untyped global function GamemodeLts_Init struct { entity lastDamageInfoVictim entity lastDamageInfoAttacker int lastDamageInfoMethodOfDeath float lastDamageInfoTime bool shouldDoHighlights } file void function GamemodeLts_Init() { // gamemode settings SetShouldUsePickLoadoutScreen( true ) SetSwitchSidesBased( true ) SetRoundBased( true ) SetRespawnsEnabled( false ) Riff_ForceSetEliminationMode( eEliminationMode.PilotsTitans ) Riff_ForceSetSpawnAsTitan( eSpawnAsTitan.Always ) SetShouldUseRoundWinningKillReplay( true ) SetRoundWinningKillReplayKillClasses( true, true ) // both titan and pilot kills are tracked AddCallback_OnPilotBecomesTitan( RefreshThirtySecondWallhackHighlight ) AddCallback_OnTitanBecomesPilot( RefreshThirtySecondWallhackHighlight ) SetTimeoutWinnerDecisionFunc( CheckTitanHealthForDraw ) TrackTitanDamageInPlayerGameStat( PGS_ASSAULT_SCORE ) ClassicMP_SetCustomIntro( ClassicMP_DefaultNoIntro_Setup, ClassicMP_DefaultNoIntro_GetLength() ) AddCallback_GameStateEnter( eGameState.Playing, WaitForThirtySecondsLeft ) } void function WaitForThirtySecondsLeft() { thread WaitForThirtySecondsLeftThreaded() } void function WaitForThirtySecondsLeftThreaded() { svGlobal.levelEnt.EndSignal( "RoundEnd" ) // end this on round end float endTime = expect float ( GetServerVar( "roundEndTime" ) ) // wait until 30sec left wait ( endTime - 30 ) - Time() foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() ) { // warn there's 30 seconds left Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_LTSThirtySecondWarning" ) // do initial highlight RefreshThirtySecondWallhackHighlight( player, null ) } } void function RefreshThirtySecondWallhackHighlight( entity player, entity titan ) { if ( TimeSpentInCurrentState() < expect float ( GetServerVar( "roundEndTime" ) ) - 30.0 ) return Highlight_SetEnemyHighlight( player, "enemy_sonar" ) // i think this needs a different effect, this works for now tho if ( player.GetPetTitan() != null ) Highlight_SetEnemyHighlight( player.GetPetTitan(), "enemy_sonar" ) } int function CheckTitanHealthForDraw() { int militiaTitans int imcTitans float militiaHealth float imcHealth foreach ( entity titan in GetTitanArray() ) { if ( titan.GetTeam() == TEAM_MILITIA ) { // doomed is counted as 0 health militiaHealth += titan.GetTitanSoul().IsDoomed() ? 0.0 : GetHealthFrac( titan ) militiaTitans++ } else { // doomed is counted as 0 health in this imcHealth += titan.GetTitanSoul().IsDoomed() ? 0.0 : GetHealthFrac( titan ) imcTitans++ } } // note: due to how stuff is set up rn, there's actually no way to do win/loss reasons outside of a SetWinner call, i.e. not in timeout winner decision // as soon as there is, strings in question are "#GAMEMODE_TITAN_TITAN_ADVANTAGE" and "#GAMEMODE_TITAN_TITAN_DISADVANTAGE" if ( militiaTitans != imcTitans ) return militiaTitans > imcTitans ? TEAM_MILITIA : TEAM_IMC else if ( militiaHealth != imcHealth ) return militiaHealth > imcHealth ? TEAM_MILITIA : TEAM_IMC return TEAM_UNASSIGNED }