#include #include #include #include "steam.h" #include "toast.h" #include "commands.h" #include "updater.h" #define ARRAY_LEN(arr) sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]) static int install(int, char**); static int update(int, char**); static int run(int, char**); static int version(int, char**); static int info(int, char**); #include "pool.h" const struct Command commands[] = { { .name = "install", .func = install, .description = "Install OpenFortress"}, { .name = "update", .func = update, .description = "Update an existing install"}, { .name = "run", .func = run, .description = "Run OpenFortress"}, { .name = "version", .func = version, .description = "Display the OFCL version"}, { .name = "info", .func = info, .description = "Show info about the current setup"}, }; const size_t commands_size = ARRAY_LEN(commands); static int install(int c, char** v) { int exit_val = EXIT_SUCCESS; char* of_dir = NULL; char* remote = NULL; for (int i = 1; i < c; ++i) { if (!strcmp(v[i], "--dir")) { if (!v[++i]) { puts("No Directory specified"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } of_dir = strdup(v[i]); printf("Using %s as the directory\n", of_dir); } else if (!strcmp(v[i], "--remote")) { if (!v[++i]) { puts("No URL specified"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } remote = strdup(v[i]); printf("Using %s as the server\n", remote); } else { if (strcmp(v[i], "--help")) printf("%s is not a valid flag\n\n", v[i]); puts( "OFCL install\n" "\t--dir\t\tspecify where to download OpenFortress to\n" "\t--remote\tspecify the server to use\n" "\t--help\t\tshows this text" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (!of_dir) of_dir = getOpenFortressDir(); if (getLocalRevision(of_dir) >= 0) { puts("OpenFortress is already installed"); exit_val = EXIT_FAILURE; goto install_cleanup; } if (!remote) remote = getLocalRemote(of_dir); int remote_rev = getLatestRemoteRevision(remote); if (remote_rev != -1) { update_setup(of_dir, remote, 0, remote_rev); } else { puts("Failed to get the latest revision"); exit_val = EXIT_FAILURE; } install_cleanup: if (remote) free(remote); free(of_dir); return exit_val; } static int update(int c, char** v) { int exit_val = EXIT_SUCCESS; int verify = 0; char* of_dir = NULL; char* remote = NULL; for (int i = 1; i < c; ++i) { if (!strcmp(v[i], "--verify")) verify = 1; else if (!strcmp(v[i], "--dir")) { if (!v[++i]) { puts("No Directory specified"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } of_dir = strdup(v[i]); printf("Using %s as the directory\n", of_dir); } else if (!strcmp(v[i], "--remote")) { if (!v[++i]) { puts("No URL specified"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } remote = strdup(v[i]); printf("Using %s as the server\n", remote); } else { if (strcmp(v[i], "--help")) printf("%s is not a valid flag\n\n", v[i]); puts( "OFCL update\n" "\t--verify\t\tverify game files\n" "\t--dir\t\tspecify where to download OpenFortress to\n" "\t--remote\tspecify the server to use\n" "\t--help\t\tshows this text" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (!of_dir) of_dir = getOpenFortressDir(); int local_rev = getLocalRevision(of_dir); if (verify) { local_rev = 0; } else if (0 > local_rev) { puts("OpenFortress is not installed"); exit_val = EXIT_FAILURE; goto update_cleanup; } if (!remote) remote = getLocalRemote(of_dir); if (!strlen(remote)) { puts("Remote is invalid"); exit_val = EXIT_FAILURE; goto update_cleanup; } int remote_rev = getLatestRemoteRevision(remote); if (remote_rev == -1) { puts("Failed to get the latest revision"); exit_val = EXIT_FAILURE; goto update_cleanup; } else if (remote_rev <= local_rev) { puts("Already up to date"); goto update_cleanup; } update_setup(of_dir, remote, local_rev, remote_rev); update_cleanup: if (remote) free(remote); free(of_dir); return exit_val; } static int run(int c, char** v) { int exit_val = EXIT_SUCCESS; char* of_dir = getOpenFortressDir(); int local_rev = getLocalRevision(of_dir); if (0 > local_rev) { puts("OpenFortress is not installed"); exit_val = EXIT_FAILURE; goto run_cleanup; } if (getSteamPID() == -1) { puts("Steam is not running"); exit_val = EXIT_FAILURE; goto run_cleanup; } runOpenFortress(v+1, (size_t)(c-1)); run_cleanup: free(of_dir); return exit_val; } static int version(int c, char** v) { puts(VERSION); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static int info(int c, char** v) { char* of_dir = getOpenFortressDir(); if (!of_dir) of_dir = strdup("Not Found"); printf("Install Directory:\n\t%s\n", of_dir); char* remote = getLocalRemote(of_dir); printf("Server:\n\t%s\n", remote); free(remote); int local_rev = getLocalRevision(of_dir); printf("Revision:\t\n"); if (local_rev == -1) puts("\tNot installed"); else printf("\t%i\n", local_rev); free(of_dir); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }