global function MpInitAILoadouts
global function SetProficiency
global function SPMP_UpdateNPCProficiency
global function SPMP_Callback_ForceAIMissPlayer
global function IsAutoPopulateEnabled

void function MpInitAILoadouts()


void function SetProficiency( entity npc )
	// unsure what the logic for deciding this should be so just going to default good
	npc.kv.WeaponProficiency = eWeaponProficiency.VERYGOOD

void function SPMP_UpdateNPCProficiency( entity npc )


bool function IsAutoPopulateEnabled( var team = null )
	if ( IsNPCSpawningEnabled() == false )
		return false

	if ( Flag( "disable_npcs" ) )
		return false

	if ( team == TEAM_MILITIA && Flag( "Disable_MILITIA" ) )
		return false
	if ( team == TEAM_IMC && Flag( "Disable_IMC" ) )
		return false

	return true

bool function SPMP_Callback_ForceAIMissPlayer( entity npc, entity player )
	if ( GetGameState() >= eGameState.Postmatch )
		return true
	if ( player.IsTitan() )
		return false
	int lethality = Riff_AILethality()
	if ( lethality <= eAILethality.Medium )
		if ( player.GetTitanSoulBeingRodeoed() != null )
			return true
	if ( Bleedout_IsBleedoutLogicActive() && Bleedout_ShouldAIMissBleedingPlayer( player ) )
		return true
	if ( player.ContextAction_IsActive() )
		return RandomFloat( 1 ) >= 0.25
	if ( IsFastPilot( player ) )
		float chance = ( lethality + 1 ) * 0.125
		if ( lethality <= eAILethality.Medium && npc.IsMechanical() )
			chance /= 1.25
		return RandomFloat( 1 ) >= chance
	return false