The mod.json ============ The mod.json is responsible for governing when, and where your mod is loaded, and follows a layout that is fairly complicated at first glance, but ultimately simple ```json { "Name" : "SimpleRandomiser", "Description" : "SimpleRandomiser", "Version": "0.1.0", "LoadPriority": 1, ``` The script above defines the pubic and listed details of the mod ```json "Scripts": [ { "Path": "sh_SimpleRandomiser.gnut", "RunOn": "MP", "ClientCallback": { "After": "simplerandomiser_init" }, "ServerCallback": { "After": "simplerandomiser_init" } } ], ``` The scirpt above defines both what functions to run, when to run them and WHERE to run them, in this case it runs your simplerandomiser_init, when on multiplayer and for both the server and the client ```json "Localisation": [ "resource/simplerandomiser_localisation_%language%.txt" ] } ``` this defines the path to the language file name this file mod.json, and it should go in the mods root folder