const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const { ipcRenderer, shell } = require("electron"); const lang = require("../lang"); var modsobj = {}; let shouldInstallNorthstar = false; // Base settings var settings = { gamepath: "", autoupdate: true, zip: "/", lang: navigator.language, excludes: [ "ns_startup_args.txt", "ns_startup_args_dedi.txt" ] } // Sets the lang to the system default ipcRenderer.send("setlang", settings.lang); // Loads the settings if (fs.existsSync("viper.json")) { settings = {...settings, ...JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("viper.json", "utf8"))}; = path.join(settings.gamepath + "/"); if (settings.gamepath.length === 0) { setpath(false); } else { setpath(true); } } else { setpath(); } function exit() {ipcRenderer.send("exit")} function update() {ipcRenderer.send("update")} // Reports to the main process about game path status. // @param {boolean} value is game path loaded function setpath(value = false) { ipcRenderer.send("setpath", value); } // Tells the main process to launch or install Northstar function launch() { if (shouldInstallNorthstar) { update(); shouldInstallNorthstar = false; } else { ipcRenderer.send("launch"); } } // Tells the main process to launch the vanilla game function launchVanilla() {ipcRenderer.send("launchVanilla")} // In conjunction with utils.js' winLog(), it'll send log messages in // the devTools from utils.js function log(msg) { console.log(msg); } // Disables or enables certain buttons when for example // updating/installing Northstar. function setButtons(state) { playNsBtn.disabled = !state; let disablearray = (array) => { for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i].disabled = !state; } } disablearray(document.querySelectorAll("#nsMods .buttons.modbtns button")) disablearray(document.querySelectorAll("#browser #browserEntries .text button")) } ipcRenderer.on("setbuttons", (event, state) => {setButtons(state)}) // Frontend part of updating Northstar ipcRenderer.on("ns-update-event", (event, key) => { document.getElementById("update").innerText = `(${lang(key)})`; console.log(key); switch(key) { case "cli.update.uptodate.short": setButtons(true); playNsBtn.innerText = lang("gui.launch"); break; default: setButtons(false); break; } }); let lastselected = ""; function select(entry) { let entries = document.querySelectorAll("#modsdiv .mod .modtext"); for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { if (entries[i].innerHTML == entry) { lastselected = entry; entries[i].parentElement.classList.add("selected"); } else { entries[i].parentElement.classList.remove("selected"); } } } // Mod selection function selected(all) { let selected = ""; if (all) { selected = "allmods" } else { selected = document.querySelector(".mod.selected .modtext"); if (selected != null) { selected = selected.innerHTML; } else { alert(lang("gui.mods.nothingselected")); return { remove: () => {}, toggle: () => {}, } } } return { remove: () => { if (selected.match(/^Northstar\./)) { if (! confirm(lang("gui.mods.required.confirm"))) { return; } } else if (selected == "allmods") { if (! confirm(lang("gui.mods.removeall.confirm"))) { return; } } ipcRenderer.send("removemod", selected) }, toggle: () => { if (selected.match(/^Northstar\./)) { if (! confirm(lang("gui.mods.required.confirm"))) { return; } } else if (selected == "allmods") { if (! confirm(lang("gui.mods.toggleall.confirm"))) { return; } } ipcRenderer.send("togglemod", selected) } } } // Tells the main process to install a mod function installmod() { setButtons(false); ipcRenderer.send("installmod") } // Tells the main process to install a mod from a URL function installFromURL(url) { setButtons(false); ipcRenderer.send("installfromurl", url) } // Frontend part of settings a new game path ipcRenderer.on("newpath", (event, newpath) => { settings.gamepath = newpath; ipcRenderer.send("guigetmods"); }) // Continuation of log() ipcRenderer.on("log", (event, msg) => {log(msg)}) ipcRenderer.on("alert", (event, msg) => {alert(msg)}) // Updates the installed mods ipcRenderer.on("mods", (event, mods) => { modsobj = mods; if (! mods) {return} modcount.innerHTML = `${lang("gui.mods.count")} ${mods.all.length}`; modsdiv.innerHTML = ""; let newmod = (name, disabled) => { if (disabled) { disabled = `${lang("gui.mods.disabledtag")}` } else { disabled = "" } modsdiv.innerHTML += `