untyped global function BurnMeter_Init global function ForceSetGlobalBurncardOverride global function GetSelectedBurncardRefFromWeaponOrPlayer global function RunBurnCardUseFunc global function UseBurnCardWeapon global function UseBurnCardWeaponInCriticalSection global function BurnMeter_GiveRewardDirect global function GetBurnCardWeaponSkin global function InitBurnMeterPersistentData const float PHASE_REWIND_LENGTH = 2.0 // taken from wraith portal in apex, assuming it's the same as tf2's const float PHASE_REWIND_PATH_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL = 0.1 const int PHASE_REWIND_MAX_SNAPSHOTS = int( PHASE_REWIND_LENGTH / PHASE_REWIND_PATH_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL ) const float AMPED_WEAPONS_LENGTH = 30.0 const int MAPHACK_PULSE_COUNT = 4 const float MAPHACK_PULSE_DELAY = 2.0 struct { string forcedGlobalBurncardOverride = "" } file void function BurnMeter_Init() { // turret precaches // do we have to cache these on client? release builds sure don't PrecacheModel( Dev_GetAISettingAssetByKeyField_Global( "npc_turret_sentry_burn_card_ap", "DefaultModelName" ) ) PrecacheModel( Dev_GetAISettingAssetByKeyField_Global( "npc_turret_sentry_burn_card_at", "DefaultModelName" ) ) // setup burncard use funcs BurnReward_GetByRef( "burnmeter_amped_weapons" ).rewardAvailableCallback = PlayerUsesAmpedWeaponsBurncard BurnReward_GetByRef( "burnmeter_smart_pistol" ).rewardAvailableCallback = PlayerUsesSmartPistolBurncard BurnReward_GetByRef( "burnmeter_emergency_battery" ).rewardAvailableCallback = PlayerUsesBatteryBurncard BurnReward_GetByRef( "burnmeter_radar_jammer" ).rewardAvailableCallback = PlayerUsesRadarJammerBurncard BurnReward_GetByRef( "burnmeter_maphack" ).rewardAvailableCallback = PlayerUsesMaphackBurncard BurnReward_GetByRef( "burnmeter_phase_rewind" ).rewardAvailableCallback = PlayerUsesPhaseRewindBurncard // these ones aren't so important, they're either for fd ( unsupported rn ) or unused //BurnReward_GetByRef( "burnmeter_harvester_shield" ).rewardAvailableCallback = BurnReward_GetByRef( "burnmeter_rodeo_grenade" ).rewardAvailableCallback = PlayerUsesRodeoGrenadeBurncard BurnReward_GetByRef( "burnmeter_nuke_titan" ).rewardAvailableCallback = PlayerUsesNukeTitanBurncard // unused in vanilla, fun though // setup player callbacks AddCallback_GameStateEnter( eGameState.Playing, InitBurncardsForIntroPlayers ) AddCallback_OnClientConnected( InitBurncardsForLateJoiner ) AddCallback_OnPlayerRespawned( StartPhaseRewindLifetime ) AddCallback_OnTitanBecomesPilot( RemoveAmpedWeaponsForTitanPilot ) // necessary signals RegisterSignal( "StopAmpedWeapons" ) } void function ForceSetGlobalBurncardOverride( string ref ) { file.forcedGlobalBurncardOverride = ref } string function GetSelectedBurncardRefFromWeaponOrPlayer( entity weapon, entity player ) { // determine the burncard we're using // in actual gameplay, this will always be the player's selected burncard // however, if we want to manually give burncards and such, we want to make sure they'll still work // so some extra work goes into this string ref = GetSelectedBurnCardRef( player ) if ( file.forcedGlobalBurncardOverride.len() > 0 ) ref = file.forcedGlobalBurncardOverride if ( IsValid( weapon ) ) { // determine via weapon mods, this assumes weapon mod names are the same as burn refs, which works in practice but is a bit weird // this does crash with the burnmeter_doublexp mod, but who cares, it doesn't get hit normally if ( weapon.GetWeaponClassName() == "mp_ability_burncardweapon" ) { foreach ( string mod in weapon.GetMods() ) if ( mod.find( "burnmeter_" ) == 0 ) return mod } // determine via weapon name in the case of stuff like holopilot etc else { // unfortunately, we have to hardcode this, we don't have a way of getting refs directly from weapons other than the burncard weapon // this should be modular at some point, wish we could just iterate over burncards and find ones with the current weapon, but this isn't possible switch ( weapon.GetWeaponClassName() ) { case "mp_ability_holopilot_nova": return "burnmeter_holopilot_nova" case "mp_weapon_arc_trap": return "burnmeter_arc_trap" case "mp_weapon_frag_drone": return "burnmeter_ticks" case "mp_weapon_hard_cover": return "burnmeter_hard_cover" case "mp_ability_turretweapon": // turret has 2 burncards, antititan and antipilot if( weapon.HasMod( "burnmeter_at_turret_weapon" ) || weapon.HasMod( "burnmeter_at_turret_weapon_inf" ) ) return "burnmeter_at_turret_weapon" else return "burnmeter_ap_turret_weapon" // note: cloak and stim both have burn_card_weapon_mod mods, but they aren't used and don't call burncard code at all, likely for tf1 infinite stim/cloak burncards? default: print( "tried to use unknown burncard weapon " + weapon.GetWeaponClassName() ) return "burnmeter_amped_weapons" } } } return ref } void function InitPlayerBurncards( entity player ) { string ref = GetSelectedBurncardRefFromWeaponOrPlayer( null, player ) BurnReward reward = BurnReward_GetByRef( ref ) player.SetPlayerNetInt( TOP_INVENTORY_ITEM_BURN_CARD_ID, reward.id ) if ( IsAlive( player ) ) thread PhaseRewindLifetime( player ) } void function InitBurncardsForIntroPlayers() { // gotta do this, since sh_burnmeter uses this netint foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() ) InitPlayerBurncards( player ) } void function InitBurncardsForLateJoiner( entity player ) { // gotta do this, since sh_burnmeter uses this netint if ( GetGameState() > eGameState.Prematch ) InitPlayerBurncards( player ) } void function StartPhaseRewindLifetime( entity player ) { thread PhaseRewindLifetime( player ) } void function PhaseRewindLifetime( entity player ) { player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) OnThreadEnd( function() : ( player ) { player.p.burnCardPhaseRewindStruct.phaseRetreatSavedPositions.clear() }) while ( true ) { PhaseRewindData rewindData rewindData.origin = player.GetOrigin() rewindData.angles = player.GetAngles() rewindData.velocity = player.GetVelocity() rewindData.wasInContextAction = player.ContextAction_IsActive() rewindData.wasCrouched = player.IsCrouched() if ( player.p.burnCardPhaseRewindStruct.phaseRetreatSavedPositions.len() >= PHASE_REWIND_MAX_SNAPSHOTS ) { // shift all snapshots left for ( int i = 0; i < PHASE_REWIND_MAX_SNAPSHOTS - 1; i++ ) player.p.burnCardPhaseRewindStruct.phaseRetreatSavedPositions[ i ] = player.p.burnCardPhaseRewindStruct.phaseRetreatSavedPositions[ i + 1 ] player.p.burnCardPhaseRewindStruct.phaseRetreatSavedPositions[ PHASE_REWIND_MAX_SNAPSHOTS - 1 ] = rewindData } else player.p.burnCardPhaseRewindStruct.phaseRetreatSavedPositions.append( rewindData ) wait PHASE_REWIND_PATH_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL } } void function RunBurnCardUseFunc( entity player, string itemRef ) { void functionref( entity ) ornull func = BurnReward_GetByRef( itemRef ).rewardAvailableCallback if ( func != null ) ( expect void functionref( entity ) ( func ) )( player ) } void function UseBurnCardWeapon( entity weapon, entity player ) { string ref = GetSelectedBurncardRefFromWeaponOrPlayer( weapon, player ) Remote_CallFunction_Replay( player, "ServerCallback_RewardUsed", BurnReward_GetByRef( ref ).id ) RunBurnCardUseFunc( player, ref ) // dont remove in RunBurnCardUseFunc because it can be called in non-burn_card_weapon_mod contexts // TODO: currently not sure how burncards can be stacked ( max clipcount for all burncards is 1, so can't just set that ) // if this gets figured out, add a conditional check here to prevent removes if they've got burncards left if ( PlayerEarnMeter_IsRewardAvailable( player ) ) PlayerEarnMeter_SetRewardUsed( player ) player.TakeWeapon( BurnReward_GetByRef( ref ).weaponName ) } void function UseBurnCardWeaponInCriticalSection( entity weapon, entity ownerPlayer ) { // ignoring critical section stuff, assuming it was necessary in tf1 where burncards were part of inventory, but not here UseBurnCardWeapon( weapon, ownerPlayer ) } void function BurnMeter_GiveRewardDirect( entity player, string itemRef ) { } int function GetBurnCardWeaponSkin( entity weapon ) { return GetBoostSkin( GetSelectedBurncardRefFromWeaponOrPlayer( weapon, weapon.GetOwner() ) ) } // stub void function InitBurnMeterPersistentData( entity player ) {} // burncard use funcs void function PlayerUsesAmpedWeaponsBurncard( entity player ) { thread PlayerUsesAmpedWeaponsBurncardThreaded( player ) } void function PlayerUsesAmpedWeaponsBurncardThreaded( entity player ) { array weapons = player.GetMainWeapons() //weapons.extend( player.GetOffhandWeapons() ) // idk? unsure of vanilla behaviour here foreach ( entity weapon in weapons ) { weapon.RemoveMod( "silencer" ) // both this and the burnmod will override firing fx, if a second one overrides this we crash foreach ( string mod in GetWeaponBurnMods( weapon.GetWeaponClassName() ) ) { // catch incompatibilities just in case try { weapon.AddMod( mod ) } catch( ex ) { weapons.removebyvalue( weapon ) } } // needed to display amped weapon time left weapon.SetScriptFlags0( weapon.GetScriptFlags0() | WEAPONFLAG_AMPED ) weapon.SetScriptTime0( Time() + AMPED_WEAPONS_LENGTH ) } wait AMPED_WEAPONS_LENGTH // note: weapons may have been destroyed or picked up by other people by this point, so need to verify this foreach ( entity weapon in weapons ) { if ( !IsValid( weapon ) ) continue foreach ( string mod in GetWeaponBurnMods( weapon.GetWeaponClassName() ) ) weapon.RemoveMod( mod ) weapon.SetScriptFlags0( weapon.GetScriptFlags0() & ~WEAPONFLAG_AMPED ) } } void function RemoveAmpedWeaponsForTitanPilot( entity player, entity titan ) { foreach ( entity weapon in player.GetMainWeapons() ) foreach ( string mod in GetWeaponBurnMods( weapon.GetWeaponClassName() ) ) weapon.RemoveMod( mod ) } void function PlayerUsesSmartPistolBurncard( entity player ) { // take secondary weapon array sidearms = player.GetMainWeapons() if ( sidearms.len() > 1 ) player.TakeWeaponNow( sidearms[ 1 ].GetWeaponClassName() ) // take secondary weapon player.GiveWeapon( "mp_weapon_smart_pistol" ) player.SetActiveWeaponByName( "mp_weapon_smart_pistol" ) // do we need to track the player losing smart pistol, then give their old weapon back? idk not implementing for now, check later } void function PlayerUsesBatteryBurncard( entity player ) { Rodeo_GiveBatteryToPlayer( player ) } void function PlayerUsesRadarJammerBurncard( entity player ) { foreach ( entity otherPlayer in GetPlayerArray() ) { MessageToPlayer( otherPlayer, eEventNotifications.BurnMeter_RadarJammerUsed, player ) if ( otherPlayer.GetTeam() != player.GetTeam() ) StatusEffect_AddTimed( otherPlayer, eStatusEffect.minimap_jammed, 1.0, RADAR_JAM_TIME, RADAR_JAM_TIME ) } } void function PlayerUsesMaphackBurncard( entity player ) { thread PlayerUsesMaphackBurncardThreaded( player ) } void function PlayerUsesMaphackBurncardThreaded( entity player ) { player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) // todo: potentially look into ScanMinimap in _passives for doing this better? boost is pretty likely based off it pretty heavily for ( int i = 0; i < MAPHACK_PULSE_COUNT; i++ ) { EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "Burn_Card_Map_Hack_Radar_Pulse_V1_1P" ) foreach ( entity otherPlayer in GetPlayerArray() ) { Remote_CallFunction_Replay( otherPlayer, "ServerCallback_SonarPulseFromPosition", player.GetOrigin().x, player.GetOrigin().y, player.GetOrigin().z, SONAR_GRENADE_RADIUS ) if ( otherPlayer.GetTeam() != player.GetTeam() ) { StatusEffect_AddTimed( otherPlayer, eStatusEffect.maphack_detected, 1.0, MAPHACK_PULSE_DELAY / 2, 0.0 ) SonarStart( otherPlayer, player.GetOrigin(), player.GetTeam(), player ) IncrementSonarPerTeam( player.GetTeam() ) } } wait MAPHACK_PULSE_DELAY foreach ( entity otherPlayer in GetPlayerArray() ) { if ( otherPlayer.GetTeam() != player.GetTeam() ) { SonarEnd (otherPlayer, player.GetTeam() ) DecrementSonarPerTeam( player.GetTeam() ) } } } } void function PlayerUsesPhaseRewindBurncard( entity player ) { thread PlayerUsesPhaseRewindBurncardThreaded( player ) } void function PlayerUsesPhaseRewindBurncardThreaded( entity player ) { player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) entity mover = CreateScriptMover( player.GetOrigin(), player.GetAngles() ) player.SetParent( mover, "REF" ) OnThreadEnd( function() : ( player, mover ) { CancelPhaseShift( player ) player.DeployWeapon() player.SetPredictionEnabled( true ) player.ClearParent() ViewConeFree( player ) mover.Destroy() }) array positions = clone player.p.burnCardPhaseRewindStruct.phaseRetreatSavedPositions ViewConeZero( player ) player.HolsterWeapon() player.SetPredictionEnabled( false ) PhaseShift( player, 0.0, positions.len() * PHASE_REWIND_PATH_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL * 1.5 ) for ( int i = positions.len() - 1; i > -1; i-- ) { mover.NonPhysicsMoveTo( positions[ i ].origin, PHASE_REWIND_PATH_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL, 0, 0 ) mover.NonPhysicsRotateTo( positions[ i ].angles, PHASE_REWIND_PATH_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL, 0, 0 ) wait PHASE_REWIND_PATH_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL } // this isn't vanilla but it's cool lol, should prolly remove it tho player.SetVelocity( -positions[ positions.len() - 1 ].velocity ) } void function PlayerUsesNukeTitanBurncard( entity player ) { thread PlayerUsesNukeBurncardThreaded( player ) } void function PlayerUsesNukeBurncardThreaded( entity player ) { // if this is given manually ( i.e. not the equipped burnreward in inventory ), this will run at bad times // so do this check here, yes, this will cause people to lose their cards and get nothing, but better than free titan regens if ( !BurnMeterPlayer_CanUseReward( player, BurnReward_GetByRef( "burnmeter_nuke_titan" ) ) ) return float ownedFrac = PlayerEarnMeter_GetOwnedFrac( player ) // use player's titan loadout, but with warpfall so faster and no dome TitanLoadoutDef titanLoadout = GetTitanLoadoutForPlayer( player ) titanLoadout.passive3 = "pas_warpfall" thread CreateTitanForPlayerAndHotdrop( player, GetTitanReplacementPoint( player, false ) ) entity titan = player.GetPetTitan() SetTeam( titan, TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) // make it so you can kill yourself lol DoomTitan( titan ) NPC_SetNuclearPayload( titan ) // this should get run after the vanilla set_usable's event, so titan is never embarkable // embarking a titan in this state WILL kill the server so uhh, pretty bad AddAnimEvent( titan, "set_usable", void function( entity titan ) { titan.UnsetUsable() } ) titan.WaitSignal( "TitanHotDropComplete" ) AutoTitan_SelfDestruct( titan ) while ( PlayerEarnMeter_GetMode( player ) == eEarnMeterMode.PET ) WaitFrame() // restore original earnmeter values, no way to set earned that's exposed unfortunately PlayerEarnMeter_SetOwnedFrac( player, ownedFrac ) } void function PlayerUsesRodeoGrenadeBurncard( entity player ) { player.SetPlayerNetInt( "numSuperRodeoGrenades", player.GetPlayerNetInt( "numSuperRodeoGrenades" ) + 1 ) } // unused burncard that's mentioned in a few areas and has a validiation function in sh_burnmeter ( BurnMeter_SummonReaperCanUse ), thought it'd be neat to add it void function PlayerUsesReaperfallBurncard( entity player ) { Point spawnpoint = GetTitanReplacementPoint( player, false ) entity reaper = CreateSuperSpectre( player.GetTeam(), spawnpoint.origin, spawnpoint.angles ) DispatchSpawn( reaper ) thread SuperSpectre_WarpFall( reaper ) }