const https = require("https"); const args = require("minimist")(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: [ "help", "total", "releases", "sort-releases", "total-platforms", "include-prereleases" ], default: { "help": false, "total": true, "releases": true, "sort-releases": false, "total-platforms": true, "include-prereleases": false } }) // help message if (args["help"]) { console.log(`options: --help shows this help message --no-total dont show total downloads --no-releases dont show individual releases --sort-releases sorts releases by download count --no-total-platforms hides individual total platform downloads --include-prereleases includes prereleases when listing out individual releases `.trim()) // the trim removes the last blank newline process.exit(0); } // when parsing releases, these will be filled let releases = {}; let total = { all: 0, linux: 0, windows: 0 } // calculates what percentage `value` is of `total` let percent = (total, value) => { return (value / total * 100).toFixed(2) + "%"; } // parses a release object from the GitHub API, and then it changes // `releases` and `total` accordingly let parse_release = (release) => { if (release.prerelease && ! args["include-prereleases"]) { return; } let name =; let assets = release.assets; // run through downloadable files from release for (let i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { // dont count blockmaps if (assets[i].name.match("blockmap")) { continue; } switch(assets[i].name) { // dont count these files case "latest.yml": case "latest-linux.yml": continue; default: let platform; let downloads = assets[i].download_count; // assume platform is Windows if filename ends with // `.exe`, and Linux if not if (assets[i].name.endsWith(".exe")) { platform = "windows"; } else { platform = "linux"; } // create new object for this release in `releases` if // it doesn't already have one if (! releases[name]) { releases[name] = { all: 0, linux: 0, windows: 0 } } // add total download counts total.all += downloads; releases[name].all += downloads; // add platform specific download counts total[platform] += downloads; releases[name][platform] += downloads; } } } // pads out `str` until it's `length` long let pad = (str, length) => { str = String(str); while (str.length < length) { str += " "; } return str; } // takes in `obj` and prints out a table based on it, each key in the // objects inside `obj` will be used as a column, and it'll attempt to // pad them so it the output looks properly "columnized" let print_table = (obj) => { // keep track of the longest value of a key let max_lengths = {}; // run through all the keys for (let i in obj) { for (let ii in obj[i]) { // get length of current key let length = String(obj[i][ii]).length; // if the currently longest value for this type of key is // smaller than `length`, then we make `length` the newest // longest value for this type of key, the same happens if // there's not been a registered longest key for this type // of key yet if (max_lengths[ii] < length || ! max_lengths[ii]) { max_lengths[ii] = length; } } } // run through object again for (let i in obj) { // we'll add to this, then print it later let line_str = ""; // run through keys for (let ii in obj[i]) { // add value to `line_str` padding it to the longest found // value for this type of key and adding 5 for some margin line_str += pad(obj[i][ii], max_lengths[ii] + 5); } // print the line of this table out console.log(line_str); } } let parse_json = (json) => { // parse `json` json = JSON.parse(json); // run through releases and parse them for (let i = 0; i < json.length; i++) { parse_release(json[i]); } // should we should print the individual release stats? if (args["releases"]) { // should we sort the releases? if (args["sort-releases"]) { // the finalized and sorted `releases` will go here let sorted = {}; // sort `releases` using the `.all` property releases = Object.keys(releases).sort((a, b) => { return releases[b].all - releases[a].all; }).forEach((key) => { sorted[key] = releases[key]; }) // set `releases` to now be the sorted version releases = sorted; } // initialize `table` with a header let table = [{ version: "VERSION", total: "TOTAL", windows: "WINDOWS", linux: "LINUX" }] // runs through `releases` adding the various lines of the table // to `table`, essentially converting it to something we can use // `print_table()` on and nothing else for (let i in releases) { table.push({ version: i, total: releases[i].all, windows: releases[i].windows + " (" + percent( releases[i].all, releases[i].windows ) + ")", linux: releases[i].linux + " (" + percent( releases[i].all, releases[i].linux ) + ")" }) } // print the finalized table print_table(table); } // if we dont want to print the total downloads, then we just exit if (! args["total"]) { process.exit(0); } // if we've already printed the list of releases, we add an extra // space between this and the total if (args["releases"]) { console.log(); } // print out the total console.log("Total downloads: " + total.all); // if we shouldn't print the platform distribution, then these empty // strings will be used instead let linux_percent = ""; let windows_percent = ""; // get the percent of platform distribution if (args["total-platforms"]) { let linux_percent = "(" + percent(total.all, total.linux) + ")"; let windows_percent = "(" + percent(total.all, + ")"; } // print Windows platform distribution console.log( " Windows: " +, windows_percent ) // print Linux platform distribution console.log( " Linux: " + total.linux, linux_percent ) } let link = "/repos/0neGal/viper/releases"; // request info about releases via GitHub's API https.get({ host: "", port: 443, path: link, method: "GET", headers: { "User-Agent": "viper" } }, (res) => { res.setEncoding("utf8"); let res_data = ""; res.on("data", data => { res_data += data; }) // we got the data, now lets parse it! res.on("end", () => { parse_json(res_data); }) })