untyped global function InitDevMenu global function GetActionBlocks global function SetDevMenu_SinglePlayer global function SetupDevCommand // for dev global function SetupDevFunc // for dev global function SetDevMenu_SpawnNPCWithWeapon global function RepeatLastDevCommand global function SetDevMenu_ArmedNPC global function UpdatePrecachedSPWeapons struct DevCommand { string label string command var opParm void functionref( var ) func bool storeAsLastCommand = true } struct { void functionref() devMenuFunc void functionref( var ) devMenuFuncWithOpParm var devMenuOpParm array buttons array actionBlocks array devCommands DevCommand& lastDevCommand bool lastDevCommandAssigned bool precachedWeapons } file void function OnOpenDevMenu() { file.devMenuFunc = null file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm = null file.devMenuOpParm = null if ( IsMultiplayer() ) SetDevMenu_MP() else SetDevMenu_Default() } void function InitDevMenu() { var menu = GetMenu( "DevMenu" ) AddMenuEventHandler( menu, eUIEvent.MENU_OPEN, OnOpenDevMenu ) AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_A, "#A_BUTTON_SELECT" ) AddMenuFooterOption( menu, BUTTON_B, "#B_BUTTON_BACK", "#BACK" ) OnOpenDevMenu() file.buttons = GetElementsByClassname( menu, "DevButtonClass" ) foreach ( button in file.buttons ) { Hud_AddEventHandler( button, UIE_CLICK, OnDevButton_Activate ) RuiSetString( Hud_GetRui( button ), "buttonText", "" ) Hud_SetEnabled( button, false ) } } function UpdateDevMenuButtons() { file.devCommands.clear() if ( developer() == 0 ) return if ( file.devMenuOpParm != null ) file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm( file.devMenuOpParm ) else file.devMenuFunc() foreach ( index, button in file.buttons ) { int buttonID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) ) if ( buttonID < file.devCommands.len() ) { RuiSetString( Hud_GetRui( button ), "buttonText", file.devCommands[buttonID].label ) Hud_SetEnabled( button, true ) } else { RuiSetString( Hud_GetRui( button ), "buttonText", "" ) Hud_SetEnabled( button, false ) } } } void function SetDevMenu_Default() { file.devMenuFunc = SetupDefaultDevCommands UpdateDevMenuButtons() } void function SetDevMenu_MP() { file.devMenuFunc = SetupDefaultDevCommandsMP UpdateDevMenuButtons() } void function ChangeToThisMenu( void functionref() menuFunc ) { file.devMenuFunc = menuFunc file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm = null file.devMenuOpParm = null UpdateDevMenuButtons() } void function ChangeToThisMenu_WithOpParm( void functionref( var ) menuFuncWithOpParm, opParm = null ) { file.devMenuFunc = null file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm = menuFuncWithOpParm file.devMenuOpParm = opParm UpdateDevMenuButtons() } void function SetDevMenu_SinglePlayer( var _ ) { CloseAllInGameMenus() AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "SinglePlayerDevMenu" ), true ) } void function SetupDefaultDevCommands() { SetupDevFunc( "Frontier Defense", SetDevMenu_FrontierDefense ) // SetupDevFunc( "Difficulty", SetDevMenu_Difficulty ) SetupDevFunc( "Single Player", SetDevMenu_SinglePlayer ) if ( GetStartPointsForMap( GetActiveLevel() ).len() ) { SetupDevFunc( "Start Points", SetDevMenu_StartPoints ) } SetupDevFunc( "Level Commands", SetDevMenu_LevelCommands ) SetupRepeatLastDevCommand() SetupDevFunc( "Spawn IMC NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 2 ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn IMC Boss Titan", SetDevMenu_BossTitans ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Militia NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 3 ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Team 4 NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 4 ) if ( IsSingleplayer() ) { SetupDevCommand( "Spawn BT", "script thread DEV_SpawnBTAtCrosshair( false )" ) SetupDevCommand( "Hotdrop BT", "script thread DEV_SpawnBTAtCrosshair( true )" ) } SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Titan Weapon", SetDevMenu_TitanWeapons ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Pilot Weapons", SetDevMenu_PilotWeapons ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Pilot Offhands", SetDevMenu_PilotOffhands ) SetupDevFunc( "AI Commands", SetDevMenu_AICommands ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Model Viewer", "script thread ToggleModelViewer()" ) SetupDevCommand( "AI Titan Duel", "script DEV_AITitanDuel()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Free Titans for everybody", "script GiveAllTitans()" ) if ( IsSingleplayer() ) { SetupDevCommand( "Checkpoint", "script CheckPoint_Forced()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Test Next Checkpoint Spawnpoint", "script TestDevSpawnPoint()" ) } SetupDevCommand( "Disable NPCs", "script disable_npcs()" ) // SetupDevCommand( "Disable New NPCs", "script disable_new_npcs()" ) if ( IsMultiplayer() ) { SetupDevCommand( "Swap the teams", "script teamswap()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Force time limit", "script ForceTimeLimitDone()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Force My Team Win", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand(\"ForceMyTeamWin\")" ) SetupDevCommand( "Force My Team Lose", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand(\"ForceMyTeamLose\")" ) SetupDevCommand( "Force Match End", "script ForceMatchEnd()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Force Draw", "script ForceDraw()" ) } SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Friendly Highlights", "script DEV_ToggleFriendlyHighlight()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Export precache script", "script_ui Dev_CommandLineAddParm( \"-autoprecache\", \"\" ); script_ui Dev_CommandLineRemoveParm( \"" + STARTPOINT_DEV_STRING + "\" ); reload" ) // SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Blood Spray Decals", "script_client BloodSprayDecals_Toggle()" ) //SetupDevCommand( "PlaySpyglassVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"SpyglassVDU\")" ) //SetupDevCommand( "PlayGravesVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"GravesVDU\")" ) //SetupDevCommand( "PlayBliskVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"BliskVDU\")" ) //SetupDevCommand( "PlaySarahVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"SarahVDU\")" ) //SetupDevCommand( "PlayMacVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"MacVDU\")" ) //SetupDevCommand( "PlayBishVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"BishVDU\")" ) //SetupDevCommand( "PlayMCORGruntBattleRifleVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"MCORGruntBattleRifleVDU\")" ) //SetupDevCommand( "PlayMCORGruntAntiTitanVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"MCORGruntAntiTitanVDU\")" ) //SetupDevCommand( "PlayIMCSoldierBattleRifleVDU", "script ForcePlayConversationToAll(\"IMCSoldierBattleRifleVDU\")" ) SetupDevCommand( "Doom my titan", "script_client GetLocalViewPlayer().ClientCommand( \"DoomTitan\" )" ) SetupDevCommand( "DoF debug (ads)", "script_client ToggleDofDebug()" ) SetupDevCommand( "ToggleTitanCallInEffects", "script FlagToggle( \"EnableIncomingTitanDropEffects\" )" ) //SetupDevCommand( "TrailerTitanDrop", "script_client GetLocalViewPlayer().ClientCommand( \"TrailerTitanDrop\" )" ) //SetupDevCommand( "AI Chatter: aichat_callout_pilot_dev", "script playconvtest(\"aichat_callout_pilot_dev\")" ) SetupDevCommand( "Spawn IMC grunt", "SpawnViewGrunt " + TEAM_IMC ) SetupDevCommand( "Spawn Militia grunt", "SpawnViewGrunt " + TEAM_MILITIA ) SetupDevCommand( "Enable titan-always-executes-titan", "script FlagSet( \"ForceSyncedMelee\" )" ) //SetupDevCommand( "Display Embark times", "script DebugEmbarkTimes()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Kill All Titans", "script killtitans()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Kill All Minions", "script killminions()" ) if ( IsSingleplayer() ) SetupDevCommand( "Kill All Enemies", "script KillAllBadguys()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Export leveled_weapons.def / r2_weapons.fgd", "script thread LeveledWeaponDump()" ) if ( IsMultiplayer() ) { SetupDevCommand( "Summon Players to player 0", "script summonplayers()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Display Titanfall spots", "script thread ShowAllTitanFallSpots()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle check inside Titanfall Blocker", "script thread DevCheckInTitanfallBlocker()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Simulate Game Scoring", "script thread SimulateGameScore()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Test Dropship Intro Spawns with Bots", "script thread DebugTestDropshipStartSpawnsForAll()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Preview Dropship Spawn at this location", "script SetCustomPlayerDropshipSpawn()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Test Dropship Spawn at this location", "script thread DebugTestCustomDropshipSpawn()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Pilots)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(1)" ) SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Titans)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(2)" ) SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Conger Mode)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(4)" ) SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Disabled)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(0)" ) } else { SetupDevCommand( "Reset Collectibles Progress (level)", "script Dev_ResetCollectiblesProgress_Level()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Reset Collectibles Progress (all)", "script ResetCollectiblesProgress_All()" ) SetupDevCommand( "BT Loadouts - Reset", "script SetBTLoadoutsUnlockedBitfield( 1 )" ) SetupDevCommand( "BT Loadouts - Unlock All", "script SetBTLoadoutsUnlockedBitfield( 65535 )" ) SetupDevCommand( "BT Loadouts - Spawn Unlock Pickup", "script SPTitanLoadout_SpawnAtCrosshairDEV( -1 )" ) } SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Skybox View", "script thread ToggleSkyboxView()" ) //SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Bubble Shield", "ToggleBubbleShield" ) //SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Grenade Indicators", "script_client ToggleGrenadeIndicators()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle HUD", "ToggleHUD" ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Offhand Low Recharge", "ToggleOffhandLowRecharge" ) SetupDevCommand( "Map Metrics Toggle", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand( \"toggle map_metrics 0 1 2 3\" )" ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Pain Death sound debug", "script TogglePainDeathDebug()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Jump Randomly Forever", "script_client thread JumpRandomlyForever()" ) } void function SetupDefaultDevCommandsMP() { SetupRepeatLastDevCommand() SetupDevFunc( "Frontier Defense", SetDevMenu_FrontierDefense ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn IMC NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 2 ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn IMC Boss Titan", SetDevMenu_BossTitans ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Militia NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 3 ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Team 4 NPC", SetDevMenu_AISpawn, 4 ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Titan Weapon", SetDevMenu_TitanWeapons ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Pilot Weapons", SetDevMenu_PilotWeapons ) SetupDevFunc( "Spawn Pilot Offhands", SetDevMenu_PilotOffhands ) SetupDevFunc( "AI Commands", SetDevMenu_AICommands ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Model Viewer", "script thread ToggleModelViewer()" ) SetupDevCommand( "AI Titan Duel", "script DEV_AITitanDuel()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Free Titans for everybody", "script GiveAllTitans()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Disable NPCs", "script disable_npcs()" ) // SetupDevCommand( "Disable New NPCs", "script disable_new_npcs()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Swap the teams", "script teamswap()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Force time limit", "script ForceTimeLimitDone()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Force My Team Win", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand(\"ForceMyTeamWin\")" ) SetupDevCommand( "Force My Team Lose", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand(\"ForceMyTeamLose\")" ) SetupDevCommand( "Force Match End", "script ForceMatchEnd()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Force Draw", "script ForceDraw()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Friendly Highlights", "script DEV_ToggleFriendlyHighlight()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Export precache script", "script_ui Dev_CommandLineAddParm( \"-autoprecache\", \"\" ); script_ui Dev_CommandLineRemoveParm( \"" + STARTPOINT_DEV_STRING + "\" ); reload" ) SetupDevCommand( "Doom my titan", "script_client GetLocalViewPlayer().ClientCommand( \"DoomTitan\" )" ) SetupDevCommand( "DoF debug (ads)", "script_client ToggleDofDebug()" ) SetupDevCommand( "ToggleTitanCallInEffects", "script FlagToggle( \"EnableIncomingTitanDropEffects\" )" ) SetupDevCommand( "Spawn IMC grunt", "SpawnViewGrunt " + TEAM_IMC ) SetupDevCommand( "Spawn Militia grunt", "SpawnViewGrunt " + TEAM_MILITIA ) SetupDevCommand( "Enable titan-always-executes-titan", "script FlagSet( \"ForceSyncedMelee\" )" ) SetupDevCommand( "Kill All Titans", "script killtitans()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Kill All Minions", "script killminions()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Export leveled_weapons.def / r2_weapons.fgd", "script thread LeveledWeaponDump()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Summon Players to player 0", "script summonplayers()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Display Titanfall spots", "script thread ShowAllTitanFallSpots()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle check inside Titanfall Blocker", "script thread DevCheckInTitanfallBlocker()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Simulate Game Scoring", "script thread SimulateGameScore()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Test Dropship Intro Spawns with Bots", "script thread DebugTestDropshipStartSpawnsForAll()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Preview Dropship Spawn at this location", "script SetCustomPlayerDropshipSpawn()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Test Dropship Spawn at this location", "script thread DebugTestCustomDropshipSpawn()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Pilots)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(1)" ) SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Titans)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(2)" ) SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Conger Mode)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(4)" ) SetupDevCommand( "Max Activity (Disabled)", "script SetMaxActivityMode(0)" ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Skybox View", "script thread ToggleSkyboxView()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle HUD", "ToggleHUD" ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Offhand Low Recharge", "ToggleOffhandLowRecharge" ) SetupDevCommand( "Map Metrics Toggle", "script_client GetLocalClientPlayer().ClientCommand( \"toggle map_metrics 0 1 2 3\" )" ) SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Pain Death sound debug", "script TogglePainDeathDebug()" ) SetupDevCommand( "Jump Randomly Forever", "script_client thread JumpRandomlyForever()" ) } void function SetupRepeatLastDevCommand() { DevCommand cmd cmd.label = "Repeat Last Dev Command" cmd.func = RepeatLastDevCommand cmd.storeAsLastCommand = false file.devCommands.append( cmd ) } void function SetDevMenu_LevelCommands( var _ ) { ChangeToThisMenu( SetupLevelDevCommands ) } void function SetupLevelDevCommands() { string activeLevel = GetActiveLevel() if ( activeLevel == "" ) return switch ( activeLevel ) { case "mp_titan_rodeo": SetupDevCommand( "Atlas titans", "script thread TitanTypes( \"titan_atlas_stickybomb\")" ) SetupDevCommand( "Ogre titans", "script thread TitanTypes( \"titan_ogre_meteor\")" ) SetupDevCommand( "Stryder titans", "script thread TitanTypes( \"titan_stryder_leadwall\")" ) break case "model_viewer": SetupDevCommand( "Toggle Rebreather Masks", "script ToggleRebreatherMasks()" ) break case "sp_grunt_arena": SetupDevCommand( "Toggle health pickups", "script ToggleHealthRegen(); reload" ) break } } void function SetDevMenu_SpawnNPCWithWeapon( var parms ) { ChangeToThisMenu_WithOpParm( SetupMenu_SpawnNPCWithWeapons, parms ) } void function SetDevMenu_StartPoints( var _ ) { string currentMap = GetActiveLevel() array foundStartPoints = GetStartPointsForMap( currentMap ) // foreach ( index, startPointEnum in foundStartPoints ) // { // table parms = { currentMap = currentMap, startPointEnum = startPointEnum } // SetupDevCommand( "#" + startPointEnum, SetDevMenu_SelectStartPointDifficulty, parms ) // //SetupDevCommand( "#" + startPointEnum, "script PickStartPoint( \"" + currentMap + "\", \"" + startPointEnum + "\" )" ) // } CloseAllInGameMenus() AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "SinglePlayerDevMenu" ), true ) DisplayStartPointButtons( currentMap, foundStartPoints ) } void function SetDevMenu_ActionBlocks() { ChangeToThisMenu( SetupActionBlocks ) } function DefineActionBlocks() { file.actionBlocks = [] /* [Menu name] [action block name] [owner] [description] [load commands] */ AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Timed Switch Panel Run", "Sean", "Test your wallrunning abilities by jumping on timed platforms", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_platform_test01" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Energon Room", "Mackey", "Combat test arena. Collect all Energon Spheres to win", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_abmac1" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Titan Buddy + Turret Columns", "Carlos", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map carlos_test" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Titan Maze", "Soupy", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_act-block_maze" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Catch me if you Can", "Chin", "Catch up to a moving pilot and kill him to win", "launchplaylist catchmeifyoucan" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Jumping Puzzles", "ChadG", "Various pilot jumping puzzles with moving platforms", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode at; map mp_chad" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "FLANKER BOOST loadout basics", "Brent", "Non-wallrunning pilot jumping basics", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode at; map mp_ab_test" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Flee Titan Attack by wallrunning", "Roger", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_flee" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Protect Grunt squad from Mortar fire", "Roger", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_vortex" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 1", "Catch me if you Can Part 2", "Soupy", null, "playlist catchmeifyoucan;mp_gamemode ps; map mp_catchme" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Environment Puzzles", "ChadG", "Get your titan to the exit by solving some puzzles", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode at; map mp_chad2" ) // AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Fun House - survive to the end", "Mo", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map mp_ab_funhouse" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Assassin Arena - boss fight with the Assassin", "Mo", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_assassin" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Creature Ship", "LumberJake", "Explore a crashed ship with mysterious cargo", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode at; map mp_actionblockjake01" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Titan/Pilot Puzzles", "RyanR", "Get your titan to the green room", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode at; map mp_ryanr_actionblock_01" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Titan/Pilot Core Combat", "Carlos", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ammo_pickup" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Titan Overwatch", "Roger", "Your sniping titan will cover you as you advance to the bunker", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_titanbuddy" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Rodeo Express", "Chin", "Use your titan to get you through a pilot hazard area", "playlist lava; mp_gamemode at; map mp_chin_rodeo_express" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Wallrun Gauntlet", "McCord", "Wallrun through the geo and don't fall to your death", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_zipline_action_block01" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Titan Mortar Targeting Test", "Soupy", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_mortar_targeting_test" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Tremors", "David", null, "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_tremors" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Titan Combat Blok", "Mackey", "Combat arena. Kill all enemies.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_abmac3" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 2", "Smart Targeted Switch Panels", "Sean", "Wallrun from wall to wall while activating switches", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_platform_test02" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 3", "Combat Canyon", "Mo", "Kill enemies in the canyon and extract", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_ski" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 3", "Titan v Titan", "Roger", "Test Titan vs Titan combat against various titan AI", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_tvt" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 3", "Train Raid", "ChadG", "Board a speeding train and hack the explosives on board", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_trainride01" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 3", "Super Spectre Bros", "David", "Survive 6 waves against super spectres", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map mp_ab_super_spectre_bros" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 4", "Nightshot", "David", "Help your titan buddy hunt in the dark.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_nightshot" ) //AddActionBlock( "Week 4", "Space Battle", "Mo", "Pilot a ship in space. \n -Play with Always run OFF. \n -Use low sensitivity. \n -Use bug_reproNum 1 to invert flight controls.\n -Use bug_reproNum 2 for PRO flight controls. (free look) \n -Use bug_reproNum 3 for inverted PRO flight controls.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_week4" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 4", "Buddy Fight", "Mackey", "Arena fight with buddy Titan", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_buddy_fight" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 4", "Fastball Special", "Slayback/McCord", "Use a new Titan ability to hurl yourself to new heights.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_fastball" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 4", "Time Travel Mechanic", "LumberJake", "Travel back and forth through time to complete your mission.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_actionblockjake02" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Titan Ability: Death Blossom", "Mo", "Use Up on D-Pad to use Death Blossom\n\nUse your new ability to defeat the enemies", "playlist Load a map on the command line; bug_reproNum 0; map sp_ab_blossom" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Titan Ability: Arc Blast", "Mo", "Use Down on D-Pad to use Arc Blast\n\nUse your new ability to defeat the enemies", "playlist Load a map on the command line; bug_reproNum 1; map sp_ab_blossom" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Titan Abilities: Death Blossom + Arc Blast", "Mo", "D-Pad Up = Death Blossom\nD-Pad Down = Arc Blast\n\nUse your new abilities to defeat the enemies", "playlist Load a map on the command line; bug_reproNum 2; map sp_ab_blossom" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Time Stasis Gun", "LumberJake", "Titan freezes enemies allowing the Pilot \nto do a one-shot kill", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_actionblockjake03" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Fastball Mortar Battle", "McCord/Slayback", "Freeform Buddy Titan arena battle. \n - Fastball Special \n - Mortar Crews \n - Buddy Hibernation \n - Harvester Defense", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_mortar_battle01" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 5", "Zipline Gun", "ChadG", "Create permanent ziplines in the map", "playlist Load a map on the command line; mp_gamemode tdm; bug_reproNum 1234; map mp_angel_city" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Titan Hulk", "David", "Buddy Titan hulks out and throws things.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_titan_thrower" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Player & Titan vs Enemy Titan", "Roger", "Bare bones Pilot & Auto Titan vs Enemy Titan", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_ptvt" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Pilot Stasis Gun", "Soupy", "Pilot has a Stasis gun to help a friendly Titan out", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_synergy" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Acid Rain", "LumberJake", "- Destroy 3 harvesters in a poison rain storm\n- Avoid poison rain by staying in your Titan or indoors\n- Collect powerups to get rain immunity", "map sp_actionblockjake04" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Freeform Hallway Fight", "McCord/Slayback", "Move through the tight hallways with your Titan Buddy.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_hallway_fight01" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Stealth Town", "Carlos", "Stealth through a group of enemy titans", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_titan_stealth" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 6", "Titan Attack Command", "Mo", "Command your buddy titan to attack a position.", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_break" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 7", "SP Shell", "Chad/McCord", "", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_shell1" ) AddActionBlock( "Week 7", "Smart Pistol Progression", "Soupy", "Try different smart pistol mods in different combat situations", "playlist Load a map on the command line; map sp_ab_smart_pistol_ramp" ) } function AddActionBlock( subMenu, actionBlockName, owner, description, command ) { local subMenuIndex = null foreach( i, Table in file.actionBlocks ) { if ( Table.name == subMenu ) subMenuIndex = i } if ( subMenuIndex == null ) { file.actionBlocks.append( { name = subMenu, actionBlocks = [] } ) subMenuIndex = file.actionBlocks.len() - 1 } local Table = {} Table.name <- actionBlockName Table.owner <- owner Table.description <- description Table.command <- command file.actionBlocks[ subMenuIndex ].actionBlocks.append( Table ) } function GetActionBlocks() { DefineActionBlocks() return file.actionBlocks } void function SetupActionBlocks() { DefineActionBlocks() // For the in-game dev menu we only add the current week of action blocks foreach ( week, actionBlock in file.actionBlocks ) { SetupDevFunc( "Week " + ( week + 1 ), SetDevMenu_Week, week ) } } void function SetDevMenu_Week( var week ) { ChangeToThisMenu_WithOpParm( SetupActionBlocksByWeek, week ) } void function SetupActionBlocksByWeek( var week ) { foreach ( actionBlock in file.actionBlocks[ week ].actionBlocks ) { SetupDevCommand( actionBlock.name + " - " + actionBlock.owner, expect string( actionBlock.command ) ) } } void function SetDevMenu_AICommands( var _ ) { ChangeToThisMenu( SetupAIDevCommands ) } void function SetDevMenu_AISpawn( var enemy ) { #if DEV InitNpcSettingsFileNamesForDevMenu() ChangeToThisMenu_WithOpParm( SetupSpawnAIButtons, enemy ) #endif } void function SetDevMenu_BossTitans( var _ ) { #if DEV InitNpcSettingsFileNamesForDevMenu() ChangeToThisMenu( SetupSpawnBossTitans ) #endif } void function SetDevMenu_FrontierDefense( var _ ) { #if DEV thread ChangeToThisMenu( SetupFrontierDefense ) #endif } void function SetDevMenu_TitanWeapons( var _ ) { #if DEV thread ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons( SetupTitanWeapon ) #endif } void function SetDevMenu_ArmedNPC( var data ) { #if DEV thread ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons_WithOpParm( SetupSpawnArmedNPC, data ) #endif } void function SetDevMenu_PilotWeapons( var _ ) { #if DEV thread ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons_WithOpParm( SetupPilotWeaponsFromFields, "not_set" ) #endif } void function SetDevMenu_PilotOffhands( var _ ) { #if DEV thread ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons_WithOpParm( SetupPilotWeaponsFromFields, "offhand" ) #endif } void function ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons( void functionref() menuFunc ) { waitthread PrecacheWeaponsIfNecessary() file.devMenuFunc = menuFunc file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm = null file.devMenuOpParm = null UpdateDevMenuButtons() } void function ChangeToThisMenu_PrecacheWeapons_WithOpParm( void functionref( var ) menuFuncWithOpParm, opParm = null ) { waitthread PrecacheWeaponsIfNecessary() file.devMenuFunc = null file.devMenuFuncWithOpParm = menuFuncWithOpParm file.devMenuOpParm = opParm UpdateDevMenuButtons() } void function PrecacheWeaponsIfNecessary() { if ( file.precachedWeapons ) return file.precachedWeapons = true CloseAllInGameMenus() DisablePrecacheErrors() wait 0.1 ClientCommand( "script PrecacheSPWeapons()" ) wait 0.1 ClientCommand( "script_client PrecacheSPWeapons()" ) wait 0.1 RestorePrecacheErrors() AdvanceMenu( GetMenu( "DevMenu" ) ) } void function UpdatePrecachedSPWeapons() { file.precachedWeapons = IsMultiplayer() } void function SetupMenu_SpawnNPCWithWeapons( parms ) { string weaponCapacity = expect string( parms.weaponCapacity ) string baseClass = expect string( parms.baseClass ) string aiSettings = expect string( parms.aiSettings ) int team = expect int( parms.team ) array itemTypes switch ( weaponCapacity ) { case "PilotMainWeapons": itemTypes = [ eItemTypes.PILOT_PRIMARY, eItemTypes.PILOT_SECONDARY ] break case "TitanMainWeapons": itemTypes = [ eItemTypes.TITAN_PRIMARY ] break default: Assert( 0, "Unknown weapon capacity " + weaponCapacity ) break } array itemNames foreach ( itemType in itemTypes ) { array items = GetAllItemRefsOfType( itemType ) foreach ( item in items ) { itemNames.append( item ) } } foreach ( ref in itemNames ) { string weaponName = expect string( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_GlobalNotNull( ref, "printname" ) ) string cmd = "thread DEV_SpawnNPCWithWeaponAtCrosshair( \"" + baseClass + "\", \"" + aiSettings + "\", " + team + ", \"" + ref + "\" )" SetupDevCommand( weaponName, "script " + cmd ) } } void function SetupAIDevCommands() { } void function SetDevMenu_titanSelection( var _ ) { ChangeToThisMenu( SetupTitanSelection ) } void function SetupTitanSelection() { } void function SetupDevCommand( string label, string command ) { DevCommand cmd cmd.label = label cmd.command = command file.devCommands.append( cmd ) } void function SetupDevFunc( string label, void functionref( var ) func, var opParm = null ) { DevCommand cmd cmd.label = label cmd.func = func cmd.opParm = opParm file.devCommands.append( cmd ) } function OnDevButton_Activate( button ) { //if ( level.ui.disableDev ) //{ // CodeWarning( "Dev commands disabled on matchmaking servers." ) // return //} int buttonID = int( Hud_GetScriptID( button ) ) DevCommand cmd = file.devCommands[buttonID] RunDevCommand( cmd ) } void function RunDevCommand( DevCommand cmd ) { if ( cmd.storeAsLastCommand ) { file.lastDevCommand = cmd file.lastDevCommandAssigned = true } if ( cmd.command != "" ) { ClientCommand( cmd.command ) CloseAllInGameMenus() } else { cmd.func( cmd.opParm ) } } void function RepeatLastDevCommand( var _ ) { if ( !file.lastDevCommandAssigned ) return RunDevCommand( file.lastDevCommand ) }