global function BubbleShield_Init

global function CreateBubbleShield
global function IsTitanWithinBubbleShield
global function TitanHasBubbleShieldWeapon
global function LetTitanPlayerShootThroughBubbleShield
global function CreateGenericBubbleShield
global function CreateParentedBubbleShield

global function WaitUntilTitanStandsOrDies
global function DestroyBubbleShield
global function CreateBubbleShieldWithSettings

const float SHIELD_TITAN_DAMAGE_FLOOR = 250.0
const float SHIELD_TITAN_DAMAGE_CEILING = 16000 //Some arbitrarily large number really
const float SHIELD_PILOT_DAMAGE_FLOOR = 30.0
const float SHIELD_NPC_DAMAGE_FLOOR = 30.0

const float SHIELD_FADE_ENDCAP_DELAY = 1.0


struct BubbleShieldDamageStruct
	float damageFloor
	float damageCeiling
	array<float> quadraticPolynomialCoefficients //Should actually be float[3], but because float[ 3 ] and array<float> are different types and this needs to be fed into EvaluatePolynomial make it an array<float> instead

	BubbleShieldDamageStruct titanDamageStruct
	BubbleShieldDamageStruct pilotDamageStruct
	BubbleShieldDamageStruct aiDamageStruct


void function BubbleShield_Init()
	RegisterSignal( "TitanBrokeBubbleShield" )
	RegisterSignal( "NewBubbleShield" )
	RegisterSignal( "StopBubbleShieldDamage" )

	InitBubbleShieldDamageStructValues( file.titanDamageStruct, SHIELD_TITAN_DAMAGE_FLOOR, SHIELD_TITAN_DAMAGE_CEILING, [ 12.0, 5.0, 2.0 ] )
	InitBubbleShieldDamageStructValues( file.pilotDamageStruct, SHIELD_PILOT_DAMAGE_FLOOR, SHIELD_PILOT_DAMAGE_CEILING, [ 2.0, 1.0, 1.0 ] )
	InitBubbleShieldDamageStructValues( file.aiDamageStruct, 	SHIELD_PILOT_DAMAGE_FLOOR, SHIELD_PILOT_DAMAGE_CEILING, [ 2.0, 1.0, 1.0 ] )

void function InitBubbleShieldDamageStructValues( BubbleShieldDamageStruct damageStruct, float damageFloor, float damageCeiling, array<float> quadPolynomialCoeffs )
	damageStruct.damageFloor = damageFloor
	damageStruct.damageCeiling = damageCeiling
	damageStruct.quadraticPolynomialCoefficients = quadPolynomialCoeffs

void function CreateBubbleShield( entity titan, vector origin, vector angles )
	if ( !IsAlive( titan ) )

	titan.Signal( "ClearDisableTitanfall" )

	entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
	entity player = soul.GetBossPlayer()

	if ( !IsValid( player ) )

	if ( !svGlobal.bubbleShieldEnabled )

	player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )

	float embarkTime = GetBubbleShieldDuration( player )

	soul.Signal( "NewBubbleShield" )
	entity bubbleShield = CreateBubbleShieldWithSettings( titan.GetTeam(), origin, angles, player, bubTime )
	bubbleShield.SetBossPlayer( player ) // so code knows AI should try to shoot at titan inside shield
	soul.soul.bubbleShield = bubbleShield

	player.SetTitanBubbleShieldTime( Time() + GetBubbleShieldDuration( player ) ) //This sets the time to display "Titan Shielded" on the HUD

	AI_CreateDangerousArea_Static( bubbleShield, null, TITAN_BUBBLE_SHIELD_INVULNERABILITY_RANGE, titan.GetTeam(), true, true, origin )

	//titan.SetNPCPriorityOverride( 1 )

		function () : ( titan, soul, player, bubbleShield )
			if ( IsValid( player ) )
				player.SetTitanBubbleShieldTime( 0 ) //This sets the time to display "Titan Shielded" on the HUD

			CleanupTitanBubbleShieldVars( titan, soul, bubbleShield )


	waitthread WaitUntilShieldFades( player, titan, bubbleShield, bubTime + 4.0 )

void function MonitorTitanMovement( entity soul, entity bubbleShield )
	entity titan = soul.GetTitan()
	soul.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
	soul.EndSignal( "OnTitanDeath" )
	bubbleShield.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
	titan.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )

	vector startPos = titan.GetOrigin()
	float endTime = Time() + SHIELD_FADE_ARBITRARY_DELAY
	while( endTime >= Time() )
		if ( Distance( titan.GetOrigin(), startPos ) > SHIELD_DISTANCE_TO_DESTROY )

		wait 0.1

	soul.Signal( "TitanBrokeBubbleShield" )

void function CreateGenericBubbleShield( entity titan, vector origin, vector angles, float duration = 9999.0 )
	if ( !IsAlive( titan ) )

	entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
	soul.Signal( "NewBubbleShield" )
	entity bubbleShield = CreateBubbleShieldWithSettings( titan.GetTeam(), origin, angles, titan, 9999 )
	soul.soul.bubbleShield = bubbleShield

	titan.SetNPCPriorityOverride( 10 )

		function () : ( titan, soul, bubbleShield )
			CleanupTitanBubbleShieldVars( titan, soul, bubbleShield )

	waitthread WaitUntilShieldFades( null, titan, bubbleShield, duration )

void function CreateParentedBubbleShield( entity titan, vector origin, vector angles, float duration = 9999.0 )
	if ( !IsAlive( titan ) )

	entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
	soul.Signal( "NewBubbleShield" )
	entity bubbleShield = CreateBubbleShieldWithSettings( titan.GetTeam(), origin, angles, titan, 9999 )
	soul.soul.bubbleShield = bubbleShield

	titan.SetNPCPriorityOverride( 10 )

		function () : ( titan, soul, bubbleShield )
			CleanupTitanBubbleShieldVars( titan, soul, bubbleShield )

	soul.EndSignal( "OnTitanDeath" )
	soul.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )

	soul.soul.bubbleShield.SetParent( titan, "ORIGIN" )
	table bubleshieldDotS = expect table( soul.soul.bubbleShield.s )
	entity friendlyColoredFX = expect entity (bubleshieldDotS.friendlyColoredFX )
	entity enemyColoredFX = expect entity (bubleshieldDotS.enemyColoredFX )
	friendlyColoredFX.SetParent( soul.soul.bubbleShield )
	enemyColoredFX.SetParent( soul.soul.bubbleShield )

	wait duration

void function CleanupTitanBubbleShieldVars( entity titan, entity soul, entity bubbleShield )
	DestroyBubbleShield( bubbleShield )

	if ( IsValid( soul ) ){
		soul.soul.bubbleShield = null

	if ( IsAlive( titan ) )

void function DestroyBubbleShield( entity bubbleShield )
	if ( IsValid( bubbleShield ) )
		ClearChildren( bubbleShield )

entity function CreateBubbleShieldWithSettings( int team, vector origin, vector angles, entity owner = null, float duration = 9999 )
	entity bubbleShield = CreateEntity( "prop_dynamic" )
	bubbleShield.SetValueForModelKey( $"models/fx/xo_shield.mdl" )
	bubbleShield.kv.solid = SOLID_VPHYSICS
    bubbleShield.kv.rendercolor = "81 130 151"
    bubbleShield.kv.contents = (int(bubbleShield.kv.contents) | CONTENTS_NOGRAPPLE)
	bubbleShield.SetOrigin( origin )
	bubbleShield.SetAngles( angles )
     // Blocks bullets, projectiles but not players and not AI
	bubbleShield.kv.CollisionGroup = TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_BLOCK_WEAPONS
	bubbleShield.SetBlocksRadiusDamage( true )
	DispatchSpawn( bubbleShield )

	SetTeam( bubbleShield, team )
	array<entity> bubbleShieldFXs

	vector coloredFXOrigin = origin + Vector( 0, 0, 25 )
	table bubbleShieldDotS = expect table( bubbleShield.s )
	if ( team == TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
		entity neutralColoredFX = StartParticleEffectInWorld_ReturnEntity( BUBBLE_SHIELD_FX_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_INDEX, coloredFXOrigin, <0, 0, 0> )
		SetTeam( neutralColoredFX, team )
		bubbleShieldDotS.neutralColoredFX <- neutralColoredFX
		bubbleShieldFXs.append( neutralColoredFX )
		//Create friendly and enemy colored particle systems
		entity friendlyColoredFX = StartParticleEffectInWorld_ReturnEntity( BUBBLE_SHIELD_FX_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_INDEX, coloredFXOrigin, <0, 0, 0> )
		SetTeam( friendlyColoredFX, team )
		friendlyColoredFX.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_FRIENDLY
		EffectSetControlPointVector(  friendlyColoredFX, 1, FRIENDLY_COLOR_FX )

		entity enemyColoredFX = StartParticleEffectInWorld_ReturnEntity( BUBBLE_SHIELD_FX_PARTICLE_SYSTEM_INDEX, coloredFXOrigin, <0, 0, 0> )
		SetTeam( enemyColoredFX, team )
		enemyColoredFX.kv.VisibilityFlags = ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_ENEMY
		EffectSetControlPointVector(  enemyColoredFX, 1, ENEMY_COLOR_FX )

		bubbleShieldDotS.friendlyColoredFX <- friendlyColoredFX
		bubbleShieldDotS.enemyColoredFX <- enemyColoredFX
		bubbleShieldFXs.append( friendlyColoredFX )
		bubbleShieldFXs.append( enemyColoredFX )

	#if MP
	DisableTitanfallForLifetimeOfEntityNearOrigin( bubbleShield, origin, TITANHOTDROP_DISABLE_ENEMY_TITANFALL_RADIUS )

	EmitSoundOnEntity( bubbleShield, "BubbleShield_Sustain_Loop" )

	thread CleanupBubbleShield( bubbleShield, bubbleShieldFXs, duration )
	thread BubbleShieldDamageEnemies( bubbleShield, owner )

	return bubbleShield

void function CleanupBubbleShield( entity bubbleShield, array<entity> bubbleShieldFXs, float fadeTime )
	bubbleShield.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )

		function () : ( bubbleShield, bubbleShieldFXs )
			if ( IsValid_ThisFrame( bubbleShield ) )
				StopSoundOnEntity( bubbleShield, "BubbleShield_Sustain_Loop" )
				EmitSoundOnEntity( bubbleShield, "BubbleShield_End" )
				DestroyBubbleShield( bubbleShield )

			foreach ( fx in bubbleShieldFXs )
				if ( IsValid_ThisFrame( fx ) )
					EffectStop( fx )

	wait fadeTime

void function WaitUntilShieldFades( entity player, entity titan, entity bubbleShield, float failTime )
	bubbleShield.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
	entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
	soul.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
	soul.EndSignal( "OnTitanDeath" )
	soul.EndSignal( "NewBubbleShield" )

	soul.EndSignal( "TitanBrokeBubbleShield" )

	if ( player != null )
		waitthread WaitUntilPlayerTitanStandsOrDies( player, titan, failTime )
		waitthread WaitUntilTitanStandsOrDies( titan, failTime )

	// have to add this since OnTitanDeath is somewhat unreliable, especially in the middle of titan transfer
	if ( !IsAlive( soul.GetTitan() ) )

	thread MonitorTitanMovement( soul, bubbleShield )

void function WaitUntilPlayerTitanStandsOrDies( entity player, entity titan, float failTime )
	waitthread WaitUntilTitanStandsOrDies( titan, failTime )

	if ( !IsAlive( player ) )

	if ( IsPlayerEmbarking( player ) && player.Anim_IsActive() )
		WaittillAnimDone( player )

void function WaitUntilTitanStandsOrDies( entity titan, float timeout = -1.0 )
	titan.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
	titan.EndSignal( "ChangedTitanMode" )
	float endTime = Time() + timeout

	for ( ;; )
		if ( titan.GetTitanSoul().GetStance() == STANCE_STAND )

		if ( Time() > endTime && timeout != -1 )

		wait 0.2

void function BubbleShieldDamageEnemies( entity bubbleShield, entity bubbleShieldPlayer )
	bubbleShield.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
	if ( IsValid( bubbleShieldPlayer ) )
		bubbleShieldPlayer.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )

	bubbleShield.EndSignal( "StopBubbleShieldDamage" )

	entity trigger = CreateEntity( "trigger_cylinder" )
	trigger.SetAboveHeight( TITAN_BUBBLE_SHIELD_CYLINDER_TRIGGER_HEIGHT ) //Still not quite a sphere, will see if close enough
	trigger.SetBelowHeight( 0 )
	trigger.SetOrigin( bubbleShield.GetOrigin() )
	trigger.SetParent( bubbleShield )
	DispatchSpawn( trigger )

	trigger.SearchForNewTouchingEntity() //JFS: trigger.GetTouchingEntities() will not return entities already in the trigger unless this is called. See bug 202843

	/*DebugDrawCylinder( trigger.GetOrigin(), <270,0,0>, TITAN_BUBBLE_SHIELD_INVULNERABILITY_RANGE, TITAN_BUBBLE_SHIELD_CYLINDER_TRIGGER_HEIGHT, 255, 255, 255, true, 20.0 )
	DebugDrawSphere( bubbleShield.GetOrigin(), TITAN_BUBBLE_SHIELD_INVULNERABILITY_RANGE, 255, 0, 0, true, 20 )*/
	function() : ( trigger )

	float refreshLowerBound = 0.5
	float refreshUpperBound = 0.8

	table<entity, int> soulTable = {}
	table<entity, int> npcTable = {}
	table<entity, int> pilotTable = {}

	table<entity, int> countTable

	while ( true )
		array<entity> touchingEnts = trigger.GetTouchingEntities()

		foreach( touchingEnt in touchingEnts  )
			if ( touchingEnt.IsTitan() )
				countTable = soulTable
			else if( touchingEnt.IsPlayer() )
				countTable = pilotTable
				countTable = npcTable

			DamageEntWithinBubbleShield( bubbleShield, bubbleShieldPlayer, touchingEnt, countTable )

		wait RandomFloatRange( refreshLowerBound, refreshUpperBound )

void function LetTitanPlayerShootThroughBubbleShield( entity titanPlayer )
	Assert( titanPlayer.IsTitan() )

	entity soul = titanPlayer.GetTitanSoul()
	entity bubbleShield = soul.soul.bubbleShield

	if ( !IsValid( bubbleShield ) )

	bubbleShield.SetOwner( titanPlayer ) //After this, player is able to fire out from shield. WATCH OUT FOR POTENTIAL COLLISION BUGS!

	thread MonitorLastFireTime( titanPlayer )
	thread StopPlayerShootThroughBubbleShield( titanPlayer, bubbleShield )

void function StopPlayerShootThroughBubbleShield( entity player, entity bubbleShield )
	player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
	player.WaitSignal( "OnChangedPlayerClass" ) //Kill this thread once player gets out of the Titan

	if ( !IsValid( bubbleShield ) )

	bubbleShield.SetOwner( null )

void function MonitorLastFireTime( entity player )
	player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
	player.EndSignal( "OnChangedPlayerClass" ) //Kill this thread once player gets out of the Titan

	player.WaitSignal( "OnPrimaryAttack" ) //Sent when player fires his weapon
	//printt( "Player fired weapon! in MonitorLastFireTime" )

	entity soul = player.GetTitanSoul()

	if ( !IsValid( soul ) )

	soul.Signal( "TitanBrokeBubbleShield" ) //WaitUntilShieldFades will end when this signal is sent

void function DamageEntWithinBubbleShield( entity bubbleShield, entity bubbleShieldPlayer, entity touchingEnt, table<entity, int> countTable,  )
	int ownerTeam = IsValid( bubbleShieldPlayer ) ? bubbleShieldPlayer.GetTeam() : bubbleShield.GetTeam()
	if ( !BubbleShieldShouldDamage( bubbleShield, ownerTeam,  touchingEnt ) )

	entity entInCountTable = null

	if ( touchingEnt.IsTitan() )
		entity soul = touchingEnt.GetTitanSoul()
		if ( !IsValid( soul ) )

		entInCountTable = soul
		entInCountTable = touchingEnt

	if ( IsValid( entInCountTable  ) && !( entInCountTable in countTable ) )
		countTable[ entInCountTable ] <- 0

	int timesTouched = ++countTable[ entInCountTable ]

	BubbleShieldDamageStruct damageStruct

	if ( touchingEnt.IsTitan() )
		damageStruct = file.titanDamageStruct
	else if ( touchingEnt.IsPlayer() )
		damageStruct = file.pilotDamageStruct
		damageStruct = file.aiDamageStruct

	float damageAmount = damageStruct.damageFloor + EvaluatePolynomial( float ( countTable[ entInCountTable ] ),  damageStruct.quadraticPolynomialCoefficients )

	//printt( "Damage amount: " + damageAmount + ", touchingEnt: " + touchingEnt )

	touchingEnt.TakeDamage( damageAmount, bubbleShieldPlayer, bubbleShield, { origin = bubbleShield.GetOrigin(), damageSourceId=eDamageSourceId.bubble_shield } )
	StatusEffect_AddTimed( touchingEnt, eStatusEffect.emp, 0.1, 1.0, 0.2 )

	EmitSoundOnEntity( bubbleShield, "titan_energyshield_damage" )

bool function BubbleShieldShouldDamage( entity bubbleShield, int ownerTeam, entity ent )
	if ( !IsAlive( ent ) )
		return false

	if ( ownerTeam == ent.GetTeam() )
		return false

	/*if ( ent.IsTitan() && IsTitanWithinBubbleShield( ent ) )
		return false*/

	if ( ! ( ent instanceof CBaseCombatCharacter ) ) //Projectiles etc won't get damaged
		return false

	float distSqr = DistanceSqr( bubbleShield.GetOrigin(), ent.GetOrigin() )


bool function IsTitanWithinBubbleShield( entity titan )
	if ( !IsAlive( titan ) )
		return false

	entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()

	if ( !IsValid( soul ) ) //Bug 152438. Defensive coding, but there's a small window after embarking where the npc Titan doesn't have a soul anymore but can be damaged
		return false

	if ( !IsValid( soul.soul.bubbleShield ) )
		return false

	return DistanceSqr( soul.soul.bubbleShield.GetOrigin(), titan.GetOrigin() ) < TITAN_BUBBLE_SHIELD_INVULNERABILITY_RANGE * TITAN_BUBBLE_SHIELD_INVULNERABILITY_RANGE

bool function TitanHasBubbleShieldWeapon( entity titan )
	entity weapon = titan.GetActiveWeapon()
	if ( IsValid( weapon ) && IsValid( weapon.w.bubbleShield ) )
		return true

	return false