global function SH_PowerUp_Init global function GetPowerUpFromIndex global function GetPowerUpFromItemRef //Proto Use Functions global function PowerUp_Func_GiveEPG global function PowerUp_Func_GiveHELL global function PowerUp_Func_GiveLSTAR global function PowerUp_Func_GiveSHOTGUN global function PowerUp_Func_GiveArmorSmall global function PowerUp_Func_GiveArmorMedium global function PowerUp_Func_GiveArmorLarge global function PowerUp_Func_TitanBuildTime global function PowerUp_Func_PilotUpgrade global function PowerUp_Func_GiveTicks global struct PowerUp { int index string name asset icon asset model asset baseModel string itemRef vector modelOffset vector modelAngles float respawnDelay vector glowColor bool titanPickup int maxInWorld void functionref( entity ) destroyFunc bool functionref() spawnFunc } const bool TITAN_PICKUP = true const bool PILOT_PICKUP = false struct { array powerUps }file const TEST_MODEL = $"models/communication/terminal_com_station.mdl" const TEST_ICON = $"vgui/HUD/coop/minimap_coop_nuke_titan" void function SH_PowerUp_Init() { #if SERVER || CLIENT PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_epg" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_arena1" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_arena2" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_arena3" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_lstar" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_shotgun_doublebarrel" ) PrecacheWeapon( "mp_weapon_frag_drone" ) #endif file.powerUps.resize( ePowerUps.count ) CreatePowerUp( ePowerUps.weaponEPG, "mp_weapon_epg", "EPG", 60.0, 0, DefaultShouldSpawnPowerUp, PowerUp_Func_GiveEPG, <255,0,0>, PILOT_PICKUP, $"vgui/HUD/op_ammo_mini", $"models/weapons/auto_rocket_launcher_ARL/w_ARL.mdl", $"models/communication/flag_base.mdl", < 0, 0, 32 >, < 0, 0, 0 > ) CreatePowerUp( ePowerUps.weaponHELL, "mp_weapon_arena3", "HELL", 90.0, 0, DefaultShouldSpawnPowerUp, PowerUp_Func_GiveHELL, <255,0,0>, PILOT_PICKUP, $"vgui/HUD/op_ammo_mini", $"models/weapons/defender/w_defender.mdl", $"models/communication/flag_base.mdl", < 0, 0, 32 >, < 0, 0, 0 > ) CreatePowerUp( ePowerUps.weaponLSTAR, "mp_weapon_lstar", "LSTAR", 45.0, 0, DefaultShouldSpawnPowerUp, PowerUp_Func_GiveLSTAR, <255,0,0>, PILOT_PICKUP, $"vgui/HUD/op_ammo_mini", $"models/weapons/lstar/w_lstar.mdl", $"models/communication/flag_base.mdl", < 0, 0, 32 >, < 0, 0, 0 > ) CreatePowerUp( ePowerUps.weaponSHOTGUN, "mp_weapon_shotgun_doublebarrel", "Shrapnel Shotgun", 30.0, 0, DefaultShouldSpawnPowerUp, PowerUp_Func_GiveSHOTGUN, <255,0,0>, PILOT_PICKUP, $"vgui/HUD/op_ammo_mini", $"models/weapons/mastiff_stgn/w_mastiff.mdl", $"models/communication/flag_base.mdl", < 0, 0, 32 >, < 0, 0, 0 > ) CreatePowerUp( ePowerUps.armorSmall, "mp_loot_armor_small", "Armor +5", 30.0, 0, DefaultShouldSpawnPowerUp, PowerUp_Func_GiveArmorSmall, <0,0,255>, PILOT_PICKUP, $"vgui/HUD/op_health_mini", $"models/gameplay/health_pickup_small.mdl", $"models/containers/plastic_pallet_01.mdl", < 0, 0, 32 >, < 0, 0, 0 > ) CreatePowerUp( ePowerUps.armorMedium, "mp_loot_armor_medium", "Armor +25", 60.0, 0, DefaultShouldSpawnPowerUp, PowerUp_Func_GiveArmorMedium, <0,0,255>, PILOT_PICKUP, $"vgui/HUD/op_health_mini", $"models/gameplay/health_pickup_small.mdl", $"models/containers/plastic_pallet_01.mdl", < 0, 0, 32 >, < 0, 0, 0 > ) CreatePowerUp( ePowerUps.armorLarge, "mp_loot_armor_large", "Armor +50", 120.0, 0, DefaultShouldSpawnPowerUp, PowerUp_Func_GiveArmorLarge, <0,0,255>, PILOT_PICKUP, $"vgui/HUD/op_health_mini", $"models/gameplay/health_pickup_large.mdl", $"models/containers/plastic_pallet_01.mdl", < 0, 0, 32 >, < 0, 0, 0 > ) CreatePowerUp( ePowerUps.titanTimeReduction, "mp_loot_titan_build_credit", "Titan Build Time", 20.0, 2, FRAShouldSpawnPowerUp, PowerUp_Func_TitanBuildTime, <0,255,0>, PILOT_PICKUP, $"vgui/HUD/op_drone_mini", $"models/titans/medium/titan_medium_battery_static.mdl", $"models/communication/flag_base.mdl", < 0, 0, 32 >, < 0, 0, 0 > ) CreatePowerUp( ePowerUps.LTS_TitanTimeReduction, "mp_loot_titan_build_credit_lts", "Titan Build Time", 60.0, 0, LTSShouldSpawnPowerUp, PowerUp_Func_TitanBuildTime, <0,255,0>, PILOT_PICKUP, $"vgui/HUD/op_drone_mini", $"models/titans/medium/titan_medium_battery_static.mdl", $"models/communication/flag_base.mdl", < 0, 0, 32 >, < 0, 0, 0 > ) CreatePowerUp( ePowerUps.pilotUpgrade, "mp_loot_pilot_upgrade", "Can of Spinach", 120.0, 0, DefaultShouldSpawnPowerUp, PowerUp_Func_PilotUpgrade, <0,255,0>, PILOT_PICKUP, $"vgui/HUD/op_drone_mini", $"models/humans/pilots/pilot_light_ged_m.mdl", $"models/communication/flag_base.mdl", < 0, 0, 32 >, < 0, 0, 0 > ) CreatePowerUp( ePowerUps.ticks, "mp_weapon_frag_drone", "Ticks", 60.0, 0, DefaultShouldSpawnPowerUp, PowerUp_Func_GiveTicks, <255,0,0>, PILOT_PICKUP, $"vgui/HUD/op_ammo_mini", $"models/robots/drone_frag/frag_drone_proj.mdl", $"models/robots/drone_frag/frag_drone_proj.mdl", < 0, 0, 32 >, < 0, 0, 0 > ) } bool function FRAShouldSpawnPowerUp() { return GAMETYPE == FREE_AGENCY } bool function LTSShouldSpawnPowerUp() { if ( HasIronRules() ) return false return ( GAMETYPE == LAST_TITAN_STANDING || GAMETYPE == LTS_BOMB ) } bool function DefaultShouldSpawnPowerUp() { return GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "power_ups_enabled", 0 ) == 1 } void function CreatePowerUp( int enumIndex, string item, string displayName, float respawnTime, int worldLimit, bool functionref() shouldSpawnFunction, void functionref( entity ) destroyFunction, vector color, bool canTitanPickup, asset worldIcon, asset worldModel, asset worldBase, vector worldModelOffset, vector worldModelAngle ) { PowerUp power power.index = enumIndex = displayName power.icon = worldIcon power.model = worldModel power.baseModel = worldBase power.itemRef = item power.modelOffset = worldModelOffset power.modelAngles = worldModelAngle power.respawnDelay = respawnTime power.destroyFunc = destroyFunction power.spawnFunc = shouldSpawnFunction power.glowColor = color power.titanPickup = canTitanPickup power.maxInWorld = worldLimit file.powerUps[enumIndex] = power #if CLIENT PrecacheHUDMaterial( worldIcon ) #else PrecacheModel( worldModel ) PrecacheModel( worldBase ) #if R1_VGUI_MINIMAP Minimap_PrecacheMaterial( worldIcon ) #endif #endif } PowerUp function GetPowerUpFromIndex( int index ) { return file.powerUps[index] } PowerUp function GetPowerUpFromItemRef( string ref ) { foreach( power in file.powerUps ) { if ( power.itemRef == ref ) return power } Assert( false, "Power Up not found") unreachable } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROTO USE FUNCTIONS - Maybe should be a bunch of new item_ classes with their own healthkit callbacks? ////////////////////////////////////////////// void function PowerUp_Func_GiveEPG( entity player ) { #if SERVER if ( player.IsTitan() ) return GiveWeaponPowerUp( player, "mp_weapon_arena2" ) #endif } void function PowerUp_Func_GiveHELL( entity player ) { #if SERVER if ( player.IsTitan() ) return GiveWeaponPowerUp( player, "mp_weapon_arena3" ) #endif } void function PowerUp_Func_GiveLSTAR( entity player ) { #if SERVER if ( player.IsTitan() ) return GiveWeaponPowerUp( player, "mp_weapon_arena1" ) #endif } void function PowerUp_Func_GiveSHOTGUN( entity player ) { #if SERVER if ( player.IsTitan() ) return GiveWeaponPowerUp( player, "mp_weapon_shotgun_doublebarrel" ) #endif } void function PowerUp_Func_GiveTicks( entity player ) { #if SERVER if ( player.IsTitan() ) return player.TakeOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_ORDNANCE ) player.GiveOffhandWeapon( "mp_weapon_frag_drone", OFFHAND_ORDNANCE ) thread RestoreDefaultOffhandWeapon( player ) #endif } #if SERVER void function RestoreDefaultOffhandWeapon( entity player ) { player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" ) player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) while( true ) { player.WaitSignal( "ThrowGrenade" ) if ( player.IsTitan() ) continue entity weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_ORDNANCE ) if ( weapon.GetWeaponPrimaryClipCount() == 0 ) { player.TakeOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_ORDNANCE ) int loadoutIndex = GetActivePilotLoadoutIndex( player ) PilotLoadoutDef loadout = GetPilotLoadoutFromPersistentData( player, loadoutIndex ) player.GiveOffhandWeapon( loadout.ordnance, OFFHAND_ORDNANCE ) return } } } void function GiveWeaponPowerUp( entity player, string newWeapon ) { array weapons = player.GetMainWeapons() string weaponToSwitch = player.GetLatestPrimaryWeapon().GetWeaponClassName() if ( player.GetActiveWeapon() != player.GetAntiTitanWeapon() ) { foreach ( weapon in weapons ) { string weaponClassName = weapon.GetWeaponClassName() if ( weaponClassName == newWeapon ) { weaponToSwitch = weaponClassName break } } } player.TakeWeaponNow( weaponToSwitch ) player.GiveWeapon( newWeapon ) player.SetActiveWeaponByName( newWeapon ) } #endif void function PowerUp_Func_GiveArmorSmall( entity player ) { GiveArmor( player, 5 ) } void function PowerUp_Func_GiveArmorMedium( entity player ) { GiveArmor( player, 25 ) } void function PowerUp_Func_GiveArmorLarge( entity player ) { GiveArmor( player, 50 ) } void function GiveArmor( entity player, int amount ) { #if SERVER if ( player.IsTitan() ) return int currentShieldHealth = player.GetShieldHealth() int currentMaxShieldHealth = player.GetShieldHealthMax() player.SetShieldHealth( min( 200, amount + currentShieldHealth ) ) player.SetShieldHealthMax( min( 200, amount + currentMaxShieldHealth ) ) #endif } void function PowerUp_Func_TitanBuildTime( entity player ) { #if SERVER entity battery = Rodeo_CreateBatteryPack() battery.SetOrigin( player.GetOrigin() ) #endif } void function PowerUp_Func_PilotUpgrade( entity player ) { #if SERVER if ( player.IsTitan() ) return int loadoutIndex = GetPersistentSpawnLoadoutIndex( player, "pilot" ) PilotLoadoutDef loadout = GetPilotLoadoutFromPersistentData( player, loadoutIndex ) loadout.primary = "mp_weapon_arena2" loadout.secondary = "mp_weapon_mgl" loadout.ordnance = "mp_weapon_grenade_emp" UpdateDerivedPilotLoadoutData( loadout ) GivePilotLoadout( player, loadout ) SetActivePilotLoadoutIndex( player, loadoutIndex ) #endif }