// all stubs because we don't really need this
// if we actually ever want to mess with stats stuff, code already calls all this

global function PIN_Init
global function PIN_BuyItemWithRealMoney
global function PIN_BuyItem
global function PIN_GiveItem
global function PIN_GiveCredits
global function PIN_ConsumeItem
global function PIN_AddToPlayerCountStat
global function PIN_PlayerAbility
global function PIN_PlayerAbilityReady
global function PIN_DamageDone
global function PIN_PlayerRodeoedEnemyTitanToCompletion

void function PIN_Init()


void function PIN_BuyItemWithRealMoney( entity player, bool _0, string name, int cost )


void function PIN_BuyItem( entity player, bool _0, string name, int cost )


void function PIN_GiveItem( entity player, bool _0, string name, int count )


void function PIN_GiveCredits( entity player, int count )


void function PIN_ConsumeItem( entity player, string name )


void function PIN_AddToPlayerCountStat( entity player, string name )


void function PIN_PlayerAbility( entity player, string name, string action, table args, float duration = 0 )


void function PIN_PlayerAbilityReady( entity player, string action )


void function PIN_DamageDone( entity player, entity victim, var damageInfo )


void function PIN_PlayerRodeoedEnemyTitanToCompletion( entity player, entity titan, bool playerHadBattery )
