(true); } else { cli.init(); } } else { app.on("ready", () => { app.setPath("userData", path.join(app.getPath("cache"),; start(); }) } // returns cached requests ipcMain.on("get-ns-notes", async () => { win.send("ns-notes", await requests.getNsReleaseNotes()); }); ipcMain.on("get-vp-notes", async () => { win.send("vp-notes", await requests.getVpReleaseNotes()); });