# Commands ## Opening the Console Commands are run on the console. To open it, press `` ` `` (the key above `TAB`).\ Note that this key generally only exists in this form on English keybords (ANSI US, ISO UK, ...). If you for example have a German keyboard you'll notice that this key is located left of `BACKSPACE` but won't open the console when you press it. To open your console you'll either have to switch to the English (US) layout **before** starting the game or rebinding the key to open console. ### Rebinding the console {% hint style="info" %} The console can only be bound to ```"`"``` or one of the function keys ```"F1" - "F12"``` {% endhint %} To rebind it open Titanfall and navigate to `Controls > Settings > Key Binds` and change the `"Toggle Developer Console"` bind. If the `"Toggle Developer Console"` field is missing you can either disable all mods that don't start with `Northstar.` or rebind it manually. To rebind it manually make sure neither Titanfall nor Northstar are running, then go to `My Documents\Respawn\Titanfall2\local\` and open `settings.cfg`.\ Look for the line containing `toggleconsole`, i.e. ```txt bind "`" "toggleconsole" ``` and replace the `` ` `` key with your prefered key to open console. So if you want to open console with `F5`, change the line to ```txt bind "F5" "toggleconsole" ``` ## List of commands ### Northstar Commands | Command | Description | Value | | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | | `ns_masterserver_hostname` | Masterserver URL | `https://northstar.tf` by default | | `ns_auth_allow_insecure` | Allows clients to connect without masterserver authorization | `0` / `1` | | `connect` | Directly connect to a Northstar gameserver | `:` ex: `localhost:37015` | | `reload_mods` | Reload mods | | | `ns_disallowed_tacticals` | String list of disallowed tactical abilities | example: `"mp_ability_grapple,mp_ability_heal"` | | `ns_disallowed_tactical_replacement` | Name of optional replacement ability for disallowed tacticals | ex: `"mp_ability_grapple"` | | `give mp_weapon_peacekraber` | Gives you peacekraber | | | `r_latencyflex` | Enables [LatencyFleX](../steamdeck-and-linux/installing-on-steamdeck-and-linux.md#latencyflex) (Linux-only, enabled by default) | `0` / `1` | | `rui_drawEnable` | Enables or disables the HUD | `0` / `1` | | `r_drawviewmodel` | Enables or disables viewing of the player's hands and weapons | `0` / `1` | ### Useful dev commands Requires `sv_cheats 1` Command|Result -|- `thirdperson`|Third person mode `script DevSpawnTitan()`|Spawns you a Titan `script SetGameEndTime(1200.0)`|Sets remaining match time to 1200 seconds `ent_create npc_soldier`|Spawns a grunt at your crosshair `ent_create npc_stalker`|Spawns a stalker at your crosshair `ent_create npc_spectre`|Spawns a spectre at your crosshair `ent_create npc_titan`|Spawns a titan at your crosshair (Warning as of v1.4.0, this crashes your game if you don't have your own titan) `ent_create npc_marvin`|Spawns a Marvin at your crosshair `ent_fire !picker setteam 2`|Sets entity at crosshair to team 2 ### Server commands | Variable | Description | Default | | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | `sv_cheats` | Whether players can use cheat commands (i.e. noclip) . | 0 | | `sv_AllWaysSupportsSaveRestore` | | 0 | | `sv_allTicksFinal` | | 0 | | `sv_allowSendTableTransmitToClients` | | 1 | | `sv_alltalk` | Whether both teams can talk to each other over voice chat. | 0 | | `sv_balanceTeams` | Whether the server will attempt to keep teams balanced between rounds. | 1 | | `sv_bounds_show_errors` | | 0 | | `sv_clampPlayerFrameTime` | | 0 | | `sv_clockcorrection` | | 1 | | `sv_clockcorrection_msecs` | | 75 | | `sv_compressPlaylists` | | 1 | | `sv_connectingClientDelay` | | 3 | | `sv_debug_deferred_trace` | | 0 | | `sv_debug_deferred_trace_overlay` | | 0 | | `sv_debug_prop_send` | | 0 | | `sv_debugmanualmode` | | 0 | | `sv_disconnectOnTooManySnapshotFrames` | | 1 | | `sv_dumpstringtables` | | 0 | | `sv_earlyPersistenceRead` | | 0 | | `sv_edgefriction` | | 2 | | `sv_everyThirdTick` | | 0 | | `sv_extra_client_connect_time` | | 60 | | `sv_gravity` | The amount of gravity the server has. | 750 | | `sv_hibernate_ms` | | 5 | | `sv_hibernate_ms_vgui` | | 5 | | `sv_hibernate_postgame_delay` | | 5 | | `sv_hibernate_when_empty` | Whether the server should hibernate when empty. | 0 | | `sv_instancebaselines` | | 1 | | `sv_kickPlayersTooFarInFuture` | Whether to kick players whose internal time is too far in the future. | 1 | | `sv_lerpAnims` | | 1 | | `sv_lobbyType` | | 1 | | `sv_massreport` | | 0 | | `sv_maxUserCmdsPerPlayerPerFrame` | | 10 | | `sv_max_prop_data_dwords_lobby` | | 100000 | | `sv_max_prop_data_dwords_multiplayer` | | 125000 | | `sv_max_prop_data_dwords_singleplayer` | | 300000 | | `sv_max_props_lobby` | | 50000 | | `sv_max_props_multiplayer` | | 75000 | | `sv_max_props_singleplayer` | | 200000 | | `sv_max_snapshots_lobby` | | 100 | | `sv_max_snapshots_multiplayer` | | 300 | | `sv_max_snapshots_singleplayer` | | 10 | | `sv_maxclientframes` | | 300 | | `sv_maxrate` | | 0 | | `sv_maxroutable` | | 1200 | | `sv_maxupdaterate` | | 60 | | `sv_minrate` | | 128000 | | `sv_minupdaterate` | | 20 | | `sv_noclipaccelerate` | The amount of acceleration in noclip. | 10000 | | `sv_noclipduringpause` | Whether to noclip during server pause. | 0 | | `sv_noclipspeed` | The speed for noclip. | 5 | | `sv_normalSimulationCommandThreshold` | | 3 | | `sv_parallel_sendsnapshot` | | 1 | | `sv_partyDediOnly` | | 0 | | `sv_pausable` | | 0 | | `sv_physics_maxvelocity` | | 4000.0 | | `sv_playerNameAppendCheater` | | 1 | | `sv_playerSimTimeBuffer` | | 0 | | `sv_precacheinfo` | | | | `sv_printClockCorrections` | | 0 | | `sv_printClockTiming` | | 0 | | `sv_props_funnel_into_portals` | | 1 | | `sv_props_funnel_into_portals_deceleration` | | 2.0f | | `sv_querylimit_per_sec` | | 10 | | `sv_quota_stringcmdspersecond` | | 60 | | `sv_rcon_banpenalty` | | 0 | | `sv_rcon_log` | Whether to log RCON commands. | 1 | | `sv_rcon_maxfailures` | | 10 | | `sv_rcon_minfailures` | | 5 | | `sv_rcon_minfailuretime` | | 30 | | `sv_regeneration_wait_time` | | 20.0 | | `sv_rejectClientConnects` | | 0 | | `sv_rejectConnections` | | 0 | | `sv_robust_explosions` | | 1 | | `sv_scarySnapDeltaPrints` | | 50 | | `sv_screenShake_enabled` | | 1 | | `sv_script_think_interval` | | 0.1 | | `sv_sendPlaylists` | | 1 | | `sv_separate_freq_change_prop_send` | | 1 | | `sv_shiftPlayerSimTimeBackwards` | | 1 | | `sv_showClientTickCmds` | | 0 | | `sv_showLargeSnapshotSize` | | 10000 | | `sv_showLargeSnapshots` | | 0 | | `sv_showUserCmds` | | 0 | | `sv_show_placement_help_in_preview` | | 0 | | `sv_showents` | | 0 | | `sv_showfiredbullets` | | 0 | | `sv_showhitboxes` | | -1 | | `sv_showlagcompensation` | | 0 | | `sv_shutdown` | Shuts down the server. | | | `sv_single_core_dedi` | | 0 | | `sv_skyname` | | | | `sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo` | | | | `sv_specaccelerate` | | 1000.0 | | `sv_specnoclip` | | 1 | | `sv_specspeed` | | 5 | | `sv_stats` | | 1 | | `sv_stressbots` | | 1 | | `sv_strugglecheck` | | 1.016 | | `sv_teststepsimulation` | | 0 | | `sv_thinktimecheck` | | 0 | | `sv_threaded_post_process_ai` | | 1 | | `sv_threaded_post_process_players` | | 1 | | `sv_turbophysics` | | 1 | | `sv_turbophysics_player` | | 1 | | `sv_unnecessaryConnectDelay` | | 60 | | `sv_updaterate_mp` | | 20 | | `sv_updaterate_sp` | | 20 | | `sv_useReputation` | | 1 | | `sv_use_edgefriction` | | 1 | | `sv_usercmd_before_entities` | | 1 | | `sv_usercmd_fairness_dediOnly` | | 0 | | `sv_usercmd_max_queued` | | 40 | | `sv_usercmd_num_per_iteration` | | 1 | | `sv_usercmd_shuffle_players` | | 1 | | `sv_visiblemaxplayers` | | -1 | | `sv_visualizetraces` | | 0 | | `sv_visualizetraces_duration` | | 0.5 | | `sv_voiceDebug` | | 0 | | `sv_voiceEcho` | | 0 | | `sv_voiceenable` | | 1 | | `sv_warnAboutCmdNumJumps` | | 20 | | `sv_weapon_despawn_time` | | 90 | | `sv_writeSendTableStreamFile` | | |