const fs = require("fs"); const { app, ipcMain } = require("electron"); const Emitter = require("events"); const events = new Emitter(); const cli = app.commandLine; const lang = require("./lang"); function hasArgs() { if (cli.hasSwitch("cli") || cli.hasSwitch("help") || cli.hasSwitch("mods") || cli.hasSwitch("update") || cli.hasSwitch("launch") || cli.hasSwitch("setpath") || cli.hasSwitch("version") || cli.hasSwitch("gamepath")) { return true; } else {return false} } function exit(code) { if (hasArgs()) {process.exit(code)} } async function init() { if (cli.hasSwitch("help")) { console.log(`options: --help ${lang("")} --debug ${lang("")} --version ${lang("")} --cli ${lang("")} --update ${lang("")} --setpath ${lang("")}`) // In the future --setpath should be able to understand // relative paths, instead of just absolute ones. exit(); } if (cli.hasSwitch("update")) {ipcMain.emit("update")} if (cli.hasSwitch("version")) { console.log("Viper: v" + require("../package.json").version); console.log("Node: " + process.version); console.log("Electron: v" + process.versions.electron); exit(); } if (cli.hasSwitch("setpath")) { if (cli.getSwitchValue("setpath") != "") { ipcMain.emit("setpathcli", cli.getSwitchValue("setpath")); } else { console.error(`error: ${lang("cli.setpath.noarg")}`); exit(1); } } if (cli.hasSwitch("launch")) { switch(cli.getSwitchValue("launch")) { case "vanilla": ipcMain.emit("launchVanilla"); break; default: ipcMain.emit("launch"); break; } } if (cli.hasSwitch("mods")) {ipcMain.emit("getmods")} } module.exports = { hasArgs, init, exit, hasParam: (arg) => { return cli.hasSwitch(arg); }, param: (arg) => { return cli.getSwitchValue(arg); } }