global function SpectreRack_Init global function IsStalkerRack global function SpawnFromStalkerRack global function AddSpectreRackCallback global function GetSpectreRackFromEnt global function SetupSpectreRack global function SpectreRackActivationEffects global function TrackFriendlySpectre const FX_GREEN_GLOW = $"P_spectre_rack_glow_idle" const WARNING_LIGHT_BLINK = $"warning_light_orange_blink" const SPECTRE_RACK_ACHIEVEMENT_COUNT = 6 global struct SpectreRackSpectre { string attachName entity dummyModel entity glowFX entity spawner } global struct SpectreRack { entity rackEnt array spectreRackSpectres } struct { int playersSpectreArrayIdx array spectreRackTypes array spectreRacks array callbackFuncs } file void function AddSpectreRackCallback( void functionref( entity, entity ) func ) { Assert( !file.callbackFuncs.contains( func ) ) file.callbackFuncs.append( func ) } void function SpectreRack_Init() { if ( reloadingScripts ) return file.spectreRackTypes.append( "npc_spectre_rack_wall" ) file.spectreRackTypes.append( "npc_spectre_rack_multi" ) file.spectreRackTypes.append( "npc_spectre_rack_triple" ) //file.spectreRackTypes.append( "npc_spectre_rack_portable" ) //file.spectreRackTypes.append( "npc_spectre_rack_palette" ) PrecacheParticleSystem( FX_GREEN_GLOW ) PrecacheParticleSystem( WARNING_LIGHT_BLINK ) foreach ( string rackType in file.spectreRackTypes ) { AddSpawnCallbackEditorClass( "prop_dynamic", rackType, SetupSpectreRack ) } if ( IsSingleplayer() ) { file.playersSpectreArrayIdx = CreateScriptManagedEntArray() AddSpectreRackCallback( TrySpectreAchievement ) } } bool function IsStalkerRack( entity ent ) { if ( !ent.HasKey( "editorclass" ) ) return false string editorclass = ent.GetValueForKey( "editorclass" ) return file.spectreRackTypes.contains( editorclass ) } void function SetupSpectreRack( entity rack ) { SpectreRack spectreRack spectreRack.rackEnt = rack // Get attach point info from the model being used while( true ) { int attachIndex = spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres.len() + 1 string attachment = "spectre_attach_" + attachIndex int id = rack.LookupAttachment( attachment ) if ( id == 0 ) break SpectreRackSpectre spectreRackSpectre spectreRackSpectre.attachName = attachment spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres.append( spectreRackSpectre ) } // Get linked spawner array linkedEnts = rack.GetLinkEntArray() int spawnerCount = 0 foreach ( index, ent in linkedEnts ) { if ( IsSpawner( ent ) ) { spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres[index].spawner = ent spawnerCount++ } } Assert( spawnerCount == spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres.len(), "Spectre rack " + rack + " at: " + rack.GetOrigin() + " " + rack.GetValueForKey( "editorclass" ) + " must link to exactly " + spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres.len() + " spawner" ) // Create dummy spectre models to idle on the rack foreach ( spectreRackSpectre in spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres ) { int attachID = rack.LookupAttachment( spectreRackSpectre.attachName ) vector origin = rack.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachID ) vector angles = rack.GetAttachmentAngles( attachID ) var spawnerKeyValues = spectreRackSpectre.spawner.GetSpawnEntityKeyValues() expect table( spawnerKeyValues ) asset model = spectreRackSpectre.spawner.GetSpawnerModelName() int skin if ( "skin" in spawnerKeyValues ) { skin = int( ) } string idleAnim = GetIdleAnimForSpawner( spectreRackSpectre.spawner ) entity dummySpectre = CreatePropDynamic( model, origin, angles ) dummySpectre.SetSkin( skin ) dummySpectre.SetParent( rack, spectreRackSpectre.attachName ) thread PlayAnimTeleport( dummySpectre, idleAnim, rack, spectreRackSpectre.attachName ) spectreRackSpectre.dummyModel = dummySpectre } // Create effects on the rack if ( !rack.HasKey( "DisableStatusLights" ) || rack.GetValueForKey( "DisableStatusLights" ) == "0" ) SpectreRackCreateFx( spectreRack, FX_GREEN_GLOW ) file.spectreRacks.append( spectreRack ) } void function SpawnFromStalkerRack( entity rack, entity activator = null ) { Assert( IsNewThread(), "Must be threaded off." ) SpectreRack spectreRack = GetSpectreRackFromEnt( rack ) Assert( IsValid( spectreRack.rackEnt ) ) thread SpectreRackActivationEffects( spectreRack ) thread SpectreRackActivationSpawners( spectreRack, activator ) if ( IsValid( activator ) && activator.IsPlayer() ) UnlockAchievement( activator, achievements.HACK_STALKERS ) } void function SpectreRackActivationEffects( SpectreRack spectreRack ) { EndSignal( spectreRack, "OnDestroy" ) EndSignal( spectreRack.rackEnt, "OnDestroy" ) OnThreadEnd ( function() : ( spectreRack ) { if ( IsValid( spectreRack ) ) SpectreRackDestroyFx( spectreRack ) } ) EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, spectreRack.rackEnt.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 72), "colony_spectre_initialize_beep" ) EmitSoundAtPosition( TEAM_UNASSIGNED, spectreRack.rackEnt.GetOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 72), "corporate_spectrerack_activate" ) SpectreRackDestroyFx( spectreRack ) SpectreRackCreateFx( spectreRack, WARNING_LIGHT_BLINK ) // Let the flash FX linger a bit longer, then the thread end will kill the fx wait 6 } void function SpectreRackActivationSpawners( SpectreRack spectreRack, entity activator = null ) { EndSignal( spectreRack, "OnDestroy" ) EndSignal( spectreRack.rackEnt, "OnDestroy" ) array spawnOrder for ( int i = 0 ; i < spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres.len() ; i++ ) { spawnOrder.append(i) } spawnOrder.randomize() foreach ( int index in spawnOrder ) { thread SpectreRackReleaseSpectre( spectreRack, index, activator ) wait RandomFloatRange( 0.0, 0.25 ) } } void function SpectreRackReleaseSpectre( SpectreRack spectreRack, int index, entity activator = null ) { SpectreRackSpectre spectreRackSpectre = spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres[ index ] if ( !IsValid( spectreRackSpectre.dummyModel ) ) return entity rackEnt = spectreRack.rackEnt entity dummy = spectreRackSpectre.dummyModel Assert( IsValid ( dummy ) ) entity spawner = spectreRackSpectre.spawner Assert( IsValid ( spawner ) ) EndSignal( spectreRackSpectre, "OnDestroy" ) EndSignal( rackEnt, "OnDestroy" ) var spawnerKeyValues = spawner.GetSpawnEntityKeyValues() expect table( spawnerKeyValues ) if ( "script_delay" in spawnerKeyValues ) { float delay = float( spawnerKeyValues.script_delay ) wait delay } if ( IsValid( dummy ) ) dummy.Destroy() entity spectre = spawner.SpawnEntity() DispatchSpawn( spectre ) spectre.ContextAction_SetBusy() if ( IsValid( activator ) ) { SetTeam( spectre, activator.GetTeam() ) //spectre.DisableBehavior( "Assault" ) /* if ( activator.IsPlayer() ) { NPCFollowsPlayer( spectre, activator ) } else if ( activator.IsNPC() ) { NPCFollowsNPC( spectre, activator ) } */ } string deployAnim = GetDeployAnimForSpawner( spectreRackSpectre.spawner ) string idleAnim = GetIdleAnimForSpawner( spectreRackSpectre.spawner ) EndSignal( spectre, "OnDeath" ) string attachment = spectreRackSpectre.attachName spectre.SetParent( rackEnt, attachment ) thread PlayAnimTeleport( spectre, idleAnim, rackEnt, attachment ) if ( CoinFlip() ) EmitSoundOnEntity( spectre, "diag_stalker_generic" ) spectre.SetNoTarget( true ) waitthread PlayAnim( spectre, deployAnim, rackEnt, attachment ) spectre.ClearParent() float yaw = spectre.GetAngles().y spectre.SetAngles( <0,yaw,0> )//spectres released on moving platforms angle correctly foreach ( func in file.callbackFuncs ) { thread func( spectre, activator ) } spectre.SetTitle( spectre.GetSettingTitle() ) Highlight_SetFriendlyHighlight( spectre, "sp_friendly_pilot" ) ShowName( spectre ) wait 1 spectre.SetNoTarget( false ) spectre.ContextAction_ClearBusy() } void function SpectreRackCreateFx( SpectreRack spectreRack, asset fxName ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres.len() ; i++ ) { string attachment = "glow_" + i int id = spectreRack.rackEnt.LookupAttachment( attachment ) Assert( id != 0, "Missing attachment \"" + attachment + "\" in model " + spectreRack.rackEnt.GetModelName() ) entity fx = PlayLoopFXOnEntity( fxName, spectreRack.rackEnt, attachment ) Assert( !IsValid( spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres[i].glowFX ) ) spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres[i].glowFX = fx } } void function SpectreRackDestroyFx( SpectreRack spectreRack ) { foreach ( spectreRackSpectre in spectreRack.spectreRackSpectres ) { entity fx = spectreRackSpectre.glowFX if ( !IsValid_ThisFrame( fx ) ) continue fx.ClearParent() fx.Destroy() } } SpectreRack function GetSpectreRackFromEnt( entity rack ) { // Get the spectre rack struct from the placed entity foreach ( SpectreRack rackStruct in file.spectreRacks ) { if ( rackStruct.rackEnt == rack ) return rackStruct } SpectreRack rackStruct return rackStruct } string function GetIdleAnimForSpawner( entity spawner ) { string idleAnim string spawnClassName = GetEditorClass( spawner ) if ( spawnClassName == "" ) spawnClassName = spawner.GetSpawnEntityClassName() switch( spawnClassName ) { case "npc_stalker": case "npc_stalker_zombie": case "npc_stalker_zombie_mossy": idleAnim = "st_medbay_idle_armed" break case "npc_spectre": idleAnim = "sp_med_bay_dropidle_A" break default: idleAnim = "st_medbay_idle_armed" break } return idleAnim } string function GetDeployAnimForSpawner( entity spawner ) { string deployAnim string spawnClassName = GetEditorClass( spawner ) if ( spawnClassName == "" ) spawnClassName = spawner.GetSpawnEntityClassName() switch( spawnClassName ) { case "npc_stalker": case "npc_stalker_zombie": case "npc_stalker_zombie_mossy": deployAnim = "st_medbay_drop_armed" break case "npc_spectre_suicide": deployAnim = "sp_med_bay_drop_unarmed" break case "npc_spectre": deployAnim = "sp_med_bay_drop_A" break default: deployAnim = "st_medbay_drop_armed" break } return deployAnim } void function TrySpectreAchievement( entity npc, entity activator ) { if ( !IsValid( activator ) ) return if ( !activator.IsPlayer() ) return TrackFriendlySpectre( npc, activator ) } void function TrackFriendlySpectre( entity npc, entity player ) { if ( player.GetTeam() != npc.GetTeam() ) return if ( IsStalker( npc ) ) AddToScriptManagedEntArray( file.playersSpectreArrayIdx, npc ) else return printt( "Achievment tracking stalker: " + GetScriptManagedEntArrayLen( file.playersSpectreArrayIdx ) ) if ( GetScriptManagedEntArrayLen( file.playersSpectreArrayIdx ) >= SPECTRE_RACK_ACHIEVEMENT_COUNT ) { UnlockAchievement( player, achievements.HACK_ROBOTS ) } }