#!/bin/sh VERSION="v$(jq '.version' package.json -r)" LOCK1="v$(jq '.version' package-lock.json -r)" LOCK2="v$(jq '.packages[""].version' package-lock.json -r)" REPO="$(jq '.repository.url' package.json -r | sed 's/.*.com\///g')" REMOTEVERSION="$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/0neGal/viper/releases/latest" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')" [ "$REMOTEVERSION" = "$VERSION" ] && { echo "A release already exists with the current version number!" exit 1 } [ "$VERSION" != "$LOCK1" ] && { echo "Two seperate version numbers in package.json and package-lock.json" echo " $VERSION, $LOCK1" exit 1 } [ "$LOCK1" != "$LOCK2" ] && { echo "Version mismatches in package-lock.json" echo " $LOCK1, $LOCK2" exit 1 } node scripts/langs.js --check || { echo "Please fix localization errors before publishing..." exit 1 } TOKEN="$GH_TOKEN" [ "$TOKEN" = "" ] && { echo "GH_TOKEN is not set, please type it below:" read -p "> " TOKEN } GH_TOKEN="$TOKEN" npm run publish