global function CodeCallback_MatchIsOver void function CodeCallback_MatchIsOver() { if ( !IsPrivateMatch() && IsMatchmakingServer() ) SetUIVar( level, "putPlayerInMatchmakingAfterDelay", true ) else SetUIVar( level, "putPlayerInMatchmakingAfterDelay", false ) #if MP AddCreditsForXPGained() PopulatePostgameData() #endif if ( ShouldReturnToLobby() ) { SetCurrentPlaylist( "private_match" ) // needed for private lobby to load if ( IsSingleplayer() ) GameRules_ChangeMap( "mp_lobby", "tdm" ) // need to change back to mp playlist or loadouts will break in lobby else GameRules_ChangeMap( "mp_lobby", GAMETYPE ) } else { // iterate over all gamemodes/maps in current playlist, choose map/mode combination that's directly after our current one // if we reach the end, go back to the first map/mode bool changeOnNextIteration = false for ( int i = 0; i < GetCurrentPlaylistGamemodesCount(); i++ ) { if ( GetCurrentPlaylistGamemodeByIndex( i ) == GAMETYPE ) { for ( int j = 0; j < GetCurrentPlaylistGamemodeByIndexMapsCount( i ); j++ ) { if ( changeOnNextIteration ) { GameRules_ChangeMap( GetCurrentPlaylistGamemodeByIndexMapByIndex( i, j ), GetCurrentPlaylistGamemodeByIndex( i ) ) return } if ( GetCurrentPlaylistGamemodeByIndexMapByIndex( i, j ) == GetMapName() ) changeOnNextIteration = true // change to next map/mode we iterate over } } } // go back to first map/mode GameRules_ChangeMap( GetCurrentPlaylistGamemodeByIndexMapByIndex( 0, 0 ), GetCurrentPlaylistGamemodeByIndex( 0 ) ) } #if DEV if ( !IsMatchmakingServer() ) GameRules_ChangeMap( "mp_lobby", GAMETYPE ) #endif // #if DEV } #if MP void function PopulatePostgameData() { // show the postgame scoreboard summary SetUIVar( level, "showGameSummary", true ) foreach ( entity player in GetPlayerArray() ) { int teams = GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "max_teams", 2 ) bool standardTeams = teams != 2 int enumModeIndex = 0 int enumMapIndex = 0 try { enumModeIndex = PersistenceGetEnumIndexForItemName( "gamemodes", GAMETYPE ) enumMapIndex = PersistenceGetEnumIndexForItemName( "maps", GetMapName() ) } catch( ex ) {} player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.myTeam", player.GetTeam() ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.myXuid", player.GetUID() ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.gameMode", enumModeIndex ) player.SetPersistentVar( "", enumMapIndex ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.teams", standardTeams ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.maxTeamSize", teams ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.privateMatch", true ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.ranked", true ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.hadMatchLossProtection", false ) player.SetPersistentVar( "isFDPostGameScoreboardValid", GAMETYPE == FD ) if ( standardTeams ) { if ( player.GetTeam() == TEAM_MILITIA ) { player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.factionMCOR", GetFactionChoice( player ) ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.factionIMC", GetEnemyFaction( player ) ) } else { player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.factionIMC", GetFactionChoice( player ) ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.factionMCOR", GetEnemyFaction( player ) ) } player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.scoreMCOR", GameRules_GetTeamScore( TEAM_MILITIA ) ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.scoreIMC", GameRules_GetTeamScore( TEAM_IMC ) ) } else { player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.factionMCOR", GetFactionChoice( player ) ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.scoreMCOR", GameRules_GetTeamScore( player.GetTeam() ) ) } array otherPlayers = GetPlayerArray() array scoreTypes = GameMode_GetScoreboardColumnScoreTypes( GAMETYPE ) int persistenceArrayCount = PersistenceGetArrayCount( "postGameData.players" ) for ( int i = 0; i < min( otherPlayers.len(), persistenceArrayCount ); i++ ) { player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.players[" + i + "].team", otherPlayers[ i ].GetTeam() ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.players[" + i + "].name", otherPlayers[ i ].GetPlayerName() ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.players[" + i + "].xuid", otherPlayers[ i ].GetUID() ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.players[" + i + "].callsignIconIndex", otherPlayers[ i ].GetPersistentVarAsInt( "activeCallsignIconIndex" ) ) for ( int j = 0; j < scoreTypes.len(); j++ ) player.SetPersistentVar( "postGameData.players[" + i + "].scores[" + j + "]", otherPlayers[ i ].GetPlayerGameStat( scoreTypes[ j ] ) ) } player.SetPersistentVar( "isPostGameScoreboardValid", true ) } } #endif