const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const { app, ipcRenderer, shell } = require("electron"); const json = require("../modules/json"); const lang = require("../lang"); var modsobj = { all: [], enabled: [], disabled: [] } let shouldInstallNorthstar = false; // Base settings var settings = { nsargs: "", gamepath: "", nsupdate: true, autolang: true, forcedlang: "en", autoupdate: true, originkill: false, zip: "/", lang: navigator.language, excludes: [ "ns_startup_args.txt", "ns_startup_args_dedi.txt" ] } // Sets the lang to the system default ipcRenderer.send("setlang", settings.lang); // Loads the settings if (fs.existsSync("viper.json")) { let iteration = 0; // loads the config file, it's loaded in an interval like this in // case the config file is currently being written to, if we were to // read from the file during that, then it'd be empty or similar. // // and because of that, we check if the file is empty when loading // it, if so we wait 100ms, then check again, and we keep doing that // hoping it'll become normal again. unless we've checked it 50 // times, then we simply give up, and force the user to re-select // the gamepath, as this'll make the config file readable again. // // ideally it'll never have to check those 50 times, it's only in // case something terrible has gone awry, like if a write got // interrupted, or a user messed with the file. // // were it to truly be broken, then it'd take up to 5 seconds to // then reset, this is basically nothing, especially considering // this should only happen in very rare cases... hopefully! let config_interval = setInterval(() => { iteration++; config = json("viper.json") || {}; // checks whether `settings.gamepath` is set, and if so, // it'll attempt to load ns_startup_args.txt let parse_settings = () => { // if gamepath is not set, attempt to set it if (settings.gamepath.length === 0) { setpath(false); } else { // if the gamepath is set, we'll simply tell the main // process about it, and it'll then show the main // renderer BrowserWindow setpath(true); } // filepath to Northstar's startup args file let args = path.join(settings.gamepath, "ns_startup_args.txt"); // check file exists if (fs.existsSync(args)) { // load file into `settings` settings.nsargs = fs.readFileSync(args, "utf8"); } } // make sure config isn't empty if (Object.keys(config).length !== 0) { // add `config` to `settings` settings = { ...settings, ...config }; parse_settings(); clearInterval(config_interval); return; } // we've attempted to load the config 50 times now, give up if (iteration >= 50) { // request a new gamepath be set setpath(false); clearInterval(config_interval); } }, 100) } else { setpath(); } ipcRenderer.on("changed-settings", (e, new_settings) => { // attempt to set `settings` to `new_settings` try { settings = { ...settings, ...new_settings } }catch(e) {} }) // Show a toast message if no Internet connection has been detected. if (! navigator.onLine) { ipcRenderer.send("no-internet"); } function exit() {ipcRenderer.send("exit")} function updateNorthstar() {ipcRenderer.send("update-northstar")} function force_update_ns() { ipcRenderer.send("update-northstar", true); } function reset_config() { ipcRenderer.send("reset-config"); } function open_gamepath() { let open_path = require("electron").shell.openPath; if (settings.gamepath) { open_path(settings.gamepath); } else { alert(lang("gui.settings.miscbuttons.open_gamepath_alert")); } } function relaunch() { ipcRenderer.send("relaunch"); } // Reports to the main process about game path status. // @param {boolean} value is game path loaded function setpath(value = false) { ipcRenderer.send("setpath", value); } // Tells the main process to launch or install Northstar function launch() { if (shouldInstallNorthstar) { updateNorthstar(); shouldInstallNorthstar = false; } else { ipcRenderer.send("launch-ns"); } } // Tells the main process to launch the vanilla game function launchVanilla() {ipcRenderer.send("launch-vanilla")} let log = console.log; // Disables or enables certain buttons when for example // updating/installing Northstar. function setButtons(state, enable_gamepath_btns) { playNsBtn.disabled = !state; let disablearray = (array) => { for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i].disabled = ! state; if (state) { array[i].classList.remove("disabled") } else { array[i].classList.add("disabled") } } } disablearray(document.querySelectorAll("#modsdiv .el button")); disablearray(document.querySelectorAll(".disable-when-installing")); disablearray(document.querySelectorAll(".playBtnContainer .playBtn")); disablearray(document.querySelectorAll("#nsMods .buttons.modbtns button")); disablearray(document.querySelectorAll("#browser #browserEntries .text button")); if (enable_gamepath_btns) { let gamepath_btns = document.querySelectorAll('*[onclick="setpath()"]'); for (let i = 0; i < gamepath_btns.length; i++) { gamepath_btns[i].disabled = false; gamepath_btns[i].classList.remove("disabled"); } } } ipcRenderer.on("set-buttons", (event, state) => { setButtons(state); }) ipcRenderer.on("gamepath-lost", (event, state) => { page(0); setButtons(false, true); alert(lang("gui.gamepath.lost")); }) // Frontend part of updating Northstar ipcRenderer.on("ns-update-event", (event, key) => { document.getElementById("update").innerText = `(${lang(key)})`; console.log(lang(key)); switch(key) { case "cli.update.uptodate_short": case "cli.update.no_internet": setButtons(true); playNsBtn.innerText = lang("gui.launch"); break; default: setButtons(false); break; } }); ipcRenderer.on("unknown-error", (event, err) => { new Toast({ timeout: 10000, scheme: "error", title: lang("gui.toast.title.unknown_error"), description: lang("gui.toast.desc.unknown_error"), callback: () => { new Toast({ timeout: 15000, scheme: "error", title: "", description: err.stack.replaceAll("\n", "
") }) } }) console.error(err.stack) }) let installqueue = []; // Tells the main process to install a mod through the file selector function installmod() { setButtons(false); ipcRenderer.send("install-mod"); } // Tells the main process to directly install a mod from this path function installFromPath(path) { setButtons(false); ipcRenderer.send("install-from-path", path); } // Tells the main process to install a mod from a URL function installFromURL(url, dependencies, clearqueue, author, package_name, version) { if (clearqueue) {installqueue = []}; let prettydepends = []; if (dependencies) { let newdepends = []; for (let i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { let depend = dependencies[i].toLowerCase(); if (! depend.match(/northstar-northstar-.*/)) { depend = dependencies[i].replaceAll("-", "/"); let pkg = depend.split("/"); if (! isModInstalled(pkg[1])) { newdepends.push({ pkg: depend, author: pkg[0], version: pkg[2], package_name: pkg[1] }); prettydepends.push(`${pkg[1]} v${pkg[2]} - ${lang("gui.browser.made_by")} ${pkg[0]}`); } } } dependencies = newdepends; } if (dependencies && dependencies.length != 0) { let confirminstall = confirm(lang("gui.mods.confirmdependencies") + prettydepends.join("\n")); if (! confirminstall) { return } } setButtons(false); ipcRenderer.send("install-from-url", url, author, package_name, version); if (dependencies) { installqueue = dependencies; } } function isModInstalled(modname) { for (let i = 0; i < modsobj.all.length; i++) { let mod = modsobj.all[i]; if (mod.manifest_name) { if (mod.manifest_name.match(modname)) { return true; } } else if ( { return true; } } return false; } // Frontend part of settings a new game path ipcRenderer.on("newpath", (event, newpath) => { settings.gamepath = newpath; ipcRenderer.send("gui-getmods"); ipcRenderer.send("save-settings", settings); }) // Continuation of log() ipcRenderer.on("log", (event, msg) => {log(msg)}) ipcRenderer.on("alert", (event, data) => { alert(data.message); ipcRenderer.send("alert-closed-" +; }) ipcRenderer.on("confirm", (event, data) => { let confirmed = confirm(data.message); ipcRenderer.send("confirm-closed-" +, confirmed); }) let is_running = false; ipcRenderer.on("is-running", (event, running) => { let set_playbtns = (text) => { let playbtns = document.querySelectorAll(".playBtn"); for (let i = 0; i < playbtns.length; i++) { playbtns[i].innerHTML = text; } } if (running && is_running != running) { setButtons(false); set_playbtns(lang("general.running")); is_running = running; update.setAttribute("onclick", "kill_game()"); update.innerHTML = "(" + lang("") + ")"; return; } if (is_running != running) { setButtons(true); set_playbtns(lang("gui.launch")); is_running = running; update.setAttribute("onclick", "updateNorthstar()"); update.innerHTML = "(" + lang("gui.update.check") + ")"; } }) function kill_game() { ipcRenderer.send("kill-game"); } function kill_origin() { ipcRenderer.send("kill-origin"); } function delete_request_cache() { ipcRenderer.send("delete-request-cache"); } function delete_install_cache() { ipcRenderer.send("delete-install-cache"); } // Updates the installed mods ipcRenderer.on("mods", (event, mods_obj) => { modsobj = mods_obj; if (! mods_obj) {return} mods.load(mods_obj); }) // Updates version numbers ipcRenderer.on("version", (event, versions) => { vpversion.innerText = versions.vp; nsversion.innerText = versions.ns; tf2Version.innerText = versions.tf2; if (versions.ns == "unknown") { let buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".modbtns button"); for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { buttons[i].disabled = true; } // Since Northstar is not installed, we cannot launch it shouldInstallNorthstar = true; playNsBtn.innerText = lang("gui.install"); } }); ipcRenderer.send("get-version"); // When an update is available it'll ask the user about it ipcRenderer.on("update-available", () => { if (confirm(lang("gui.update.available"))) { ipcRenderer.send("update-now"); } }) // Error out when no game path is set ipcRenderer.on("no-path-selected", () => { alert(lang("gui.gamepath.must")); exit(); }); // Error out when game path is wrong ipcRenderer.on("wrong-path", () => { alert(lang("gui.gamepath.wrong")); setpath(false); }); setlang(); let dragtimer; document.addEventListener("dragover", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); dragUI.classList.add("shown"); clearTimeout(dragtimer); dragtimer = setTimeout(() => { dragUI.classList.remove("shown"); }, 5000) }); document.addEventListener("mouseover", (e) => { clearTimeout(dragtimer); dragUI.classList.remove("shown"); }); document.addEventListener("drop", (e) => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); dragUI.classList.remove("shown"); installFromPath(event.dataTransfer.files[0].path); }); document.body.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { if (e.key == "Escape") { Browser.toggle(false); Settings.toggle(false); } }) document.body.addEventListener("click", event => { if ( === "a" && != "file:") { event.preventDefault(); shell.openExternal(; } });