untyped global function SetEntityVar global function SetServerVar global function SetNetworkVar global function SyncServerVars global function SyncEntityVars function SetEntityVar( entity ent, varName, value ) { Assert( IsServer() ) Assert( varName in _entityClassVars[ent.GetClassName()], "Entity " + ent + " does not have remote var " + varName ) Assert( varName in _entityClassVarsIsEnts[ent.GetClassName()] ) Assert( varName in _entityClassVarsSyncToAllClients[ent.GetClassName()] ) Assert( typeof value != "string" ) Assert( "_entityVars" in ent ) if ( ent._entityVars[varName] == value ) return ent._entityVars[varName] = value if ( _entityClassVarsIsEnts[ent.GetClassName()][varName] && value != null ) { //printl( "SET NETWORK ENTITY VAR TO AN ENTITY. GETTING EHANDLE" ) value = value.GetEncodedEHandle() } local syncToAllPlayers = _entityClassVarsSyncToAllClients[ent.GetClassName()][varName] // only sync "player" variables to that player if ( ent.IsPlayer() && !ent.IsBot() && !syncToAllPlayers ) { if ( !ent.p.clientScriptInitialized ) return Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( ent, "ServerCallback_SetEntityVar", ent.GetEncodedEHandle(), _entityClassVarHandles[varName], value ) } else { array players = GetPlayerArray() foreach ( player in players ) { if ( player.IsBot() ) continue if ( !player.p.clientScriptInitialized ) continue Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_SetEntityVar", ent.GetEncodedEHandle(), _entityClassVarHandles[varName], value ) } } } function SetServerVar( varName, value ) { Assert( IsServer() ) Assert( varName in _serverVars ) Assert( typeof value != "string" ) expect string( varName ) if ( _serverVars[varName] == value ) return _serverVars[varName] = value if ( varName in _serverEntityVars && value != null ) { if ( IsValid( value ) ) value = value.GetEncodedEHandle() else value = null } // Run server script change callback if one exists thread ServerVarChangedCallbacks( varName ) // Update the var on all clients array players = GetPlayerArray() foreach ( player in players ) { if ( !player.p.clientScriptInitialized ) continue Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_SetServerVar", _serverVarHandles[varName], value ) } } function SetNetworkVar( obj, varName, value ) { if ( obj == level ) { return SetServerVar( varName, value ) } else { expect entity( obj ) return SetEntityVar( obj, varName, value ) } } function SyncServerVars( entity player ) { Assert( IsServer() ) foreach ( varName, value in _serverVars ) { if ( varName in _serverEntityVars && value != null ) { if ( IsValid( value ) ) value = value.GetEncodedEHandle() else value = null } Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_SetServerVar", _serverVarHandles[varName], value ) } } function SyncEntityVars( entity player ) { Assert( IsServer() ) foreach ( className, _ in _entityClassVars ) { array entities if ( className == "player" ) entities = GetPlayerArray() else entities = GetNPCArrayByClass( className ) foreach ( ent in entities ) { if ( !IsValid( ent ) ) continue foreach( varName, value in _entityClassVars[className] ) { local entValue = ent._entityVars[varName] if ( entValue == value ) continue if ( !_entityClassVarsSyncToAllClients[className][varName] && ent != player ) { Assert( className == "player" ) continue } //if ( className == "player" && !_entityClassVarsSyncToAllClients[className][varName] ) // continue // if ( _entityClassVarsIsEnts[className][varName] ) { if ( !IsValid( entValue ) ) continue // if this is an entity var, change over to e-handle entValue = entValue.GetEncodedEHandle() } Assert( player.p.clientScriptInitialized ) Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_SetEntityVar", ent.GetEncodedEHandle(), _entityClassVarHandles[varName], entValue ) } } } }