untyped global function BaseGametype_Init_MPSP global function CodeCallback_OnClientConnectionStarted global function CodeCallback_OnClientConnectionCompleted global function CodeCallback_OnClientDisconnected global function CodeCallback_OnPlayerRespawned global function CodeCallback_OnPlayerKilled global function DecideRespawnPlayer global function RespawnAsPilot global function RespawnAsTitan global function TryGameModeAnnouncement global function SetKillcamsEnabled global function KillcamsEnabled global function SetPlayerDeathsHidden global function TrackTitanDamageInPlayerGameStat global function ShouldEntTakeDamage_SPMP global function GetTitanBuildTime global function TitanPlayerHotDropsIntoLevel struct { bool killcamsEnabled = true bool playerDeathsHidden = false int titanDamageGameStat = -1 entity intermissionCamera array specCams } file void function BaseGametype_Init_MPSP() { AddSpawnCallback( "info_intermission", SetIntermissionCamera ) AddCallback_EntitiesDidLoad( SetSpecCams ) RegisterSignal( "ObserverTargetChanged" ) AddClientCommandCallback( "spec_next", ClientCommandCallback_spec_next ) AddClientCommandCallback( "spec_prev", ClientCommandCallback_spec_prev ) AddClientCommandCallback( "spec_mode", ClientCommandCallback_spec_mode ) AddPostDamageCallback( "player", AddToTitanDamageStat ) AddPostDamageCallback( "npc_titan", AddToTitanDamageStat ) RegisterSignal( "PlayerRespawnStarted" ) RegisterSignal( "KillCamOver" ) } void function SetIntermissionCamera( entity camera ) { file.intermissionCamera = camera } void function SetSpecCams() { // spec cams are called spec_cam1,2,3 etc by default, so this is the easiest way to get them imo int camNum = 1 entity lastCam = null do { lastCam = GetEnt( "spec_cam" + camNum++ ) if ( lastCam != null ) file.specCams.append( lastCam ) } while ( lastCam != null ) } void function CodeCallback_OnClientConnectionStarted( entity player ) { // not a real player? #if DEV if ( player.GetPlayerName() == "Replay" ) return #endif if ( IsLobby() ) { Lobby_OnClientConnectionStarted( player ) return } // ScreenFade( player, 0, 0, 0, 255, 2.0, 0.5, FFADE_IN | FFADE_PURGE ) SetTargetName( player, "player" + player.entindex() ) player.p.controllableProjectiles_scriptManagedID = CreateScriptManagedEntArray() player.p.npcFollowersArrayID = CreateScriptManagedEntArray() player.s = {} player.s.attackerInfo <- {} player.p.clientScriptInitialized = player.IsBot() player.s.inPostDeath <- null player.s.respawnCount <- 0 player.s.respawnTime <- 0 player.s.lostTitanTime <- 0 player.s.cloakedShotsAllowed <- 0 player.s.startDashMeleeTime <- 0 player.s.respawnSelectionDone <- true // this gets set to false in postdeaththread but we need it to be true when connecting player.s.waveSpawnProtection <- false player.s.nextStatUpdateFunc <- null player.s.activeTrapArrayId <- CreateScriptManagedEntArray() player.s.restartBurnCardEffectOnSpawn <- false player.s.replacementDropInProgress <- false player.s.inGracePeriod <- true // should I just add these when playing coop? player.s.usedLoadoutCrate <- false player.s.restockAmmoTime <- 0 player.s.restockAmmoCrate <- null player.s.autoTitanLastEngageCalloutTime <- 0 player.s.autoTitanLastEngageCallout <- null player.s.lastAIConversationTime <- {} // when was a conversation last played? player.s.updatedPersistenceOnDisconnect <- false player.s.lastFriendlySpawnedOn <- null player.s.nextWaveSpawnTime <- 0.0 player.s.meleeSlowMoEndTime <- 0.0 player.p.connectTime = Time() Assert( !player._entityVars ) InitEntityVars( player ) // Added via AddCallback_OnClientConnecting foreach ( callbackFunc in svGlobal.onClientConnectingCallbacks ) { callbackFunc( player ) } printl( "Player connect started: " + player ) InitPassives( player ) } // playerconnected void function CodeCallback_OnClientConnectionCompleted( entity player ) { if ( IsLobby() ) { Lobby_OnClientConnectionCompleted( player ) return } player.hasConnected = true InitMeleeAnimEventCallbacks( player ) ZiplineInit( player ) UpdateMinimapStatus( player ) UpdateMinimapStatusToOtherPlayers( player ) MinimapPlayerConnected( player ) NotifyClientsOfConnection( player, 1 ) PlayCurrentTeamMusicEventsOnPlayer( player ) SetCurrentTeamObjectiveForPlayer( player ) entity skycam = GetEnt( "skybox_cam_level" ) if ( skycam != null ) player.SetSkyCamera( skycam ) FinishClientScriptInitialization( player ) // Added via AddCallback_OnClientConnected foreach ( callbackFunc in svGlobal.onClientConnectedCallbacks ) callbackFunc( player ) if ( !Flag( "PlayerDidSpawn") ) __PlayerDidSpawn( player ) svGlobal.levelEnt.Signal( "PlayerDidSpawn", { player = player } ) // handle spawning late joiners if ( GetGameState() == eGameState.Playing ) { if ( RespawnsEnabled() ) { // likely temp, deffo needs some work if ( Riff_SpawnAsTitan() == 1 ) // spawn as titan thread RespawnAsTitan( player ) else // spawn as pilot RespawnAsPilot( player ) } else thread PlayerBecomesSpectator( player ) } } void function CodeCallback_OnClientDisconnected( entity player, string reason ) { if ( IsLobby() ) { player.Signal( "_disconnectedInternal" ) UpdateBadRepPresent() return } if ( !player.hasConnected ) return // Added via AddCallback_OnClientDisconnected foreach ( callbackFunc in svGlobal.onClientDisconnectedCallbacks ) { callbackFunc( player ) } player.Disconnected() player.p.isDisconnected = true player.CleanupMPClasses() } void function CodeCallback_OnPlayerRespawned( entity player ) { player.Signal( "OnRespawned" ) // kill any postdeaththreads that could be running Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_YouRespawned" ) player.s.respawnTime = Time() player.SetPredictionEnabled( true ) Loadouts_TryGivePilotLoadout( player ) SetHumanRagdollImpactTable( player ) foreach ( entity weapon in player.GetMainWeapons() ) weapon.SetProScreenOwner( player ) foreach ( void functionref( entity ) callback in svGlobal.onPlayerRespawnedCallbacks ) callback( player ) } void function CodeCallback_OnPlayerKilled( entity player, var damageInfo ) { PlayerOrNPCKilled( player, damageInfo ) HandleDeathPackage( player, damageInfo ) thread PostDeathThread_MP( player, damageInfo ) } void function PostDeathThread_MP( entity player, var damageInfo ) // based on gametype_sp: postdeaththread_sp { if ( player.s.inPostDeath ) return float timeOfDeath = Time() player.p.postDeathThreadStartTime = Time() Assert( IsValid( player ), "Not a valid player" ) player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) player.EndSignal( "OnRespawned" ) player.p.deathOrigin = player.GetOrigin() player.p.deathAngles = player.GetAngles() player.s.inPostDeath = true player.s.respawnSelectionDone = false player.cloakedForever = false player.stimmedForever = false player.SetNoTarget( false ) player.SetNoTargetSmartAmmo( false ) player.ClearExtraWeaponMods() player.AddToPlayerGameStat( PGS_DEATHS, 1 ) if ( player.IsTitan() ) SoulDies( player.GetTitanSoul(), damageInfo ) // cleanup some titan stuff, no idea where else to put this ClearRespawnAvailable( player ) OnThreadEnd( function() : ( player ) { if ( !IsValid( player ) ) return player.s.inPostDeath = false }) entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) int methodOfDeath = DamageInfo_GetDamageSourceIdentifier( damageInfo ) player.p.rematchOrigin = player.p.deathOrigin if ( IsValid( attacker ) && methodOfDeath == eDamageSourceId.titan_execution ) { // execution can throw you out of the map player.p.rematchOrigin = attacker.GetOrigin() } player.Signal( "RodeoOver" ) player.ClearParent() // do some pre-replay stuff if we're gonna do a replay float replayLength = CalculateLengthOfKillReplay( player, methodOfDeath ) bool shouldDoReplay = Replay_IsEnabled() && KillcamsEnabled() && IsValid( attacker ) && ShouldDoReplay( player, attacker, replayLength, methodOfDeath ) table replayTracker = { validTime = null } if ( shouldDoReplay ) thread TrackDestroyTimeForReplay( attacker, replayTracker ) player.StartObserverMode( OBS_MODE_DEATHCAM ) if ( ShouldSetObserverTarget( attacker ) ) player.SetObserverTarget( attacker ) else player.SetObserverTarget( null ) if ( !file.playerDeathsHidden ) Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_YouDied", attacker.GetEncodedEHandle(), GetHealthFrac( attacker ), methodOfDeath ) float deathcamLength = GetDeathCamLength( player ) wait deathcamLength // use info_intermission camera after deathcam, if it exists if ( file.intermissionCamera != null ) { player.SetObserverModeStaticPosition( file.intermissionCamera.GetOrigin() ) player.SetObserverModeStaticAngles( file.intermissionCamera.GetAngles() ) player.StartObserverMode( OBS_MODE_STATIC_LOCKED ) player.SetObserverTarget( null ) } // hack: double check if killcams are enabled and valid here in case gamestate has changed this shouldDoReplay = shouldDoReplay && Replay_IsEnabled() && KillcamsEnabled() && IsValid( attacker ) // quick note: in cases where player.Die() is called: e.g. for round ends, player == attacker if ( shouldDoReplay ) { player.watchingKillreplayEndTime = Time() + replayLength float beforeTime = GetKillReplayBeforeTime( player, methodOfDeath ) replayTracker.validTime <- null float respawnTime = Time() - 2 // seems to get the killreplay to end around the actual kill if ( "respawnTime" in attacker.s ) respawnTime = Time() - expect float ( attacker.s.respawnTime ) thread PlayerWatchesKillReplayWrapper( player, attacker, respawnTime, timeOfDeath, beforeTime, replayTracker ) } player.SetPlayerSettings( "spectator" ) // prevent a crash with going from titan => pilot on respawn player.StopPhysics() // need to set this after SetPlayerSettings if ( RespawnsEnabled() ) { // is it a good idea to do respawn code in postdeaththread? fuck if i know lol float respawnDelay = max( 0, GetCurrentPlaylistVarFloat( "respawn_delay", 0.0 ) - deathcamLength ) print( "respawn delay " + respawnDelay ) UpdateNextRespawnTime( player, Time() + respawnDelay ) SetRespawnAvailable( player ) wait respawnDelay player.WaitSignal( "RespawnMe" ) // set in base_gametype: ClientCommand_RespawnPlayer ClearRespawnAvailable( player ) // need so the respawn icon doesn't show for like a frame on next death if ( ( expect bool( player.GetPersistentVar( "spawnAsTitan" ) ) && IsTitanAvailable( player ) ) || ( Riff_SpawnAsTitan() > 0 && Riff_ShouldSpawnAsTitan( player ) ) ) // spawn as titan thread RespawnAsTitan( player ) else // spawn as pilot RespawnAsPilot( player ) } else if ( GamePlayingOrSuddenDeath() || GetGameState() == eGameState.Epilogue ) { if ( shouldDoReplay && player.IsWatchingKillReplay() ) player.WaitSignal( "KillCamOver" ) thread PlayerBecomesSpectator( player ) } } void function PlayerWatchesKillReplayWrapper( entity player, entity attacker, float timeSinceAttackerSpawned, float timeOfDeath, float beforeTime, table replayTracker ) { player.EndSignal( "RespawnMe" ) player.EndSignal( "OnRespawned" ) player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) attacker.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) svGlobal.levelEnt.EndSignal( "GameStateChanged" ) OnThreadEnd( function() : ( player ) { // don't clear if we're in a roundwinningkillreplay if ( IsValid( player ) && !( ( GetGameState() == eGameState.SwitchingSides || GetGameState() == eGameState.WinnerDetermined ) && IsRoundWinningKillReplayEnabled() ) ) { player.Signal( "KillCamOver" ) player.ClearReplayDelay() player.ClearViewEntity() player.SetPredictionEnabled( true ) } }) player.SetPredictionEnabled( false ) PlayerWatchesKillReplay( player, attacker.GetEncodedEHandle(), attacker.GetIndexForEntity(), timeSinceAttackerSpawned, timeOfDeath, beforeTime, replayTracker ) } void function DecideRespawnPlayer( entity player ) { // this isn't even used atm, could likely be removed if some vanilla code didn't rely on it } void function RespawnAsPilot( entity player ) { player.RespawnPlayer( FindSpawnPoint( player, false, ( ShouldStartSpawn( player ) || Flag( "ForceStartSpawn" ) ) && !IsFFAGame() ) ) } void function RespawnAsTitan( entity player, bool manualPosition = false ) { player.Signal( "PlayerRespawnStarted" ) player.isSpawning = true entity spawnpoint = FindSpawnPoint( player, true, ( ShouldStartSpawn( player ) || Flag( "ForceStartSpawn" ) ) && !IsFFAGame() ) TitanLoadoutDef titanLoadout = GetTitanLoadoutForPlayer( player ) asset model = GetPlayerSettingsAssetForClassName( titanLoadout.setFile, "bodymodel" ) Attachment warpAttach = GetAttachmentAtTimeFromModel( model, "at_hotdrop_01", "offset", spawnpoint.GetOrigin(), spawnpoint.GetAngles(), 0 ) PlayFX( TURBO_WARP_FX, warpAttach.position, warpAttach.angle ) entity titan = CreateAutoTitanForPlayer_FromTitanLoadout( player, titanLoadout, spawnpoint.GetOrigin(), spawnpoint.GetAngles() ) DispatchSpawn( titan ) player.SetPetTitan( null ) // prevent embark prompt from showing up AddCinematicFlag( player, CE_FLAG_CLASSIC_MP_SPAWNING ) // hide hud // do titanfall scoreevent AddPlayerScore( player, "Titanfall", player ) entity camera = CreateTitanDropCamera( spawnpoint.GetAngles(), < 90, titan.GetAngles().y, 0 > ) camera.SetParent( titan ) // calc offset for spawnpoint angle // todo this seems bad but too lazy to figure it out rn //vector xyOffset = RotateAroundOrigin2D( < 44, 0, 0 >, < 0, 0, 0>, spawnpoint.GetAngles().y ) //xyOffset.z = 520 // < 44, 0, 520 > at 0,0,0, seems to be the offset used in tf2 //print( xyOffset ) vector xyOffset = RotateAroundOrigin2D( < 44, 0, 520 >, < 0, 0, 0 >, spawnpoint.GetAngles().y ) camera.SetLocalOrigin( xyOffset ) camera.SetLocalAngles( < camera.GetAngles().x, spawnpoint.GetAngles().y, camera.GetAngles().z > ) // this straight up just does not work lol camera.Fire( "Enable", "!activator", 0, player ) player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) OnThreadEnd( function() : ( player, titan, camera ) { if ( IsValid( player ) ) { RemoveCinematicFlag( player, CE_FLAG_CLASSIC_MP_SPAWNING ) // show hud player.isSpawning = false } titan.Destroy() // pilotbecomestitan leaves an npc titan that we need to delete camera.Fire( "Disable", "!activator", 0, player ) camera.Destroy() }) waitthread TitanHotDrop( titan, "at_hotdrop_01", spawnpoint.GetOrigin(), spawnpoint.GetAngles(), player, camera ) // do hotdrop anim player.RespawnPlayer( null ) // spawn player as pilot so they get their pilot loadout on embark player.SetOrigin( titan.GetOrigin() ) PilotBecomesTitan( player, titan ) // make player titan } // spectator stuff void function PlayerBecomesSpectator( entity player ) { player.StartObserverMode( OBS_MODE_CHASE ) player.StopPhysics() player.EndSignal( "OnRespawned" ) player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" ) player.EndSignal( "PlayerRespawnStarted" ) int targetIndex = 0 OnThreadEnd( function() : ( player ) { if ( IsValid( player ) ) player.StopObserverMode() }) while ( true ) { table result = player.WaitSignal( "ObserverTargetChanged" ) array targets targets.append( file.intermissionCamera ) foreach( entity cam in file.specCams ) targets.append( cam ) array targetPlayers if ( IsFFAGame() ) targetPlayers = GetPlayerArray_Alive() else targetPlayers = GetPlayerArrayOfTeam_Alive( player.GetTeam() ) foreach( entity player in targetPlayers ) targets.append( player ) if ( result.next ) targetIndex = ( targetIndex + 1 ) % targets.len() else { if ( targetIndex == 0 ) targetIndex = ( targets.len() - 1 ) else targetIndex-- } if ( targetIndex >= targets.len() ) targetIndex = 0 entity target = targets[ targetIndex ] player.StopObserverMode() if ( player.IsWatchingSpecReplay() ) player.SetSpecReplayDelay( 0.0 ) // clear spectator replay if ( target.IsPlayer() ) { try { player.SetObserverTarget( target ) player.StartObserverMode( OBS_MODE_CHASE ) } catch ( ex ) {} } else { player.SetObserverModeStaticPosition( target.GetOrigin() ) player.SetObserverModeStaticAngles( target.GetAngles() ) player.StartObserverMode( OBS_MODE_STATIC ) } player.StopPhysics() } } bool function ClientCommandCallback_spec_next( entity player, array args ) { if ( player.GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_CHASE || player.GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_STATIC || player.GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) player.Signal( "ObserverTargetChanged", { next = true } ) return true } bool function ClientCommandCallback_spec_prev( entity player, array args ) { if ( player.GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_CHASE || player.GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_STATIC || player.GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) player.Signal( "ObserverTargetChanged", { next = false } ) return true } bool function ClientCommandCallback_spec_mode( entity player, array args ) { // currently unsure how this actually gets called on client, works through console and has references in client.dll tho if ( player.GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_CHASE ) { // set to first person spectate player.SetSpecReplayDelay( FIRST_PERSON_SPECTATOR_DELAY ) player.SetViewEntity( player.GetObserverTarget(), true ) player.StartObserverMode( OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) } else if ( player.GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_IN_EYE ) { // set to third person spectate player.SetSpecReplayDelay( 0.0 ) player.StartObserverMode( OBS_MODE_CHASE ) } return true } void function TryGameModeAnnouncement( entity player ) // only putting this here because it's here in gametype_sp lol { Remote_CallFunction_NonReplay( player, "ServerCallback_GameModeAnnouncement" ) PlayFactionDialogueToPlayer( GameMode_GetGameModeAnnouncement( GAMETYPE ), player ) } void function SetKillcamsEnabled( bool enabled ) { file.killcamsEnabled = enabled } bool function KillcamsEnabled() { return file.killcamsEnabled } void function SetPlayerDeathsHidden( bool hidden ) { file.playerDeathsHidden = hidden } void function TrackTitanDamageInPlayerGameStat( int playerGameStat ) { file.titanDamageGameStat = playerGameStat } void function AddToTitanDamageStat( entity victim, var damageInfo ) { if ( !victim.IsTitan() || file.titanDamageGameStat == -1 ) return entity attacker = DamageInfo_GetAttacker( damageInfo ) float amount = DamageInfo_GetDamage( damageInfo ) if ( attacker.IsPlayer() && attacker != victim ) attacker.AddToPlayerGameStat( file.titanDamageGameStat, amount ) // titan damage on } // stuff to change later bool function ShouldEntTakeDamage_SPMP( entity ent, var damageInfo ) { return true } float function GetTitanBuildTime(entity player) { return 100.0 } void function TitanPlayerHotDropsIntoLevel( entity player ) { }